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Weeks after the Armistice was declared, Principal Librarian William Ifould of the Public Library of New South Wales recommended to Library Trustees that the institution begin to collect ‘private and official documents’ produced during the war. By early December 1918, advertisements began to appear in Australian and New Zealand newspapers, encouraging returning soldiers to sell their personal diaries to the Library. Known as the European War Collecting Project, this acquisition program was the first of its kind in Australia. This paper explores the Library’s acquisition of personal diaries written by those who served and analyses the appraisal methodologies carried out by State Library staff. This case study underscores the recent archival debate which has re-assessed the role of archivists in assessment, appraisal, preservation (and privileging) of some collections over others and argues that archivists mediate and consequently shape the collections in their institutions.  相似文献   


Scrapbooks present a particularly challenging set of preservation issues to archivists. However, as an intriguing combination of diaries, photograph albums, and ephemera, their format and arrangement are an essential part of their usefulness as sources to researchers. The fascinating link between scrapbooks and quilts, evident in a brief history of scrapbooks and an exploration of several types, indicates that scrapbooks are a particularly rich source for researchers interested in women's history. In order to facilitate the richest understanding of these unique and fascinating sources, material literacy should be increased among both archivists and researchers. In particular, archivists should understand the important function these records have to researchers, and how their storage and preservation choices affect that function.  相似文献   


This paper reports on findings from an exploratory investigation about parents’ perceived role of the Facebook Like in sharenting (i.e., sharing about their children on social media) by drawing on the qualitative results of an online survey. Findings show that the majority of participants think that getting a Like on a picture of one’s child can encourage a parent to share more about him/her because of two main understandings of this paralinguistic cue: the Like as a received validation of one’s parenting, or as a metric of connection with important people, causing emotional reactions in the receivers. Several parents, though, judge the Like as more commonly being important for others, explaining this difference in terms of internal characteristics. This study aims to extend our understanding of the motivations behind sharenting by taking into account the role of the Like in this practice and highlighting how parents position themselves in such an exchange of digital photo-sharing and feedback. As communication does not happen in a vacuum, we advance that research on parents’ photo-sharing behavior online may benefit from considering whether and how social media liking can foster and shape interpersonal communication between posters and recipients.  相似文献   


Student documents, including scrapbooks, diaries, and student organization records, are invaluable resources for the study of higher education, reform movements, and intellectual and social trends. Not only do they provide fodder for scholarship and classroom instruction, these materials serve the multi-faceted research needs of administrators, alumni, and the community. In order to document student experience fully, it is essential that archivists and librarians institute an innovative outreach program that underlines the importance of maintaining and utilizing student related documents, and in the process actively engages students, faculty, administrators, and alumni in the archives' program.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between grandparents’ use of relational maintenance behaviors (RMB) and their young adult grandchildren’s willingness to serve as future caregivers for their grandparents. Undergraduate students (N = 209) completed a questionnaire in which they reported on a specific grandparent’s use of RMB and how willing they were to serve as future caregivers for that specific grandparent. Results of a multiple regression analysis provided partial support for the hypothesized positive relationships between grandparents’ use of RMB and grandchildren’s willingness to serve as future caregivers for their grandparents.  相似文献   


This research explores the competing discourses and relational tensions that emerge in intergenerational communication in immigrant families with undocumented parents through in-depth interviews with undocumented Latino/a parents and their children living in New York City. Through the articulation of three themes, we illustrate how material realities affiliated with a lack of legal status incite unique discursive tensions in family relationships that manifest in family narratives. This study lends scholarly insight into the ways undocumented immigrants and their families communicatively navigate their uncertain life terrain through conversation about immigration status, conflicting career dreams, and hybrid cultural values. Using these findings as guidance, we offer practical applications related to communal coping and family advocacy for professionals and volunteers working in immigrant-serving community organizations.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(73):281-292

Many library directors and administrators spend a significant portion of their time attempting to market the library and its services. Getting patrons into the library and keeping their business is an integral part of the day-to-day management of the library. This mission, however, is not always effectively passed on to the front lines to the one group of people who face the patrons on a daily basis -the reference librarians.

