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Academic journals have traditionally provided disciplinary forums for scholarly communication (i.e., vetting, legitimating, and disseminating new ideas). Digitization is affecting scholarly communication and academic journals. Two effects are the bundling of journals by publishers and the growing variety of formats that open up new avenues of dissemination. Both effects have disrupted the traditional roles and relationships of scholars and their institutions, publishers and libraries in the processes of scholarly communication, including the significance of academic journals as a format.  相似文献   

Rolnik's preconference went well beyond the “business of publishing from a very basic perspective” as described in the conference program. Rolnik's preconference described the publishing market, operations within publishing companies, and how publishers find content. Dr. Peter Binfield, a guest speaker with expertise in society publishing, complemented the preconference.  相似文献   


As information sources have expanded, there have been parallel changes in the way students and researchers find and use that information. The role of the library has shifted to embedding information literacy skills into the curriculum as a primary function. This presentation explored how librarians are becoming more involved with information literacy curriculum and how publishers can assist them, particularly regarding access to information and the scholarly publishing process. Since 2015, Rebecca Donlan at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) and Stacy Stanislaw at Taylor & Francis Group have been collaborating on an information literacy program for FGCU students and faculty that focuses specifically on navigating the scholarly publishing landscape. Donlan and Stanislaw provided an overview of the project, its formation, implementation, and progress to date.  相似文献   

李娜  刘洋  李玉乐  孙静 《编辑学报》2020,32(2):177-180
随着泛在网络时代的到来,新媒体已成为人们获取健康知识的首要途径;但当前网络健康知识来源芜杂,各种夸大甚至歪曲医学事实的报道层出不穷,健康科普的“含金量”亟须提高。临床医学期刊是权威医学成果发布和交流的重要平台,拥有由作者、审者和编者等众多优秀医学专业工作者组成的专家团队,具有天然的健康科普优势和媒体属性。《协和医学杂志》通过将医学论文科普化、捕捉新闻热点、培养科普人才、充分利用新媒体平台等途径,证明临床医学期刊有责任更有能力在健康科普中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   


The eScholarship program was launched in 2000 to foster facultyled innovation in scholarly publishing. An initiative of the University of California (UC) and a program of the California Digital Library, the eScholarship program has stimulated significant interest in its short life. Its modest but visible accomplishments garner praise from many quarters, within and beyond the University of California. In perhaps the best indication of its timeliness and momentum, there are more proposals submitted to eScholarship today than the CDL can manage. This early success is due in part to the sheer power of an idea whose time has come, but also to the unique approach on which CDL was founded and the eScholarship initiative was first launched.rved.]  相似文献   

Biting the Hand     
This column considers a wide range of issues concerning publishers, librarians, and academic authors from a personal perspective. It particularly focuses on the existence of marketing strategies when it comes to journal content, and considers what the role of all parties should be in the climate of publishing change.  相似文献   

Research libraries provide a significant portion of the open access materials available on the Internet, and an examination of the efforts of one such library will illustrate the role of these institutions in creating the current information environment. The Virginia Tech University Libraries established the Scholarly Communications Project (SCP) even before the Gopher protocol opened up databases housed at research libraries to librarians with Internet access. The SCP was primarily intended to take advantage of evolving technologies to produce and distribute academic journals without the costs associated with traditional publishing, and that journal archive, the EJournals, is still at the heart of what has become the Digital Library and Archives (DLA).  相似文献   


This paper describes a grant-funded research project to relocate selected print journal runs, for which an electronic version is available, to remote storage from the shelves of campus libraries at the University of California. During the project, users will rely on the electronic version of selected journals. Data, including costs associated with the project, usage of print journals, usage of electronic journals, as well as user behavior and attitudes, will be gathered and used to develop long-range strategies and institutional policies.  相似文献   

试论电子报刊的现状及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简介了电子报刊的类型,阐述了我国电子报刊的发展现状,讨论了电子报刊的优点及存在的问题,并提出了对发展电子报刊的思考和建议。  相似文献   

