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This paper discusses requirements for constructing balanced questions for surveys when assessing library services for off-campus learning programs, including criteria for creating good questions. After exploring research goal and objective setting, the discussion turns to defining research type, selecting research format, and constructing questions. The next section focuses on question structure and wording issues with attention given to characteristics of open-ended and closed-ended questions and their application, double negatives and stating questions in the negative, use of time, eliciting a summary judgment, and bias exhibited in questions. Finally, consideration is given to a list of issues to note and avoid in question formation.  相似文献   


A virtual reference service is likely to attract both on-campus and off-campus students and providing one service for all users can extend the hours of availability to all students. The needs of these two student populations may differ and off-campus users may present some specific challenges to the reference staff. While some libraries do have a specified distance education librarian, it is unlikely at many institutions that there will be reference staff dedicated only to answering questions from off-campus students. Reference services for off-campus students do present special issues about which general reference staff may not be aware. With awareness of these challenges and proper training, an existing virtual reference service can be extended (or improved) to help off-campus students, or a new chat service can be developed with the objective to assist all user groups with equal success.  相似文献   


While articles on individual studies, surveys, and programs abound, there is a lack of baseline data regarding what and how libraries provide instruction for their distant populations. Do libraries generally provide information literacy or library instruction to students at a distance? How is instruction usually provided? Is instruction generally assessed? If so, how is instruction assessed? These questions were asked of librarians in an online survey of 143 institutions offering distance programs, randomly sampled from the College Blue Book. With a 55% response rate, data about instruction offerings and assessment were correlated with information about library staff size, budget, and student enrollment. The expectation was that larger libraries with more money and students would provide more and better services, but interestingly these factors had far less influence than anticipated. It seems that the individual efforts of librarians were the major determinants for services offered by libraries at institutions with distant students.  相似文献   


In states with limited road accessibility, rural students can feel isolated from library services. This article explores the creation, implementation, and results of an on-going longitudinal study assessing the library service needs of rural students in eLearning courses. To align with current practices in online pedagogies, including the Association of College and Research Libraries' Standards for Distance Learning Library Services and recent revisions to the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, this survey has been designed to help the library identify and improve services to enhance rural student success.  相似文献   


The model replacing a dedicated off-campus library services (OCLS) unit was one in which librarians provide services to both on- and off-campus students and faculty within their liaison disciplines. A year after this model was implemented, faculty in subjects taught both on- and off-campus were surveyed to assess their awareness of library resources and whether this awareness impacted course assignment design. Findings from this survey combined with a planned review of off-campus course syllabi will help identify areas of concern and lead to ways to strengthen awareness and usage of library resources.  相似文献   

文章通过南京仙林大学城图书馆的读者进行调查,了解到读者利用图书馆资源的情况以及对服务的要求,并对调查结果进行了分析,为图书馆的服务与管理的改进提供依据。在此基础上提出了建议及对策,得出了结论。  相似文献   

With new program additions and changes to existing graduate programs, librarians at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas were interested in investigating if students taking online courses were successful in accessing the library services and instruction. A survey was created that included all types of graduate students (fully online to fully in-person) to identify how they accessed the library and how confident they were in finding resources. The results of this survey have provided the researchers insight regarding successful strategies and where we need to improve; where distance learners are struggling more than on-campus students; and how we need to create varied approaches to disseminate library information and instruction. The study has also opened up communication and stronger collaborations with teaching faculty and instructional designers to better integrate the libraries into the curriculum. To help make findings more generalizable, the researchers aligned them with the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Standards for Distance Learning Library Services.  相似文献   

Academic libraries offer many services to distance learning students. The sources of literature reviewed here offer information that shows relevant similarities and differences between library services offered to traditional students and distance learning students. Likewise, the associated findings from the literature offer insight that is applicable for a project to modify and improve library services for distance learners in higher education.  相似文献   


