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英国国家档案馆文化休闲服务的类型包括公共教育服务、文创产品服务、游戏化服务等。其主要特点有:公众参与形式丰富、文化休闲活动多样、服务方式注重社交媒体的作用、环境优美气氛温馨等。通过借鉴英国国家档案馆经验,可为“局馆分离”后我国档案馆服务能力的提升提供有益参考。  相似文献   

苗美娟 《图书情报工作》2018,62(20):142-151
[目的/意义]了解国外图书馆老年人服务的研究主题及发展脉络,为我国图书馆老年人服务提供借鉴。[方法/过程]通过文献调研,梳理1938-2017年国外图书馆老年人服务的研究主题及发展脉络。[结果/结论]国外图书馆老年人服务研究可划分为3个发展阶段,呈现出研究用户不断扩大与细分,研究视角由关注图书馆转向关注老年人需求的特点。服务方式由单一简单服务转向多元化和创新性服务,研究理念也逐渐由服务老年人向老年人的积极参与转变。同时,研究也呈现出一定的不足,如过多关注馆内老年用户而忽视馆外老年用户,缺乏代表性项目的介绍及其评估等。  相似文献   

本文以国外图书馆协会老年服务指南文本为研究对象,采用质性研究方法归纳获得指南的内容框架,可归为八个方面:指南目标与编制思想,认识老龄化和老年人,图书馆老年服务原则,了解老年人需求,图书馆规划和经费预算,馆藏与设施设备,馆员与服务,合作与宣传。在对国内外情况进行对比分析的基础上,指出应尽快制定我国的图书馆老年服务规范,确立积极的老龄观和差异化的服务导向,建立对我国老龄化现状及未来趋向的清晰认识,明确公共图书馆老年服务的使命陈述,倡导具体化、整体性、常态化的服务指导。表2。参考文献56。  相似文献   

This paper reports a content analysis of 778 television commercials. Commercials were examined for the presence of older adults. Commercials featuring older adults were then examined more closely to describe the nature of the portrayals. Consistent with previous research, older adults were shown to be underrepresented in the commercials examined, as compared to their presence in the population. This effect was particularly strong for older women and for members of ethnic minorities. However, older adults were found to be presented in a relatively positive light—as active, happy, and strong. In addition, older adults were shown to be least underrepresented in advertisements for financial services and retail chains, and most underrepresented in advertisements for automobiles and travel services. The results are discussed in terms of the changing position of the older adult consumer in the marketplace. Suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

美国高校图书馆校友服务的典型案例研究及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了美国高校图书馆校友服务的实践情况,包括服务范围、服务内容与保障制度,结合高校图书馆开展社会化服务的理论基础和现实条件,探讨了支持终身学习的校友服务,建议逐步扩大服务的校友范围,提供包括资料借阅、多途径获取电子资源、建立Blackboard网络学习平台等服务,并采取校友借书卡与VPN技术进行服务管理。  相似文献   

英国高校信息素养教育进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对英国主要信息素养组织机构、学术活动、标准框架的演进以及英国高校信息素养教育发展现状的调研,可以看出分阶段的信息素养教育、结合专业的信息技能培养、开展在线课程以及多元化的信息服务是目前培养学生信息技能乃至终身学习能力的重要走向。  相似文献   

中外高校图书馆社会化服务比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对研究现状进行综述的基础上,从重视程度、收费状况、读者类型和服务项目4个方面,通过文献调研、个案研究和定量分析等方法,对国内122所“211”高校图书馆和国外164所高校图书馆所开展的社会化服务展开实际调研,对被调查图书馆的社会化服务情况进行汇总和对比,分析其异同点及成因;在此基础上,就我国高校图书馆如何推进社会化服务提出以下建议:更新观念,放开思想;建立完整的社会化服务体系和服务模式;利用先进技术,拓展服务项目,支持在线学习和终身学习等。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(69-70):219-231

This paper considers the instructional role of the academic librarian and examines the contribution adult learning theory makes to the practice of teaching information literacy skills. It explores those principles of effective practice in facilitating adult learning which apply to the teaching—learning transactions in the library. It describes the aim of facilitation as one of encouraging self directed, empowered adults and confirms the role of the academic librarian in facilitating the development of critical thinking, creative problem-solving and informed decision making in adult learners. It also examines the concept of information literacy and how this contributes to adult lifelong learning.  相似文献   

