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This article provides practical tips on how to build your personal collection of materials on Indigenous topics. Before taking steps in acquiring content, consider the place of print and electronic material in your life as a librarian and Indigenous person. Rephrase foundational documents such as collection development policies, Ranganathan's laws of library science, and Saricks' appeal factors in ways that reflect your Indigenous worldview. Review the steps you take and might take to build this collection, starting with assessing what resources you already have access to, and develop your list of ten authors to watch.  相似文献   


The Internet has had a profound impact on the way people access and use information, especially in the area of monitoring and protecting human rights. This article reviews the development of the University of Minnesota Human Rights Library, one of the largest collections of human rights documents available on the web. The focus is on how the collection was built, how it is used to support research and teaching, and how it is maintained. Many of the issues examined in this article are relevant to the development, maintenance, and use of any electronic collection.  相似文献   

Due to the popularity of Web search engines, a large proportion of real text retrieval queries are now processed over collections measured in tens or hundreds of gigabytes. A new Very Large test Collection (VLC) has been created to support qualification, measurement and comparison of systems operating at this level and to permit the study of the properties of very large collections. The VLC is an extension of the well-known TREC collection and has been distributed under the same conditions. A simple set of efficiency and effectiveness measures have been defined to encourage comparability of reporting. The 20 gigabyte first-edition of the VLC and a representative 10% sample have been used in a special interest track of the 1997 Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-6). The unaffordable cost of obtaining complete relevance assessments over collections of this scale is avoided by concentrating on early precision and relying on the core TREC collection to support detailed effectiveness studies. Results obtained by TREC-6 VLC track participants are presented here. All groups observed a significant increase in early precision as collection size increased. Explanatory hypotheses are advanced for future empirical testing. A 100 gigabyte second edition VLC (VLC2) has recently been compiled and distributed for use in TREC-7 in 1998.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The University of Namibia was established in 1992 and started as a one-campus institution with fewer than 2,500 students to a university with twelve (12) campuses and nine (9) centers and more than 25,000 students. This study examines the profiles of the UNAM Library collections and the historical dynamics that have impacted it. New programs, schools, and campuses were introduced at a rapid pace and the library could only attempt to keep track with all new developments surrounding it. The role of collection assessment, collection development policy, and e-books were investigated within this scenario.  相似文献   

This article outlines the workings of the UK Research Reserve, a collaborative initiative releasing space in Higher Education libraries within the United Kingdom, while ensuring the retention and availability of a national print journal collection. The method used to process material and identify holdings suitable for disposal is described. The salient issues in the process are identified and discussed, as are some of the challenges that have been encountered to date.  相似文献   

数字馆藏建设对传统馆藏建设政策的挑战   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文主要介绍图书馆的馆藏建设将面临越来越多的挑战,图书馆的生存取决于它对环境的适应性,对数字馆藏建设政策的研究刻不容缓。  相似文献   


This presentation is a review of the changes in publishing methods that electronic publishing and distribution will involve. It presents a publisher's view of the methodology needed to exploit the potential that online and other electronic technologies offer. Included is a discussion on the role of the paper-based journal in an era of electronic publication, and the ambivalence of scholars and of learned societies toward electronic information. Additionally, the role of universities is examined, as they become partners of publishers in delivering published material to customers on the Internet: by hosting servers, by providing access to bandwidth, and by adding value through participation in the publishing process.  相似文献   

电子期刊收集策略探微   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
随着网络技术的迅速发展,我国不少图书馆正在评估及收集电子期刊资源以供读者和管理人员使用。然而,如何选择和收集电子期刊资源?传统的期刊收集原则是否仍然适用?电子期刊的出版发行方式、价格与印刷型期刊相比有哪些不同?是否能节省经费?怎样维护既不能触摸又每天...  相似文献   

���ڵ����ڿ��ļ���˼��   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:31  
赵丹群 《图书情报工作》1998,42(5):33-35,28
通过对电子期刊概念、类型的分析和发展历史的回顾,总结了电子期刊所具有的优势,存在到及带来的新挑战。  相似文献   

电子期刊目前能取代纸质期刊吗?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对近期由美国卫生研究院(NlH)提出的建立一个同行评审和预印出版的综合电子文献库这一建议,重点对纸质出版向电子出版转变这一趋势进行了讨论。本文评论分析了向纯电子期刊系统转变这一趋势所涉及的6个问题,讨论了作者、出版商和图书馆三者在学术出版方面所产生的相互经济影响以及三者之间越来越紧张的利益关系,最后在此基础上分析了电子期刊的发展前景。  相似文献   


