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CALIS联合目录书目数据质量评估综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从评估对象的选择、评估内容的设计、评估方法的选取以及评估工作的组织四个方面全面介绍了CALIS联机编目中心联合目录部第一次书目数据质量评估工作,重点介绍了书目数据质量评估的指标体系和统计参数。  相似文献   

This paper is in the tradition of social analysis aimed at creatingframeworks to join mass media and public opinion processes (e.g.Clarke and Evans, 1983; Gamson, 1975; Gitlin, 1980; Hall, 1977;Iyengar and Kinder, 1987; Lang and Lang, 1968, 1983; Lippman,1922; Mollotch and Lester, 1974; Noelle-Neuman, 1974; Paletzand Entman, 1981; Shaw and McCombs, 1977; Turner and Paz, 1986).After a brief review of media system dependency (MSD) theory,we illustrate how it may apply to public opinion processes thatentail contested issue ‘value-frames’ (Ball-Rokeachand Rokeach, 1987). In such cases, the media system is directlyimplicated in the negotiation of legitimacy of opposing positionson an issue. Our illustrative case is the abortion issue asit has been played out in the United States over recent decades(Luker, 1984). We focus upon the respective capacities of pro-and anti-abortion movements to control the value-frame of mediacoverage of the issue (Guthrie, 1989). A value-frame may beconceived as ‘... the main substantive theme of a moralityplay’ (Ball-Rokeach and Tallman, 1979) wherein the distinctionbetween ‘good’ and ‘bad’ hangs in thebalance; in this case, between positions on abortion. We suggestthat change in the value-frame of media coverage and publicdiscourse may be understood, at least in part, as an outcomeof change in contestants' MSD relations.  相似文献   

信息学院(i-school)在当今美国图书情报学(LIS)教育史中具有重要作用.本文明确了信息学院的关键特征,并描述其如何帮助定位图书情报学教育长期面临的挑战.以"人、信息、技术"为中心,信息学院已经在科研和教学中建立了强大的多学科项目,结果获得学科地位提升、交叉学科伙伴、学生入学增多和较强的经费支持.在美国以外的地方也正在出现类似信息学院的模式,可见于中国、印度、日本、新加坡和德国.参考文献12.  相似文献   

美国的因特网资源组织   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
将美国因特网编目的发展过程划分的三个时期,并对每个时期出现的重大项目、编目技术的特点以及研究的问题作出阐述与分析,旨在为我国图书馆界研究与开发因特网编目技术提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

本文对联机联合目录的两种模式———传统联机联合目录和虚拟联合目录进行了比较,指出了它们在操作模式、质量控制、检索性能、成员馆管理等方面的优势和不足。基于这些分析,笔者提出了我国联机联合目录数据库建设的发展方向。  相似文献   

CALIS联合目录数据库与图书采访工作   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章探讨了中文图书采访工作中利用CALIS联合目录数据库的情况,认为联合目录数据库对于采访工作中的不少环节起促进作用,有助于提高采访工作效率。  相似文献   

日本图书馆书目信息资源共建历史、现状及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍并分析了日本大学与公共图书馆书目信息资源共建的历史和现状,指出了日本图书馆书目信息资源共建实践给予我国图书馆的启示。  相似文献   

Survey research from the larger cities of Argentina during the1960s and the 1980s demonstrates a consistent level of antagonismtoward the United States by at least a fifth of urban Argentines.Hostility increased when the United States sided against Argentinain the Malvinas (Falklands) War of 1982, but it declined from1983 to 1988 under the conciliatory policies adopted by thegovernments of Raúl Alfonsín and Ronald Reagan.Asking identical questions of urban residents in Brazil indicatesstrikingly similar patterns of attitude. Antagonism tends tofocus upon specific elements of United States government policyin Latin America, while little hostility is expressed towardthe people of the United States. In contrast to foreign policyinitiatives, elements of the culture, the political freedoms,and the economic and educational opportunities of the UnitedStates are clearly admired in Argentina.  相似文献   

