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Identifying and then obtaining federal government publications can be a frustrating task for librarians. This article explains how the government's distribution system for publications operates, and offers suggestions for acquiring needed publications. Resources of use to health sciences librarians are included in the bibliography.  相似文献   

网络环境下的图书馆参考馆员和网上虚拟参考馆员   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文以上海图书馆率先推出的“参考馆员”和组建的“网上联合知识导航站”为例,介绍了图书馆建立健全“参考馆员”、“虚拟参考馆员”的目的和作用,阐述了网络时代图书馆参考馆员的角色定位和素质要求,进一步证实了建立健全“参考馆员”、“虚拟参考馆员”、“知识导航员”制度正是顺应形势发展和时代要求所采取的新举措。  相似文献   

通过对比研究中国、美国医学图书馆及图书馆员的基本情况、需求及服务等,指出我国医学图书馆、图书馆建筑、图书馆协会及图书馆馆员存在的优势及不足,强调我国医学图书馆的管理应更科学化,信息服务工作应更主动、深入,医学图书馆协会应搞得更活,井注意引导我国医学图书馆的工作与国际接轨。  相似文献   

The notion of what reference service ought to be continues to change as technology provides new ways to interact with users and alters their expectations of the library and librarians. As new tools for interaction become available, it is critical that librarians continuously evaluate their effectiveness at providing users with a valuable service that meets the needs of the community being served. By assessing tools and techniques in light of user expectations and satisfaction, librarians can come up with unique service programs that also incorporate their own knowledge and interpersonal skills.  相似文献   

信息时代的医学资料室与人文精神   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对信息时代技术主义的上亢和医疗行业中一些有违人愿的现象,认为医学资料室在高扬人文精神的同时应倡导医学人道精神、善美人格精神、敬业奉献精神和开拓、进取、创新精神。  相似文献   

A community-based participatory research project was conducted to identify health information needs of clients (an underserved population) at a homeless shelter. Staff at the shelter, medical students, and public librarians were sought as outreach partners; their needs and challenges in accessing health information resources to serve underserved populations were also assessed. The community needs assessment yielded results that helped shape a medical library's efforts in supporting medical students’ service-learning activities related to humanistic education. The resulting data also informed library decisions on health information education outreach programs tailored to vulnerable, underserved populations and community partners serving the specific populations in the communities.  相似文献   

通过对国内120所医学类院校图书馆进行网络调查,明晰现阶段医学类院校图书馆FAQ服务开展的现状。鉴于医学图书馆FAQ服务存在的问题,应有针对性地改进服务:规范FAQ服务名称、完善检索系统、提高特色服务、及时更新。  相似文献   

As educators and members of the academic community, reference librarians should take a proactive stance toward instructing students about the ethics of information use. The authors summarize the best practices found in the existing library literature, consider the context of ethical information use from a global perspective, and make an argument for the role of librarians. Our goal is to provide a guide for librarians attempting to successfully integrate ethical issues, such as intellectual property and academic integrity, into their reference instruction.  相似文献   

Within the past 10 years, commons have become increasingly prominent in academic libraries. Commons evolved out of the “library as a place” movement and stem from the digital revolution, increased emphasis on collaborative learning, and changing student habits and needs. The three levels of commons are information commons, learning commons, and the emerging virtual commons. Libraries implementing commons must consider the impact on reference services and staffing and be prepared for higher than anticipated use. Libraries should use both quantitative and qualitative assessment methods. Commons can revitalize the library by giving it a key role in reaching university strategic goals.  相似文献   

Academic libraries have undergone a variety of organizational changes in the last two decades. One area that has evolved out of these changes is access services. Relationships between circulation, interlibrary loan, and reference have been explored though informal and formal organizational structures. Because of these types of interactions it is feasible for reference librarians to consider positions in access services.  相似文献   

Several library faculty members at the Louisiana State University Health Shreveport Health Sciences Library offered a book discussion course as an elective for first-year medical students. This article provides details on how the librarians developed, taught, and evaluated this elective. The librarians took a team-teaching approach, required the students to read two books, and outlined the criteria for participation. At the end of the course, the students completed an evaluation, commenting on positive and negative aspects of the course. The elective proved to be successful, and the librarians look forward to offering the course again in the spring of 2014.  相似文献   

The emerging field of information policy is difficult to define, given that issues often overlap other policy areas. The most useful definitions of information policy refer to steps in the information cycle, from creation to use. Another approach to delimiting the scope of information policy has focused on classification of issues. This article combines these approaches by relating information policy issues to steps of the information cycle. These issues are underpinned by economics, and influenced by differing perspectives of interested parties. The importance of information policy to academic librarians is briefly discussed.  相似文献   


Academic librarians new to the profession, or seasoned with mid-career changes, have questions and challenges as they progress in their professional careers. Often, librarians need answers and guidance beyond a supervisor and may seek help from their peers. These mentor-mentee relationships can happen either informally or formally, within their home library, or across the profession. Many academic libraries have mentorship programs in place, but mentorship is not a standardized practice and seldom is a one-size-fits-all program. The library and information science (LIS) literature contain articles that describe and analyze the value of these mentorship programs from a variety of interesting angles.  相似文献   

"参考馆员"、"学科馆员"与"核心馆员"刍议   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
文章对参考馆员、学科馆员与核心馆员的概念进行了辨析,进而论述了三者的关系及其对图书馆工作的作用.  相似文献   


The types of information required by hospital and clinical staff can be greatly influenced by the geography and culture of the area in which they operate. In some situations, information must be acquired from sources that fall outside the traditional provisions of a medical or reference library. This article provides examples of the unique information needs of clinical staff serving a primarily Native Alaskan and Native American clientele in Alaska. It also presents sources and personnel utilized to meet those information needs outside of traditional reference sources.  相似文献   

This article reports on the results of an exploratory survey to determine if librarians actively participate in medical school student recruiting programs. It looks specifically at what librarians are doing to assist with recruitment and what biomedical career resources their libraries offer. The survey link was e-mailed to all U.S. medical school library directors, who were asked to forward it to the appropriate librarian. Out of 113 medical schools, 68 (60%) responded to most questions. Forty-three (86%) of 50 item respondents do participate in such activities, and 29 (67%) of 43 item respondents have been doing so for more than five years. Thirty-two (64%) of 50 item respondents provide resources on biomedical careers in the libraries.  相似文献   

在分析四川省高校统一建设教学参考信息资源系统可行性的基础上,提出了四川省高校教学参考资源系统建设方案,并对项目建设的可持续发展运行机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   


It has been established that much of the assistance provided to library patrons at reference desks does not require the knowledge and expertise of a professional librarian. Is the same thing true of the telephone calls received at reference desks in academic libraries? This article reports the results of one academic librarian's reference desk transaction log analysis which focuses on the categories of assistance provided to patrons who called the library's reference desk.  相似文献   


In this article Jenkins and Beall, librarians at Auburn University, have identified free Web sites for providing answers to business reference questions most frequently asked in academic libraries. The authors determined these questions by polling other business librarians, researching the topic on the Internet and in business literature, and drawing upon their business reference backgrounds. Web sites were selected by searching the Internet extensively, querying other business librarians and business faculty, combing numerous business academic library Web pages, and experience by the authors in answering business reference questions via the Web. The researchers sought answers and noted productive sites for each question. Jenkins and Beall expect this article will help other librarians determine the most useful Internet sites for answering business reference questions. They also hope this research will provide guidelines for librarians in developing solid lists of essential Web sites for business researchers.  相似文献   

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