Although not much has been written about older adults' use of academic libraries, they experience challenges navigating these considerable physical and online library spaces. Members of a university lifelong learning community were recruited for a 10-week diary study. They were asked to record their real-time information seeking behaviors related to their study groups, and the challenges they faced looking for or using information. They were also asked to rate their enjoyment to determine whether the joy of engaging in community learning extends to the information seeking process. Findings from sixteen diarists show that they sought information primarily on a specific topic, person, or book. They used a variety of resources but found books and periodicals most useful. They struggled with trust, technology, time management, library anxiety, information overload and dissemination. With increased understanding, librarians can be better equipped to reach older adults that are doing scholarly research and contribute to their success.  相似文献   

In order to keep pace with a sophisticated clientele who expect instantaneous delivery systems, reference service specialists who have typically looked at document delivery as their ultimate job function now need to look at satisfaction of patron needs. For reference librarianship to be successful, it has to be seen as a valuable and convenient commodity to the user, who comes to rely on the librarian and to trust in the necessity of the service as well as its availability. Reference librarians, then, should look at broadening their services to reach individuals and specialized populations, not "the general public." They will revamp their present service programs to accomodate adult learners, small business owners, and communities with strong ethnic and cultural majorities. Continuing education activities have to be offered in tandem with this transformation of the service itself so that librarians build on traditional reference skills by incorporating business administration, marketing, and adult learning as part of the total educational picture.  相似文献   

Older adults who identify as readers and choose to read for pleasure in their everyday lives are understudied despite the persistence and pervasiveness of this kind of reading. The phenomenology of reading and critical age studies inform this pilot project that uses in-depth interviews conducted with five readers who are between the ages of 75–90?years and who live in Canada. Data analysis followed principles of close reading and thematic analysis. Findings privilege the voices of the older readers and show how their experiences of reading can be analyzed using the metaphor of reading as a lifeline that, in turn, bridges with notions of resilience and embodied information practices. Reading for pleasure supports resilience and a reflective stance on life among older adults. The findings call for other researchers to engage more readily with older adults and will be of use to librarians and others who provide services, programs, and resources to older adult readers.  相似文献   

介绍一项推广读者利用电子书的图书馆服务。该项目对不同电子书数据库进行使用测试,以结构化电子书服务模式,并且比较不同数据库的服务。讨论了如何运用编目系统整合不同类型的服务内容。结论是电子书结合图书馆参考服务能够支援大学的研究、教学和学习活动。建议图书馆发展电子书数据库-编目系统-图书馆员博客模式,直接且简单地增加读者得知消息、获取信息、参与讨论和共创知识的效率。  相似文献   

Abstract Aims: To determine the current level of library service to people in their own homes in the United Kingdom and to compare it with results from previous surveys. It is many years since a similar survey has been undertaken or guidelines produced and it is hoped that this work will help fill the gap. Methods: A questionnaire was sent in January 2004 to all public library authorities in the UK, a total of 208; 72% (149) were returned in the timescale allowed. The questionnaire covered the criteria for eligibility to receive a home library service; service structure and delivery: who delivers the service (specialist librarians or specialist non‐professional staff, branch library staff or volunteers); training; range of material and services provided; reading aids; materials for reminiscence; information provision; transporting people to the library; services to people in residential homes, sheltered accommodation, nursing homes and day centres; reader development; lifelong learning; and publicity and promotion. The focus of the survey was on quality issues and good practice wherever possible. Results: The number of customers receiving a service to ‘housebound’ readers in the UK in 2001/2 was 123 407. In 1984 it was 43 807 people in England. This still bears little relation to the number of people who should be receiving the service. The majority used paid staff (88%). Volunteers supported 52% of the services, with most having links with staff. There were opportunities to improve and develop services under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The service was publicized and promoted by only 62% of the respondents. Of those that use paid staff and that answered this question, 73% provide disability equality training for staff. Only 21% provide disability equality training for volunteers. Only 36% are involved in reader development or lifelong learning and only 23% provide a newsletter in print, 11% on tape and 3% in Braille; 12% take laptops into people's homes. Conclusions: Many authorities were still providing a tokenistic service and were reluctant to publicize for fear of not coping with demand, which makes them vulnerable legally under the DDA. However, there were some excellent examples of good practice where the full range of services are provided to a high standard.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(69-70):141-150