王贤 《图书情报工作》2018,62(11):143-150
[目的/意义]数字学术服务是高校图书馆的发展趋势之一,总结美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校图书馆数字学术服务发展模式,为国内高校图书馆提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程]在文献调研的基础上,厘清数字学术的内涵与外延,分析高校图书馆开展数字学术服务的意义,了解目前高校图书馆数字学术服务的进展。采用典型案例分析法和网络调研法,对伊利诺伊大学香槟分校图书馆数字学术服务的发展历程、发展模式、服务保障进行分析和总结。[结果/结论]对国内高校图书馆规划和建设数字学术服务提出如下建议:审视自身服务资源、发现用户需求;评估自我实力、确定服务内容;提升馆员能力、注重合作研究;建设数字资源库、促进数字资源长期保持。  相似文献   

做笔记是一种读书治学的方法,在数字时代,数字笔记管理工具软件逐渐成为高校图书馆的常见工具软件。针对高校图书馆中的各种数字笔记管理工具,介绍如何利用其进行笔记撰写和管理。  相似文献   

短视频已成为越来越主流的传播渠道,科技学术期刊在融媒体建设背景下,也可借助短视频进一步扩大影响力。本文以微信平台的视频号、抖音、哔哩哔哩(B站)、快手、西瓜视频5大短视频平台为例,分析科技学术期刊在不同平台的运营现状,并以实例分析在短视频平台的内容运营策略。结果表明:不同平台目标用户差异较大,科技学术期刊在进行短视频建设时需要首先考虑与平台的适配度,选择合适的“赛道”;对视频内容按照加强出版类、营销资讯类、期刊公告类及拓展传播类进行分析讨论,发现加强出版类和拓展传播类是科技学术期刊中占比较大的内容主题,且拓展传播类内容传播效率最高。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the variations in the search pattern of scholarly databases due to disciplinary differences among graduate students. It is a case study which employed the survey method to solicit the views of purposely selected postgraduate students from six colleges of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). The findings of the study indicate that differences exist in the extent as well as patterns of use of journal databases among graduate students, and that search patterns are dependent on the degree of scatter of topical content. Knowledge of the internal relationships among scholarly journals will ensure that relevant databases are selected for maximum exploitation. The study provides the domain analytic approach to database use in the Ghanaian situation which is woefully deficient in the literature.  相似文献   

The University of Washington Bothell & Cascadia College Library recently partnered with a faculty member to develop a digital collection showcasing student-produced digital oral histories. This case study describes the role of the library as faculty partner, student resource, and repository/publisher. Archiving and publishing requirements—such as file formats, agreement forms, and metadata—were integrated into the assignment and included as part of each project's overall evaluation and grade. Librarians provided instruction to teach students about topics related to knowledge production and scholarly communication. Assessment included student feedback surveys and faculty feedback to librarians.  相似文献   

在开放数字网络环境下,学术交流的内涵发生了极大的扩展和变化。以开放存取理念和Web2.0技术应用为主导的新型学术信息交流模式和环境已经极大地改变了传统意义上的学术交流生态。学术交流系统得到重构,非正式学术交流渠道开始复兴,支撑数字科研的学术交流体系正在形成。  相似文献   

袁吉文 《兰台世界》2020,(5):106-108
新媒体时代,读者信息需求发生变化,更加追求获取信息的便利性。新媒体服务涉及服务渠道与服务内容,从这两方面分析高校图书馆应用新媒体开展服务存在的问题,发现普遍存在新媒体服务水平低的情况,再相应提出服务创新策略,提出加强新媒体渠道建设与内容建设。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]了解学术图书馆对新的出版环境的感知和应对情况以及学术图书馆出版服务现状,分析学术图书馆参与数字出版的潜在动力和优势条件,从理论与实践两方面论证学术图书馆参与数字出版服务的重要性、必要性和可行性。[方法/过程]首先介绍学术图书馆在促进学术交流中所承担的角色与使命,分析学术出版的功能作用;讨论学术图书馆参与数字出版的潜在效益。继之,主要选取分别代表开放存取期刊、仓储和图书的DOAJ、OPenDOAR、DOAB作为开放存取出版现状的调研对象,选择ARL和SPARC研究图书馆出版服务相关报告并调研图书馆出版联盟,以了解国内外学术图书馆的出版服务现状。在此基础上,进一步分析总结学术图书馆参与数字出版所具备的内容资源、技术平台、用户、人才等方面的优势条件,并简要讨论学术图书馆参与数字出版的角色和功能定位。[结果/结论]总结学术图书馆参与数字出版的动因和条件以及可能面临的不确定性,并相应提出可能的应对策略。  相似文献   

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