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Metacognition and social metacognition play important roles in information literacy, online learning, and collaborative learning. This study examines how students rated themselves in both metacognitive and social metacognitive awareness after a collaborative project in an information literacy course offered face-to-face and online. Students in the face-to-face version of the course rated themselves as having higher social metacognitive awareness, though metacognitive awareness scores were similar. Because of this finding, this article makes recommendations for improving collaboration online for information literacy instruction.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探究学习小组在线知识协作中的用户角色及其行为与分布特征。研究将有助于更深入地理解学习小组在线知识协作中的用户角色特征,帮助信息服务提供方为不同角色的用户提供更有价值的服务。[方法/过程]通过社会网络分析和聚类分析等方法,对某课程在线学习协作平台的1096份协作日志进行分析。[结果/结论]学习小组在线知识协作中,领导者起到带头和引导的作用,实质内容提供者专注于提供内容,存在内部微协作之外但较少与其他用户进行沟通交流,管理维护者纠正协作中其他角色的编辑漏洞和失序行为并与小组中的关键用户保持较为紧密的联系,社交连接者在协作中起到的沟通连接作用不明显。  相似文献   

王翠英 《图书馆建设》2012,(4):36-39,42
技术、信息和学习环境的革命性变化逐渐削弱了图书馆作为获取信息和知识的首要机构的地位。学习共享空间是社会网络环境下支持学生协同学习、个性化学习的学习社区和学习资源中心。图书馆员要将服务融入大学生学习的过程之中,明确交互关系、网络规模、认同感等影响大学生社会学习过程的因素,引导学生合理利用基于标签的分众分类法,使之构建交互关系,发现、讨论、评价、注释和推荐他们自己的学习资源。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the impact of learning spaces as well as collaborative technology, which affects library building and design. The article illustrates that learning spaces are an important component in the design of library buildings rather then a temporary trend. During each of our company's latest public library building projects, both librarians and architecture teams have recognized the need to support increases in learning activities. To bring more users to the public library, they recommended that the building needed increased seating to support training, education and in‐house cultural programming. The stories cited in this article suggest that there is a relationship between learning spaces and collaborative technology. Among librarians and library planners, learning spaces are seen as a unifying requirement for the expansion of library services. They recognize that the library's seating plan must include more learning spaces to support social networking, sharing and project base learning. Our qualitative findings suggest that public libraries need more learning spaces to support new types of digital work.  相似文献   

基于学科的信息素养虚拟学习社区研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虚拟学习社区为学习者提供了跨时空的学习交流环境,通过学习社区成员之间的协作交互、资源分享,共同构建社会性知识,促进知识的交流,已经成为网络时代远程教育的重要途径。通过分析信息素养的网上教学的现状和不足,借鉴网上虚拟学习社区的理论与实践,对基于学科的信息素养学习社区的建立从组织形式、功能设置、监督和管理等方面进行了思考。  相似文献   

A wiki group project was integrated into a neuroscience course for first-year medical students. The project was developed as a self-directed, collaborative learning task to help medical students review course content and make clinically important connections. The goals of the project were to enhance students’ understanding of key concepts in neuroscience, promote active learning, and reinforce their information literacy skills. The objective of the exploratory study was to provide a formative evaluation of the wiki group project and to examine how wiki technology was utilized to enhance active and collaborative learning of first-year medical students in the course and to reinforce information literacy skills.  相似文献   


Using Etienne Wenger’s concept of a community of practice, UH Libraries’ Liaison Services Department developed departmental members’ emotional intelligence. The social learning structure of the community of practice mirrors the emotional intelligence learning model theorized by Daniel Goleman. This case study demonstrates how this approach can benefit a unit within an academic library. Using a community of practice approach to build a space for social learning creates an environment in which library workers are able to learn and practice the skills of emotional intelligence among their colleagues and within the context of the norms and values of the work environment.  相似文献   

知识链组织的技术学习:基于社会网络及社会资本分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识链组织嵌入在特定的社会网络中,社会网络的网络结构、关系强度及社会资本对知识链的技术学习有重要影响。网络结构的中心位置以及较多的结构洞有利于知识链成员的技术学习,并且社会网络中的强关系和弱关系对于知识链组织的技术学习具有重要价值。基于社会资本的信任可以消除知识链成员对机会主义行为的防范心理,降低技术学习的交易成本。  相似文献   

