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《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(93):137-149

The information age has changed libraries of all types and sizes in ways that no one could have predicted. For a rural library, though, changes have been fast and furious and have made a dramatic impact on the very nature of the library and the services the library offers. Rural libraries went from a gathering place for community activities to fully wired information centers in a matter of a few years. The article addresses what these changes mean for reference services-one of the most basic functions of a public library. While people are consuming more information than ever, will the rural library be able to keep up with this demand even with the Internet? The article explores reference services in rural public libraries, using examples from libraries in central and northern Illinois, giving consideration to the nature of reference services, how they have changed over time, and how this compares to small libraries in a metropolitan setting.  相似文献   


Outreach services provided by rural public libraries are crucial to fulfilling their mission to provide information access to the widest array of user groups. Particular socioeconomic and geographic factors in rural areas present challenges of access to information resources, yet there exists only a limited amount of published scholarly work examining outreach services provided specifically by rural public libraries. This case study of outreach services to elder users offers contextual evidence for the centrality of social equity and access to the larger work of rural public libraries. Primary data were collected through four semi-structured focus group meetings conducted with elder users of the agency’s outreach services as well as through narrative interviews with six agency staff members. Principal findings showed that elder users had particular information needs related to entertainment and intellectual stimulation, challenges of transportation, and a limited access to technology and internet service. WCPL outreach services were found to positively impact the lives and general well-being of elder users by providing vital social and community connections and serving as a key link for elder users to an institution understood to be central to the life of the community in general.  相似文献   

文章对公共图书馆旅游服务实践和研究现状进行分析,指出国内公共图书馆的旅游服务存在责任感不强、重点不明确、措施不精准等问题,进而影响了服务效能。公共图书馆可以从地方感理论中获取启发,将增强地方性作为主要方向,以旅游决策者、旅游者、居民和旅游从业者为服务对象,创新性地开展地方性研究咨询交流活动、搭建地方特色文化传承弘扬平台和建设地方旅游信息集散中心等服务措施。  相似文献   

推动公共图书馆高质量发展,是新发展阶段图书馆事业建设新要求,旨在提升服务覆盖面和实效性、促进优质均衡。均等化、标准化、普惠性、品质化、高效能、可持续发展共同构成了公共图书馆高质量发展的基本要素。高质量发展赋能公共图书馆新定位,成为品质阅读服务中心、社会公众交往中心、城市创新策源地、地方文化传承中心。“十四五”时期公共图书馆高质量发展,包括空间再造、全域服务、情报加工、智慧应用、文旅融合、治理能力提升等重点任务。  相似文献   

2020年是中国脱贫攻坚战的收官之年,也是全面建成小康社会目标实现之年。无论是在前几年脱贫攻坚还是今年疫情防控中,中国图书馆界都积极响应,全力参与,在数字扶贫、精准服务方面发挥了图书馆应有的社会作用。饶权指出,中国对全球脱贫事业做出了巨大贡献,各级各类图书馆在文化扶贫、信息扶贫中始终发挥着积极作用。今年是脱贫攻坚战收官之年,图书馆界要从"大水漫灌"到"精准滴灌",提升扶贫工作精细化水平;从"单兵作战"到"合力攻关",构筑一体化扶贫工作网络;从"授人以鱼"到"授人以渔",激活扶贫对象内生动力。进入"后扶贫时代"的图书馆,要在提高脱贫人口信息化素养和科学文化素质方面积极作为,使脱贫人口真正有能力开创和拥有属于自己的美好生活;杰拉德·莱特纳认为,联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》及其可持续发展目标描绘了全世界走向更强大、更公平、更绿色的经济和社会的路线图。他指出,这些年来国际图联一直强调联合国工作与图书馆工作之间存在着联系,图书馆通过履行自己的使命也为促进联合国使命做出了贡献。他同时深信,中国各级各类图书馆在国家、地区和全球范围内都将做出重大贡献,并为全球图书馆营造更强大的声音;孙坦认为,继...  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆社区信息服务的发展及其启示   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:13  
文章首先介绍了美国公共图书馆社区信息服务的产生与发展,其次说明社区信息服务在美国社区建设过程中所起到的作用,最后指出美国公共图书馆社区信息服务的发展给我国图书馆界的启示。作者认为,社区信息服务是我国公共图书馆向信息化发展的关键,而公共图书馆在开展社区信息服务的过程中应注重合作伙伴关系的建立、充分利用现有的信息技术,并注意服务的推广和用户的培训。  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆发展现状及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国公共图书馆星罗棋布、遍及城乡,以行政区域的居民财产税为主要经费支撑。因此,美国公众普遍具有利用图书馆的意识,图书馆普遍具有强烈的服务意识。美国公共图书馆的服务重心随着社会需求适时转变,而且图书馆服务以满足读者需要为改进标尺,体现出规范化、标准化、人性化、个性化等特征。我国公共图书馆应借鉴美国公共图书馆发展的经验,深化图书馆服务,加强馆员队伍建设,实现公共图书馆设置的普遍化。  相似文献   

