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论20世纪90年代以来文献采访工作的发展趋势   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从文献采访工作对象、原则、方式、选择标准、信息获取、处理与传递等方面,分析文献采访工作的10个发展趋势,并对这些发展趋势的影响进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Librarianship posits itself as a profession that strives for neutrality, particularly within customer service and information provision; however, factors such as political activity, conference programming, and disproportionate representations of specific viewpoints in the literature indicate that neutrality may be compromised. These factors may alienate librarians who do not subscribe to majority political opinions within librarianship. A phenomenological study was conducted to understand the career experiences of academic librarians who identify as socially or politically conservative. Themes linking service provision, ethics, workplace relationships, and professional engagement emerged that demonstrate the professional impact politicized activity has on practicing librarians in all specialties.  相似文献   

论文提出学习型馆员必须重视阅读,追求创意,勇于进取,志存高远,而在人文内涵上,要有爱岗乐业的专业主义精神、博学杂览的知识底蕴、灵活周全的公共关系能力、用户至上的文献服务水平以及与时俱进的学科前沿意识。学习型图书馆应该成为学习型馆员的平台,论文进而提出了学习型图书馆建设的十个拓展型指标,指出专业主义精神乃是学习型图书馆的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

当前学科服务供需矛盾日益凸显,在学科服务过程中引入协同机制势在必行。协同化学科服务主要有5种新模式,即学科馆员团队内部协作、学科馆员与其他馆员协作、学科馆员与用户代表协作、学科服务馆际协作、学科馆员与书商和数据商协作。图书馆可通过确立共同目标、识别协同机会、评价协同价值、倡导沟通交流、应用高新技术等策略实现协同化学科服务。  相似文献   

馆际互借员开展文献传递服务应注意的几个问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自CALIS馆际互借与文献传递服务网启动以来,文献传递服务进入成熟推广阶段.文献传递是一项专业性的信息服务,对承担此项工作的馆际互借员有着专业化的要求.馆际互借员不仅要具有一定的外语水平和计算机知识,而且要具有高度的事业心和责任感,具有丰富的信息检索知识和技能,能够熟练运用各类检索工具.参考文献3.  相似文献   

Federal Regulations published in 1988 require colleges to demonstrate the difference they have made to students. The accrediting agencies such as the Middle States Association have combined frameworks for outcomes assessment with the long established requirement that college students demonstrate the ability to retrieve and use information. Hudson Valley Community College librarians work with the faculty in a liaison program to shape the collections, library use and student success. As faculty the librarians serve on college committees; at the state level the library subscribes to the SUNYLA student library competencies statement. All this is drawn on as librarians collaborate with faculty on college and departmental accreditation self study and visits. As the focus shifts from accreditation to assessment, librarians undertaking self-study must decide who will use the information and what library roles must be justified, Illustrations include an accreditation visit checklist, the Curriculum Committee LRC fact sheet and the SUNYLA Recommended Library Skills and Competencies for Graduates of Community Colleges.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the problems associated with providing access to local government information. The research on which it is based is from a 1986 survey conducted by the author of 265 public libraries in six library systems in northern Illinois, the largest comparative study of public library providers of local government information conducted to date. Fifty-five active providers of local government information (those that received requests for this information at least every two weeks) were identified: the findings are based on telephone and group interviews with key staff of those libraries. The article examines a variety of methods that might be used to increase access to local government information. It analyzes the nature of requests received and the types of responses given by these libraries. It examines the major problems associated with providing access to local government information and discusses the reasons given by librarians for providing access to local government information sources. The article concludes that a serious local government information gap exists and that librarians who seek to over-come it must articulate a role that addresses the serious barriers that must be overcome before a library can provide meaningful access to local government information.  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(3-4):73-80
A recent survey of 2317 unionized and nonunionized public librarians found that public librarians who were pro-union were most likely to (1) be employed in larger libraries, (2) have worked less years as librarians, (3) command lower salaries, (4) be politically liberal, (5) have had less administrative experience, (6) be employed in libraries without staff associations or in libraries where union representation was nationally affiliated, and (7) be union members. The study also found that public library union members held less favorable attitudes toward service than their col- leagues who were not members of the union. The findings indicate that unions may not be the preferred mode of representation for public librarians and [hat they may be causing a decrease in professionalism within the field.  相似文献   