美国一流大学及其图书馆调研报告   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
按照一流大学应具有一流学科、一流教师和一流学生的思路用三个指标筛选出了10所美国一流大学,陈述了美国一流大学图书馆的资源特征、人员特征、经费特征服务特征和发展特征,对中国建设一流大学和一流大学图书馆提出了参考建议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了用.数据库管理系统FOXBASE编写的自动标引系统,其中主要介绍的基本思想、实现过程及其特点。文中着重介绍了词标引、主题标引、赋词标引和抽调标引的方法,和在Compaq386机上建立的试验系统。  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(1-2):37-46
At the Pikes Peak L~braryin Colorado Springs most ot'tht. functions of the library have been automated and it is now feasible to provide statistical indicators on most functions. The traditional service statistics. such as the number of books checked out. the number of people that enter Ihcilities. and the number of' questions answered have been incorporated into the management information svstem. The production statistics Rom materials processingand other areas are also being incav porated into a decision support system. It has been the goal to be able to analyze the use of librarv resources by the public in sufficient detail ro provide a basis for daily decision making.  相似文献   

《七略》中的核心文献   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在引入核心文献这一崭新概念的基础上,讨论了《七略》中核心文献所具有的层次性及其所反映的文化价值。认为具体的核心文献和抽象的分类类名相结合,维持了分类思维中感性和理性之间的辩证。最后分析了这一分类思维的时代基础。  相似文献   

CALIS联合目录西文数据预处理及机读目录问题探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过列举实例,分析了在CALIS联合目录数据库建设中各成员馆提交的数据在MARC格式、书目著录以及系统数据转换中存在的一些问题,提出了解决办法,指出机读目录数据的规范化和标准化是联合目录质量的基本保证。  相似文献   

To permit easy user access to an uncataloged serials collection, a method was devised to produce (via computer facilities) a book catalog. This book catalog includes both an alphabetical listing by serial title and a subject section that lists titles by appropriate category. The programs necessary for this system were designed in the computer center according to specifications outlined by library personnel. The catalog can be easily reproduced from the computer printout and distributed campus-wide as well as used within the Learning Resources Center.  相似文献   

Do the listening styles preferred by young adults in Germany,Israel, and the USA differ significantly? In order to addressthis question, college students in all three countries completedversions of the Listening Styles Profile (LSP; Watson et al.1995) presented in their native languages. Factor analysis revealedfour predominant constructs underlying the LSP, which were designatedas people, action, content, and time listening styles. Comparisonsbetween the three cultures revealed distinctively differentpatterns of listening style preferences, with Germans preferringthe action style, Israelis endorsing the content style, andAmericans favoring both the people and time styles.  相似文献   

The environmental movement is one of the most successful socialmovements of the twentieth century, and a key reason for itssuccess has been strong public approval of the movement's goalof environmental protection. This paper reports cross-nationaldata on public approval of environmental protection relativeto approval of the goals of other major ‘new social movements’—theanti-nuclear power movement, the nuclear disarmament movement,the women's movement, the human rights movement and the animalrights movement—in Western Europe and the United States.The data come from a 1990 ‘lifestyles and attitudes’survey conducted by Gallup for Reader's Digest, based on nationallyrepresentative samples in the United States and seventeen Europeannations, and show higher public approval for environmental protectionthan for the goals of other new social movements.  相似文献   

试评《美国馆际互借法》(2001年修订本)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章通过《美国国家馆际互借法》(1993年制订)与《美国馆际互借法》(2001年修订)两个文本的对比与分析,试图探讨美国图书馆馆际互借服务发展的过程与趋势,阐明馆际互借服务立法的重要性,以唤起我国图书馆界对馆际互借立法工作的关注和重视。  相似文献   

美国近年来图情专业课程设置与教学方式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国图书情报专业教育历史较长,目前发展势头良好,为了探究其内在原因,使我国的专业教育有所借鉴,作者在对美国图书情报学院综合考察的基础上,结合个案研究和亲身体验,从课程设置和教学方式的角度总结和分析了其特点。  相似文献   

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