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西方高校图书馆留学生信息服务研究已经比较成熟。研究内容涉及留学生利用图书馆时遇到的语言、文化、教育、技术等各种障碍及高校图书馆对此开展的信息素质教育、参考服务、信息资源建设、人力资源保障、延伸服务等各项服务。中国高校图书馆可借鉴西方留学生信息服务的经验,提高留学生信息服务水平,从而成为促进国际文化交流的平台。  相似文献   

文章对美国联邦科技信息机构及其信息资源建设与服务创新进行重点研究,先从横向上对美国联邦科技信息机构及CENDI与Science.gov联盟进行一个概要分析,然后以美国能源部科技信息办公室的信息资源建设与服务创新为案例进行深度剖析,并藉此提出了关于中国科技信息机构信息服务的几点启示。该文为《数字图书馆论坛》2009年第12期本期话题“各国科技信息机构纵览”的文章之一。  相似文献   


The article reports on a survey of Slavic librarian participation in information literacy programs. It was conducted using the electronic mailing list SLAVLIBS.  相似文献   

概述了高校信息共享空间的理论、实践发展及其虚拟空间建设的现实意义,并列举Blog、Rss、Tag等Web 2.0技术在信息共享空间虚拟层的应用。Web 2.0相关技术与理念的优越性使其对图书馆信息共享空间虚拟层的建设具有重要价值。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to report on how Web 2.0 tools in an online information literacy instruction course aligned with ACRL's Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. A qualitative case study was undertaken on an online graduate course related to information literacy instruction. Data collected included: course activities, assignments, emails, online discussions, and surveys. The educational theory of constructivism and its adherence to reflection, active learning, and social interaction was used to find patterns in the data. Activity theory provided a framework for data analysis and interpretation related to the patterns of activities that took place while students used each Web 2.0 tool. Web 2.0 was found to enhance all five information literacy standards. These standards related to collaboration, information organization, creativity, discussion, and technology education.  相似文献   

我国公共图书馆与信息咨询公司"共生"的设想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前我国图书馆事业,尤其是公共图书馆的发展面临着严峻的挑战。信息咨询公司崭露头角并有强大的发展势头,但也存在一些问题。若能把二者结合,优势互补,对二者的发展都大有裨益。  相似文献   

文章调查美国高校馆开展的本科生研究支持服务,服务内容包括:研究咨询,提供研究用空间,为本科生讲授课程,设立图书馆研究奖,设立图书馆研究员计划,协助本科生发表、保存与展示研究成果,提供研究指导信息;归纳美国高校图书馆本科生研究支持服务的经验。对我国高校图书馆的启示包括:开展本科生研究支持服务研究,为本科生提供研究空间支持,选拔学生同伴为本科生提供研究支持服务,成立图书馆员导师团队,设立本科生研究奖项,等等。  相似文献   

Although information technology has made locating and organizing information faster and easier in many ways, it also constitutes a source of stress for both public services librarians and patrons. This study identifies a number of sources of technological stress, which include everything from poor typing skills to poor interface design. It also proposes several ways to reduce technological stress, such as implementing a system gradually, communicating with staff about what to expect, providing adequate training for librarians, creating proper documentation, choosing ergonomically sound hardware and software, selecting a well designed interface, and involving staff and patrons in system design.  相似文献   

鲁楠 《贵图学刊》2010,(2):11-12
当今社会的发展要求图书馆突破传统的服务手段,利用现代先进技术,拓展服务空间。而文化信息资源共享工程开辟了一个不受地域、时间限制的文化传播渠道,正好符合了这一要求。  相似文献   


Formed in the former USSR, the system of scientific and technical information on agriculture and adjacent branches ceased to fulfil the tasks that had been set to it. Belarus Agricultural Library (BelAL) started the realization of the project of the existing system reformation. As a result of BelAL efforts nearly 80% of agricultural libraries are automated; Belarusian users got access to the international AGRIS, AGRICOLA, AGROS, CAB Abstracts, CARIS, FAOSTAT and other databases. BelAL users got the opportunity to order any document from any country of the world by international interlibrary loan within the frames of AGLINET. Belarusian information was included into international information systems AGRIS, AGRICOLA, AGROS, CABI and others. BelAL electronic catalogue and reference information presenting data on agricultural management, science, education and non-governmental organizations became accessible via the Internet. In spite of economic crisis, the process of reformation of the scientific and technical system of Belarusian agriculture still continues.  相似文献   

One of the bedrock of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is eradication of poverty and hunger. In an attempt to actualize this goal, the role of public libraries in information provision to agricultural extension agents in Nigeria becomes paramount. This paper discusses provision of information to agricultural extension agents in a developing country. It starts with the concept of extension agents and the essence of information provision to them. It further discusses types, sources and challenges of public libraries in information provision to agricultural extension workers in a developing country. Some of the challenges are as follows: poor funding of public libraries, demotivated staff, and so on. Based on these discussions, the paper recommended adequate training and retraining of staff, adequate funding of public libraries by the federal, state and local government, the revitalization of the abandoned mobile library services among others. The paper therefore concludes that information provision to agricultural extension agents by public library is very crucial for national development. The current state of poverty, hunger and lack in Nigeria and some other African countries could be reduced to a great extent if current, relevant and up-to-date information are provided by libraries to the concerned agencies.  相似文献   

Amy Wood 《期刊图书馆员》2016,70(1-4):158-167
The report summarizes a presentation given at the 2015 NASIG conference. It outlines metadata used by Project CERES, a print preservation and digitization project supported by a partnership between the United States Agriculture Information Network and the Center for Research Libraries. It also outlines metadata guidelines used to disclose print holdings committed for preservation and provides tips on creating efficiencies in gathering the detailed issue level data and providing quality assurance for digitization. Gathering detailed metadata to support the preservation of print is an investment in the preservation of essential scholarly resources. Project CERES can be used as a model for other programs coupling preservation and digitization.  相似文献   

