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Public and academic libraries continue to have a vital role in providing reference services. As more and more information is only available in electronic form, reference librarians need to reaffirm their core values. Some of the changes happening in reference include smaller reference collections, the disposition of printed reference books, and the increased use of electronic tools. Other topics include different service models for the reference desk, the changing nature of reference questions, and changes in staffing at the reference desk. Finally, the authors speculate about the future of reference services.  相似文献   


The management of electronic resources is one of the most challenging issues facing academic libraries today. Integrated library systems are often unable to manage these resources using existing architecture, but many vendors and individuals are developing systems as either stand-alone or components of their integrated library systems. This paper outlines the investigation, evaluation and implementation process of one library that served as a beta test library with an integrated library system vendor to develop an electronic resource management system. The challenge of developing standards that address both interoperability and diverse libraries and resource types is highlighted.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(75-76):149-161

Problem patrons are not a phenomenon exclusive to the public library arena. Academic libraries have throughout time had their own share of difficult patrons. This article focuses on problem patrons and reference staff in the academic library with a particular focus on electronic equipment and resources, particularly the Internet. Issues include viewing of pornographic images by patrons, plagiarism and the librarian's role, use of e-mail and chat, and cell phone use in the reference area.  相似文献   


The current focus on libraries as place involves the collaborative needs of library users for features such as movable furniture, group work areas, and amenities such as coffee shops. Additional attention needs to focus on how the technology infrastructure can support collaborative work in academic libraries. The one-user-one-machine setup common in many academic libraries does not do this. A collaborative workstation that is inexpensive and readily assembled is described along with equipment needs and costs. The impact of such a collaborative workstation for both reference work and public use is discussed.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(74):103-120

As electronic reference services become routine in many libraries, it is time to systematically examine how they are being implemented and used. Unfortunately, few libraries have rigorously examined their electronic reference services. We still know very little about who uses electronic reference services or why. We also do not know how satisfied our users are with the new services we are providing. This article provides an overview of the chief methodologies available for conducting assessments of electronic services (e.g., surveys, usability studies, observation, etc.). Existing criteria for evaluating reference services are discussed with suggestions for how they can be applied or adapted to the online service environment.  相似文献   


Management Basics for Information Professionals, 4th edition, by G. Edwards Evans and Stacy Greenwell is intended as a textbook for the introductory library management course with the secondary objective of helping librarians hone their management skills. The authors aim to cover management issues in all types and sizes of libraries but focus more on academic and public libraries. The 22 chapters adequately cover the broad scope of management topics including self-management and career development. Positives include stressing that management is an art rather than a science, that no one strategy will succeed in all situations, and that managers must be aware of the internal and external environment. Additional examples of turning abstract principles into practice, more humor, and increased contributions from the behavioral sciences would have strengthened the text. A supplementary 150 page document that provides challenging case studies for classroom use is available upon request. Overall, I highly recommend this textbook and would use it if I were to teach the basic management course.  相似文献   


Rather than create a collection solely to support distance learners, libraries should consider the needs of all customers when developing a digital library. The acceptance of digital libraries is dependant upon the conversion of resources to an electronic format that is easy to use and is fully searchable. While electronic journals are widely accepted by most academic library customers, the delivery of online books has had a very different acceptance rate. Rather than support the sequential reading of books, electronic books are commonly used to find information and can be particularly well-suited for reference purposes. This article will provide insight into the history of e-book models and evaluate the usage statistics of a large electronic book collection in an academic library.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(66):91-109

Electronic access to information is transforming both the vision of future libraries and the way in which librarians today deliver information services. In reference service, especially in academic libraries, the wide availability of electronic access to periodical indexes and full-text periodical databases has raised speculation about the possibility of relying on purely electronic reference collections. A field test indicates that this is not yet a viable option and points to the continued vital role of the reference librarian as guide, interpreter, and integrator of print and electronic information sources. In the tradition exemplified by Charles Bunge's “Potential and Reality at the Reference Desk: Reflections on a ‘Return to the Field,’” this article rests on field experience and testing, and is written in part in the first person.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(74):207-220

