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《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(1-2):155-170

While public libraries in the United States vary widely by size and location, they all serve a common purpose: to provide information, education, and recreation for all people in their service areas. To continue to serve this purpose, especially in the midst of the current shrinkage of public funding, public libraries need advocates who believe in them strongly and are willing to speak publicly on their behalf.  相似文献   


Our review of annual reports returns to the “Oil Patch” and the Tulsa City-County Public Library. This is the second time we have reviewed a report from Linda Saferite's fine library system. The report is so fine that we had to let our readers know about it. We do not think you will be disappointed.  相似文献   

In a time of wide-spread budget crunches, institutional down-sizing, and general academic belt-tightening, an increasing number of academic libraries have found themselves considering the many advantages brought to them by a Friends of the Library (FOL) organization. Such groups provide additional funds, enhance relations with the administration, and provide useful links between the college and the community surrounding it. Their success, however, depends on the commitment of the director, ongoing, support form the library, and other practical tips outlined in this article.  相似文献   

America’s public libraries have faced changes because of technology’s challenges—but a disruption that’s just as dangerous is the gradual dwindling of the public funding that they have historically relied on. To meet the formidable challenges, librarians will have to go back to their historical “roots.” So-called “public” libraries, after all, were actually founded by large bequests from private donors such as Andrew Carnegie and Samuel Tilden. Modern-day librarians—from Virginia to Montana—that have embraced the crucial work of fundraising have been able to devise imaginative, sometimes Internet-based, solutions to overcoming budget shortfalls. Their stories show us what is possible when an inventive entrepreneurial spirit pervades the library.  相似文献   

公共图书馆电子阅览室建设中的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公共图书馆在电子阅览室建设中,存在着诸多需要思考的问题,本文探讨了电子阅览室与网吧的关系、办证、收费等问题。  相似文献   

关于公共图书馆立法及其支撑研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
2008年11月,<公共图书馆法>立法工作启动.由中国图书馆学会和国家图书馆牵头进行的支撑研究涉及11个研究专题,为立法提供思想、理论、学术、方案等方面支撑.立"大法"还是立"小法",是围绕图书馆立法争论的问题之一.<公共图书馆法>是否涉及国家图书馆,业内看法不一,立法实践尚无定论.图书馆人应以积极、负责、理性的态度参与和推动立法进程.  相似文献   

分析了西部地区公共图书馆的现状,提出了西部地区公共图书馆的发展措施,包括:统一规划加大投入、促进管理手段进步、加强服务方式的变革、加强农村文化设施及图书馆(室)建设、加强自我宣传、提高图书馆员素质等。  相似文献   

公共图书馆与和谐社会的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过回顾公共图书馆建立和发展的历史,阐述了公共图书馆是维护公民平等自由获取知识信息的保障,是反映一个国家民主发展进程的窗口,是支撑社会和谐发展的基石之一;探讨了制约我国公共图书馆在构建社会主义和谐社会中发挥作用的突出问题  相似文献   

分析公共图书馆在建设社套主义新农村中的重要作用,剖析基层图书馆目前的生存现状与问题,提出解决这些问题的对策和思路。  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(3-4):99-109

Research indicates that there is surprisingly little difference in reading gains between children from high-and low-income families during the school year. Rather, the difference is what happens in the summer. Children from high-income families make better progress in reading over the summer, and over time the summer advantage can account for social-class differences in reading achievement. There is a simple explanation for this difference: Children from high-income families read more over the summer, and they read more because they have more access to books, not only at home but outside the home as well. Studies show that public libraries offer inferior collections and services to children of poverty. An obvious way to increase access to books over the summer is to improve public library services.  相似文献   

美国国会图书馆阅读推广活动考察分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国国会图书馆利用其丰富的资源和独特的地位积极开展全民阅读推广活动,1977年成立的图书中心以推广图书、阅读、素养及图书馆为核心任务,30多年开展了多种多样的活动和项目,成为阅读活动的倡导者、促进者和思想源泉。通过对这些活动的考察,探讨其实践经验,为我国的阅读推广活动提供借鉴。  相似文献   

0-3岁的婴幼儿时期对于养成终身阅读习惯至关重要,欧美发达国家较早认识到婴幼儿阅读对提高全民素质的重要性,从战略高度保驾护航。通过文献调查梳理国内外公共图书馆婴幼儿阅读服务现状和宏观政策条款,结合我国公共图书馆立法,提出在图书馆法视域下从政府、行业组织、公共图书馆、社会层面,优化婴幼儿阅读服务的策略。  相似文献   

李雪 《贵图学刊》2009,(2):62-63
公共图书馆作为一个地区文化标志的象征,它的发展在很大程度上影响着人们的精神文化生活水平,为了更好的为读者服务、更充分的满足读者的需求,公共图书馆馆藏资源结构建设应当不断的被完善。本文从公共图书馆馆藏资源结构的现状、发展趋势以及印刷型文献、电子文献和地方文献的建设等几个方面粗略探讨了图书馆馆藏资源结构的建设。  相似文献   

浅谈县级公共图书馆免费开放服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在公共图书馆免费开放服务的新形势下,对新政策作如何解读及研究,作为基层公共图书馆的县级图书馆发展将如何做好免费开放工作是本文讨论的主要内容。  相似文献   

手持阅读器在图书馆中的应用研究——以国家图书馆为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章从增加用户体验、提升文献利用率、加速业务格局转型的角度分析了手持阅读器在图书馆应用的价值,并通过阐述手持阅读器在国家图书馆的应用现状与存在的问题的基础上,从资源采购、扩充内容、增加互动性等方面对今后图书馆界开展手持阅读器服务提出几点设想。  相似文献   

论文通过笔者的实践体会,阐述了宁波市北仑区公共图书馆服务体系建设的内容及其取得的成效,并对本区公共图书馆服务体系进一步发展的前景作了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

Just like urban residents, rural citizens want educational, cultural, and technological resources delivered in an affordable manner appropriate to their locale. Rural communities and elected officials strive to leverage their limited resources to meet critical needs, provide services, and improve their quality of life. The Rural Library Project, a small nonprofit in Georgia, is working with rural communities to organize and engage talent, gather resources, and value the public library as a center for lifelong learning and community development.  相似文献   

从清政府学部筹办、京师图书馆颁布《京师图书馆及各省图书馆通行章程》开始到民国时代,国民政府教育部、国立京师图书馆围绕国立京师图书馆(包括京师图书馆、国立北平图书馆)的日常工作和发展建设,颁布了一系列“规程、章则和契约”。这些“规程、章则和契约”的公共图书馆思想有:①从有限开放逐步走向全面开放的思想;②由购券入览到免费服务的思想;③馆际互借和资源共享的思想;④提倡私立图书馆面向大众开放的思想;⑤从以藏书为主到以用户为主的思想等。认为在中华人民共和国《图书馆法》还没有颁布之前,中国国家图书馆可以制订一些“规程、章则和契约”,在经过政府主管部门的批准后,作为政府法规文件的补充,共同指导和规范我国图书馆事业的健康有序发展。  相似文献   

吴兵 《新世纪图书馆》2012,(4):80-84,61
论文从经费来源、经费用途、账户监督和账户管理四个方面,对26个国家的公共图书馆法中关于经费问题的条款,进行了统计和分析,并参照我国地方性公共图书馆法规,提出国外公共图书馆法对我国公共图书馆立法的启示、  相似文献   

针对平坝县图书馆的现状及存在的问题,提出转变观念,加强管理和队伍建设,充分利用现有资源,推进基层公共图书馆发展的对策措施。  相似文献   

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