Scorpion is a research project at OCLC that builds tools for automatic subject assignment by combining library science and information retrieval techniques. A thesis of Scorpion is that the Dewey Decimal Classification (Dewey) can be used to perform automatic subject assignment for electronic items.  相似文献   

电子期刊与印刷型期刊比较研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文详尽在比较了电子期刊与印刷型期刊的优缺点,并分析得出网络型期刊是未来期刊的未来期刊的发展趋势,未来期刊的存在模式在一定时期内是电子期刊与印刷型期刊二者并存。  相似文献   

电子期刊及其对期刊管理工作的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机、多媒体技术、通讯技术的日益发展,信息技术的不断进步,一种以电子媒体为载体的电子期刊应运而生,从其发展的趋势来看,它将对传统的期刊工作产生很大的影响.  相似文献   


The Committee on Inter-institutional Cooperation (CIC) is an academic consortium of thirteen large research institutions in the midwest with its own regional network, CICNet. The CIC libraries and CICNet are building a managed electronic journal collection out of the content and collection experience of the CICNet E_Serials Archive-a collection of over 800 freely distributed electronic serials. The libraries have developed and endorsed a broad collecting policy for the new collection, the CIC Libraries Electronic Journal Collection (CIC EJC). CIC Librarians are selecting a complete, authoritative and permanent collection of electronic journals to be shared by the CIC libraries. The collection will be actively managed, cataloged and maintained by CIC libraries and CICNet staff. Some titles from the E-Serials Archive are being selected for the EJC, and many new journals are being included as well. Cataiogers from six CIC institutions are creating bibliographic records for each selected title. The records will be entered into OCLC and made available to each CIC library's online catalog. This paper focuses on the specific problems encountered in creating the managed collection: locating all issues of each title, cataloging the collection, providing access and managing the collection as a long-term cooperative resource for all the CIC-libraries, and making it accessible to the scholarly research community at large.  相似文献   

Journal publishing has evolved and changed considerably over the years, leaving many libraries to grapple with analyzing and identifying the purpose and scope of these collections. After numerous discussions and an analysis of how the current print journal collection was being used, Kraemer Family Library at the University of Colorado–Colorado Springs decided to withdraw over 50% of the library’s print journal holdings in order to create a collaborative space for students. This article begins with an overview of journal publishing as it relates to academic libraries and the impact of electronic serials on the scope and purpose of a print journal collection. It then highlights the steps used to complete the project, and communication goals and methods employed to keep library staff members, faculty on campus, and other constituents aware of the changes taking place in the library.  相似文献   

电子期刊:现状与发展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在介绍了电子期刊的概念与特点后,阐述了我国电子期刊的发展及现状,深入分析了其存在的问题,并针对我国电子期刊的未来发展,提出了几点建设性意见。  相似文献   

电子期刊时代如何应对馆藏重复问题   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
分析电子期刊的现状,认为在现阶段电子期刊并不能够完全取代传统纸本期刊。从合同、服务提供者、图书馆特性、出版特性、技术因素、图书馆状况六个方面对图书馆在取消重复纸本刊时必须考虑的问题进行剖析总结,以期为图书馆馆藏决策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

A mid-sized university library system conducted a large-scale mixed-methods research project intended to understand better the student library experience and ways to enhance it. One aspect of the project included a detailed and iterative analysis of interview data. Using a grounded theory (GT) approach, researchers analyzed empirical data from student interviews and identified patterns of behavior. The results of data analyses suggested that students used knowledge and interactions from library class to inform them of how to study academic content and complete non-research tasks and vice versa. As a result, researchers generated an inductive (emerging from the data) theory that asserts that some research and study activities are mutually informative. The article describes the approach used to develop the theoretical construct in hopes that it will provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between research and studying behaviors and how academic libraries contribute to the greater academic landscape in ways not previously recognized.  相似文献   

Technology has leapt ahead to the point where what was impossible to imagine a year ago is feasible today. But technology is only one component of the publishing revolution. Developing an electronic journal for Internet delivery presents challenges on every front. It is nothing less than reinventing the business of publishing. The story of the development of the Journal of Image Guided Surgery illustrates the challenges, the pitfalls, and the excitement of this new medium.  相似文献   

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