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《西文文献著录条例 (修订扩大版 )》对检索点选取规则做了较大改动。通用规则方面 ,修订版更强调主要款目标目的选取应遵循责任原则 ,而不是根据文献的形式 ;专用规则方面 ,会议名称作主要款目标目的依据不再限于主要信息源 ,而是扩大到文献本身 ;同时 ,此次修订还对原条例的疏漏和容易引起误导之处进行了补充和完善  相似文献   

The Library of Congress’ Cataloging in Publication (CIP) Program has been in existence for forty years. During this time, the CIP Program has moved from a model where the Library of Congress created all pre-publication metadata for publishers to a partnership where other libraries share in the creation of metadata. This article documents the evolution of the Electronic Cataloging in Publication (ECIP) Cataloging Partnership Program. The ECIP Cataloging Partnership Program can be used as a model to leverage limited resources across libraries to the benefit of library users nationwide.  相似文献   

Microcomputers have for years been affordable for librarians. They could choose among much software for cataloging support, but typically the data had to be created by themselves. The Library Corporation pioneered the first CD-ROM product for libraries, the Bibliofile database. It offers over four million MARC records from the Library of Congress. Nearly half a million of those records are for serial publications. The records selected can be edited and downloaded for an in-house catalog database in the USMARC communications format. Catalog cards and spine labels may be printed. This article evaluates and illustrates the database, the procedures of searching, editing, displaying and exporting records. Bibliofile gets a high score for price/performance. Recommendations are made to introduce some new features.  相似文献   

图书馆简化编目是必要的,但在选取具体的简化方式、方法上需要慎重,应注意以下几个方面:简化编目不能只以读者的使用为评判标准;简化编目不应以牺牲书目数据的质量为代价;不能以期刊编目情况作为简化图书编目的理由;构键编目系统时不能随意篡改字段的功能;简化编目必须是在CNMARC格式允许的范围内进行。  相似文献   

To determine the feasibility of our library providing full cataloging for textbooks using OCLC, I conducted a study of records in the OCLC data base and performed a literature search on the topic. I found that a preponderance of duplicate OCLC records and a lack of uniformity in cataloging practices would make this a costly proposition. It would also make it difficult to train a paraprofessional to select catalog records and to handle the cataloging of these materials. This paper suggests standards to be considered by the appropriate ALA committees in order to alleviate the duplication of records and to make textbook cataloging easier.  相似文献   

The challenges the cataloger of historical serials faces are many and they come from all aspects of the cataloging process. For those who primarily catalog contemporary materials, these issues can be particularly daunting. The object of this article is to examine some of the more commonly experienced issues with emphasis on how to address them in a practical sense. The article is organized by broad functional categories: types of material, iterations, bibliographic data, and name authority control.  相似文献   

A serials cataloger reflects on the challenges posed by digital preservation and the availability of bibliographic metadata outside of the traditional library catalog.  相似文献   

In a series of articles to appear soon in this publication, the general concept of work as it applies to all materials will be discussed. In a well-designed catalog, two items treated as the same work will display together and be represented as manifestations (editions) or copies of the same work to the user interested in a particular work. In this article, the concepts of work and related work as they apply to moving image works will be discussed, and recommendations made for their application to moving image works.  相似文献   

日本图书馆协会编目委员会于2018年12月出版了《日本目录规则2018年版》(NCR2018),其特点之一是与《资源描述与检索》(RDA)之间具有兼容性。本文梳理了NCR2018与RDA的4个不同点,即:①因使用日本的语言文字而产生的不同点;②因采用等价款目方式而产生的不同点;③因采用著录层级结构思想而产生的不同点;④因编目的主要对象为日本出版物而产生的不同点。通过探讨上述不同点产生的原因,论述日本为何不能直接采用RDA进行编目。同时,本文还指出了今后日本在推行NCR2018的过程中可能面临的困难。希望本文能为正在研究RDA本土化的中国图书馆同行提供一些参考。  相似文献   

随着数字资源的大量出现及网络信息技术的发展,《英美编目条例》(第2版)(AACR2)已经无法详尽地描述和著录各种资源,资源描述与检索(RDA)应运而生.RDA是数字环境下数字资源描述与检索的新标准.RDA在继承AACR2大量文本内容的基础上,又对其进行了创新.RDA作为国际性的编目规则,对我国的文献编目具有重大的影响.  相似文献   

Institutions have sought to improve technical services workflows by merging some acquisitions and cataloging functions in different ways and with varying results. Those institutions’ experiences with the merging process contrast with the process implemented at UCLA. At UCLA a process of cataloging on receipt was planned and implemented in the Print Acquisitions Department, in cooperation with the Cataloging & Metadata Center. The process resulted in significantly faster delivery of print books from receipt to shelf for materials not batch packed for remote storage.  相似文献   

印前编目与在版编目(CIP)和联合编目既有区别又有联系。通过对三者的比较分析发现,印前编目、在版编目和联合编目在编目机构、编目主体、编目对象、编目时间、编目目的、编目用途方面存在区别;而印前编目与CIP和联合编目之间的联系则更多地表现在印前编目对CIP时效性的继承、对联合编目联合性的发展及在前两者的基础上引入专业分工理念的创新。  相似文献   

《资源描述与检索》(RDA)和《中国文献编目规则》的相应条款对影像资料的著录规则做了具体规定,比较两者关于影像资料的载体形态项条款,重点分析其数量、尺寸和其他形态细节的异同,并对照ISBD统一版后发现,两者关于影像资料条款的差异并不大,因此应用《资源描述与检索》著录影像资料是可行的.  相似文献   

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文献编目的差异是长期存在的,应予理性对待。文献编目中的三种符号形式相同而意义不同。客观性、规范性、逻辑性三项基本原则,是文献编目的精髓,贯穿于古今编目理论和技法之中,三者是对立统一、相辅相成的。表1。参考文献9。  相似文献   

周颖 《图书馆论坛》2001,21(2):107-107
介绍三级题各刊物的编目,对如何填入UNMARC格式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

对《中国文献编目规则(第二版)》在国家图书馆中文编目施行一年以来所发生的新情况进行了分析,提出加强中文著录、标引与名称规范联系的必要性,强调编目完整性的重要性,同时对编目专业化与一体化发表了观点。  相似文献   

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