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中国入世后,档案工作的外部环境、管理对象、管理手段和管理体制因此都将发生巨大的变化。面对这一机遇和挑战,高校档案工作者必须解放思想,更新观念,加强档案的业务建设,提升档案的管理水平,提高档案队伍的整体素质,拓展档案信息资源开发和利用的新领域、新途径。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

论新时期图书馆员的继续教育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
图书馆员继续教育是个人进步和组织发展的要求 ,继续教育必须以图书馆的工作实际和发展趋势为根本 ,而继续教育的实施和发展必须依靠有效的措施作保障。  相似文献   

The issues facing New York State public libraries regarding preservation of materials are discussed. Much research has been conducted regarding preservation in research and academic libraries, but very little in the public library sector. The researchers examined what has been written in terms of the history, preservation methods, control of the library environment, education, organization, and government involvement. In order to evaluate current trends and attitudes of these libraries towards the preservation issue, researchers mailed questionnaires to the directors of the central libraries of the New York Stale public library systems. Responses were analyzed, conclusions drawn, and recommendations made regarding the preservation problems facing these libraries.  相似文献   

新时期高校图书馆文献资源的收藏与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入新世纪,随着信息化、网络化技术的发展,高校图书馆文献资源建设应关注从传统到现代的理念转变,藏用并重,以用为先。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 信息时代对新老"图书馆五定律"关系进行系统思考和研究,具有较强的理论价值和实践指导意义。[方法/过程] 利用文献调研法和比较分析法,在两个定律基本内容解析的基础之上对两者的关系进行系统研究。[结果/结论] 两者具有继承与发展的关系。新五定律继承了老五定律的基本原则和指导思想:开放性和平等性原则、读者第一、服务至上和坚守知识传播思想;新五定律引入新的信息技术,赋予了旧五律新的内涵与外延。  相似文献   

中国图书馆学会第六届学术研究委员会集中了全国图书馆学方面的专家学者 ,具有很强的研究能力。本届学术委员会有自己的任务和开展学术研究的指导思想。“十五”期间图书馆学研究具有跨学科发展、理论与技术融合及理论与实践结合的趋势 ,研究有 4方面的目标和18个重点领域。  相似文献   

The concept of meaning-making is generating excitement within the museum community, with good reason. Providing an approach to understanding visitor experiences, the paradigm illuminates the visitor's active role in creating meaning of a museum experience through the context he/she brings, influenced by the factors of self-identity, companions, and leisure motivations. As a result, visitors find personal significance within museums in a range of patterned ways that reflect basic human needs, such as the need for individualism and the need for community. The dynamics of visitor meaning-making indicate the importance of fashioning a better “fit” between people and museums in two critical areas: (1) between human meaning-making and museum methods and (2) between human needs and the purpose of museums in society. Each of these areas illuminates a promising direction for a new age of museums in which we actively support, facilitate, and enhance the many kinds of meaning possible in museums and explicitly incorporate human needs into exhibit goals and institutional missions. Examples of successful strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

新时代新角色:数字保存的监管   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍了数字监管和数字保存的定义,以及研究图书馆及其馆员在新时代的新角色。报告的全文监管还进一步强调了数字监管与保存的合作策略。  相似文献   

张靖  刘菡 《图书馆论坛》2020,(3):101-106
古籍文化遗产作为传承中华传统文化的重要载体,其保护和流传价值为国家和社会发展所重视,也为古籍保护学科建设带来契机,以研究引领或保障古籍保护的科学、规范化发展成为题中之义。在评析现有主要古籍保护研究团队的研究特点的基础上,阐明问题:对古籍保护能否成为一门学科的论证不足,对古籍保护学科建设的理解有失全面,对于学科建设的背景和环境缺少关照,缺乏实证研究和国际话语意识。进而提出,应在中国特色哲学社会科学框架下,在理解学科建设内涵和一般性规律的基础上,设计古籍保护学科建设实施方案,进行教育教学改革实证研究,科学建构古籍保护理论体系。  相似文献   

