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Although approval plans have long been an accepted tool for monographic collection development, they have seen comparatively slow adoption for music scores. This slow adoption is mirrored by a relative dearth of literature about music score approval plans. At a time when changes in the financial and publishing landscape are having a profound impact on collection development practices and current trends in organizational restructuring are placing greater demands on librarians' time, the need for contemporary discussion of approval plans is that much greater. This article discusses the ups and downs of one library's foray into music score approval plans.  相似文献   

This introductory article covers a number of aspects of the information revolution in Asia. It presents the telecommunications industry as one invigorated by international market forces, in contrast to a broadcasting industry tempered by regional policies to preserve culture and values, and faced with difficulties in producing culturally relevant material. Recent moves towards international cooperation in standardizing technology and networks are examined, as well as the attempts to develop international laws for such muddy areas as transbordef broadcasting. It details the problems faced so far, and highlights some negative aspects of the information revolution that must be overcome. An assessment is also made, of the effect of advances in communication for developing countries, with a discussion of whether such technologies have a liberating effect, or an exploitative one.  相似文献   

辛亥革命时期多数地方主要靠新军起义,但上海不同,上海的起义主要靠军警、商团和帮会,发动这些力量的是同盟会和光复会,一举成功的关键在于革命党人与地方绅商的成功合作,这与上海这座城市的特点有很大关系.同盟会、光复会虽然各自在此长期经营,但要取得上海光复,必须抛弃成见,彼此联手,而且必须争取到上海地方绅商的支持.经过多年奋斗,此时上海华人社会已经形成了代表自己利益的政治精英,这就是以李平书为首的绅商集团."在上海的革命党与清政府两极对峙中,得绅商者得天下,绅商的政治取向决定胜负,决定上海的命运".  相似文献   

本文将通过回顾央视改版的具体内容、代表案例,观察其"变脸"的深层因为,探讨其影响及对电视传媒今后发展的启示.  相似文献   

提到媒介分析领域的理论成果,我国学术界最为熟悉的,恐怕是以“媒介即讯息”论断著称的加拿大学者麦克卢汉(Marshall McLuhan)的理论。麦克卢汉的媒介理论,当然堪称这一领域中影响深远的学术成果。但是,作为一种诞生于20世纪60年代电视已在全世界蓬勃发展的媒介理论,其最关注的媒介,是电视;它尚不可能对后来崛起的更新的传媒作出深刻的理论阐述。麦氏笔下的新媒介,以电视为代表。他对人类传播发展进程的趋势及文化变迁的趋势的分析,亦以他对电视的特征及其社会影响的研究为基础。如今事过境迁,电视已不再是传播媒介中的最新成员。20世纪80年代后期以来,以电脑技术  相似文献   

Theory and research reported in this paper provide both theoretical and methodological advances in the study of predicted outcome value theory (POV) in established, ongoing relationships. From a theoretical perspective, POV, previously a theory focused solely on initial interaction behaviors and consequences, is extended into the realm of ongoing relationships. The propositions of the theory are reformulated and hypotheses derived from them are tested. Overall, the results strongly support this extension and shed new light on its role in understanding the effect of unexpected events. Methodologically, the study provides a longitudinal approach for assessing ongoing relationships both before and after the occurrence of an unexpected event.  相似文献   

Stanford University Libraries Technical Services Division is in the midst of a major reorganization that will involve changes in the way departments are organized and in the way work flows through these new departments. Increased use of outsourcing to provide some basic technical services will also be explored. The following article discusses Stanford's goals in making these changes and the process the library is going through to achieve these goals.  相似文献   

辛亥革命与法国大革命,是近代欧洲和亚洲资产阶级革命的典型代表,中法社会发展进程中的这一历史性丕变在档案工作中也得到了映现。本文在对辛亥革命与法国大革命时期档案工作改革内容、改革推动力、改革影响的具体状况分别予以笼括的基础上,从上述三方面对中法档案工作改革进行了比较分析,以期在一个更宏阔的视阈中理性地估衡辛亥革命时期档案工作改革的时代功绩。  相似文献   

ACRL Library Trends and Statistics survey data from two years were analyzed to explore relationships among variables thought to predict full-text article requests. Five different regression models predicted full-text article requests from variables including reference transactions, library instruction, Web site visits, database searches, and ongoing expenditures. Full-time student enrollment and Carnegie classification were included as covariates in all five models. All regressions supported using enrollment as a covariate; four of the regressions supported using Carnegie classification as an additional covariate. Results suggested that reference transactions, library instruction, and ongoing expenditures increase the number of database searches and full-text requests beyond these covariates. Ongoing expenditures made the largest contribution in all models, but did not always contribute the most unique variance. Furthermore, a mediation analysis showed a significant indirect effect of library instruction on full-text requests through database searches. This study suggests most ACRL data may need log transformation before using regression analyses, and offers one approach to interpreting results. Future research could investigate the meaning of ongoing expenditures after controlling for institutional size and Carnegie classification. Additional variables such as interlibrary loan usage or whether the library has a discovery tool might be interesting to include in similar models.  相似文献   

论MARC及其革命   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
论MARC及其革命黄俊贵,莫少强Abstract:ThetraditionslMARC,beingakindofdataexchangeformatisofcomplexstructure,redundantdataandreduplicativef...  相似文献   

正参加革命前迷茫的岁月1944年,我18岁,在山东省立济南工业学校读书。当时,抗日战争还未胜利,华北、华东大部分地区还处于日本侵略者和汪伪政府的统治之下。那年暑假,我在学校参加了济南市学生统一军事训练,正好遇上伪"中央陆军军官学校"的教官前来宣传招生。当时,我的家人给我定了一门亲事,催我秋天回家结婚,我心里不满于父母包办的旧式婚姻,但也不敢和家里明说,于是萌生了去南京读军校的念头。于是,我和几个同学商量,一起去报名,并通过了考试。当年9月,我与张良元、张润生三人来到日本  相似文献   

This article analyzes the circulation and contingent social production of meaning of The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, the documentary film that chronicles the 2002 coup d'état in Venezuela and its dramatic reversal. Drawing on interviews and observations with distributors and activists in New York City in 2004 and ethnographic fieldwork with community media producers in Caracas between 2003 and 2007, I explore how social actors contribute to the ongoing production of Revolution's impact. In this multisited account, I argue that the work of activists and distributors to frame the importance and authenticity of Revolution has been vital in molding debates and facilitating public discussion not only about Venezuelan politics but also about the role of media producers in shaping truth. This article draws attention to the ironies and complexities that filmmakers, distributors, and activists face when they use documentary film to challenge mediated depictions of the historical world.  相似文献   

分析了当前通信体制正在爆发的以IP 为核心的革命的背景, 比较了SDH、ATM、IP 这些技术的优劣, 阐述了宽带IP 网的技术基础与优势, 指出IP 新网络为我国数据通信业带来的历史机遇。  相似文献   


In this period of rapid and ongoing technological change, teaching undergraduates sophisticated research skills demands more than the traditional library tour or instruction. It requires collaboration between faculty and librarians. The authors offer the plan they have tested and which they and their students find beneficial in filling this demand.  相似文献   

Earlier citation studies have shown that the humanist relies heavily on recent publications, and that monographic and journal publications are of equal importance. Such findings suggest that better current awareness service may benefit humanists. This paper presents a bibliometric study of journal articles on the subject of the American Revolution using items contained in a standard indexing journal. Results confirm that a larger group of journals is devoted to this subject than is generally suspected. Moreover, a substantial number of journals of high quality are found to be productive in this area.  相似文献   

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