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Associated Canadian Theological Schools is a graduate seminary consortium affiliated with Trinity Western University. Since its beginning in 1988 it has had a required one credit research course as a prerequisite for all programs. Several factors demanded the creation of an online version of the course as an alternative to the ongoing live course, but the literature on graduate level for-credit information literacy courses was sparse, and for online courses of this type was virtually non-existent. A process of trial and error since the online course's inception in 2000 has created a more mature offering that now meets the desired criteria for education that is learner-focused and interactive, with a priority on skill development through assignments using student-selected topics. While several hard lessons have had to be learned, the course is achieving its desired ends.  相似文献   

Background:Nursing students often prioritize learning clinical skills rather than research skills, possibly inhibiting their growth as scholars. Supporting nursing students'' learning of information literacy skills has been shown to impact nurses'' involvement with research after graduation. This suggests a need for developing innovative information literacy teaching strategies that can enable nursing students to better understand the process of research and how to apply research to practice.Case Presentation:This article describes the implementation of the embedded librarian project at the course level at the University of Memphis. A librarian was integrated into the Advanced Nursing Research course, a semester-long course for graduate nursing students, for the fall 2020 semester. This case shares the embedded librarian project''s implementation and evaluation strategies.Conclusions:The embedded librarian project aided students'' acquisition of information literacy skills at the University of Memphis. Students reported that the embedded librarian project helped them complete assignments for their research course. Using an embedded librarian service within the graduate nursing curricula model may enhance scholarship among future nurses.  相似文献   


Librarians at the University of Central Missouri were invited to provide research assistance for an online history course delivered through the Blackboard course management system. In consultation with the course instructor, it was decided that we would serve as “embedded librarians,” offering online tutorials on library resources and providing research assistance to students as they worked on a short research paper assignment. Our experiences with the course instructor and with students have provided us with some clear insights into the particular challenges that librarians face in an online course environment.  相似文献   


Each semester, the instructional designers at the University of Central Florida facilitate an innovative course for faculty only. IDL 6543 is an eight-week professional development course that prepares faculty to teach online.

IDL 6543 models how to teach online using a combination of seminars, labs, consultations, and Web-based instruction. A librarian was typically invited to a lab session to present information about the library's online resources. Because there was so much information, this portion of the course was migrated to the online environment in the fall semester of 2004. The in-person presentation was transformed into an online learning module for the faculty to read and participate in at their own pace.

This poster session will address collaborating with instructional designers, creating an online module of library information aimed at teaching faculty, moderating a faculty discussion of library resources, and comparing the in-person training session with an online module.  相似文献   


This article describes the formation and content of a required library and information research course for graduate and professional students enrolled in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Master of Arts degree program at Western Washington University. The course was created as a result of library assessment, student feedback, and faculty observations. In place since 2003, the curriculum continues to evolve and is sustained through the collaborative efforts of the library and the department faculty.  相似文献   


The Distance Learning Department of the Regis University Library is charged with providing library instruction for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in accelerated courses offered at six distance campus locations and online. The department has created a series of animated online tutorials (i.e., screencasts) accessible via the library Web site. These interactive tutorials cover basic library services and resources and represent an effort to provide asynchronous bibliographic instruction to remote library users. This paper describes the use of screencasting software to create library tutorials and related issues including software options, production tips and techniques, and project management. In addition, the author describes the use of Google Analytics to record usage statistics and perform assessments.  相似文献   


In 2000, Auburn University Libraries implemented a new service, named AUBIExpress, to provide desktop delivery of print materials held at its three campus libraries. AUBIExpress provides electronic PDF copies of articles and book chapters from print resources located at Draughon Library (the main campus library), the Library of Architecture, Design and Construction, and the Veterinary Medical Library. The service is available, free, to Auburn University faculty, staff, graduate students, persons with disabilities and distance education students. There is a maximum request limit of five items per person per day and an item size limit of 50 pages. Requests, submitted through an online form, are usually processed within 2-4 business days.  相似文献   


