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Drawing on Stuart Hall’s influential “Notes on deconstructing ‘the popular’” [Hall, S. (1981). In R. Samuel (Eds.), People’s history and socialist theory (pp. 227–240). London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.], this essay maps out some of the major shifts in cultural studies’ relationship to popular culture over the past several decades. It concludes with a call for cultural studies to find ways to work from the terrain of the popular, rather than merely studying that terrain, or trying to “translate” its scholarly analyses for popular audiences. This is a necessary path to fulfilling its mission as a political project.  相似文献   


In the introduction to Charles Woodliff's “Catch Me if You Can” in the Fall, 1965 issue of the Journal it was, prophesied that it would be not “the last that will be published on the question of the proper curriculum for training professional broadcasters.” In this issue, on the preceding pages, is an article by Professor John Pennybacker answering Professor Woodliff's article disagreeing with the one that started it all, Pennybacker's “Working with Universities.” The following comment by Woodliff is intended only as a brief comment upon Pennybacker's “Leadership and the Educator: The Middle Way” and does not, of course, attempt to make full reply in this brief form. Professor Woodliff (Assistant Professor in the Department of Radio‐Television‐Film at the University of Denver) hopes that the dialogue between him and Dr. Pennybacker represents their respective points of view fairly—and that other positions will be heard from in the future. The airing of these points of view is not just another rehash of the old “liberal arts vs. professionalism” debate. Recent surveys have shown that broadcasting education has not yet made its mark on the industry—if it is to do so in the future, teachers of broadcasting must constantly reassess their goals and the means to achieve these goals.  相似文献   


This article reprises the seminal article “Shaking the Conceptual Foundations of Reference,” updates it while explaining its shortcomings, and counsels a focus on what the reference librarian's primary mission is, rather than functional fixedness regarding how the mission has traditionally been carried out.  相似文献   


Electronic Resource Management (“ERM”) Systems have developed quickly-especially since the release in 2004 of the report of the Digital Library Federation's Electronic Resource Management Initiative (“ERMI”). Several ILS and other vendors have now developed systems based on the “ERMI Specifications” and sold them to some 300 libraries worldwide. While these specifications provide a firm basis for current systems, early experience points to additional needs or requirements for future development. A second phase of ERMI will address some of these needs, including professional training of librarians on “mapping” license terms to the ERMI data dictionary, collaboration with other organizations on refining standards for communicating license terms, and efforts to automate usage data gathering through a protocol called SUSHI (for “Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative.”) Additional issues or areas needing development include greater integration with Integrated Library Systems, standards for and inclusion of more detailed coverage data, integration between link resolvers and ERMs, and automation of administrative tasks.  相似文献   


The affective and cognitive dimensions of attitudinal structure in Martin Fishbein's theory have been investigated rather thoroughly. Little research, however, has been conducted on the function of saliency in such a structure. While previous research has almost exclusively applied Fishbein's theory to impression formation and person perception, the present study adapted the theory to the prediction of attitude toward a proposed change in policy. Saliency in cognitive structure was conceptualized as the perceived importance to “self” and “others” of the consequences associated with the proposal. The addition to the theory of perceived importance of consequences significantly improved its strength in predicting attitude toward a proposed change in policy.  相似文献   


In 1994, the librarians at the University of Toledo's Carlson Library developed a bibliographic instruction program that is both efficient and successful. “Teach the Teachers” has been implemented in the English Department's Composition classes where it depends on the collaborative efforts between librarians and classroom instructors in assuring solid student library skills. The program philosophy shifts a librarian's teaching efforts from teaching the student to teaching the instructor. Librarians empower classroom instructors with the knowledge to teach basic information retrieval skills. This paper will discuss the development of the program, as well as the techniques used by both librarians and classroom instructors.  相似文献   

The Graphic Arts     
Max Gallo's The Poster in History (New York: American Heritage/McGraw- Hill, 1974—$22.95)

Erich Salomon's Portrait of an Age ((New York: Collier Books/Macmillan, 1974—$7.50, paper)

M. Thomas Inge's “American Comic Art: A Bibliographic Guide,” Choice XI:1581-1593

Stan Lee's Origins of Marvel Comics (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1974—$5.95, paper)

John Hedgecoe and Michael Langford's Photography: Materials and Methods published by Oxford University Press. Apparently Focal Press picked it up in London, and now a new smaller format but hardcover edition is just out from Hastings House (N.Y.) for $12.95  相似文献   


Since 2001, librarians at Oregon State University's Valley Library have been working to build a “teaching library” supported by a clearly articulated instruction program. From the start, we believed that we needed to assess the teaching library's impact, not only to determine the success or failure of our efforts but also to demonstrate the need for intentional, proactive information literacy instruction on our campus. No single assessment tool or method proved adequate to effectively measure student learning happening both inside and outside the library. We describe our evolving, multi-pronged approach to measuring the impact of the library on student learning in the context of current assessment practices in academic libraries and higher education.  相似文献   

