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《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(55):121-141
This article describes a report on British University Libraries published in December 1993. Although already dated in terms of its appearance, its recommendations have implications for academic librarianship which will only be fully felt and truly appreciated by the end of the century, The report is discussed in the context of British university libraries, their hnding and relationship with their parent bodies, so that its full impact can be understood. The recommendations amount to an injection of some £200 million into the system aimed at protecting traditional librarianship on the one hand and promoting the new technology on the other. The report made the radical assumption that there will be some universities which only teach and some which cany out teaching and research, supported respectively by "access" and "holdings" libraries. It foresaw no immediate change in the pattern of traditional librarianship but its discussions and recommendations on publishing, on the access, transfer and storage of information, on the all-embracing role of Information Technology, leave little room for the status quo in the RI millenium. The committee members were representative of scholarship both from within and from outside the university system with librarians clearly in the minority. The recommendations have virtually all been accepted by the Funding Councils which commissioned the report.  相似文献   

Abstract The 2010 Horizon Report: Museum Edition examines emerging technologies for their potential impact on and use in education and interpretation within the museum environment. The report is based on conversations and dialogues with technology and museum professionals from more than two‐dozen countries.  相似文献   

To get an insight into the perspective of Internet use in Nepal, the author conducted a survey of Internet users in Nepal in late April 1998. An electronic questionnaire was sent via e-mail to a selected local listserve (nepal-list@mos.com.np) which had about 100 members at that time. Because the response was insufficient, a second posting of the questionnaire was made in the first week of May, and responses were given a deadline of the second week of June. After the second posting of the questionnaire 12 responses were received (12%), which was accepted as meeting the social science survey sampling standard. The results of the survey provided information on various aspects of Internet use in Nepal, such as frequency of Internet use, benefits from Internet use, application of Internet in development and management of communications. The survey has also identified opinions on how Internet use should be promoted in Nepal, opinions on the north–south balance of Internet use, social effects of the Internet and other aspects. This survey, which was the first of its kind conducted in Nepal, reached only a small portion of Internet users in Nepal. As of August 1998, there are estimated to be over 7000 Internet users in Nepal. Future research on Internet use in Nepal is needed to develop the literature, data and information for use by researchers, development workers, commerce and other industries.  相似文献   

This article provides a summary of and commentary on ‘A Lovely Kind of Madness: Small and Independent Publishing in Australia’, an unpublished report by Kate Freeth, commissioned by the Small Press Underground Networking Community (SPUNC), the representative body for small and independent publishers in Australia, and released in November 2007. Freeth’s 14,000 word report constitutes the most detailed and comprehensive study of Australian small and independent publishing since the second volume of Michael Denholm’s Small Press Publishing in Australia (1991) and provides much primary material for policy makers, scholars, and people working in and around the publishing industry.
Nathan HollierEmail:


The 70th World Library and Information Congress, popularly known as the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Conference, was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 22–27 August 2004. This report provides an overview of the conference.  相似文献   

Between the years 1855 and 1863, the opinions or “reports” of the United States Court of Claims were delivered to the House of Representatives for final consideration. In total, 296 cases were conveyed, but in the process, Report 42 was lost and, according to indexes of such documents, “never received by [the] House.”This article cites examined records of the Court of Claims, from both the United States Congressional Serial Set and original documents now in the National Archives, which support the contention that there was a completed opinion for Court of Claims Report 42 that was lost sometime during its transfer between the Court and the House.This 150-year-old case – Letitia Humphreys, Administratrix of Andrew Atkinson – was one in a long list of judicial proceedings, involving over 100 claimants, that resulted from the 1812 invasion of Florida by the United States, and that concerned the payment of interest to those compensated under the last clause of the ninth article of the 1819 Treaty of Amity, Settlement, and Limits, Between the United States of America and His Catholic Majesty. These Florida petitions were examples of early claims actions against the federal government, in many cases after decades of inaction.  相似文献   


Though infrared spectroscopy is the single most powerful technique for the characterization of materials and though it is widely used in the chemical industries, its application to conservation has been severely limited due to the complexity and limited sample size of the materials presented for examination. In the past decade, the development of infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy has made possible the study of small samples and complex mixtures. The technique of infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy is compared to conventional infrared spectroscopy with reference to spectra of paper, egg yolk, albumin, madder, Indian yellow, purpurin, alizarin, indigo, and linseed oil.  相似文献   


