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The Daniel Rostenkowski papers became the first Congressional papers collection at Loyola University Chicago in 1995. The papers of a high profile alumnus, the University Libraries decided to create a stand-alone archive for the collection. This article describes the history of the collection, several attempts to create a stand-alone archive, and the collecting policy that was eventually created to guide the development of the archive.  相似文献   



Institutions of higher education are among the most prominent proponents of portals. A group of resident librarians at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) has targeted a larger audience by creating a customized Web portal to be used by library patrons throughout the Chicago area, whether they are academic, public, school or special library users. The portal project has raised issues of maintenance and administration, as well as those of the collaborative process between libraries in a system.  相似文献   


The National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway) acquired the archive of Tim Robinson in 2013. Robinson is a cartographer and writer who lived, studied, and documented the landscape surrounding Galway Bay over the course of 40 years. This article describes the methods taken for the digital preservation, access provision, discovery, and digital mapping of this landscape archive. It describes a user interface that allows exploration and discovery of the landscape archive on a digital map, linked to the archive, which allows the user to interact with the material from a perspective of place. The aim of this is to provide an enhanced user experience and create potential for teaching, research, and community engagement. The archive can also be accessed using more traditional hierarchical archival discovery interfaces and is selectively digitally preserved and accessible as a digital archive.  相似文献   


The use of volunteers in archival settings is commonplace and generally reflects a welcome exchange of labor in return for occupational experience. Volunteering in an archive takes two basic forms: apprenticeships or internships and proffers of free labor. The purpose of this article is to enumerate the ways in which an archive uses volunteers and to review both the benefits and the costs, to both institutions and to individuals, when engaged in a work relationship.  相似文献   


In 1864, the same year the University of Denver was founded by John Evans, then the territorial governor of Colorado and the superintendent of Indian affairs, a group of U.S. militia attacked and killed vulnerable members of the Cheyenne and Arapaho nations at Sand Creek. Using critical race theory and the feminist “ethic of care,” we critique our collections in terms of the massacre and absent Native American voices in order to develop a collecting philosophy and direction to acknowledge and address the gaps and to formulate strategies for teaching students to interrogate a predominately white institutional archive to give voice to the absent or silenced.  相似文献   


The Indigenous Nations Library Program (INLP) at the University of New Mexico is entering its twelfth year of program history and developing a unique venture into Indigenous librarianship. Rather than taking a passive role of information literacy and content support, INLP is participating as an active cognitive participant in Indigenous knowledge contextualization. INLP has done this in various ways including designating culturally sensitive learning spaces, collection development, and Indigenous knowledge promotion.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The research sought to determine the impact of online journals on the use of print journals and interlibrary loan (ILL). SETTING: The Library of the Health Sciences-Peoria is a regional site of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Library with a print journal collection of approximately 400 titles. Since 1999, UIC site licenses have given students and faculty affiliated with UIC-Peoria access to more than 4,000 online full-text journal titles through the Internet. METHODOLOGY: The Library of the Health Sciences-Peoria has conducted a journal-use study over an extended period of time. The information collected from this study was used to assess the impact of 104 online journals, added to the collection in January 1999, on the use of print journals. RESULTS: Results of the statistical analysis showed print journal usage decreased significantly since the introduction of online journals (F(1,147) = 12.10, P < 0.001). This decrease occurred regardless of whether a journal was available only in print or both online and in print. Interlibrary loan requests have also significantly decreased since the introduction of online journals (F(2,30) = 4.46, P < 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: The decrease in use of the print collection suggests that many patrons prefer to access journals online. The negative impact the online journals have had on the use of the journal titles available only in print suggests users may be compromising quality for convenience when selecting journal articles. Possible implications for collection development are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper arose from a discussion of the richness of languages used to describe different landscapes of Australia and how the landscape provides the affordances for the language created from this land. More importantly, each language embodies its place and associated world view. This paper looks at how information technology (IT) is supporting knowledge-sharing through approaches used in Indigenous community IT practice and projects to enhance multimedia repositories of knowledge. The origin of any archive is important, in terms of access and control of the use of this material, but also it is important in teaching, to provide the context and connectedness when presenting the material. A collection of knowledge resources can be used to recreate online flexible learning environments around engineering on country and traditional knowledge practices. IT can provide an interactive interface for people wishing to learn the material, through games or worksheet-style activities. Various case studies and their analysis illustrate the way IT can be used to share this knowledge in a legitimate manner across landscapes and cultures. In particular the aim is to understand how authentic this approach can be in view of concerns over appropriation or co-option of Aboriginal knowledge.  相似文献   