This article explores how online pathfinders can best meet the information needs of graduate students and foster advanced research. The article reviews the literature on pathfinders, including the historic characteristics of print pathfinders, and the recommendations that have emerged for online pathfinder content. The article explores the information needs of humanities graduate students in general terms, and specifically examines extant online pathfinders in the field of art history. The article concludes with recommendations for the content of online pathfinders aimed at the humanities graduate student audience.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(83-84):83-96

Georgia State University Library's Education and Communication liaisons teamed up to teach a graduate course on the selection and use of reference resources for the College of Education's Library Media Technology Program. The collaboration between these two librarians can serve as a model for collaboration on three levels: collaboration between two librarians as co-teachers; collaboration between university librarians and academic department faculty; and, finally, “collaboration across work places” between academic librarians and school media specialists in P-12 settings. Unique challenges, benefits, and possibilities for this type of collaborative effort are examined.  相似文献   


The University of Florida is a large research institution with a freshman class of more than seven thousand students out of a total enrollment of about fifty thousand.Although a partnership with the University Writing Program has allowed the Libraries to reach almost four thousand students this past academic year, certain barriers still exist. There are just too many students to reach and the content is too vast to cover in only a single fifty-minute class period.Furthermore, problems encountered while working with students, as well as with their graduate writing instructors who run the classes, have reduced the effectiveness of the current library sessions.To solve these problems, our instruction team created targeted information literacy activities online, so writing instructors could have students complete them outside of class. This article covers some of the challenges in coordinating a first-year information literacyprogram in a large university setting and how electronic course reserves can be used creatively to deliver the desired content.  相似文献   


Librarians can replace or supplement traditional in-class instruction with course-specific online tutorials. The literature demonstrates how tutorials customized for specific courses are more beneficial than tutorials on basic research skills. Many authors discuss creating online tutorials but do not design one devoted to a specific course. With increasing demand for instruction services, online tutorials can ease staffing concerns prevalent at many libraries and otherwise enhance the quality of instruction and its application to varied learning styles. Using the Blackboard course management system, the authors created an online tutorial tailored to the required World Civilizations course at the University at Buffalo. The tutorial incorporated elements of successful online tutorials described in the literature: clear terminology, a quiz for self-assessment, opportunities for active learning, and individual e-mail feedback between students and librarians, and applied them to a specific course. The authors discuss student and librarian reaction to the tutorial and make recommendations for how the tutorial can be improved and implemented in everyday instruction services.  相似文献   

Background:In 2015, librarians at Purdue University began fielding requests from many disciplines to consult or collaborate on systematic review projects, and in 2016, health sciences librarians led the launch of a formal systematic review service. In 2019, Purdue University Libraries was reorganized as the Libraries and School of Information Studies (PULSIS) and assigned its own course designation, ILS. The increase in calls for systematic review services and the ability to teach ILS courses inspired the development of a credit-bearing ILS systematic review course.Case presentation:We designed, taught, and assessed a one-credit systematic review course for graduate students, using a backward-design course development model and applying self-determination theoretical concepts into lessons, assignments, and assessments. Using qualitative pre- and post-assessments, we discovered a variety of themes around student motivations, expectations, and preferences for the course. In quantitative post-class assessments, students reported improved confidence in all systematic review processes, with the highest confidence in their ability to choose and use citation management managers, describe the steps in the systematic review process, and understand the importance of a reproducible and systematic search strategy.Conclusions:We considered our pilot a success. Next steps include testing 2- and 3-credit- hour models and working to formally integrate the course into departmental and certificate curriculums. This case report provides a model for course design principles, learning outcomes, and assessments that librarians and library administrators can use to adjust their systematic review services.  相似文献   


Over the last decade, an increasing number of academic institutions have built satellite campuses and developed online courses to meet the needs of distance learners. As these academic institutions have expanded, demand for library service has increased significantly. In an attempt to expand its course offerings to distance learners, Regent University began offering online courses during the early 1990s, and it also developed a new satellite campus. As the Regent University Library has explored new and varied ways to serve students on the new satellite campus and other distance learners, the implementation of services has been challenging, but rewarding, for the library staff.  相似文献   