Public libraries in Kenya were established with the aim of providing information services to the general public. The Kenya National Library Service (KNLS) is responsible for providing services through its library network across the country. In the past, to combat illiteracy, the library launched various initiatives, including mobile services and community libraries. The public libraries are in a transition period of moving from paper library services to incorporate modern digital technologies for information access. This article addresses the progress from predigital to the present, examining difficulties and challenges faced in adopting new technologies in the modern information age.  相似文献   

全媒体时代,新媒体成为信息传播和互动阅读的新平台。文章分析新媒体与互动阅读服务的内涵,以抽样方式调查公共图书馆新媒体互动阅读服务现状,以问卷调查方式了解江苏省常州地区居民对新媒体互动阅读服务的需求,总结新媒体互动阅读服务的成效与不足。从构建互动服务平台、挖掘新媒体的互动功能、拓展互动服务内容、完善互动服务机制等方面,提出公共图书馆推进新媒体互动阅读服务的对策。  相似文献   

公共图书馆是公益性的社会文化服务机构,有着义不容辞的信息服务的社会责任。在即将实施的《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》中,明确了公共图书馆是政府信息公开主要服务场所之一。文章论述了公共图书馆在政府信息公开服务中的作用及应承担的社会责任,提出了公共图书馆在政府信息公开中应采取的措施。  相似文献   

With the continuing trend of deinstitutionalizing persons with physical, mental, and emotional disabilities, and the development of community based housing and social services to these populations, libraries are acquiring potential users with special needs which many libraries and their collective staffs are ill prepared to serve. This article describes these populations, examines some of the information needs, and presents methods of providing service and a rationale for community outreach. The state program in Rhode Island is outlined, describing efforts to reach community residents through their public libraries and the state operated Bookmobile.  相似文献   

乡村图书馆是乡村文化的重要组成部分。文章回顾乡村图书馆的历史,讨论乡村图书馆参与乡村文化振兴的理论依据、发展中存在的问题、重新复活的方式、目前的实践经验等,总结出乡村图书馆发展中的两种原动主体及其优劣之处,揭示出乡村图书馆在乡村文化振兴中的地位,提出了乡村图书馆自身健康发展、服务能力提升的可行方案。认为乡村图书馆具有保存乡村记忆、传播人类知识、培养地方认同感的功能,是实施社会教育的第二课堂、交换信息意见的公共空间、从事休闲娱乐的文化场所。其外部效应也很大,如扶助村民致富、成为美丽乡村文化标志等。乡村图书馆的建设应提倡“自下而上”的内生方式,其可持续发展的四种有效途径是:(1)政府分级投资、整合多方资源创办乡村图书馆;(2)政府通过购买乡村图书馆服务的方式促进乡村文化发展;(3)鼓励新乡贤或社会力量创办乡村图书馆,支持乡村文化建设;(4)图书馆专业力量介入乡村图书馆业务活动,提供专业指导及各种资源。  相似文献   

