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The Center for Undergraduate Research (CURS) at Augusta University supports faculty-led undergraduate research. In collaboration with a student organization, the Program Coordinator of CURS contacted the Augusta University Libraries to investigate how to start an undergraduate research journal and identify a hosting venue. Two librarians provided guidance on the creation of a new Open Access journal using resources already provided by the university. This article discusses establishing the journal’s identity, developing policies and processes, hosting and publishing the journal, as well as challenges faced throughout the process.  相似文献   

Aim:The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the citing behavior of geomatics postgraduate students at the Wuhan University in China. These students constitute one of the main user groups of Wuhan University Library and the analysis of their use of literature (through the means of citation analysis) can yield valuable insights against which to benchmark and inform collection development policy and other services at the Information Technology Library (ITL) at Wuhan University.Design/methodology/approach:In this project, 9317 citations in 21 PhD and 180 MSc theses submitted at the Wuhan University in the years of 1988, 1996, and 2004 were analyzed. All cited materials were divided by output format (monographs, proceedings, journal articles) and the more in-depth analysis was conducted for all cited journals. The following characteristics of the cited journal literature were analyzed: subject, age, language, and dispersion of journal titles.Findings:An increased use of journal literature in bibliographies of geomatics theses was observed over time. A trend to increase citations to international conference proceedings was also noted as well as a trend to cite more journals in disciplines other than surveying and mapping. It was also noted that, over time, citations to documents in languages other than Chinese and English have significantly decreased (in some cases, disappeared). Large dispersion among the most frequently cited journals in different time periods (only 25% of titles were repeated in 1988, 1996, and 2004 top ranking journal lists) was also noted. It was also noted that the core of geomatics literature is expanding (it now takes 42% of journal titles to cover 80% of all citations).Practical implications:By analyzing citation patterns of the graduate students of geomatics in China, we can track the developments and changes within that discipline in China and can compare these trends internationally (e.g. increased role of a journal, the importance of conference proceedings, domination of the English-language sources, dispersion of journal literature, and increasing multidisciplinarity of the discipline). The techniques and methods used in this study can be replicated to study other disciplines. Also, it is hoped that the findings of this research will inform collection development planning, development of reference services, and information literacy training.  相似文献   


The goal of this preconference was to guide aspiring academic librarians in understanding how to navigate scholarly publication requirements and be successful academic writers. The presenters provided tips for beginners as well as for those already engaged in a research agenda. One of the presenters is a published book and journal author and the other is the editor-in-chief of a major peer-reviewed library journal.  相似文献   


A leading Slavist in Europe and North America, Wolfgang Kasack promoted a unified vision of Russian literature for the twentieth century. In addition to his prolific scholarship, he wrote over eighty reviews of reference works in Russian literature for research libraries for the print and online journal Informationsmittel: IFB between 1996 and 2003. Many of these reviews were published in English in abridged form in the journal Reference Reviews Europe Annual during that same period.  相似文献   


One of the persistent problems in finding journal literature is that there are so many places to locate such information. UNCG's Jackson Library has simplified the process with Journal Finder, a locally developed software solution that seamlessly integrates electronic journal content, pay-per-view content, local print holdings, unmediated document delivery (fully funded by the Library), and interlibrary loan, for comprehensive, unmediated, “one stop shop” access to journal articles. Also integrated into this solution are remote authentication options, title-level access to journals wherever possible, and the development of cross-linking between vendored database products for both title-level and even article-level access.  相似文献   


In a prior edition of this study, we examined whether the established online communication studies indexes—Communication Abstracts, ComIndex, and ComAbstracts—provided a good avenue of access to the journal literature that researchers in the field cite and whether, where the current journal literature was concerned, that avenue of access might be equal or superior to that provided by large, multisubject online indexes. In this iteration of the study, we similarly address EBSCO's new product for communication studies, Communication & Mass Media Complete.  相似文献   

