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This article provides guidance in using the needs assessment process as a planning tool specifically for library services supporting distance learning programs. The first section covers pre-assessment planning activities, which include defining the specific purpose or purposes of the assessment, assigning responsibility for various aspects of the project, establishing time frames, and defining target groups. The section related to conducting the assessment itself discusses, along with other issues, selecting data collection tools and constructing questions. Promotion of the assessment and methods of encouraging participation are also considered. Since Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery personnel are an integral part of library services, they may be called upon to support distance learning programs. Thus, topics discussed in this article will be applicable to their situations.  相似文献   


Cloud computing and Web collaboration are shaping 21st-century libraries. These 2 developments seem to be behind the newest developments in library services and are driving library automation. The 2 are impacting library work by providing the library administrator with opportunities, especially for greater synergies among various individuals over dispersed locations. While the literature indicates ambivalence about these twin developments among library and information professionals, the administrators of distance library services have no choice but to engage in the use of cloud computing technologies and Web collaboration in order to remain relevant to users. Unfortunately, in doing this, distance services librarians will need to trade off ownership and control, trusting outsiders, while teaching users to be critical of the information gathered from collaborative sources.  相似文献   


In 2001, Texas Tech University Library surveyed faculty who taught distance learning courses. This article reports the findings of the survey. Implicit in the article is the belief that a clear understanding of the needs and expectations of faculty serves as a foundation on which librarians can build a solid program of support for distance learners. This clear understanding may also serve as the basis for better strategies to educate faculty on how librarians can help improve distance learning courses. Unfortunately, what faculty think about library support for distance learning courses is not always clearly understood. To a significant extent, this limited understanding is due to the dearth of information in the professional literature on the subject. More surveys need to be completed and the results published so that distance learning librarians can better understand faculty and better inform them, optimizing support for distance learners.  相似文献   

在学术竞争力越显重要的情形之下,大学图书馆必须提供更佳的研究资源服务环境,以支持教授与学生的学术研究活动,个性化研究资源服务是一个可行的方向。本文说明个性化图书馆服务的现况,并讨论在一个以研究型大学自许的大学环境,图书馆应提供具有弹性的个性化服务系统架构,以整合日新月异的各项图书信息资源,并应超越类似系统以一般资源服务为主的现况,着重于研究资源的服务,包括接口管理、资源管理、书目管理、新知通报、检索管理、信息过滤、自动摘要、引用分析。  相似文献   


A survey was conducted in Spring 1999 to assess the library support services for distance learning within the Texas A&M University System. Graduate students actively enrolled at remote sites in one or more courses taught on the system's interactive video network were surveyed. Results of this survey provide insight for improving library services.

“People want what they want when they want it. They don't want something else, they don't want less than they want, and they certainly don't want it at some other time” (Forsha, 1992).  相似文献   


Indonesia is answering the need for a more skilled work force by using distance education and technology to reach more students. This paper describes the development of an electronic library to support these students by member libraries of the Indonesia Distance Learning Network.  相似文献   

Academic libraries offer many services to distance learning students. The sources of literature reviewed here offer information that shows relevant similarities and differences between library services offered to traditional students and distance learning students. Likewise, the associated findings from the literature offer insight that is applicable for a project to modify and improve library services for distance learners in higher education.  相似文献   


The Web is often characterized as a universal information space, in the sense that the provision of and access to Web content is open to all. It is well known, however, that the majority of Web content originates from a small group of English-speaking countries, chiefly the United States. This paper examines trends in the internationalization of Web content, and in particular, whether the Web is becoming increasingly globalized as it matures, and to what segment of the world's countries and languages it currently extends. Sample data from 1998 and 1999 suggests that the Web's content is still far from a true global cross-section, but is slowly expanding both in terms of its geographical origins and the languages in which it is made available.  相似文献   

文章采用案例分析方法,从智库图书馆员与空间服务、资源检索与借阅服务、参考咨询与学术指导服务、特色馆藏与其他特色服务等方面对4家美国顶级高校智库图书馆进行调查,总结出开展智库图书馆服务的若干启示,包括设置专职智库图书馆员、拓展智库图书馆空间用途、合理规划学术指导服务、充分发挥特藏优势、创新智库图书馆构建方式等。  相似文献   


Change in distance learning is occurring at a rapid pace. As new technologies appear, institutions of higher education incorporate them into their course delivery options. Library services must also change to meet new user needs. This article examines the meanings of change and leadership within a distance-learning setting. After describing several strategies used by the author to lead change, the process is outlined in a checklist, with notes to especially relevant current literature. The checklist is intended to help others work through a similar process.  相似文献   