The rapid developments of wireless telecommunication networks and the widespread increase of smartphone ownership around the world have created tremendous impacts on the services provided by institutions of higher education worldwide on several dimensions. Unarguably, mobile technologies have created new and unforeseen opportunities for educators, information services providers and students to experience the new horizon of teaching, learning, as well as knowledge transfer and creation. Taking into consideration that since Library and Information Science (LIS) students are training to become future LIS professionals, they are expected to be ready as well as active in integrating mobile technology into their daily learning practices.This study was set up to examine two groups of students (namely: LIS versus non-LIS students) at Peking University – their attitudes and level of activeness in adopting mobile technology in their daily life, as well as in their learning practices. Quantitative questionnaire survey was used for data collection, and a total number of 319 responses (i.e., LIS, 63 and non-LIS, 256) were collected from this study. Findings of this study reveal that no significant differences were found between the two student groups (LIS versus non-LIS) in many areas. In fact, both LIS and non-LIS student groups were using their smartphones to engage in different learning, research, social networking, pastimes, and recreational activities on similar level. However, it was concerning to note that the LIS student group was slightly less active in accessing the online services and resources provided by their university library. This was a particular finding that went against the researchers' original anticipation. However, such unexpected finding did not mean that these LIS students were necessarily less active or ‘open’ as mobile learners. For the reason that in comparison to their non-LIS counterparts, they were equally as active as in terms of using their mobile devices for other learning (particularly collaborative learning) and research purposes. Further studies are recommended to determine various factors that are hindering these LIS students from using the university library's online resources and services on a more active level.  相似文献   

据统计国内"985工程"高校中有35.9%的学校建立了协作式学习空间,但这仅仅是"学习共享空间"的雏形,国内高校"学习共享空间"的建设仍处于起步阶段,成功的实例能在"学习共享空间"的建设中提供参考。藉此详细介绍了台湾中兴大学图书馆的"学习共享空间"——"兴阅坊"的虚拟环境和实体环境。对"兴阅坊"的协作运行进行深入探讨,分析它的优势和特点,以期对国内高校图书馆"学习共享空间"的构建提供借鉴,更好地为校内师生服务,从而使图书馆发挥更大的效益。  相似文献   

Despite general agreement on the importance of social capital in individual knowledge creation, little is known concerning the role of dyadic social capital in collaborative knowledge creation. This study proposes a classification of dyadic social capital using two-dimensional matrix and investigates their roles in enhancing collaborative knowledge creation. It is found that the dyads who have strong dyadic tie strength while taking advantage of their dyadic bridging social capitals both in the ego network and global network come up with more high-impact knowledge. This study also challenges the statement that an inverted U-shaped relationship between dyadic tie strength and knowledge creation found in previous literatures, and indicates dyadic structure hole serving as effective moderating effect makes the quadratic effect disappear and catalyzes the strength of strong tie.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(83-84):71-81

Librarians are well positioned to embrace the journey towards a learning culture; we have resources and we have incentive! Teetering on the edge of information technology, libraries are committed to continuous change for the benefit of our customers. To fulfill this promise, staff must keep pace with new technologies, products, and an increasing demand for new services in an environment with shrinking human resources. There is more to learn and less time in which to learn it. This paper describes a proactive, team-based approach used to create a learning culture in one library. Staff act as peer learners and teachers to educate themselves and each other about all aspects of their reference work such as approaches to service, orientation for new members, learning and evaluating new tools, and discussing the development of new services. The whole is greater than the sum–this dynamic, shared learning environment embraces diverse learning styles including discovery, discussion, demonstration, presentation, homework, questioning, and hands-on practice. Analysis of feedback from students and challenging questions at the reference desk grounded the experience and made it immediately relevant and useful. This strategy furthers the goal of the learning organization where members share the responsibility of learning. The outcomes are an enriched collective knowledge and understanding, a sustainable model for continuous learning, social connectivity, and team experience.  相似文献   

王瀚  韩毅 《图书情报工作》2013,57(19):37-42
以二人合作为对象,讨论合作信息查寻与检索中知识共享的博弈学习机制,在简化的假设条件下,分别就检索过程共享及检索结果共享构建知识共享的博弈学习模型并求最优解。研究表明:学习是参与者的优选策略,共享在一定激励条件下才能发生;在一定的激励机制或约束条件下,参与者有逐渐走向合作博弈学习的趋势并到达“共享”与“学习”均衡。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(45-46):79-92
The convergence of the information revolution and the twentieth century social revolution challenges the adequacy of bibliographic instruction efforts to date. Library users' diverse life situations-by choice or circumstances-and ensuing information needs are linked to recent findings on learning style preferences. By focusing on the ingredients necessary for contextually sensitive instructional experiences, librarians can develop styles and appraoches which create learning environments supportive of collaborative inquiry among diverse information seekers.  相似文献   