Handheld Serials     

As computing becomes more portable, an ever-increasing number of people are dependent upon smartphones, personal digital assistants, webpads, and other wireless devices. This paper addresses the effect, if any, of these current and future wireless technologies on electronic journal publishing. Have these technologies impacted e-journal publishing to this point? What are the expectations and strategies of journal publishers in dealing with the changing technology? What special issues do these devices present regardimng licensing?  相似文献   

Objectives:Systematic reviews and meta-analyses (SRs/MAs) are designed to be rigorous research methodologies that synthesize information and inform practice. An increase in their publication runs parallel to quality concerns and a movement toward standards to improve reporting and methodology. With the goal of informing the guidance librarians provide to SR/MA teams, this study assesses online journal author guidelines from an institutional sample to determine whether these author guidelines address SR/MA methodological quality.Methods:A Web of Science Core Collection (Clarivate) search identified SRs/MAs published in 2014–2019 by authors affiliated with a single institution. The AMSTAR 2 checklist was used to develop an assessment tool of closed questions specific to measures for SR/MA methodological quality in author guidelines, with questions added about author guidelines in general. Multiple reviewers completed the assessment.Results:The author guidelines of 141 journals were evaluated. Less than 20% addressed at least one of the assessed measures specific to SR/MA methodological quality. There was wide variation in author guidelines between journals from the same publisher apart from the American Medical Association, which consistently offered in-depth author guidelines. Normalized Eigenfactor and Article Influence Scores did not indicate author guideline breadth.Conclusions:Most author guidelines in the institutional sample did not address SR/MA methodological quality. When consulting with teams embarking on SRs/MAs, librarians should not expect author guidelines to provide details about the requirements of the target journals. Librarians should advise teams to follow established SR/MA standards, contact journal staff, and review SRs/MAs previously published in the journal.  相似文献   

Objective:We sought to determine how many abstracts presented at the 2012 and 2014 Medical Library Association (MLA) annual conferences were later published as full-text journal articles and which features of the abstract and first author influence the likelihood of future publication. To do so, we replicated a previous study on MLA conference abstracts presented in 2002 and 2003. The secondary objective was to compare the publication rates between the prior and current study.Methods:Presentations and posters delivered at the 2012 and 2014 MLA meetings were coded to identify factors associated with publication. Postconference publication of abstracts as journal articles was determined using a literature search and survey sent to first authors. Chi-squared tests were used to assess differences in the publication rate, and logistic regression was used to assess the influence of abstract factors on publication.Results:The combined publication rate for the 2012 and 2014 meetings was 21.8% (137/628 abstracts), which is a statistically significant decrease compared to the previously reported rate for 2002 and 2003 (27.6%, 122/442 abstracts). The odds that an abstract would later be published as a journal article increased if the abstract was multi-institutional or if it was research, specifically surveys or mixed methods research.Conclusions:The lower publication rate of MLA conference abstracts may be due to an increased number of program or nonresearch abstracts that were accepted or a more competitive peer review process for journals. MLA could increase the publication rate by encouraging and enabling multi-institutional research projects among its members.  相似文献   

"Le Monde:" Histoire d'un journal, un journal dans l'histoire by Jacques Thibau (Paris: J-C Simoen, 1978—58 FF, 490 pp.); and Le Monde de Beuve-Mery ou le metier d'Alceste by J-N. Jeanneney and J. Julliard (Paris: Seuil, 1978— 59 FF, 380 pp.)

Droit de la presse by H. Blin, A. Chavanne, R. Drago, and J. Boinet (Paris: Librairies Techniques, 1978—320 FF, 450 pp.)

La presse "feminine:" fonction ideologique by Anne-Marie Dardigna (Paris: Maspero, 1978—18 FF, 248 pp.)

Le journal et l'ecole by Jacques Gonnet (Paris: Casterman, 1978—34 FF, 175 pp.)

Le journaliste indesirable by Gunter Wallraff (Paris: Maspero, 1978— 45 FF, 276 pp.)

La presse libanaise by Anis Moussalem (Paris: Librairie generale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1977 (actually 1978)—100 FF, 342 pp.)