余胜 《晋图学刊》2011,(6):51-54
公共图书馆开展普法服务是承担社会责任的体现,是履行社会教育职能的要求,是进行服务创新的举措。本文总结、梳理了我国公共图书馆开展普法服务的实践和做法,对公共图书馆进一步做好普法服务进行了探讨。  相似文献   

我国不同区域民众利用公共图书馆状况调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就公共图书馆服务的利用情况对全国24个省份的城乡民众进行问卷调查,从不同区域民众利用公共图书馆的比率、对图书馆位置的了解情况、不经常利用图书馆的原因、公共图书馆存在的竞争优势等方面进行统计分析。结果表明,被调查者中经常利用(每月或每周都用)图书馆的人数占18.1%;“知道也去过”图书馆的人数占44.7%;有时间但不经常利用图书馆的3个主要原因为:附近没有、书籍少且更新不及时和缺乏宣传而不了解;认为公共图书馆吸引人的地方是有丰富的信息资源、免费的服务和环境优雅。最后归纳民众针对图书馆建设、馆藏与组织、服务、活动与讲座及宣传方面所提出的宝贵建议。  相似文献   

农村居民文化素质和信息素养的提升关系到我国"三农"问题的解决,高校图书馆作为文化的传播者和社会教育的实践者,理应承担起对农村居民进行教育和服务的责任与义务。通过对重庆市农村居民信息需求现状的调查、分析,提出高校图书馆服务农村居民的具体思路。  相似文献   

Like all public libraries, rural public libraries in the Appalachian region can play a significant role in the economic development of their communities. Economic development in rural communities potentially benefit from many of the same resources and services all enjoy at public libraries, including free and public Internet access, space, education, question answering, and materials on many business-related subjects. This article reports survey findings of current activities that rural public libraries perform in one state, namely the state of Tennessee, as a case study to apply the lessons and insights to other parts of the United States. The discussion includes assessment of activities and some recommendations to streamline and stimulate all public libraries in conducting this assistance efficiently.  相似文献   

肖焕忠 《图书馆》2011,(3):91-93,98
公共图书馆基本服务就是利用各类文献信息资源,保障和满足公众基本文化需求的公益服务行为。它具有公益性、均等性、基本性、便利性、阶段性、区域性等特征,主要包括文献资料借阅服务、咨询与信息服务、读者活动服务和基层服务。目前,我国公共图书馆基本服务呈现区域间非均衡发展、城乡间差序发展、阶层间非均等享受等发展态势。要实现普遍均等的公共图书馆基本服务,必须借鉴国外经验,建立起制度保障体系、经费保障机制、集中管理模式以及效益评估体系。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》的颁布和实施为公共图书馆的发展提供了一个历史性机遇。公共图书馆作为公众获取信息的重要窗口,应依法履行《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》所赋予的社会责任,积极开展政府信息公开服务。分析公共图书馆政府信息公开服务的现状,针对存在的问题,提出深化公共图书馆政府信息公开服务的对策。  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of a marketing audit of the Lee County Library System, a rural public library system located in southwest Georgia. Marketing audits are an underutilized but needed tool for public libraries. In this audit, the library system’s mission, goals, environments, community and employee demographics, and a strengths/weakness/opportunities/threats (SWOT) analysis were evaluated, resulting in several recommendations. These recommendations include a new mission statement, regular SWOT analyses, and potential market segments for targeted library services. Through this case study, the complexities, challenges, and opportunities unique to rural public libraries can be understood.  相似文献   

从城乡公共服务均等化的视角,重新审视和整合公共图书馆、高校图书馆、科研机构图书馆等不同类型图书馆的资源。以宁波市数字图书馆为案例,论述如何通过建立由政府主导、跨系统组成的区域图书馆联盟并将其作为服务主体,形成宽覆盖、高效率、低成本的信息服务均等化机制。  相似文献   

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