Wilbur Schramm (ed.) Quality in Instructional Television (Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1973 - $5.00, paper)

Ralph M. Jennings, Marcella Kerr and Truman E. Parker's Public Television Station Employment Practices and The Composition of Boards of Directors: The Status of Minorities and Women (Office of Communications, United Church of Christ, 289 Park Ave. South, New York 10010, January 1973 - $10.00, but free on request to poverty organizations and citizen-action groups)

I. Keith Tyler and Catharine M. Williams (eds.) Educational Communication in a Revolutionary Age (Worthington, Ohio: Charles A. Jones, 1973 - $7.95)

Dennis Benson's Electric Evangelism (Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press, 1973 - $3.95)

G. William Jones' Landing Rightside Up in TV and Film (Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press, 1973 - price not known, paper)

Radical Software which is entitled “The TV Environment.”

Children's Television: Economics and Public Policy by William Melody (142 pp. spiral bound, $15.00)

Network Programming and Advertising in the Saturday Children's Hours: A June and November Comparison by F. Earle Barcus (32 pp., spiral bound, $5.00)

Network Children's Programming: A Content Analysis of Black and Minority Treatment on Children's Television by Gilbert Mendelson and Morrissa Young (of Best), (20 pp., $5.00)  相似文献   

The following essay updates my TABLOID JOURNALISM: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ENGLISH‐LANGUAGE SOURCES (Westport, CT: Greenwood “Bibliographies and Indexes in Mass Media and Communications, Number 10,”; 1996—$65.00, ISBN 0–313–29544–1, 187 pp.)

A. U.S. print journalism

IT'S ALIVE! HOW AMERICA'S OLDEST PAPER CHEATED DEATH AND WHY IT MATTERS by Steven Cuozzo (New York: Times Books, 1996—$25.00, ISBN 0–8129–2286–7, 342 pp.)

“Reversing the Romance: Class and Gender in the Supermarket Tabloids,” by Theron Britt (Prospect, 21: 435–451 [1996])

“Virgins, Vamps and the Tabloid Mentality,” by Linda Fairstein (Media Studies Journal, 12: 92–99 [Winter 1998])

SCOOPED! MEDIA MISS REAL STORY ON CRIME WHILE CHASING SEX, SLEAZE, AND CELEBRITIES by David J. Krajicek (New York: Columbia University Press, 1998—$24.95, ISBN 0–2311–0292–5, 230 pp., bibliographical references)

B. U.S. television

“The World Outside: Local TV News Treatment of Imported News,” by Raymond L. Carroll and C. A. Tuggle (Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 74: 123–133 [1997])

“Tabloid TV, Courtesy of the Education Department,” by Steven Drummond (Teacher Magazine 9: 14–15 [April 1998])

THE JOURNALISM OF OUTRAGEOUSNESS: TABLOID TELEVISION NEWS VS. INVESTIGATIVE NEWS by Matthew C. Ehrlich (Journalism and Mass Communication Monographs, No.155 [1996])

“Presumed Innocent? A Comparative Analysis of Network News, ‘Newsmagazines’ and Tabloid TV's Pretrial Coverage of the O. J. Simpson Criminal Case,” by Steven A. Esposito (Communications and the Law, 18: 49–72 [December 1996])

“Tabloid and Traditional Television News Magazine Crime Stories: Crime Lessons and Reaffirmation of Social Class Distinctions,” by Maria Elizabeth Grabe (Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 73: 926–946 [1996])

TABLOID TELEVISION: POPULAR JOURNALISM AND THE “OTHER NEWS” by John Langer (London: Routledge “Communication and Society,”; 1998—$24.99, ISBN 0–4150–6636–0, 192 pp., appendix, bibliographical references)

“Human Nature and Crime Control: Improving the Feasibility of Nurturant Strategies,”; by Bryan Vila (Politics and the Life Sciences, 16: 3–21 [1997])

C. Legal implications

‘Get That Camera Out of My Face!”: An Examination of the Viability of Suing ‘Tabloid Television’ for Invasion of Privacy,” by Eduardo W. Gonzalez (University of Miami Law Review 51: 935–953 [1997])

“Punishing the Press: Using Contempt of Court to Secure the Right to a Fair Trial,” by Stephen J. Krause (Boston University Law Review 76: 537–574 [1996])

“The Confluence of Sensationalism and News: Media Access to Criminal Investigations and the Public's Right to Know,” by Jimmy R. Moye (CommLaw Conspectus, 6: 89–99 [1998])

D. International perspectives

“Public Discourse/Private Fascination: Hybridization in ‘True‐Life‐Story’ Genres,” by Ib Bondebjerg (Media Culture &; Society 18: 27–45 [1996])

“Anthropology in the Body Shop: Lords of the Garden, Cannibalism, and the Consuming Desires of Televisual Anthropology,” by Rosalind C. Morris (American Anthropologist, 98: 137–146 [1996])