This article will show how the library's service points can be used as marketing tools; outline what librarians and public service staff should know about their library; and discuss ways in which reference service librarians can help further the library's marketing and public relations goals.  相似文献   

Serials Report     

An exploratory study of the information-seeking experiences of women's studies faculty provided interesting insights into their use and collection of periodical literature. Using in-depth interviews and observations, as well as postings from a listserv, the study identified problems, influences, and expectations involved in faculty's daily work with magazines and journals.  相似文献   

This essay explores three films from 2007, Knocked Up, Juno, and Waitress, which foreground young women's unplanned pregnancies. These movies depoliticize women's reproduction and motherhood through narratives that rearticulate the meaning of choice. Bypassing the subject of abortion, the women's decisions revolve around their choice of heterosexual partners and investment in romantic relationships. Although they question the viability of the nuclear family for single pregnant women, these films represent new iterations of post-feminism that ultimately restore conservative ideas that valorize pregnancy and motherhood as women's imperatives. We conclude by addressing how these movies present a distorted and short-sighted depiction of the politics of reproductive agency and the challenges that single mothers face.  相似文献   


Libraries can help support genealogy research in our communities by providing resources and expertise. Reaching out to local family historians and presenting useful information can be one of the best ways to meet the needs of this group.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(3):154-158
Courses: Intermediate and advanced public relations courses. Can also be modified for graduate courses.

Objectives: The following objectives, based on Fink's (2005) recommendations for writing learning objectives, focus on what students should learn about ethics in the practice of public relations: ? Understand basic notions of the philosophical basis for ethical decision making.

? Relate their intuitive senses of ethics to ethical decision making in public relations.

? Understand the social implications of ethical public relations practice.

? Use the Public Relations Society of America's (PRSA) code of ethics on in-class case examples and for all subsequent case analyses for the semester.

? Value ethics as an important dimension of effectiveness and professionalism.

? See ways to build on ethical understanding now and in their careers.


Motion Pictures     
George Rehrauer's Cinema Booklist: Supplement Two (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1977– $15.00), a 482 page update to the main volume (1972–see 4:1:9)

Bab-bars Anne Price and Theodore Price, Federico Felini: An Annotated International Bibliography (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1978—$11.00).

Dennis R. Bohnenkamp and Sam L. Grogg Jr., eds. The American Film Institute Guide to College Courses in Film and Television (Princeton, N.J.: Peterson's Guides, 1978—$9.75, paper)

Ian C. Jarvie's Movies as Social Criticism: Aspects of their Social Psychology (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1978—$10.00)

Robert Stanley's The Celluloid Empire: A History of the American Motion Picture Industry (New York: Hastings House, 1978—$15.75/7.95)

Richard Koszarski, ed. Hollywood Directors 1941-1976 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977—$4.95, paper)

Andre Bazin's Orson Welles: A Critical View (New York: Harper & Row, 1978— $10.00)

James Naremore's The Magic World of Orson Welles (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978—$15.95)

Paul Michael's The Academy Awards: 50th Anniversary Edition (New York: Crown, 1978— $14.95)

James Beveridge's John Grierson, Film Master (New York: Macmillan, 1978— $17.95)

John McCabe's Charlie Chaplin (New York: Doubleday, 1978—$10.00)

Leonard Maltin's The Great Movie Comedians, From Charlie Chaplin to Woody Allen (New York: Crown, 1978—$10.95)

S. C. Earley An Introduction to American Movies (New York: New American Library Mentor Books, 1978—$2.25, paper)

Ron Haydock's Deerstalker! Holmes and Watson on Screen (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1978—$12.50)

Matthew J. Bruccoli, ed., F.Scott Fitzgerald's Screenplay for Three Comrades (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1978—$10.00/3.95)  相似文献   


OCLC's ILL PRISM Transfer (IPT) is a method for transferring the data from an electronic interlibrary loan form to OCLC's ILL Review File. This article explains the IPT process and Olivet Nazarene University's IPT program development using HTML forms, C programming, and OCLC formatting. The authors provide their IPT development as freeware to the Internet and library communities.  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(3-4):129-140

In this article, media trainer Tripp Frolichstein introduces librarian readers to positive points, positive proof points, distinguishing points and message maps as appropriate tools to plan and carry out effective communication for organizations and companies. In addition, the author provides a list of tips that reiterate and enrich preparation as individuals serve as their organization's media spokespersons.  相似文献   

This self-reflexive activity acts as an introduction to how we talk about and express gender identity, as well as the assumptions we may have about gender identity norms and expression. The activity illuminates student’s subconscious behaviors and understandings of gender, pushing them to sit self-reflexively with their own understandings of gender as an identity, expression, binary, and potential locus of shame/freedom.