To gain university support for new proposals, librarians must become involved in campus policy and governance bodies. If we do not know where our own universities are headed, we will always be followers and never able to provide leadership. A proactive stance requires a great investment in boundary spanning activities with policy making bodies. At San Jose State University librarians engaged in an education campaign to persuade faculty and administration of the need to include bibliographic instruction in general education requirements. Librarians should strongly encourage open communication with faculty regarding student research skills. Faculty often perceive student research skills quite differently than do librarians.  相似文献   

The library has experienced many conversations with colleagues at the college in different departments lately related to the library tools and services it offers. Some of these conversations have included senior administrators, who have at some point directly supervised the library. In order for senior administrators to advocate for the library, librarians must educate them on the tools and services the library offers to its customers. Springshare’s LibApps is one such tool that has been integral to library operations. In the few years since the library has subscribed to Springshare’s LibApps’ suite of tools, Office of Institutional Research & Training (OIRT) has successfully utilized this library-specific tool, which has justified the annual renewal of this software tool by senior administration. For more departments at the college to adopt these tools and integrate them into their day-to-day tasks, librarians must educate customers (student, staff, and faculty) as well as administration about this and other library-specific tools. Since Springshare markets to and for librarians and as more librarians write about how this tool can be used for a variety of different applications, then other departments college-wide will become aware of and then adopt Springshare’s LibApps’ suite of tools.  相似文献   


In order to provide optimum service in a world increasingly awash with information and technological change all set against a backdrop of escalating costs and static or declining budgets, librarians must make a choice. Based on a careful analysis of the information preferences and needs of their clientele, librarians will be driven by economics and demand to decide whether their particular library will become primarily an archive of materials in traditional formats or a gateway to the world of electronically networked information. Which direction a library takes will have a great impact on interlibrary services. In an “archival” environment, external access to information will be deemphasized and interlibrary services will see cutbacks. In an “access” environment, interlibrary services must be genuinely recognized as vital to the library's mission and must be allocated truly sufficient resources to meet what will be an even greater demand.  相似文献   

This is a review of the literature describing the current state of reference. Included are print materials, OPACs, CD-ROMs, mediated online seaching, and emerging electronic sources. Not only do reference librarians need to provide reference service on print collections but also must be knowledgeable and provide assistance on electronic services. Service to the electronic sources create new demands on reference librarians. In addition, the improved access through technology has lessened the importance of the local collection and has increased the need to locate and obtain materials elsewhere.  相似文献   

For decades following independence, informational media in Indonesia developed parallel with the interests of the state that made use of the media as a means to legitimize and maintain its identity as a progressive ‘‘developmental state’’. The Internet, which came to Indonesia during the early phase of the political crisis in the 1990s, economically and politically has risen to become an alternative media that is no longer under state control, thus bolstering civil society in its resistance to state and corporate domination. Based on Indonesia's experience, this paper describes how the Internet provides means for popular resistance to the dominant paradigm.  相似文献   

Due to a lack of formal pedagogical training in Library Science graduate programs, early career librarians are often unprepared to teach information literacy courses. This is problematic for those whose responsibilities include library instruction, creating a need for librarians to develop the skill of identifying and applying pedagogy to their information literacy courses. We argue that librarians can benefit from looking at specialized educational contexts, as those contexts make use of unique pedagogies that students are exposed to on a regular basis. By looking at six different pedagogies found within the context of religious education, and then by aligning those pedagogies with the six threshold concepts of the ACRL Framework, we seek to model the type of pedagogical identification and application that can benefit librarians in any given context.  相似文献   