Iowa Wesleyan University (IW) has historically struggled with both assessment and supporting online students. Newly-appointed librarians and an impending re-accreditation visit prompted an increase in involvement and presence with assessment. In an attempt to expand the library's influence on campus, librarians took on a nontraditional role in the institutional implementation of LiveText, an assessment software. Librarians at IW have played an active and integral role in not only the initial roll-out of this software, but also in training and continuing support for students and faculty. Because of its importance to institutional learning outcomes, information fluency (IF) is being recognized as a high-impact practice across disciplines, and based on the results of this case study, librarians will pursue the creation of a required online IF course for online learners.  相似文献   


Students at universities spend an average of $1,250 yearly on textbooks and course materials. Can a collaboration between the Library and the Instructional Design Department create value for student populations by incorporating OER into the course development process? This is a case study of one University with a large online and distributed network with controls over the course design, timeline and curriculum delivered by the faculty. This University’s team tested whether the entire course could be designed in a scalable format using OERs collaborating with a librarian to organize the resources so students will have ready access to OER every time the course is offered. The result was an internal recommendation on structuring collaboration with the Library and course developers and presentation of the selected OERs in the Learning Management System. The result explored how adopting OERs redesigned course assignments and assessments in courses and fostered the development of original OERs in discipline-specific topics and content. The impact was a greater use of library resources by faculty and students and an economic impact to the student who does not have to purchase costly course materials. This process also supported course authentic assessment creation that are not dependent upon paid resources.  相似文献   


The Arizona State University Libraries Electronic Reserve system provides ASU students easy online access to required course reading. Journal articles, tests, syllabi and class notes are digitized and available on any computer with Internet access. Students no longer need to make a trip to the library but can now read, download or print these items at their convenience. The documents are easily located through a direct link in the libraries' online catalog and retrievable with “two clicks of a mouse.” This system was designed by the staff of the university's library. While outside vendors offered programs ranging in price from $47,000 to $70,000, less than $400 was spent on software. With over 750 files for 169 courses digitized, electronic reserve is popular, averaging 11,000 “hits” a month.  相似文献   


Sections of the beginning course in oral interpretation—three taught by an experienced faculty member using open‐circuit television facilities supplemented with classroom instruction by graduate assistant instructors having no prior teaching experience, and eleven taught by graduate assistant instructors having various levels of prior teaching experience—were compared for retention of specific course content at the end of a semester's instruction. A positive relationship was displayed between teaching experience level and retention of specific content. Although the television group displayed much higher median test scores than a control group taught by graduate assistants with little prior teaching experience, it displayed only slightly higher scores than a control group taught by graduate assistants with moderate experience, and a slightly lower median score than a control group taught by highly experienced graduate assistants.  相似文献   


This study evaluates the usability of the Journal Finder integrated search interface, developed at the Jackson Library at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. This interface provides electronic access to publications including journals, newsletters, newspapers, and magazines. This study was conducted to determine how intuitive and learnable the interface is for accessing online publications. The participants consist of four user subgroups: undergraduate students, graduate students, staff, and faculty. The study evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of the interface to support the participants' tasks of accessing online publications by using pretest questionnaires, task-analysis techniques, think-aloud protocol, scenarios, and post-test questionnaires. This study also evaluates the Journal Finder online tutorial. The study finds that the Journal Finder interface is easy to use, simple to learn, efficient, and effective for all subgroups. The effectiveness error rate and efficiency-time-to-completion measurement is comparable for all four subgroups in completing their tasks. The areas recommended for improvement to enhance the intuitiveness of the Journal Finder interface are the understandability of the navigational features, icons, and terminology and the creation of an easy-to-understand online tutorial. This study is novel because it examines the efficiency and effectiveness of the interface to facilitate access to electronic publications for not only students but also for faculty and staff.  相似文献   


This article presents the development and perspectives of improving the information literacy of graduate students at the University of Konstanz, considering the European background with the Bologna process and the general conditions of the German higher education system. It gives a short overview of the current reforms in European higher education and the consequences for information literacy instruction for undergraduates and graduates as well. The situation at the University of Konstanz, with its library being a leading institution in the German information literacy debate, is described explicitly. Some findings of a comprehensive graduate information literacy survey, which was recently realized there, are reported in detail. Further perspectives for graduate information literacy in the context of the library's user services are outlined.  相似文献   

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