新时期的读者观:谈创造读者   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
进入2l世纪.图书馆读者工作的核心仍在于不断地创造读者,即在图书馆这一平台上,通过向固有读者与潜在读者、到馆读者与网上读者、文化娱乐读者与科研学习读者提供各种服务,并用先进文化加以引导、提高,使图书馆读者队伍不断发展、壮大。要达到上述目标,图书馆必须通过加强传统服务、强化品牌服务、宣传自我、参与公益活动、发挥馆藏特色等来实现。  相似文献   

During radio's reign on the airwaves, classics and legends were sources for radio plays written for a wide audience. Scriptwriters realized radio's cultural importance and culled classics for material that pushed their conception of “high” culture but still satisfied a wide audience. Radio plays were adapted from William Shakespeare's plays, Edgar Allan Poe's short stories, Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, and Robin Hood's legend. This study covers radio adaptations of Robin Hood broadcast between the 1930s and 1970s: Popeye (1939); Buster Brown (1948); Family Theater (1949); the children's theater program Let's Pretend (1954), Escape (1952), Gunsmoke (1955); and Crisis (1975).  相似文献   

麦丽明 《图书馆论坛》2003,23(3):128-129,44
从数字化时代的文献发展方向着笔,阐述了图书馆文献发展政策制定的必要性,制定的依据,以及在制定政策时要重视数字化文献和特色文献的发展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 全民阅读已进入深入推进的新阶段,"阅读新时代、奋进新征程",推进全民阅读走实走深是图书馆的一项重要任务。[方法/过程] 概括当前全民阅读工作的发展与实践做法,总结全民阅读发展中的不足,思考新阶段全民阅读如何深入推进顶层设计与图书馆工作的策略。[结果/结论] 新阶段阅读推进工作要直面问题与挑战,政府主导推进在法律层面、治理机制、设施建设和整体数字化等方面的顶层设计;图书馆要为阅读推广工作寻求新模式、创造新方法、展现新作为、科学推进阅读推广,做好全民阅读的践行者和有力的推动者。  相似文献   

Digital preservation is a complex field that is rapidly maturing and increasingly focusing on content as well as the human element of digital preservation. This conceptual article examines a number of digital preservation models meeting a variety of needs created by different communities. Given the guidance these models have afforded digital preservation, considering the present, and looking to the future, this article proposes a tri-partite model for thinking about digital preservation in an era of robust community involvement: the Digital Preservation Triad. The Triad focuses on 1) Management, including elements relating to documentation and human resources; 2) Technology; and 3) Content.  相似文献   

信息时代如何开发利用灰色文献   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
分析了灰色文献的涵义,特点以及情报价值;提出了获取灰色文献的方法途径;研讨了开发利用灰色文献的措施。  相似文献   

我国古籍保护事业可持续发展思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
"十一五"期间我国古籍保护工作虽已取得了一定的成就,但其可持续发展还面临着一些障碍。总结"十一五"期间我国古籍保护工作的成就,通过问卷调查和材料分析,提出"十二五"期间我国古籍保护工作应由外延式发展走向内涵式建设。为实现这一目标,本文建议:启动古籍保护事业的顶层设计;制定保护措施与财政优先支持政策;制定规划古籍再生性保护的格式变换策略;总结经验、分析问题、凝练知识;降低古籍保护中的风险,让有限的资金发挥更大的效益。  相似文献   

Column Editor's Notes

The “Digital Heritage: Spotlight on Europe” column examines technological advances internal and external to cultural institutions. The digital shift radically changed how cultural heritage is made, disseminated, distributed, accessed, consumed, and monetized. One of the most important revolutions is that the user.s role changed dramatically, shifting from passive observers to active participants and content producers with many new and exciting opportunities for engagement, creative use, and access. Interested authors are invited to submit proposals and articles to the column editor at annamaria.tammaro@unipr.it. Please include “IILR submission” in the subject line of the email.  相似文献   

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