张玉昭 《档案与建设》2021,(2):37-40,13
多元主体协同参与数字档案资源开发是数字时代档案资源开发的新形式,为档案资源开发模式转型提供了新契机。在梳理多元主体关系对其重新进行角色厘定的基础上,文章构建了多元社会主体共同参与开发与建构社会记忆的框架,包括档案主管部门主导下的协同参与、档案开发部门引导下的开发深化、公众交流合作推动下的知识转化和多元主体行动下的社会记忆构建四个阶段,并从主动开放数字档案资源、协同建设数字档案资源库、以信息技术优化开发效率和完善多元主体权利保障机制四个角度提出了发展策略。  相似文献   

This study examines global collaborative creativity through patentometrics and social network analysis. Because patents are a direct output of innovative activities, cross-border patents are used to analyze the trend of global collaborative creativity. The results show linear growth of cross-border patents, while numerous inventors have grown exponentially for collaborative creativity. The number of inventors for global collaborative creativity trends have increased more rapidly than the number of patents. The network for global collaborative creativity is denser and shows a growing trend over a five-year interval. Both observed and cosine-normalized numbers of k-cores in global collaborative creativity show a growing trend, while the cosine-normalized k-cores increase slowly compared to the observed one. Similarly, the social network analysis confirms a growing network of global collaborative creativity, which is dense despite its small degree of growth. This study also found that high values of “betweenness” tend to spread from core countries to periphery countries. Collaborative creativity has globalized but remains concentrated in core countries such as the U.S., the UK, France, Germany, and Canada.  相似文献   

While the collaborative trend among professional social workers and librarians gains traction and attention, literature about the utilization of student social workers partnering with libraries is non-existent. Over 64,000 students are currently enrolled in master-level social work (MSW) programs throughout the United States and nearly all are required to complete at least 900?hours of fieldwork. Such students provide untapped skills, knowledge, and values that can help address the broader—and very real—needs of patrons. By reaching out to MSW programs, public librarians play a critical role in helping advance tolerance for a diversity of people and much-needed services. While the professional values and ethics of both librarianship and social work have strong overlap, librarians can invite social work students to partner with them; particularly as libraries are still considered nontraditional service points. MSW students can work with libraries to expand programing, strengthen outreach, and enhance the professional development of both social workers and librarians to the benefit of marginalized patrons.  相似文献   

王瀚  韩毅 《图书情报工作》2018,62(19):86-92
[目的/意义] 合作信息查寻与检索本质上是知识共享过程,刻画其动态演化过程是研究中的核心问题。[方法/过程] 以知识存量、知识结构和知识质量为变量构建合作信息查寻与检索中知识共享的位势判别函数Epk,并以Epk=50作为高低位势的划分阈值把合作群体划分为两个子群,从合作参与者自身因素、参与者间的相互影响及环境作用3个方面探讨合作信息查寻与检索的影响因素,并以此为基础应用博弈论原理构建合作信息查寻与检索知识共享的演化博弈模型。应用2014版Matlab编写仿真程序,基于给定的初始参数值对演化博弈模型进行多次迭代仿真。[结果/结论] 结果表明:群体参与策略经过多次博弈后趋于稳定;参与者的共享/学习能力与参与者关系对知识共享具有正向影响,成本因素对知识共享有负向影响;演化博弈模型收敛于(1,1),即高位势参与者选择知识共享策略、低位势参与者选择知识学习策略;通过合作过程中不断的知识共享与学习,参与各方的知识结构都会得到不同程度的改善,尤其是知识提供方的改善尤为显著。  相似文献   

Many researchers have assumed that social media will reduce inequalities between elite politicians and those outside the political mainstream and that it will thus benefit democracy, as it circumvents the traditional media that focus too much on a few elite politicians. I test this assumption by investigating the association between U.S. Representatives using Twitter and their fundraising. Evidence suggests that (1) politicians' adoptions of social media have yielded increased donations from outside their constituencies but little from within their own constituencies; (2) politicians with extreme ideologies tend to benefit more from their social media adoptions; and (3) the political use of social media may yield a more unequal distribution of financial resources among candidates. Finally, I discuss the implications of these findings for political equality, polarization, and democracy.  相似文献   

详细综述合作信息查寻与检索在IS&R与CSCW领域的研究现状,集成查寻与检索理念设计Web语境中合作信息查寻与检索的概念框架模型,分析其主要过程机制及建立相应机制必须解决的一些关键问题。最后指出,Web语境下建立合作信息查寻与检索机制有利于提高社会智能的复用,有利于形成网络社区组织,促进网络资源的有序化与自组织化。  相似文献   

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