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数字人文的发展与实践为人文学科带来了极大的挑战与机遇。图书馆可以为数字人文项目的开展提供丰富的资源,但我国图书馆参与数字人文的实践仍有提升空间。文章选择QS排名前10的美国高校图书馆开展的数字人文项目作为研究对象,调研其数字人文技术的利用、数字人文项目的设立以及跨学科合作、数字研究中心与奖学金的设立、利用数字人文进行馆藏展览与服务情况等,发现其具有技术运用全面、专题资源库丰富、学科交流密切、项目开展多元化和研究中心广泛成立的特点,能为我国图书馆开展数字人文实践提供启示。  相似文献   

图书馆、档案馆和博物馆作为社会重要的公共文化基础设施,在公共文化服务体系中具有举足轻重的地位,如何对图书、档案和博物数字资源进行整合,为用户提供更深层次的、一体化的信息资源服务,成为近年来各国图书馆、档案馆和博物馆十分关注的课题。关联数据的出现极大地促进了数字资源整合的进程。文章简要介绍了关联数据的概念,探讨了关联数据在图书馆、档案馆和博物馆数字资源整合中的作用和发展现状,尝试着构建出基于关联数据的图书馆、档案馆和博物馆数字资源整合模式,并提出了应注意的问题。  相似文献   

数字图书馆合作的利益均衡策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立有效的数字图书馆合作的利益机制,不能局限于单一地从技术、经济、法律或政治方面寻求解决方案,应该在矛盾运动中综合地运用各种手段。  相似文献   

数字学术近年来成为图书馆学术热点之一,受到国内外高校图书馆的普遍关注。文章对印第安纳大学伯明顿分校图书馆的数字学术服务分别从数据服务、数字保存服务、数字馆藏服务、学术出版服务和共享数字化实验室等进行深入研究,并对我国高校图书馆数字学术服务建设提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

文章对美国记忆——美国历史资源数字图书馆进行了综合性介绍,从项目概述、资源组织、资源服务、技术特征等角度入手分析了该数字图书馆的总体特征,指出这是一个资源翔实、组织良好、遵循数字图书馆建设规范、服务完备的数字图书馆,为全球用户通过网络免费获取美国历史资料提供了便捷的途径。与此同时文章也指出该数字图书馆在检索效率上有待改进,应尽快实现分面检索功能,从而全面而准确地揭示多样化的各类收藏。  相似文献   

The article discusses work by Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia with Polish-American, Czech-American, and Slovak-American collections in the United States.  相似文献   

民国时期的中美图书馆交流史不仅是理解中国图书馆与图书馆学缘起的重要议题,在回应图书馆领域史学研究的“双重困境”方面,也具有其特殊的价值。梳理民国时期中美图书馆交流史的相关文献和研究主题发现,本课题难点在于庞杂的线索、社群与诸多政治、经济因素的介入等。由此,本研究吸收“世界体系理论”“书籍交流圈”等跨学科的思想和方法,提出一个由宏观、中观和微观三个层次组成的理论视角,并阐述这一理论视角如何转化为具体的研究方法,以提高学界对民国时期中美图书馆交流史研究的整体理解和把控能力。研究发现,“专业交往”到“文化外交”的视角渐变是民国时期中美图书馆交流的核心轴线,以此可以将这段历史分为四个时期,帮助我们把握不同时期的交往脉络、主要成就和基本特点。表1。参考文献73。  相似文献   

Universities need to maintain data about various resources. They include intellectual creations that are the focus of (Digital) Libraries, but also courses, research projects, and people. Data about intellectual creations are maintained in institutional repositories, while data about courses, research projects, and people reside in various databases designed to support specific vertical applications. We propose a uniform treatment of such resources leading to Digital Universities, i.e., a set of key resources, methodologies, and tools appropriately organized to effectively support universities' users. This requires new methodologies, data models, authority control mechanisms, and system infrastructures that are able to support a broader range of services.  相似文献   

网络时代为信息共享提供了便利,也增加了数字化产品的风险利用的可能。欧美各国在数字化产品著作权保护方面各有特色,试图通过立法、管理制度、技术保障兼顾著作权人与利用者的合法权益。  相似文献   