The library community has long been an advocate of free access to publicly funded research, yet Congress regularly considers bills that would prevent the public from accessing such information. In an age where bills such as Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA) are brought forth only to receive heavy criticism from all parts of society, this article investigates the potential impact the Research Works Act (RWA) might have caused on academic publishing. While the RWA was defeated, similar pieces of legislation will rise again. As librarians, we must be aware of such acts to prevent the damage they seek to impose.  相似文献   

Librarians must make selection decisions for their libraries based on the actual and perceived needs of their clientele. Scholars in any discipline will most likely become aware of new books in their field through the extensive reviews published in scholarly journals. Reviews in ten journals indexed by the MLA Bibliography were examined for content, timeliness, and evaluation of the reviewer, in order to determine if scholarly reviews in literature journals are useful collection development sources. The findings of the study suggest that collection development librarians at large academic libraries should use scholarly journals on a regular basis for collection development purposes, while librarians at smaller academic libraries should use them to supplement traditional trade reviewing sources, such as Choice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This article describes the contributions of medical librarians, as members of the Family Physicians' Inquiries Network (FPIN), to the creation of a database of clinical questions and answers that allows family physicians to practice evidence-based medicine using high-quality information at the point of care. The medical librarians have contributed their evidence-based search expertise and knowledge of information systems that support the processes and output of the consortium. METHODS: Since its inception, librarians have been included as valued members of the FPIN community. FPIN recognizes the search expertise of librarians, and each FPIN librarian must meet qualifications demonstrating appropriate experience and training in evidence-based medicine. The consortium works collaboratively to produce the Clinical Inquiries series published in family medicine publications. RESULTS: Over 170 Clinical Inquiries have appeared in Journal of Family Practice (JFP) and American Family Physician (AFP). Surveys have shown that this series has become the most widely read part of the JFP Website. As a result, FPIN has formalized specific librarian roles that have helped build the organizational infrastructure. CONCLUSIONS: All of the activities of the consortium are highly collaborative, and the librarian community reflects that. The FPIN librarians are valuable and equal contributors to the process of creating, updating, and maintaining high-quality clinical information for practicing primary care physicians. Of particular value is the skill of expert searching that the librarians bring to FPIN's products.  相似文献   

The rapid development of information technology has partially been reversed, and may become a tool for manipulation, which is incompatible with librarians' social mission. Making information available, connecting databases, and making them accessible result in people becoming more and more exposed. Customisation and effectively filtered information sources create filter bubbles. Although new systems of collaboration would be suitable for sharing reliable knowledge, they often lead to the spread of fake news. Despite worrying trends, we seek an encouraging future. Therefore, in this paper we analyse the relationship between information technology, market economy, and the librarian profession from the perspective of Hungarian LIS education, and emphasise the importance of active and creative information provision based on interdisciplinarity. Based on our experiences we believe that current and future readers can be reached through intriguing collages of credible information. The use of collages can compensate for the effects of filter bubbles, and librarians may become the masters of creating digital information collages.  相似文献   

Academic librarians have utilized video tutorials for many years, however, the videos may not be useful or usefully shared. Cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML) provides evidence-based design principles for librarians to create instructional videos that can expand reference support. Meaningful learning through video can be uniquely integrated into students' academic experience. The author applied CTML to videos on course assignments and then utilized the learning management system to send them to students enrolled in the course. This study builds upon the evidence-based conclusions of CTML and contributes an innovative way to integrate reference into the student experience. This is an important contribution as librarians seek to scale and expand reference support to in-person, online, and hybrid learning environments.  相似文献   

Although many hospital librarians may find it difficult, negotiating with vendors has become a basic skill of library acquisitions. This article reports the results of a non-scientific questionnaire administered to hospital librarians and vendors attending a chapter meeting of the Medical Library Association in 2003. The answers revealed that vendors regard libraries as businesses, and while admitting that the role is often uncomfortable for them, librarians acknowledged that negotiating skills have become an important aspect of their jobs. Questions to help guide librarians through the negotiation process are provided in the Appendix.  相似文献   

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