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张明东 《图书情报工作》2011,55(5):100-103,22
从介绍美国图书馆编目业务跨国外包的发展入手,分析其主要流程和特点,探索美国图书馆编目业务跨国外包成功的经验。针对我国图书馆和图书外包发展的实际情况,从中得出发展我国图书馆和图书供应商编目业务跨国外包的启示,以期对我国开展编目跨国外包活动具有参考作用,提高我国文献资源体系的服务质量,适应新形势下的挑战。  相似文献   

In the fall of 1985, four rural Illinois public libraries were weeded as part of a research project funded by the lllinois State Library. In each library, ten percent of the collection was removed by identifying books with low circulation rates in the circulating adult collection. Shelf time period and subjective opinion were used as weeding criteria. Although this cooperative weeding approach accurately identified books that would remain unused, weeding was not met with a corresponding increase in circulation.  相似文献   

本文从沂源这一山区农业县在农家书屋建设中的具体做法谈起,探索农家书屋的建设模式和可持续发展措施,引领广大农民参与阅读。  相似文献   

根据我国图书馆业务外包实践经验,分析图书馆业务外包的具体模式,探讨不同外包模式的合理选择。  相似文献   


There is a wealth of information about what actually happened in Hawaii. What happened in Hawaii was so devastating to our public libraries that it begs to be repeated and re-explained as often as necessary. Everyone concerned needs to understand what can happen when management decides on outsourcing all, or any part, of library operations. Library managers, as well as librarians, need to fully understand the ramifications of the Hawaii outsourcing experiment before embarking on a similar course of action.  相似文献   

王凯 《江西图书馆学刊》2009,39(4):49-50,53
从图书馆实施编目业务外包的逻辑起点、传统编目质量观所受冲击、馆配商组织书目数据及图书加工能力的定位分析等几个方面出发,详细探讨了馆配商外包图书馆编目业务利与弊,倡导图书馆科学管理编目选择性业务外包工作,并对业务外包环境下图书馆编目人员及编目业务的发展方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   


This ease study describes the Lise of an information technology vendor conference to assure the smooth opening of the remodeled Central Library of the Multnomah County (Portland. Oregon) Lihrary. Collaborative meetings with vendors provided the opportunity tor hardware, telecommunications, integrated library system, and network vendors to meet with library staff to troubleshoot problems, share information, und anticipate situations. The meetings also provided library administration with the opportunity to underscore the importance of the opening. The article discusses the elements necessary to make this approach a success and reports on events before, during, and after the opening of the new facility.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(75-76):197-204

The trade and popular literature of business provides a rich source of commentary upon interactions with difficult people. Examining information from the literature concerning this topic and applying it to the library setting, the reference librarian or public services staff member may acquire techniques for use in confronting a patron who, for one reason or another, is angry or hostile. The activities suggested here- clarifying a misunderstanding, insulating oneself from negativity, showing empathy, and listening-are common sense elements of successful customer service and coping techniques.  相似文献   

Schools of library/information science need to be restructured. One model would be to offer courses (and a Bachelor's degree) that would emphasize methods. Further education, with an emphasis on administration and scholarship, would be the place for graduate degrees. The vulnerabilities of schools of library/infomation studies are listed. Finally, an evaluation of these schools is outlined.  相似文献   

图书馆与图书市场互动--变革与发展路向研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄昕 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(2):18-22
改革开放以来,以图书馆采编业务外包为内核的“服务”作为商品的有机组成部分进入图书馆市场,增添了这个传统市场与时俱进的特色。文章概述了当前图书馆市场的基本状况,指出其中存在的一些问题,并对如何培育好图书馆市场发表了看法和意见。  相似文献   

2010年底,一份调查报告透露英国各地地方政府将大幅缩减文化开支,使得很多图书馆都面临被关闭的危险,由此英国爆发了"保卫图书馆"大战。本文从图书馆管理者应高度重视政府的作用,注重图书馆公共关系能力的提升,开发读者资源,充分发挥图书馆学会/协会等组织的作用方面,阐述了公共图书馆的生存之道。  相似文献   

关于图书馆服务效益评估的若干问题   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
分析了图书馆服务的社会效益和经济效益,指出图书馆服务效益评估的主要目的是以评促建,谋求发展,并探讨了图书馆服务效益评估指标制定的原则,提出了图书馆服务效益评估指标方案。  相似文献   

图书馆拓展服务探析与案例研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以康奈尔大学图书馆、清华大学图书馆为例,介绍图书馆拓展服务方面的探索与实践,涉及所采用的方法、合作对象、取得的成果等,并对两馆拓展服务之间的异同进行比较。拓展服务形式多样,一些形式与图书馆传统角色相匹配,而另一些则需要图书馆走出去,积极主动展示自己。拓展服务的成功关键在于要与学校的总体目标和发展方向保持一致,以使拓展服务保持新鲜与活力,最终达到真正改进图书馆读者服务的目的,甚至对读者的技能产生长期影响。  相似文献   

结合当前普通高校图书馆分编业务外包的现状、存在的问题及其盛行的原因,分析了图书馆核心业务、重要业务和一般业务的关系,指出了普通高校图书馆应审慎安排分编业务外包。  相似文献   

论文对基于IPTV技术的数字图书馆服务可行性进行分析,构建其服务平台,并从面向读者信息服务角度探讨基于IPTV技术的数字图书馆服务创新。  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(1-2):91-104

The Internet, as well as the proliferation of online resources available for purchase, has significantly changed collection management from selection to acquisitions to cataloging and processing. The nature of this work has become much more complex as our communities have become more culturally, ethnically, and linguistically diverse, as the number of information delivery mechanisms has increased, and as library consumers' expectations for speed of receipt of information have accelerated.  相似文献   

从图书馆的核心价值出发,分析了流通业务外包的利弊,提出读者服务工作是图书馆核心价值的重要组成部分,流通服务工作是读者服务工作的主要形式,是体现图书馆核心价值的重要工作。流通业务外包虽然能够解决人员不足的困难,提高工作效率,但存在的种种弊端阻碍了图书馆核心价值在流通服务工作中的完全实现。流通业务外包弊大于利,不是图书馆的发展方向。  相似文献   


Library Distance Learning Services (LDLS) at Michigan State University was developed in 1993 as a result of the campus-wide adoption of a decentralized model for services to our off-campus population. With its “high-tech, high-touch” philosophy, LDLS has taken on increasing responsibilities in information delivery and triage through increased use of its 800 line, e-mail and Web technologies.  相似文献   

文章介绍了美国州立图书馆在美国图书馆系统中的作用和在美国图书馆发展中,在执行美国有关图书馆法的过程作所起的作用。通过对州图书馆发展的历史回顾,州图书馆在州政府的行政隶属关系,以及美国法律中对州图书馆职能的规定等方面的讨论,可以看出州图书馆及其作用的形成有其历史、政治和法律的原因。在此基础上,文章进一步讨论州图书馆对公众,州内各级政府以及各类图书馆所提供的服务。最后介绍州图书馆按《美国图书馆服务和技术法案》规定,在执行联邦政府图书馆法和监管政府图书馆基金时必须进行的图书馆服务计划的制定和评估过程。  相似文献   

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