在美国国家宽带计划出台后,政府重视民众数字素养的提升,把公共图书馆作为数字素养教育的重要机构,给予政策、资金等多方面的支持。在政府的倡导下,与公共图书馆相关的行业协会积极对数字素养教育开展研究,并以此指导公共图书馆。行业协会与商业公司合作,以资源、项目支持着公共图书馆的数字素养教育。我国公共图书馆应重视数字素养教育,以社会弱势群体为重点服务对象,专业组织对此予以声援和引导,同时政府应加大投入,引导全社会支持公共图书馆的数字素养教育。  相似文献   

The article discusses the ambitious Web site and project Digitalna knji?nica Slovenije [Digital Library of Slovenia]. It encompasses periodicals, books, photographs, music scores, posters, maps, and sound recordings. Its stated goal is to provide both global access to, and long‐term digital archival preservation of, Slovenia's national heritage. The availability in the DLS of antiquarian books, periodicals, and other formats alongside full‐text digital versions of some very prominent current periodicals makes for an intriguing open access hybrid of public domain and copyright‐protected materials. The author explains how this has happened.  相似文献   

随着世界上第一颗原子弹的爆炸,核问题越来越引起人们的关注和重视。核路径数字图书馆(Nuclearpathways.org)作为美国国家科学数字图书馆(NSDL)的项目之一,旨在为教育者、学生以及广大读者介绍普及核领域的相关知识,使核知识变得容易理解获取,资料方便利用。文章对该馆的数字资源组织、技术特征、服务特点等作了综合性的评述,并给出了作者的评价与建议。  相似文献   


Providing K-12 schools with digital access to archival materials can strengthen both student learning and archival practice, although it cannot replace direct physical access to records. This article compares a variety of electronic and non-electronic projects to promote teaching with primary source materials. The article also examines some of the different historiographical and pedagogical approaches used in archival Web sites geared for K-12 instruction, focusing on differences between the educational sites sponsored by the Library of Congress and the National Archives and Records Administration.  相似文献   


This article highlights the LSTA-grant funded California Local History Digital Resources Project (LHDRP) as a case study of a collaborative statewide program involving three primary groups: cultural heritage institutions, grant funding agencies, and digital library service providers. It explores how the infrastructure of the California Digital Library (CDL) is utilized to preserve and promote public access to digitized local history collections, and discusses challenges and technical solutions to integrating heterogeneous resources into METS-based repositories. Project building blocks are also discussed, including digital object encoding and transmission tools, scanning services, metadata and imaging standards, and training programs.  相似文献   


This article presents the findings of a case study that examined user navigation in a large-scale digital library in the context of academic use. Using the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) as a case, the study explored user navigation and understanding of a distributed model of large-scale digital libraries. The DPLA model involves two- or three-step navigation pathways. Most study participants could navigate the DPLA distributed, multilayered system effectively. This study found some confusion among the participants when they must move through a three-step process to locate digital objects provided by a metadata aggregator service hub. The study participants also pointed out the advantages of a distributed model in collocating digital resources and connecting users to a wide range of digital libraries.  相似文献   


This article provides an overview of The Fundamental Digital Library of Russian Literature and Folklore (FEB-web). The intersection of philology and information technologies at FEB-web is considered in the context of Russian culture and the Russian academy. Topics discussed include: the FEB-web process for creating digital scholarly editions, the structure of FEB-web, new developments in the FEB-web collections, plans for the future, copyright issues, digitization processes, inter-library cooperation, and the place of digital libraries in constructing civil society in Russia.  相似文献   

Resources on the history of Hungarians in the U.S. have been an object of extraordinary interest among information professionals in Hungary in recent years. The article categorizes the major collections of Hungarica in the United States and efforts within Hungary to document those collections.  相似文献   


This article presents a survey of digital reference trends in the United States with an emphasis on services for Slavic and East European studies. It is based on the author's experience as a Slavic reference librarian at the University of Illinois (Slavic Reference Service) and the Library of Congress (European Division). Topics include the conflict between print and digital resources, coping with electronic serials, full-text databases and websites, digital communication tools such as e-mail, chat, and web forms, the proliferation of websites from Eastern Europe and the NIS, and opportunities for bibliographic instruction via the web. The article concludes with suggestions for keeping current and ideas for possible reference collaboration among Slavic and East European studies librarians.  相似文献   

In this article, the author discusses the internship program of the Slavic and East European Collection at Yale University Library, which provides semester-long fellowships to library professionals from Eastern and Central Europe and the former Soviet Union. The program began in 1993 and is ongoing. The author details its history, including how it has been funded, and discusses what the program includes and the logistics of running it. Participants are listed, along with excerpts from some of their final reports and selected post-fellowship activities.  相似文献   

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