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An annotated list is presented describing eight periodicals that cover significant aspects of Hawaii and U.S. Caribbean Islands and their culture in whole or in part. The titles included are a selective and representative sampling. The entry for each periodical includes the following information: periodical title, publisher/editor and address, basic information, publication data, content, Internet information, and an abstract/annotation.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):463-486
This paper reports a series of studies that develop an empirically-derived instrument for assessing online communication attitude, a multidimensional set of individual cognitive-affective constructs that influence media choice. The first study inductively develops an initial item pool and tests dimensional structure via exploratory factor analysis. The second study further refines this structure and also tests the association between online communication attitude and media use in same-sex friendships. Finally, the third study deductively tests global model fit via confirmatory factor analysis, and establishes concurrent validity with theoretically related communication constructs. Beyond identifying motives underlying media choice, the instrument developed here possesses heuristic potential for clarifying media choice theory and elaborating the association between communication competence and media choice.  相似文献   

This paper presents a concise history of the Indexing and Abstracting Society of Canada/ Société Canadiennepour 1'Analyse de Documents, from its founding to the end of its second year.­  相似文献   

This article applies a network metaphor to an examination of the mediated public sphere. The analysis focuses on the deliberative spaces afforded by traditional and alternative media technologies, concluding that participatory digital technologies best support interactive and adaptable networks for deliberation. These networks sustain enclave and shared nodes where multiple publics can engage in deliberation within and across public boundaries. This argument informs decisions regarding broadband policy by focusing attention on values of openness, access, and freedom.  相似文献   

何荣刚 《新闻界》2008,(1):95-96
本文以当前我国综合性杂志为研究对象,考察杂志与文化的关系,思考当前杂志对大众文化是提升还是迎合;是对现实的反映还是虚构;以及是对虚拟生活的满足还是精神追求的满足等方面的问题,期望探讨综合文化杂志所呈现的文化特征。  相似文献   

网络人际交往中的信任产生机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从网络人际交往中信任的产生机制角度,辨识了网络人际信任的内涵、特点。阐释了网络人际信任一方面来自“预设性信任”,另一方面源于网上交流的信息,同时伴随着交往者的主观判断。参考文献6。  相似文献   

以大规模网络调查数据为基础,对目前我国网民网络社交的方式、范围和深度进行全方位的分析。调查发现,即时聊天工具是目前我国网民使用最多的网络社交手段,而社交网站在年轻人群中发展迅猛;我国网民中的重度网络社交使用人群和浅层网络社交使用人群分层明显,网民网络社交的范围与其现实世界中的社交网络重合度较高;网民的网络社交深度总体上还停留在较浅的层次。  相似文献   

Framed within the O-S-R-O-R (Orientations-Stimulus-Reasoning-Orientations-Response) communication mediation framework, this study examines the bi-directional effects of personal message expression on individuals' cognitive elaboration, message learning, and attitudes when exposed to social campaign messages in blogs (anti-drunk driving). Findings from an online-based experiment, expression of personal message (yes and no), and perceived homophily to message audiences (yes and no) revealed that expressing personal messages significantly affects the amount of cognitive effort expended by individuals and message learnt, but only slightly affects their attitudes. The role of perceived homophily varies; significantly affecting cognitive effort but with no significant effects on learning and attitude. Findings show that even though influence on individual attitudes is insignificant, simultaneously receiving and expressing a message online as compared to being mere receivers of messages may impact thinking and learning of the message, at the least.  相似文献   

美国过刊数据库概况及对我国开发过刊数据库的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
20世纪末,美国开始出现过刊数据库,例如JSTOR、Wilson公司期刊文献回溯数据库、 MUSE项目及期刊题录索引等。国内目前尚没有1989年之前的过刊回溯数据库。在国内建设 过刊数据库具有减小馆藏压力、挽救过刊、优化服务等重要意义。建设过刊数据库既有不利因 素,也有可操作性。参考文献8。  相似文献   

A list is presented of Christian periodicals that have general appeal.  相似文献   

An annotated list is presented describing fourteen periodicals that cover significant aspects of the Rocky Mountain states and their culture in whole or in part. The titles included are a selective and representative sampling. The entry for each periodical includes the following information: periodical title, publisher/editor and address, basic information, publication data, content, Internet information, and an abstract/annotation.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):287-310
Collaborative partnerships developed via text-based computer-mediated communication (CMC) commonly shift interactions to alternative formats. Extant research indicates that shifting from one modality to another, or “modality switching,” can have profound positive and negative effects on relational outcomes. Drawing on social presence theory (Short, Williams, & Christie, 1976 Short, J., Williams, E. and Christie, B. 1976. The social psychology of telecommunications, London: Wiley.  [Google Scholar]) and social information processing theory (SIPT; Walther, 1992 Walther, J. B. 1992. Interpersonal effects in computer-mediated interaction: A relational perspective. Communication Research, 19: 5289. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 1996 Walther, J. B. 1996. Computer-mediated communication: Impersonal, interpersonal, and hyperpersonal interaction. Communication Research, 23: 343. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), the present study examined the influence of meeting FtF after varying lengths of time interacting via CMC on relational communication. Consistent with predictions, remaining online yielded greater intimacy and social attraction than the other conditions in which FtF contact occurred. With respect to the CMC conditions, modality switching modestly enhanced relational outcomes in the “early” switching partnerships but more strongly dampened those of “late” switching ones.  相似文献   

地方高校学报与"地方文化"传播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周怡 《新闻界》2008,(4):99-101
地方高校学报设置“地方文化”栏目,进行地方文化研究与传播,大致可以分为六种类型:一是以山水文化为特征;二是以文化遗址为特征;三是以断代史为特征;四是以文学名著为特征;五是以历史名人为特征;六是整体性研究。  相似文献   

本文以近一年的五个公共议题为对象,测量了网络公共议题中不同信息的敏感度,以及网民获取信息时使用网络渠道的情况。本文发现,敏感度越高的信息,越趋向在互动程度高的传播渠道(如微博、SNS网站)中传播;敏感度越低的信息,则趋向于在互动程度较低的渠道(如门户网站)中传播。本文据此总结了网络公共议题中敏感信息的渠道模型,称之为"敏感的螺旋"。  相似文献   

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