Andragogy is the art and science of helping adults learn. This article explores the foundations of adult learning theory, as well as current thought and practice. With special emphasis on Malcolm Knowles' Basic Assumptions of Andragogy, the article presents the learning needs and characteristics of the adult library user. These characteristics include: a psychological need to be self-directed; a preference for experiential learning; a desire and readiness to learn practical life applications; and a desire to grow and self-actualize. A discussion follows of the implications for providing more effective reference service and library instruction to adults.  相似文献   

国内外老年人互联网使用行为研究述评   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
[目的/意义]在老龄化社会和信息化社会同时到来的时代背景下,研究老年人互联网使用情况,一方面可以为开发老年服务产业提供理论依据,另一方面也为满足老年人生活需要,改善老年人生活质量提供有价值的建议。[方法/过程]基于老年人互联网使用行为,讨论研究中涉及的互联网服务内容和类型,在此基础上对老年人互联网使用的价值研究和影响因素研究成果进行系统梳理与述评。[结果/结论]老年人使用互联网对提升生活幸福感、降低孤独感、提高社区归属感以及增强认知能力有一定的作用;在使用动机和接受因素方面,感知有用性、感知易用性、自我效能、结果预期和一些构成因素会影响老年人使用互联网的意愿与行为。未来研究可以聚焦在提供更符合老年人需求的互联网服务、根据具体互联网使用内容分析对老年人产生的价值、挖掘老年人特有的互联网使用影响因素、探讨新型互联网环境中如何促进老年人使用网络服务4个领域,形成有针对性的理论创新与建议。  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of age, task complexity, and practice on adult message‐production‐skill acquisition and performance. Participants (30 older adults and 30 college students) learned a sequence for describing geometric arrays and then employed this organizing sequence in a series of 90 performance trials. Half of the participants learned a six‐step (high task‐complexity) sequence, while the remaining participants learned a three‐step (low task‐complexity) sequence for describing the arrays. The results suggest that overall message‐production speed is characterized by a “complexity effect” (i.e., an interaction between age and task complexity such that younger adults exhibited superior performance relative to their older counterparts, and this difference was more pronounced under complex‐task conditions). Complexity effects were also found for initial message‐production‐skill performance and rate of skill acquisition: older adults exhibited slower initial performance and slower rates of skill acquisition than younger adults, and this difference was even more pronounced when learning a complex skill. Finally, the results indicate a significant main effect for age on variation in overall task performance in that older adults’ learning curves, regardless of task complexity, were characterized by greater variability in performance quality from trial to trial. These effects are consistent with changes in processing speed and working‐memory capacity that have been suggested to accompany advancing age. The current findings may be seen to have direct implications for older‐adult‐skills training.  相似文献   

文章基于我国公共档案馆的社会化服务发展趋势,通过档案文化休闲利用的视角对公共服务型档案馆的实现进行可行性分析。从档案馆的公共属性与文化属性、人们休闲时间的增多与精神需求的扩大、推动文化产业成为国民经济支柱型产业的提出等方面出发,提出公共服务型档案馆文化休闲功能开发具有一定的必然性,并从资源、服务及制度三个方面探讨其实现的对策。  相似文献   

The author examined the survey results from 721 rural libraries throughout the United States and Canada to learn more about how they are serving older adults (defined here as anyone 65 years and older). The following areas of library service in particular were studied: funding sources, collections, strategic planning, staffing, technology use, partnerships, outreach efforts, and building design and accessibility. Results of this study were compared to those found in recent studies of services provided to older adults in suburban and capital city public libraries.  相似文献   

变革时期图书馆休闲职能的拓展与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在变革时期,图书馆发展过程中需要拓展休闲职能,这是图书馆应对边缘化风险的有力措施,用户需求的推动结果.图书馆开展休闲服务的活动类型包括讲座活动、展览活动、技艺性培训活动、亲子活动、读者俱乐部等.  相似文献   

This article reports on the results of a study that examined public library website adherence to senior-friendly website guidelines. A total of 104 public library websites (N = 104) were analyzed. Compliance with Internet design accessibility principles recommended for older adult Internet users was analyzed, and the findings suggest that current public library website practices may be problematic. As a result, public library websites offering resources and services may present potential accessibility challenges to older adults. Recommendations relevant to public libraries for enhancing library websites and online content are presented.  相似文献   

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