The contemporary academic library increasingly provides one or more public access computer labs. Students use these labs for word processing, Internet browsing, creating spreadsheets, and other related applications. Providing these types of computer labs in academic libraries is a relatively new development and requires effective management techniques. The purpose of this article is to examine some of the current management concepts, including background, funding, design and implementation, staffing, equipment, software, security and control, and patron relations. Effective management relies on a combination of physical and internal measures as well as a knowledgeable support staff. With the advancement of the Internet and other emerging technologies, the library must strive to maintain its position as a leader in the university environment. Providing computer labs is a valid response to the increasing demand by patrons for electronic resources.  相似文献   


Law librarians are well aware that it is difficult to maintain print and electronic collections in today's law library. The author of this article compares his personal experience in reference assistance and collection development with findings from the literature and from responses to an open-ended questionnaire. The author looks for trends and differences in reference assistance and collection development among academic, firm, and government law libraries.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(81):105-117

This paper considers leadership and management issues affecting libraries in general. Specific attention is devoted to academic libraries and their reference departments. It focuses on the dynamics of leadership and management of academic library reference services and what is expected of the reference department head of the 21st century. It explores the changing roles of reference librarians and those of their leaders or department heads. It examines the leadership skills, traits, and competencies and attributes expected of the department head of reference in the new millennium. The paper also examines the paradox of leadership and management and draws distinction between the two terms. It finally looks into whether it is appropriate to have a manager from outside the library profession to be the head of an academic library reference department.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(79-80):267-279

Traditional reference services are changing in response to the rapid growth of electronic resources available outside of the library. There are an increasing number of libraries that are providing digital reference services to meet the demands and expectations of remote users. This article provides an overview of virtual reference services at Louisiana State University (LSU) Libraries. It also examines the planning, implementation, marketing and user feedback of real time reference service after its first year.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(91-92):39-51

The evolution of electronic sources has had a significant impact on reference collections in libraries, and public library reference collections are no exception.

Evaluating, selecting, and organizing sources to meet the needs of public library users has always been a fundamental role of public librarians. However, now they have the added responsibility of evaluating electronic resources and deciding whether the electronic sources will supplement or replace traditional paper reference sources. Issues of authority, accessibility, cost, comfort, and user education must be carefully weighed during this evaluative process.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(69-70):151-158

There is a long history of exchange between librarians and adult educators. This history not only points to previous successes but also highlights a tension of defining an appropriate focus within libraries for the provision of adult education. The similarities between contemporary adult education thought and reference services can provide some interesting possibilities in looking toward the future of reference in a digital age, both in terms of service and professional development.  相似文献   


The use of a paper-based tally sheet systems for gathering reference statistics has been unchanged for decades. However, with new technology and data gathering tools being developed, libraries now have an alternative for gathering statistical data more efficiently. This paper will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of both paper-based tally sheet forms and electronic tracking systems being used in libraries and will encompass a variety of commercial, open source, and homegrown products. Preference for either tool will be explored and determine reasons for a libraries reluctance to embrace new technology and keeping with old methods.  相似文献   


As the Government Printing Office completes its transition to an electronic distribution system for government information, reference services within the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) are changing as well. In addition to meeting new user needs and using new resources to do so, many government information librarians find themselves working in new environments within their libraries. Throughout the 1990s, many FDLP institutions reorganized reference services in order to provide government information assistance at the library's main reference service point. This article reports the results of a survey of FDLP institutions identifying the factors contributing to the reorganization of services, the process and success of reorganizing within these libraries, and the pros and cons of these service arrangements.  相似文献   


The literature indicates most academic libraries do not have formal reference collection policies, or that if they do, such documents are not up-to-date. Kansas provides an optimum setting to examine college and undergraduate libraries as most institutions of higher learning in the state are small to medium in size. Kansas is consistent with the trends indicated in the literature. All academic libraries in the state were asked to submit a copy of their policy. Each document was examined in light of: rationale for having a policy, defining the nature of the collection, criteria on inclusion and exclusion, input from stakeholders, managing budget costs, electronic resources, and weeding. Selection criteria and sample polices provide a practical guide for the development of a policy. All formats are considered.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(79-80):1-17

Real time digital reference services are now a standard part of reference work in medium to large sized libraries as well as numerous smaller libraries. Aside from the basic questions of whether or not this new computer service will flourish, are the day-to-day activities which make it possible. The contributors to this gathering of opinion and pragmatic activity offer numerous reports and theory about the development and growth of the new approach to answering reference questions. There is a wide diversity of methods and ideas about how digital reference service should be offered to the public. All taking part in this discussion speak from experience and considerable thought about a revolutionary new idea.  相似文献   

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