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Reaccreditation offers academic libraries concerned about improving library services to distance students with an important opportunity to obtain support from their academic institutions. Nova Southeastern University (NSU) Libraries provides a case study of how one library has used the reaccreditation process to increase both the administration's cooperation and funding for document delivery, online resources, bibliographic instruction, and local library resources to distance students.  相似文献   

Nationally, universities fail to retain African-American, Hispanic, and Native-American students at the same rate as White students. In recent studies, libraries were shown as one of the only campus facilities that positively impacted minority student retention. Partnerships between the library and Minority Student Affairs programs can produce effective results for both minority students and university libraries. Federally funded, targeted academic summer programs such as the Ronald E. McNairs Scholars Program, the Summer Research Opportunities Program, and the Upward Bound Program provide academic libraries with an ideal foundation to offer reference and instruction services to minority students.  相似文献   


The authors use English 101, their primary program, as a springboard for a discussion of teaching as a library function. Both view the one-hour presentation that is commonly done in libraries as grossly inadequate; they offer solutions that are working at Washington State University Libraries. These include cultivating better relations with departments in order to increase the time spent for library instruction, understanding different pedagogy styles and departmental cultures, creating Web modules to reach more students, and focusing attention specifically on one clientele, i.e., freshmen.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(73):323-336

In 1995, the Duke University Libraries began an instructional program designed to reach all first-year students. Starting as a general library orientation, this program, through trial and error, has evolved into a two-session program, which incorporates many library instruction techniques, including active learning exercises, and consistently receives high marks. Based on the Duke University Libraries' experience, the authors propose strategies for developing a successful bibliographic instruction program for freshmen.  相似文献   


The UCF Libraries are continually developing new forms of library instruction to meet the needs of a growing student body with the same number of librarians. These efforts attempt to find the balance between impersonal online tutorials and time-intensive embedded librarianship. The pros and cons of each model employed at our growing university are discussed, along with strategies to identify and implement sustainable library instruction in an academic library.  相似文献   


Acknowledging Arizona State University's (ASU) long-term goal of 100,000 students in online degree programs and recognizing the 8 new 100% online undergraduate programs slated to come online in 2010, ASU Libraries is planning for the continued integration and relevance of the library to online students and programs. During the summer and fall of 2009, the ASU Libraries Task Force for Online and Extended Education met to develop the elements of a Comprehensive Plan for Library Support of Online Programs. The plan includes: (1) guiding principles for library support of online and extended education; (2) a needs assessment and environmental scan; and (3) a sustainable and scalable plan for library support of the online programs. This article discusses the process of developing the comprehensive plan.  相似文献   


This article discusses the benefit of library instruction to increase critical thinking skills among business students in the form of a vocabulary skill-building workshop. This learning opportunity represents collaboration between business librarian and classroom faculty to improve students' ability to articulate a research problem and identify information needs in order to proficiently analyze business information and make sound business decisions. Business schools increasingly rely upon standards set forth by the Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) to formulate curricula and embed learning outcomes to prepare students to meet workplace expectations. These standards were utilized during workshop planning stages to implement critical thinking learning outcomes into the educational experience. Workshop curricula also relied heavily on the Guidelines for Information Competency set forth by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) to emphasize specific learning outcomes more commonly associated with the teaching of library instruction.  相似文献   


As e-resources become more ubiquitous, and the technologies available to access them more sophisticated, libraries have greater opportunities to reach out to global users. However, this same distance means that some users never even set foot in a physical library. This case study will describe how one large academic library started a business, economics, and marketing library online instruction pilot for global users in an effort to replicate library instruction offered at the home institution. Librarians assessed global library use and research needs; prepared unique lesson plans for each global site; and created digital learning objects using synchronous and asynchronous methods to establish an instruction strategy for Business and Economics courses. The goal was to test instruction practices and develop an online instruction template that would be replicable and sustainable for library instruction in other subject areas in New York University Libraries and other institutions.  相似文献   


In January 2016, the University of Toledo Libraries implemented EBSCO Discovery Services (EDS) as its discovery layer. Administrators questioned whether users were able to find consortial material in the EDS, so they assembled a task force to conduct a pilot usability test. The task force gathered demographic data and recorded the screens of 25 students answering six task questions. Results showed participants could easily find most items except books, and for tasks that were open-ended, many students continued searching even though they found relevant material. To determine why participants could not find books, the task force consulted with EBSCO and discovered a configuration problem that was easily resolved by editing a mapping table and adding a custom limiter for print books. The searching issue was more difficult to determine, and the task force suggests a lack of library instruction may be at least partly to blame. Libraries invest significant resources in discovery layers. If users have difficulty using them or finding relevant material for their assignments, libraries need to address that issue and instruction is one solution. This pilot study reports on what the University Libraries did to make the EDS more usable for its users.  相似文献   


