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为引进信息搜寻行为量表并分析该量表的信度、效度,评估其在中国大学生中的适用性,随机选取200名医学专业大学生进行包括30个题项的信息搜寻行为量表的测试,其中20名学生两周后进行了重测。结果显示信息搜寻行为量表的Cronbach’s alphα系数为0.872,分半信度为0.835,重测信度为0.876;各分量表的信度均在可接受的范围内,信度指标良好;各题项与量表总分的相关性显著,各分量表之间及其与总量表之间均呈显著相关,该量表的内容效度与结构效度良好。研究表明,此量表具有良好的测量学指标,可以作为中国大学生信息搜寻能力研究的有效测量工具。  相似文献   

We live in a world where more and more the availability of needed information is determined by access to technology. This presents a barrier for some segments of the population. Older adults use various methods to acquire the information they need. Some of these methods lead to untrusted or unreliable results. The most important area where information validity is crucial is where there are health and health-related concerns. The playing field is not level, however, in the search for information since factors such as literacy, computer literacy, mobility, dexterity and others all play a part in successful information seeking results.  相似文献   

This study investigated the self-efficacy perceptions of Israeli library and information science students regarding their information seeking behavior. That is, it examined the judgments that participants make of their searching abilities. The study was based on Bandura's four sources of self-efficacy information: past performance or mastery experiences, vicarious experiences of observing the experiences of others, social feedback and affective states. An online survey presenting the Information Seeking Self-Perception Scale (IRSPS) was distributed and 205 students completed the questionnaire anonymously. Findings show that participants reported a high level of self-efficacy and that three of the four sources of self-efficacy information were significant in constructing their self-efficacy beliefs. Correlations between self-efficacy percepts and several socio-demographic variables revealed no gender-based differences. A significant correlation was found between age and degree and the sources with more influence. Older postgraduate students reported being more impacted by their mastery experiences, their affective states and social feedback. The implementation of the Information Seeking Self-Perception Scale (IRSPS) can be valuable when designing and implementing LIS academic programs for different groups of students.  相似文献   

非线性信息搜寻行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在借鉴非线性理论的基础上提出非线性信息搜寻行为的概念.随后,重点对信息行为研究领域中采取非线性思维研究信息搜寻行为的Foster非线性信息搜寻行为模型、Spink多任务信息搜寻行为和信息偶遇进行剖析,以对非线性信息搜寻行为有一个更为深刻的理解.最后,得出今后非线性信息搜寻行为的三个研究趋向.  相似文献   

自我效能感与用户信息查寻行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍自我效能感的概念和影响自我效能感形成的因素以及国外将自我效能感理论运用于信息查寻领域的相关研究,借鉴心理学和教育学领域已有的研究成果,从认知、选择、动机和情绪过程分析自我效能感对用户信息查寻行为的重要影响,并针对不同的影响方面,提出通过增强用户自我效能感来提高信息查寻行为效率的4种方法。  相似文献   

丁晓  李健 《图书情报工作》2021,65(7):103-114
[目的/意义]通过实证研究,对学业压力情景下硕士研究生心理健康信息搜寻行为过程及影响因素进行揭示,为探究硕士研究生心理健康状况以及研究生培养管理提供支持。[方法/过程]采用半结构访谈法收集数据,再采用扎根理论方法对学业压力情景下的心理健康信息搜寻行为进行探索性研究。[结果/结论]发现在学业压力情景下,硕士研究生的心理健康信息搜寻行为过程主要包括开始、执行、获取、评估四个阶段。心理健康信息搜寻动机主要包括外部驱动和内部驱动。问题解决型信息是硕士研究生心理健康信息搜寻的主要内容;影响硕士研究生心理健康信息搜寻行为的因素包括个人因素、客观条件因素、信息因素和保密性因素。其中,信息因素是影响其心理健康信息搜寻的主要因素。  相似文献   

医疗保健信息体量巨大、增长迅速,且用户需求多样,是医学信息资源和用户行为研究的热点领域。文章 采用文本分析等内容分析方法对1980—2015年的101篇主要相关研究文献进行梳理,论述医疗保健信息搜寻行为在需 求类型和寻求障碍的表现,并且发现搜寻者个人、情境、信息资源等因素对职业信息搜寻皆有影响,指出医疗保健信 息搜寻行为研究主要集中在基本情况的研究方面,而在改善信息质量、信息寻求困难问题方面研究不足,这将对于我 国医疗保健信息领域的理论研究维度和实践解决方案有所启示。  相似文献   