Since 2000, researchers and staff at the University of Washington have been developing a unified Geographic Information Systems database of Russian Federation socioeconomic, demographic, and political information at the raion and city (gorsovet) level. The Central Eurasian Interactive Atlas (CEIA) that has grown from this effort serves both to archive and to provide access to annual progressions of standardized geographic and tabular data covering the entire Russian Federation at a level of geographic detail not readily available elsewhere. As the CEIA grows, it will serve as a curricular and research focus of the UW's Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies program.  相似文献   

The article will describe the plans and work to date on the OCLC Research Office and OhioLINK's joint project to analyze use data from Ohio college and university libraries. The project will create a repository of data about the circulation of monographs that can be correlated against such data points as subject, age of material, location and publisher. One of the goals of the study is to investigate whether there has been a shift in the general patterns of use of library collections in a situation where libraries have instituted patron-initiated borrowing from one another. The project is similar to a study that the OCLC Research Office did with the University of Colorado, Boulder, but on a larger scale and with the addition of information about monographs that do not circulate. An article about that study appeared in the January 2006 issue of College and Research Libraries.  相似文献   

本文选取江苏省部分高校师生进行家庭档案背景与现状调研,发现当前信息自媒体时代家庭档案的变化、存在的问题,并提出建立高校家庭档案的宣传基地,征集名人家庭档案,联合高校调研与协作研究,增强家庭档案研究深度等做法。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Strategic planning requires us to stop and take a closer look at our organizations and consider the impact that changes in the profession are causing, influenced by the society around us. These considerations lead us past our library walls, past our institutional walls and into a more speculative world of changes in the technological society. Scholars and pundits have provided us with many scenarios for the future, including a world of solely electronic resources and hyper-connected users. But how closely does this match reality and what are the trends in our larger society that will affect how we work in the future. This article provides an overview of several reports on the students and technologies that we work with and closely explores the IFLA Trend Report. The report was developed after discussions with individuals representing many non-academic, non-library organizations and provides us with a view of the larger trends forecast for the information society. The report is envisioned as a living document that invites further comment and wider distribution to the library world and beyond.  相似文献   

王世钧 《出版经济》2001,(10):46-48
第十二届全国书市在云岭高原胜利闭幕了.与历届书市相比,本届书市规模宏大、特色鲜明、成果丰硕、组织严密,在全国新闻出版界、在三迤大地产生了较大的影响,体现了"三个代表"重要思想和面向新世纪、实施"西部大开发"和"科教兴国"的时代特色;体现了我国异彩纷呈的民族文化特色和地域特色;体现了新闻出版业不断发展壮大、欣欣向荣的前景,并取得丰富的硕果.十二届全国书市的成功举办,对促进我省形成爱读书、读好书的尊重知识、尊重科学的良好风尚,提高全省各民族群众的科学文化素质主面也必将产生巨大而深远的影响.能取得这样的成绩,作为参与承办书市的图书发行单位,我们深感欣慰.  相似文献   

The Scout Report Signpost( SRS)是利用现有的分类主题工具 ,采用题名、主要 URL、评述日期、责任说明等 1 3个项目对因特网资源进行编目的成功例证。举例分析了 1 3个著录项目 ,指出目前仍然存在缺乏标准权威的编目规则 ,难以确定日期信息等问题。参考文献 1 2。  相似文献   

本报告认为,虽然当前中国报业经营“断崖式”下滑的趋势并未改变,但下滑势头已经趋缓;而且,广告经营额、新闻纸使用量等一些关键指标已有触底征兆;报业一些趋势性的变化值得关注与乐观,报业传播力影响力通过新媒体渠道扩大,党报广告发行逆势增长,扎根基层的县市报发展状况良好,深耕行业或特定人群的专业报异军突起,报业多元产业结下丰硕成果,各级党委政府对于报业的扶持力度正在加强……这些都是中国报业创新突破的成就与潜在发展的空间.面对严峻的形势与发展机遇,报业应该寻找新的发展空间与方向,强化正确舆论引导的核心价值,满足新的传播表达需求,致力于成为高端、专业媒介.  相似文献   

《新媒体联盟地平线报告:2017年图书馆版》的解读与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聚焦《新媒体联盟地平线报告:2017年图书馆版》核心内容,解读未来5年驱动高校及研究型图书馆技术应用的6项趋势、阻碍技术应用的6项挑战以及重要技术进展的6项技术。提出我国高校图书馆应重视新技术的应用趋势,打破自身束缚迎接挑战,根据实际情况选择技术以更好地适应新技术的发展与应用。  相似文献   

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