Texas A&M University has a history of international collaboration, cooperation and global outreach. Texas A&M University at Qatar provides engineering students in the Middle East with an education, and ultimately, a degree comparable to that found on our home campus in College Station. The Texas A&M University Libraries have provided curricular and research support in all of these endeavors, and currently maintain library facilities in Santa Chiara, Bodrum, and Doha, Qatar. In 2004, a noteworthy collaboration between the Colleges of Education at Texas A&M University (TAMU) and Qatar University (QU) in the development of a primary teacher preparation program at Qatar University offered another opportunity for the TAMU Libraries to support our campus community. As the education librarian at the Texas A&M University Libraries, I participated in this collaboration by recommending materials, equipment and supplies for a resource library collection and an instructional materials preparation room. This article describes the collection development involved in the establishment of the resource library, the trips to Qatar to set up the library, and the cultural and logistical challenges encountered in the endeavor.  相似文献   


The tremendous expansion of online information sources has prompted academic librarians to increase their outreach to undergraduates of the “Net Generation” in an effort to more effectively promote their libraries' resources to these students. Such outreach programs involve identifying library resources that support the information-seeking behaviors of Net Generation undergraduates, as well as establishing collaborative relationships with the individuals and groups affiliated with these students. This article describes an outreach initiative conducted by the Reference Department at the Mississippi State University Libraries, in which the Department worked with staff in residence halls to target undergraduates living on campus.  相似文献   


It can be a real challenge to engage students in library instruction classes. The authors have drawn some inspiration from an unexpected place: the aerobics workout. Aerobics teaching techniques and perspectives can be readily adapted to the library instruction classroom with invigorating results.  相似文献   


In recent decades, the composition of academic library collections has shifted toward electronic formats, resulting in a more complicated publication landscape to be navigated by selectors. Additionally, the workload of public services librarians has become more weighted toward instruction and research support, putting more pressure on the time of liaison librarians tasked with collection development responsibilities. These shifts have prompted academic institutions, including University of Wyoming Libraries, to consider a restructuring of collection development responsibilities. This article describes the evolution and implementation of a centralized model of selection at UW Libraries.  相似文献   


In this period of rapid and ongoing technological change, teaching undergraduates sophisticated research skills demands more than the traditional library tour or instruction. It requires collaboration between faculty and librarians. The authors offer the plan they have tested and which they and their students find beneficial in filling this demand.  相似文献   


This article describes the current distance education environment for university libraries and the distance education library services for faculty and students. The authors surveyed selected Association of Research Libraries (ARL) members to determine current services and the changes in distance education library services since the 1996 ARL SPEC Kit Survey. The 2003 survey included the library services listing from the “Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services: A Draft Revision,” prepared by the Distance Learning Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries, ALA.  相似文献   


Pedagogies and technologies evolve, yet academic library learning spaces are unable to keep up with the change. Budgetary and space limitations, traditional teaching practices, and staid attitudes all contribute to tethered spaces hindering active learning. This is a documentation of the authors’ urgent need to break free from tradition while providing students and faculty interactive equipment meeting pedagogical needs in an un-tethered, flexible learning space in three library and non-library spaces at the University of Florida's George A. Smathers Libraries Education and Architecture and Fine Arts Libraries.  相似文献   


The University of Florida (UF), Smathers Libraries has a centralized electronic reserve service, supported by Docutek's ERes software, to serve the needs of onsite and distance education courses. At the same time, the Health Science Center is experiencing explosive growth in distance education courses, particularly in pharmacy, nursing, occupational therapy, audiology, and forensic toxicology. Because the UF Health Science Center Libraries (HSCL) did not have an electronic reserve system and the library automation system did not offer a satisfactory option, the HSCL implemented ERes for their patrons in the six colleges they serve: Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine, and Health Professions (Rehabilitation Counseling, Physical Therapy, Clinical Psychology, Communicative Disorders, Health Services Administration, and Occupational Therapy). This joint venture has given both the HSCL staff and Smathers staff the opportunity to collaborate, yielding many benefits for the Libraries, faculty, and students. The ultimate goal is for the Libraries to share the same policies and procedures and to have a seamless transaction for the faculty and students who utilize them. This article will not only address the issues that led to the implementation of ERes and “how we did it,” but will also discuss the positive changes of such a project.  相似文献   


Libraries have been struggling for years to move beyond 1-shot library training. In spite of efforts in the last decade to promote information literacy for undergraduate and graduate students alike, libraries more often than not are still not reaching the goals articulated in the Association of College & Research Libraries's information literacy standards. The problems are compounded when institutions serve students who also happen to be taking part or all of their classes online or at field-based sites. The model for providing a library training program for students in the Doctor of Education (EdD) program in a distance program focuses on providing students with training that builds sequentially and developmentally at the points of need for students in the 1st year of classes and provides additional support for students once they have completed their course work. This multistepped approach is designed to help doctoral students throughout the doctoral process.  相似文献   


This paper discusses how the University of Wyoming Libraries have worked in partnership with the larger institution and its Outreach School to develop a strategic plan for the future of distance education at the University of Wyoming. This collaboration insures that distance learners receive comparable library services to on-campus learners. The authors focus on how the World Wide Web is utilized to provide library services to students, in particular to online students.  相似文献   

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