为落实联合国2030年可持续发展目标,国际图联与一些国际组织共同发起“图书馆致力数字包容”的共同承诺和“行动呼吁”,国内外图书馆界领导及知名专家学者就“图书馆与数字包容”进行了讨论。饶权指出,随着现代技术的发展,数字鸿沟问题日益突显。中国国家图书馆研究提出建设“全国智慧图书馆体系”的工作思路,以期引领带动各级公共图书馆全面实现智慧转型,在促进数字包容方面发挥更加积极的作用;克里斯汀·麦肯齐阐述了国际图联在支持联合国2030年议程和可持续发展目标方面的工作,特别是目标第16条:“构建和平与包容的社会,使人人享有公正,提高政府机构效率和能力,强调政府和图书馆必须成为数字包容的积极推动者”;杰拉德·莱特纳指出,促进数字包容的任何努力都需要考虑三个方面——互联、内容和能力。缺乏任何一个方面,都不可能完全实现数字包容。图书馆作为社区中心的公共空间、内容的储存空间和门户,以及经验丰富的信息素养教育者,在更广泛的政府战略中都可以发挥自己独特的作用;陈超指出,历史和现实、理论和实践早就告诉我们,公共图书馆肩负着促进人类社会包容性发展的义不容辞的使命。为此公共图书馆必须承担起“弥合数字鸿沟,促进数字包容”的社会责任,让每一个人有机会上网、为每一个人赋能、让每一个人能平等获取信息知识;吴建中认为,我国图书馆界应积极配合国际图联的呼吁与倡议,并发出我国图书馆界强有力的声音。第一,大力宣传我国在保障公民获取基本公共文化服务权益方面的政策及举措。第二,积极推广互联网和数字技术在图书馆的应用。第三,继续提升媒介和信息素养服务的质量;于良芝从个人信息世界的概念出发思考数字鸿沟现象及图书馆的作用,揭示了数字鸿沟的复杂性及社会包容与数字包容的互为条件性,认为这为公共图书馆参与数字包容建设开辟了更广阔的空间;肖珑表示,支持国际图联(IFLA)关于数字包容声明的提出,中国高校图书馆应清醒地认识到信息贫富分化问题的存在,并努力缩小地区差距,保护不同群体利益,促进高等教育的内涵式发展;阿曼达·里德与金·汤普森认为,当危机、变革和挑战来临之际,也是我们努力前行之时,并以一所美国图书馆为例,显示了在新冠疫情这样的危机面前,公共图书馆如何满足当地居民需要,支持社区朝着更加数字包容的社会可持续地发展;金武刚认为,图书馆应当加强科普功能,开发新媒体产品,融入公共传播平台,帮助社会民众辨别网络信息真伪,查询获取正确信息,解决数字包容深层次问题;吴丹与刘静基于技术环境变化的背景,以人与技术的交互为焦点,从“技术→人”与“人→技术”两条路径对数字包容内涵进行扩展并提出了图情领域工作的发展策略。  相似文献   

产业技术创新需求下高校图书馆专利信息服务策略   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
[目的/意义]针对当前高校图书馆面向产业技术创新提供的专利信息服务内容单一、缺乏系统性等问题,提出高校图书馆专利信息服务策略,推动高校图书馆进一步开展专利信息服务,支撑产业技术创新。[方法/过程]利用供需平衡思想,基于产业技术创新主体(企业)类型维、技术创新流程维、专利信息服务需求维等3个维度,设计出产业用户对高校图书馆专利信息服务的需求体系框架,从需求内容、服务平台、供给主体和支撑体系等方面揭示产业技术创新对高校图书馆专利信息服务的需求。[结果/结论]从完善服务业务体系、搭建线上线下服务平台、加强合作、建立保障机制、形成服务品牌等5个方面提出专利信息服务策略,为高校图书馆对接产业技术创新需求开展专利信息服务研究与实践提供参考。  相似文献   


The archives of private philanthropic organizations provide information about the history of immigration into the United States via documents related to the foundations' sponsorship of research, social, and educational programs aimed at absorbing a large number of newcomers. In addition, when U.S. foreign policy or world events stimulated philanthropic activities relating to the immigrants' country of origin, foundations reached out for support from existing ethnic communities in the U.S., or for expertise from individual émigré scholars. The records of Carnegie Corporation of New York and of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace from the first half of the twentieth century illustrate the use of private philanthropy archives for scholarly research into the history of Eastern European immigration to the United States.  相似文献   


This article presents a survey of digital reference trends in the United States with an emphasis on services for Slavic and East European studies. It is based on the author's experience as a Slavic reference librarian at the University of Illinois (Slavic Reference Service) and the Library of Congress (European Division). Topics include the conflict between print and digital resources, coping with electronic serials, full-text databases and websites, digital communication tools such as e-mail, chat, and web forms, the proliferation of websites from Eastern Europe and the NIS, and opportunities for bibliographic instruction via the web. The article concludes with suggestions for keeping current and ideas for possible reference collaboration among Slavic and East European studies librarians.  相似文献   

The article is a memoir of the author's career, which she spent primarily at the University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign. As Slavic Bibliographer there, she organized the Slavic Reading Room in the Slavic and East European Library and was the first head of the Slavic Reference Service. She reinvigorated the American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (ABSEES). She was a founding member and/or was very active in virtually all of the national and international Slavic librarians' organizations. In addition, she served as president of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS). Beyond just Slavic librarianship she established the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs at the University of Illinois and served as its founding director. She was also a member of George Soros's Network Library Program Board, part of his Open Society initiative.  相似文献   

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