Knowledge about the information needs and seeking behavior of scientists could play a vital role in meeting their information needs effectively. Libraries can use this knowledge for re-orienting their collections and facilities to attune them to the needs of the scientific community. This study explores information needs and seeking behavior of Malaysian agricultural scientists. It was found that research scientists spent 16% of their office time on reading and literature searching, whereas academicians spent 9.3% of their time for this purpose. The study also revealed that scientists preferred using primary sources of information, particularly journal and review articles. Informal communication with professional colleagues was also considered important for exchanging current research information. A large number of the participants felt that they had not been keeping in touch with scientific literature due to deficient library collections and services. This article recommends that science and technology libraries should periodically survey the information needs of their users, assess their collections and facilities, and strengthen their promotional activities.  相似文献   

用户在Web2.0交互式环境中,以非线性、非单一、非大众的方式搜索信息。基于LISA文献和C.C.Kuhlthau的信息检索行为模型,本文设计了一项对中科院研究生院的研究生在Web2.0环境中的学术信息检索的问卷调查。这项使用信息检索行为模型的实证研究产生了16项优化与4个应用途径的建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to obtain information which would help planners of the online catalog design a catalog which would be relevant to the needs of university faculty. Data was obtained by means of a questionnaire mailed to the faculty, College of Humanities, University of Utah. It was found that (1) references in books or articles they read; (2) the Subject Catalog; and (3) printed indexes, bibliographies and research guides in that order were the three most utilized information sources. Browsing was an important fourth. The faculty would like more in-depth coverage of the local library collection rather than access to other library catalogs or online databases from the catalog terminal. Feedback and comments in response to an open-ended question varied.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探析硕士研究生网络学术信息查寻行为中的情绪作用机制,以深化信息查寻行为中情绪问题的研究。[方法/过程] 通过半结构化访谈法,收集网络环境下25位硕士研究生学术信息查寻活动的相关数据,使用三级编码对质性数据进行分析,提炼其信息查寻行为中的情绪特征与行为特征。[结果/结论] 硕士研究生在网络学术信息查寻行为过程中会产生不同类型的情绪效价和情绪唤醒度,前者包括积极情绪、中性情绪和消极情绪,后者包括高唤醒度、中唤醒度和低唤醒度;情绪效价与情绪唤醒度将引发不同类型的积极行为与消极行为。  相似文献   

多会话网络购物商品信息搜寻行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 研究用户在多会话网购过程中的信息浏览、检索行为及其行为序列特征,以期更好地理解用户的复杂网购行为,指导购物网站提高服务质量,改善用户体验。[方法/过程] 基于某电商网站1 993名用户的11 514个购物任务的网购访问日志,在识别多会话网购任务的基础上,对用户在经多个会话进行网购过程中的信息搜寻行为进行统计分析,并利用顺序分析和聚类分析方法挖掘其典型的行为模式。[结果/结论] 当会话数量为8个及以下时,用户的浏览和搜索行为呈现出明显的规律性变化,且前4个会话发生时是用户做出购物决策的关键阶段;用户在多会话网购过程中存在6种典型的信息搜寻行为模式,分别有不同的信息搜寻行为特征。理解用户的复杂网购行为,可为电商网站设计导航和推荐策略、制定营销方案提供依据。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 总结视障用户信息查寻行为研究现状,提出视障用户信息查寻行为研究中值得关注的问题,为以后的研究提供参考。[方法/过程] 通过梳理国内外视障群体信息查寻行为的相关研究成果,在明确相关概念的基础上,对视障用户的信息查寻行为特征、信息查寻障碍和信息查寻行为模型等方面进行归纳和总结。[结果/结论] 现有研究多集中于视障用户日常信息查寻行为;对视障用户的信息查寻行为模型,信息查寻影响因素以及合作信息查寻行为的研究不够深入。  相似文献   