We describe in this paper an archive of software which has been established and made available to users of the Internet. The archive was establishde initially as a collection of public domain software, made available to users at no cost. Use of the archive has grown rapidly: it now contains over 600 items, and withdrawals take place to some 50 countries world-wide at a rate of about 40,000 items each month. We describe here the organisation of the archive and summarise its contents. A particular aspect of this has been our aim to define qualitative criteria for the inclusion of software in this collection, and we discuss our approach to this and other issues.  相似文献   


Two historic house museums, a municipal art gallery, and a provincial archive have had comprehensive risk and option assessments done by the Canadian Conservation Institute. For each institution, an average of 60 options addressing 40 risks was analyzed in terms of risk reduction, cost, and cost-effectiveness. A meta-analysis found that cost-effectiveness follows a strong economy of scale within each institution. By estimating valuation of each collection, cost-effectiveness was converted into benefit–cost ratio of dollar spent per dollar value saved and was found not to follow an economy of scale between small and large institutions. Optimization software was applied to see if precise maximization of risk reduction gave significantly different recommendations than those in the original reports which relied on the Pareto rule of addressing the largest risks first.  相似文献   

文章从新冠肺炎疫情档案的征集数量、征集质量、征集方式、征集管理四方面,对我国31个省(自治区、直辖市)的综合档案馆的新冠肺炎疫情档案征集现状进行网络调查,发现存在档案征集数量不足、档案征集方式单一、档案征集内容结构不合理等问题。基于大档案观的档案范畴理念以及档案大开发、档案社会化、档案开放等思想,综合档案馆可采取拓宽征集范围、规范征集质量、优化征集方式、构建档案专题数据库、推进档案开发利用的策略,以改进相关工作。  相似文献   


In 2003, Penn State Libraries implemented payroll deduction and collection agency programs to gain better control of accounts receivable. The author reports on the implementation processes and first year outcomes of the programs. She recommends careful consideration of several questions before implementing such measures.  相似文献   


Since 2000, researchers and staff at the University of Washington have been developing a unified Geographic Information Systems database of Russian Federation socioeconomic, demographic, and political information at the raion and city (gorsovet) level. The Central Eurasian Interactive Atlas (CEIA) that has grown from this effort serves both to archive and to provide access to annual progressions of standardized geographic and tabular data covering the entire Russian Federation at a level of geographic detail not readily available elsewhere. As the CEIA grows, it will serve as a curricular and research focus of the UW's Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies program.  相似文献   


Australian and US-based archivists have recently begun to confront their complicity in a documentary landscape that excludes and erases the voices and views of minority, oppressed and poor communities. Archival professional organisations in both countries attempt to confront this issue by focusing on the homogeneity of the profession, specifically through using the discourse of diversity. Thus, this keynote address, delivered at the 2017 conference of the Australian Society of Archivists in Melbourne, explores the following question: how, if at all, does diversity form part of the solution for dismantling the white supremacy of archives? It begins this inquiry by recounting the author’s participation and experience with diversity projects of the Society of American Archivists, before speculating how archivists might transition away from the language of diversity and towards the language of liberation through the concept of an archive of the oppressed. The central argument of the address is that dismantling white supremacy in archives requires archivists abandon the neoliberal discourse of diversity and adopt an archive of the oppressed, or a cooperative approach in which oppressed peoples are positioned as subjects in our own liberation.  相似文献   

Over the last couple of decades, the modern Australian women’s movement has been the subject of history, which includes the creation of feminist archives in various locations This essay analyses one particular collection – the personal papers of the feminist activist, Merle Thornton – as an account of the making and meaning of a feminist archive. I wish to explore the ways in which the feminist subject impacts on the archive. Accordingly, I analyse the archival process, as well as the contents of Thornton’s personal papers. What emerge are the difficulties of negotiating the public–private divide for this feminist activist.  相似文献   


The institutional repository (IR) can provide a system for digitizing print serials for online delivery and a way to archive and preserve serial content already available online. Organizing serial content in IRs varies based on the architecture of each repository. In this presentation, Kay Teel of the Metadata Department at Stanford University Libraries discussed different approaches IRs use to manage serial content. She gave examples illustrating the inconsistent treatment of serials in the Stanford Digital Repository (SDR) and described a conceptual model for serials in the SDR to provide an improved user experience finding and accessing digital serial content.  相似文献   


JSTOR has been committed to two goals over the past decade: preserving scholarly journals in electronic form and providing access to them as widely as possible. Since 2001, for example, JSTOR has administered a program in Russia and Belarus in which 27 institutions have received access to JSTOR with the support of The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. This article describes the lessons learned so far during this project and provides an overview of how the archive hopes to move forward in the years to come in this region.  相似文献   

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