Courses: Introduction to Women and Gender Studies, Intercultural Communication, Media Studies, Gender and Communication, Performance Studies

Objectives: Designed to introduce students to their own understandings and embodiment of gender, this activity asks students to be honest about their preconceived notions regarding gender that they bring with them into the classroom. The activity utilizes predesigned components that test students’ subconscious knowledge of the gender binary. This is a one-time activity that can be conducted in one 50- or 75-minute class period.  相似文献   

Courses: Argumentation, Public Speaking, Political Communication

Objectives: After completing this unit activity, students should be able to (1) demonstrate comprehension of Burke’s (1941) concept of terministic screens; (2) apply the concept of terministic screens to write a brief political autobiography of themselves that analyzes the history of and framework for their own political beliefs; and (3) synthesize the concepts of terministic screens and informational diversity to frame readings and discussions of peers’ autobiographies, as well as future class discussions of controversial topics.  相似文献   

Media Production     
Peter Utz' Video User's Handbook (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1980--- $12.95 in paper with a hardback available as well).

Martin Maloney and Paul Max Rubenstein's Writing for the Media (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1980---$14.95).

Betsy P. Graham's Magazine Article Writing: Substance and Style (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1980---$10.95, paper)

Michael L. Kleper's How to Build a Basic Typesetting System (1979---$10.00, paper)

Martin L. Gibson's Editing in the Electronic Era (Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1980---$15.50).  相似文献   

Film Biography     
Kenneth L. Geist's Pictures will Talk: The Life and Films of Joseph L. Mankiewicz (New York: Scribner's, 1978---$12.95)

Two new books, one a revision, deal with another important director, Alfred Hitchcock

Donald Spoto's Stanley Kramer: Filmmaker (New York: Putnam, 1978---$12.95)

James Robert Parish, et al., Hollywood Character Actors (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1978--- $30.00)

Jesse L. Lasky Jr. with Pat Silver, Love Scene: The Story of Lawrence Olivier and Vivien Leigh (New York: Crowell, 1978---$10.95)

Hollywood actress and actor biographies, a round up of recent titles

Danny Peary, ed. Close-Ups: The Movie Star Book--Intimate Profiles of Movie Stars by their Co-Stars, Directors, Screenwriters and Friends (New York: Workman Press, 1978---$8.95 in paper with a hardback also available)  相似文献   

Erwin G. Krasnow and Lawrence D. Longley's The Politics of Broadcast Regulation (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1972—$8.50/3.95)

The Network Project is back (see also III:9:6, III:10:8, IV:3:8, and IV:5:4 for earlier chapters in their story)

Philip Elliott's The Making of a Television Series: A Case Study in the Sociology of Culture (London: Constable, 1972—about $6.00 in U.S. funds)

Paul Stevens' I Can Sell You Anything: How I Made Your Favorite TV Commercial With Minimum Truth and Maximum Consequences (New York: Peter Wydeb, 1972—$5.95)  相似文献   

Peter Pollack, The Picture History of Photography (Abrams, $25.00)

David Simon, Fifty Classic Motion Pictures (Crown, $9.95)

David Essoe's The Films of Clark Gable (Citadel, $10.00)

John Springer's The Fondas (Citadel, $10.00)

Pola Negri's Memoirs of a Star (Doubleday, $7.95)

Alexander Walker's Stardom (Stein & Day, $10.00)

T.J. Ross, Film and the Liberal Arts (Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, price unknown)

Lewis Jacob's The Movies as Medium (Farrar Straus & Giroux, $8.95; or Noonday paporback, $3.95)

Benjamin B. Hampton, A History of the Movies, originally published in 1931 and re-issued now as History of the American Film Industry (Dover paporbacks, $4.00)

The Literature of Cinema

Don Slay, Conversations: Volume I (Kaleidoscope Press (Albuquerque, New Mexico), $10.00)

Raymond Durgnat, The Crazy Mirror: Hollywood Comedy and the American Imago (Horizon Press, $7.50)

Harry M. Geduld and Ronald Gottesman's edited collection Serge Eisenstein and Upton Sinclair: Tho Making and Unmaking of “Quo Viva Mexico” (Iniana University gross, $15.00)

Verne and Sylvia Carlson's Professional 16/35 mm Cameraman's Handbook (Hastings House, $15.00)

Julius Bellone's edited collection, Rennaisance of the Film (Collier paperbacks, $2.95)

Richard Randall's excellent Censorship of the Movies (University of Wisconsin Press, $7.95)  相似文献   

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