Decoloniser l'information by Herve Bourges (Paris: Editions Cana, 1978 —38 FF, 160 pp.)

Changer la television, ou la realite imaginaire by Henri Caillavet (Paris: Flammarion, 1978—42 FF, 237 pp.)

Les radios locales en Europe by R. Chaniac, P. Flichy and M. Sauvage (Paris: INA-La Documentation francaise, 1978—20 FF, 125 pp.)

Les reseaux pensants: telecommunications et societe by A. Giraud, J-L. Missika and D. Wolton (Paris: Masson, 1978—58 FF, 287 pp.)

L' economie du disque en France (Paris: La Documentation francaise, 1978—45 FF, 171 pp.)

Les maledictions du cinema franqais (1928-1978) by Francis Courtade (Paris: A. Moreau, 1978—87 FF, 411 pp.)

La publicite et l'image by David Victoroff (Paris: Deno41-Gonthier, 1978 —16 FF, 183 pp.)  相似文献   


This overview of the core concept applied to journals defines the relevant terminology and cites specific examples of core lists. Ten approaches for determining core journals (subjective judgment, use, indexing coverage, overlapping library holdings, citation data, citation network/co-citation analysis, production of articles, Bradford's Law, faculty publication data, and multiple criteria methods) are reviewed and the practical applications of core journals lists are explained. Theoretical and practical problems associated with the core concept and core journal lists are discussed and a taxonomy for classifying core journal lists is outlined.  相似文献   


Analyzing serial issues of a monographic nature as a mechanism for connecting users to topical content has been a longstanding practice at the Iowa State University Library. Although studies have shown that monographic analysis of selected journal issues is a method of providing access to topical issues that citation databases often do not provide, the labor cost in providing original cataloging for some of these issues remains high. This article details the rationale and decision making that resulted in the implementation of a new process for reducing the amount of monographic analysis that is provided for uniquely titled journal issues.  相似文献   


Bibliografiia, founded in 1929, is the oldest professional journal in Russia. The author, its editor-in-chief, discusses some important points in its past, current directions, and plans for the future. Among other future directions, the editors hope to increase the number of articles by foreign authors.  相似文献   

Objective:This study aims to identify the core journals cited in the health care management literature and to determine their coverage in the foremost bibliographic databases used by the discipline.Methods:Using the methodology outlined by the Medical Library Association''s Nursing and Allied Health Resource Section (NAHRS) protocol for “Mapping the Literature of Nursing and Allied Health Professions,” this study updates an earlier study published in 2007. Cited references from articles published in a three-year range (2016–2018) were collected from five health care management journals. Using Bradford''s Law of Scattering, cited journal titles were tabulated and ranked according to the number of times cited. Eleven databases were used to determine coverage of the most highly cited journal titles for all source journals, as well as for a subset of practitioner-oriented journals.Results:The most highly cited sources were journals, followed by government documents, Internet resources, books, and miscellaneous resources. The databases with the most complete coverage of Zone 1 and 2 were Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection, and PubMed, while the worst performing databases were Health Business Elite, ABI/Inform, and Business Source Complete.Conclusions:The literature of health care management has expanded rapidly in the last decade, with cumulative citations increasing by 76.6% and the number of cited journal titles increasing by nearly 70% since the original study. Coverage of the core journals in popular databases remains high, although specialized health care management and business databases did not perform as well as general or biomedical databases.  相似文献   


Academic libraries provide intellectual access (discovery and procurement) to the full text of electronic journal articles through traditional library technologies like discovery layers, link resolver software and knowledge bases. These technologies mainly rely on accurate title-level metadata to successfully deliver journal articles to library users. Open Access articles pose a difficulty for many participants in the e-journal supply chain, including libraries and publishers, as Open Access status is a property of the article, not the title. A review of the literature examines: the impact of Open Access on intellectual access through traditional library technologies, current proposed solutions, and emerging technologies.  相似文献   

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