Usage statistics are a regular part of assessment but the lack of context leaves librarians pondering the reasons for fluctuations in use. Through development of an online survey, we examined faculty perceptions, knowledge, and use of distance library services to support online courses. Responses provided much needed context and helped to determine priorities and direction for services. While this survey was a useful marketing tool, results emphasized that the greatest need was for ongoing communication with faculty to increase awareness of services provided.  相似文献   

终身学习需要学习支持服务。数字图书馆因其丰富的资源和服务功能能为终身学习提供学习支持服务。本文阐述了数字图书馆的学习支持服务功能及具体实施,并提出了数字图书馆学习支持服务还需解决的一些问题。  相似文献   

This paper is based on Helen Kiely’s Masters dissertation on MA in Library and Information Service Management, successfully completed at the University of Sheffield in 2018. The aim of the study was to explore the extent to which users of a health care library service understood common terminology used by clinical librarians/information professionals. A survey was developed based on the terminology used for common services and was distributed to staff and students at an acute NHS Foundation Trust. One hundred and eight people participated over a four week period and were asked to provide definitions to the terms. Analysis of the responses for accuracy and common themes indicates that jargon can be a barrier to user access and recommendations are made with respect to the need for outreach to users and the language used in this practice for creating better accessibility. F.J.  相似文献   

本文以国外图书馆协会老年服务指南文本为研究对象,采用质性研究方法归纳获得指南的内容框架,可归为八个方面:指南目标与编制思想,认识老龄化和老年人,图书馆老年服务原则,了解老年人需求,图书馆规划和经费预算,馆藏与设施设备,馆员与服务,合作与宣传。在对国内外情况进行对比分析的基础上,指出应尽快制定我国的图书馆老年服务规范,确立积极的老龄观和差异化的服务导向,建立对我国老龄化现状及未来趋向的清晰认识,明确公共图书馆老年服务的使命陈述,倡导具体化、整体性、常态化的服务指导。表2。参考文献56。  相似文献   

The online environment presents a unique challenge to higher education. Shifting from the face- to-face format to online not only involves rethinking course design, but requires careful consideration of when and how to teach students, how to find and evaluate information needed to successfully complete coursework. One solution is faculty teaming with subject librarians to design and build in teachable moments. This case study discusses one such successful partnership from designing the course to choosing and embedding library resources and finally to the learning outcome of the online course.  相似文献   


Change in distance learning is occurring at a rapid pace. As new technologies appear, institutions of higher education incorporate them into course delivery options. Library services must also change to meet new user needs. This article examines the process used to change a distance learning service model. After describing the strategies used by the author, a literature review analyzes the works that are especially relevant. Finally, a checklist for initiating change is provided to help others work through a similar process.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the outreach to over 3,000 students taking classes at over 80 locations within the State of Maine, as well as students taking classes nationally via the Web through the University of Maine System Network (UNE1). The discussion will briefly note the wide range of collections and services available through the University of Maine System's digital library and the Off-Campus Library Services Office. In particular, the discussion will center on reserve services for students at remote locations, using traditional paper copies and particularly electronic reserves, and the copyright issues that surround the e-reserve service.  相似文献   

晏磊 《图书情报工作》2011,55(5):68-71,99
根据远程学习需求样本调查分析,国内高校数字图书馆远程教育面临着没有实现同质服务、一站式检索、跨库检索、教学资源整合等障碍。借鉴国外先进经验,从扩充资源内容、开展教学互动、建设学习检测平台等方面入手,探讨充分拓展国内高校数字图书馆远程教育功能的策略。  相似文献   

As institutions of higher learning focus on positioning strategically in the global and online education market, it is critical for academic libraries to realize their roles in supporting the institutional missions, one of which is to assist scholars, faculty, and students, regardless of location. This responsibility is fulfilled not only through the talents and dedication of librarians and library staff, but also with technology. The Brooklyn Campus Library of Long Island University (LIU) seized the opportunity and took a proactive approach to providing library resources and services to the university's Global College (GC) community. After carefully evaluating the needs of faculty and students across the globe, the authors recount how the library supports the teaching and learning activities of this unique user group. A library portal enables users at various international sites to use the library's abundant resources and customized services with ease, as well as to ensure that the library serves the Global College's mission of scholarly achievement. This article describes the LIU Brooklyn Campus Library's efforts to promote and implement customized resources and services to users on different continents.  相似文献   

英国大学图书馆在提供学习支持服务方面进行了积极的探索与实践,主要开展了培养学习发展能力、提供专有的学习资源、多样化的心理健康、版权服务、有阅读障碍学习支持、面向学习的空间服务等.本文以英国29所大学图书馆为调查对象,采用网络调查和文献调研的方法分析英国大学图书馆学习支持服务的主要内容和特点,提出我国大学图书馆开展学习支...  相似文献   

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