Cloud computing and Web collaboration are shaping 21st-century libraries. These 2 developments seem to be behind the newest developments in library services and are driving library automation. The 2 are impacting library work by providing the library administrator with opportunities, especially for greater synergies among various individuals over dispersed locations. While the literature indicates ambivalence about these twin developments among library and information professionals, the administrators of distance library services have no choice but to engage in the use of cloud computing technologies and Web collaboration in order to remain relevant to users. Unfortunately, in doing this, distance services librarians will need to trade off ownership and control, trusting outsiders, while teaching users to be critical of the information gathered from collaborative sources.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


This article provides guidance in using the needs assessment process as a planning tool specifically for library services supporting distance learning programs. The first section covers pre-assessment planning activities, which include defining the specific purpose or purposes of the assessment, assigning responsibility for various aspects of the project, establishing time frames, and defining target groups. The section related to conducting the assessment itself discusses, along with other issues, selecting data collection tools and constructing questions. Promotion of the assessment and methods of encouraging participation are also considered. Since Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery personnel are an integral part of library services, they may be called upon to support distance learning programs. Thus, topics discussed in this article will be applicable to their situations.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the design of library services to best meet the information needs of U.S. college students studying abroad. The authors begin by developing a possible theoretical model, first to explain the needs and information-seeking behavior of U.S. students abroad, and second to utilize this framework to design library services. The empirical grounding of the paper consists of research conducted by a Pennsylvania State University librarian at four study-abroad sites in Rome and Bologna, and the work of two librarians at colleges with high student participation in foreign study programs. In regard to the latter, the authors will discuss the way in which Dickinson College began a new program of library services to study abroad students, and present a Goucher College librarian's experience as a collaborative participant in a study-abroad program.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


A well-designed and user-friendly Web site is essential with the large and rapid increase in the number of off-campus users. Web site usability studies can help ensure that libraries provide effective and efficient access to their Web site for both on-and off-campus users. Formal usability studies, focus groups, and cognitive walkthroughs are usability techniques that can be incorporated into a Web site study. These three techniques will be discussed with real life experiences added in to provide the reader with suggestions of how to and how not to use the techniques.  相似文献   

Many academic libraries are expanding services to online and distance students to keep pace with enrollment trends in higher education, prompting additional research to evaluate the use and effectiveness of library reference and instruction services to distance users. This literature review explores this research from the perspectives of academic librarians, distance students, and faculty teaching online and distance courses, and finds both commonalities and contradictions among these viewpoints.  相似文献   


From a concern with helping users deal with information overload, we are developing suitable visual metaphors for representing the dispersion of information and developing tools for supporting the ability of users to interact with these metaphorical displays and to navigate the information landscapes that they represent. WordView, our initial application within the OverView project, was designed to be an easy-to-use tool to study naturally occurring phrases and to support the future design of intelligent text input systems. It embodies an easy to understand graphic summary and a user-controllable inspection facility.  相似文献   


Beginning in the 1990s, various academic units within our health sciences institution moved aggressively toward providing courses and programs via distance education. Without a centralized campus distance education office, distance library services from our campus evolved sporadically in response to individual needs. In 2001, the library hired its first distance services librarian, whose primary responsibility was to develop a written distance library services plan. In accordance with the ACRL Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services, the library determined that the formulation of an effective plan required a formal needs assessment of the faculty providing distance education. In this paper, we will discuss the process for developing this needs assessment, based on focus groups and a written survey instrument. We will also address some of the challenges we faced with this approach. Preliminary data identified copyright clearance and lack of awareness regarding library services as the major barriers to distance faculty seeking course support from the library.  相似文献   


Distance Learning Library Services at the University of Kentucky provided an electronic reserves service as a pilot project for distance learning courses in the 2000–01 academic year. Distance Learning Programs, which is a part of the Distance Learning Technology Center, funded the project. Policies and procedures were formulated, an account was set up with the Copyright Clearance Center, and the service was marketed. Our first electronic reserves were available for the Fall 2000 semester.  相似文献   

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