文章以一个中等规模的互联网信息查询行为调查得到的数据为基础,探讨了北京地区高校毕业生在完成学位论文期间的图书馆信息查询行为.调查结果显示毕业生在利用图书馆时,大部分时间用于查询数字资源;毕业生从图书馆获取并在学位论文中参考引用的信息资料中,大多数为数字形式的资源;当毕业生在图书馆找不到所需资料时,多数学生选择了去互联网继续查询;资源不够丰富是影响毕业生利用图书馆的最主要因素;图书馆信息资源的可靠性优于互联网信息资源,但搜索查询的易用性不如互联网信息.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]梳理老年人信息搜寻行为的研究进展,有助于厘清老年人在线信息搜寻行为的特征及影响机制,可为老年人网络平台设计、信息资源组织和智能设备研发提供可靠的认识论依据,为顺利推进“智慧医养”建设提供启示。[研究设计/方法]回顾国内外老年人信息搜寻行为研究文献,归纳、分析其主要的研究内容、理论、方法、情境等。[结论/发现]相关研究主要集中在老年人信息搜寻行为影响因素、老年人信息搜寻过程和老年人信息搜寻结果三个方面。当前研究存在跨文化研究和基于纵向数据的研究较少等核心问题;跨文化的老年人信息搜寻行为、将游戏化思想引入老年人信息搜寻过程、进行大样本的自然搜索实验研究等是未来研究中值得关注的几个方向。[创新/价值]详细梳理了老年人在线信息搜寻行为研究进展,指出现有研究存在的问题,并提出未来可关注的研究方向。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对现有协同信息检索行为实验研究进行梳理和评述,为后续研究提供实验选择依据并提出具体实验设计建议。[方法/过程]根据文献调研结果,将典型的协同信息检索行为实验分为实验目标、实验对象、实验系统、实验任务、实验流程、实验结论6个方面,通过这6个方面的具体分析探讨存在的问题及对行为研究的影响。[结果/结论]协同信息检索行为实验的未来发展趋势包括:虚拟社区协同环境对检索效果的负面影响研究;显性与隐性协同信息检索行为的差异分析;实验研究成果在真实协同环境中推广应用的方法。  相似文献   

国外协同信息检索行为研究述评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文以国外期刊发表的协同信息检索行为研究文献为对象,采用综合归纳方法,分析协同信息检索行为研究的进展。研究发现:协同信息检索行为研究主要从理论研究走向应用实践研究;其研究主题呈现一定规律性;研究方法主要采用定量和定性相结合的方法。但协同信息检索行为研究还存在一些问题,其未来发展趋势包括:开展跨学科研究和学科间的合作;通过用户模型形式化地揭示从个人信息检索到协同信息检索的诱发因素;探究影响用户协同信息检索的原因;开发协同检索技术与协同检索系统等。  相似文献   

吴丹  马乐 《图书情报工作》2017,61(21):91-98
[目的/意义]基于可穿戴设备的特性,研究可穿戴设备的特性对用户的信息搜索行为的影响问题,为推广发展可穿戴设备的信息搜索服务提供理论依据。[方法/过程]通过分析已有的信息搜索行为理论和模型,进而构建可穿戴设备对用户信息搜索行为的影响模型并提出相应的假设,采用问卷调查的方法并通过数据统计分析验证模型假设。[结果/结论]数据检验发现模型中提出的假设均成立,即可穿戴设备所具有的4个特性对用户的信息搜索行为均有着正向的促进作用。  相似文献   


The focus of this study is on the information-seeking behavior of the off-campus students in 2 of the 7 satellite centers of the Centre for Continuing Education, the outreach arm of the University of Botswana. Although the university deeply committed itself to the project, the university library could not afford to establish branch libraries in all the off-campus centers. With the nearest university branch libraries located some 160 km and 200 km away from the centers of study and only branch offices of the public library available, the findings revealed that the library and information needs of the students were not significantly met. As printed sources were revealed as their preferred choice of information format, e-mail and the Internet sources were not given much priority, even though there was evidence that suggests the students were adequately equipped through the teaching of information skills. Questionnaire and interview tools were used.  相似文献   


Uncertainty is defined as affective symptoms of stress, anxiety, and frustration when faced with an information need. Traditional face-to-face instruction allows sender and receiver to fulfill information needs using multiple sources, which can be visual, auditory, tactile, or verbal. Distance learners may experience high levels of uncertainty when most or all of the communication and interaction takes place in an electronic environment that does not allow for these multiple information sources. Research on face-to-face communication and uncertainty suggests that people attempt to reduce uncertainty by acquiring more information and also by using structured or familiar information resources. This paper suggests that many of our behavioral motivations in face-to-face activities would also apply in the online environment. By creating online tutorials that combine structured hierarchical instructions with familiar modes of communication, we may be able to reduce symptoms of uncertainty in the library search process.  相似文献   

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