“The Media's Impact on International Affairs, Then and Now,” by Johanna Neuman (SAIS Review, 16: 109–123 [Winter/Spring 1996])

“Core of the Problem: Newspaper's Fate Will Gauge More Than Press Freedom,”; by Andrew Sherry (Far Eastern Economic Review, 160: 61–63 [3 July 1997])  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):174-182

The term “process” admits of two definitions in the philosophy of science: one based on a 19th century mechanistic view, the other consistent with quantum relativistic notions. Scholars in speech communication have misused these essentially contradictory definitions. Methodological notions have often been based on a deterministic view of cause while, at the same time, definitions of communication have been based on Whitehead's view of reality as “becoming.” As a result, theory and research have been inconsistent. To implement the contemporary notion of “process,” ideas of methodological rigor based on causal determinism must be substituted by notions of carefulness based on acknowledgement of the observer's involvement in his own observations.  相似文献   


Archive repository web pages have become more sophisticated in the past several years, and information about repository holdings is often readily available online. However, so long as full archival records are not available electronically, archivists will have to contend with the increase in reference requests from remote users. The author surveyed one hundred university archives web pages to examine the current availability of archival records on the Web and to explore the possible effects of this presence on archivists' efforts to provide remote users with access to repository holdings through “ask an archivist” forms, electronic mail, and other modes of communication.  相似文献   

This article responds critically to a recent article by Lemieux and Tighe (Communication Research Reports, 21, 144–153, 2004) in which the authors conclude that recipients of comforting efforts prefer messages that exhibit a moderate rather than high level of person centeredness. It is argued that an erroneous assumption made by Lemieux and Tighe about the status of “receiver perspective” research on the comforting process led to faulty interpretations of the data and unwarranted conclusions about recipient preferences regarding comforting messages. Alternative interpretations of Lemieux and Tighe's data are presented; these are guided by the extensive previous research that has assessed evaluations and outcomes of comforting messages.  相似文献   


These introductory comments preview this issue's new feature, “The Scholar's Anthology,” and its subject‐matter, “cultural criticism.”  相似文献   


This research guide is intended for those wishing to explore the history and develop a basic understanding of the initiative and referenda petition process in Missouri. The I&R process attracted national attention when Missouri's controversial Constitutional Amendment 2 dealing with stem cell research appeared on the ballot in the 2006 general election. Recently, there have been efforts to overturn this petition which narrowly passed. Hopefully, this guide will provide background and suggest paper and electronic resources for those wishing to study the process and determine what “paper trail” is available for initiatives and referendum in Missouri.  相似文献   


At a large university library, helping patrons use a full text database such as LEXIS-NEXIS places pressure on reference staff because the service is complex. Staff cannot give the proper attention to patrons because activity at the reference desk can limit the time spent with each individual. Full-text services require more instruction and reference help than electronic bibliographic databases, but patrons often come for assistance just before the assignment is due. To relieve such pressure, librarians at Penn State's Pattee Library developed Just-in-Time demonstrations to help patrons learn how to use LEXIS-NEXIS when they need it. The Justin-Time demonstrations provide a weekly alternative which relieves the “I need it now” pressure by providing instruction on a weekly basis. These demonstrations have been well received by patrons and staff.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):364-370

Concepts from Heider's “Attribution of Responsibility” theory were used to investigate the process of message source evaluation. The results of a role‐playing experiment indicate that: (1) When a message source's previous behavior has had favorable consequences for a receiver, the source will be rated more “safe,” “qualified,” and “dynamic” to the extent that responsibility for those consequences are attributed to the source; and (2) when the source's previous behavior has had unfavorable consequences for the receiver, the source will be judged less “safe” but more “qualified” and “dynamic” to the extent that responsibility for those consequences are attributed to the source.  相似文献   

“Larry Edmunds Cinema and Theater Bookshop”, Inc. 6658 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. 90028: This bookstore was mentioned earlier in BBB under cinema [I:6:5 and II:4:6]

“Acres of Books”, 240 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach, Calif. 90802: Dr. Kittross described this bookstore in an early issue of BBB [I:4:3]

“The Book Shelf”, 1217 South Hawthorne Blvd., Hawthorne, Calif. 90250.

“Gene de Chene Bookseller”, 11552 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90025.

“Dawson's Book Shop”: 533 North Larchmont, Los Angeles, Calif. 90004.

“Cosmopolitan Book Shop”: 7007 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90038.

“West Los Angeles Bookstore”, 1670 Sawtelle Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90025.

“Wilshire Books”, 3018 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, Calif. 90406.  相似文献   


This study applies the critical paradigm of “rhetorical enterprise” to the case of nineteenth‐century British reform efforts, particularly the organization and the “gospel” of the Birmingham Political Union, and concludes that cases of rhetorical enterprise challenge critics to account for the enterprising consistency of tactics and creed regardless of the relatively inconsistent factors of men andevents.  相似文献   

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