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This article suggests that a part-time work schedule is one way for a working mother to manage the demands of career and family. The advantages and disadvantages of part-time work are identified for both the employee and the employer. A case study is used to illustrate how reference librarians in a medical library function as professional part-time librarians.  相似文献   

In order to maintain high quality service and strengthen retention of part-time librarians, this article addresses ways of engaging new part-time librarians and re-engaging long-time part-time librarians. Part-time librarians are hired primarily to work hours outside the traditional work week or as temporary replacements for unanticipated vacancies, yet they end up providing a third of the service, solely, during evenings and weekends in most small to mid-sized academic institutions. Most are brought in with very little training or orientation to the institution and are expected to hit the ground running while maintaining quality service. This article provides managers with suggestions to better integrate part-time librarians into the fabric of the institution.  相似文献   

Although many newly-graduated librarians are applying for and accepting part-time library employment after graduation, little research has been done into what working part-time means for these early career librarians. This article, based on a survey of recent LIS graduates who have worked part-time, provides a snapshot of part-time library employment and the advantages and disadvantages it affords to new librarians. This information is particularly relevant in light of the difficult job market for entry-level librarians. All of the surveyed librarians have worked in at least one part-time professional or paraprofessional position in a library after receiving their degree. Many of these respondents describe holding multiple part-time positions and receiving low salaries and few, if any, employment benefits. The themes documented in the open-ended short answers of these part-time librarians will help to guide further research into the professional and personal impact of part-time employment.  相似文献   

Heavy work loads, lack of administrative support, and innate difficulties in the work of collection building, lead many collection development librarians who have part-time or dual-responsibility assignments to feel that something is inherently wrong with this way of organizing and staffing collection development. While there are many difficulties associated with part-time assignments, they can be corrected by developing effective organizations for collection development, selecting librarians who are suited to this kind of work, and improving the management of collection development. This paper examines these problems and discusses specific actions that will reduce or eliminate them.  相似文献   

Full-time bibliographers are not common in smaller and medium sized academic libraries. In this setting, reference librarians typically serve as selectors of books and other library material. However, reference librarians for the most part are hired to perform public service duties revolving around a busy reference desk. In the past few years, additional responsibilities have been added to the reference librarians’ workload, making it difficult to perform collection development duties. Acquisitions and collection development librarians are frequently frustrated at how reference librarians seemingly put off or defer their collection development responsibilities. However, there are ways to utilize reference librarians in a collection development team and help them become effective part-time bibliographers.  相似文献   

回顾了南京师范大学图书馆尝试兼职学科联络人制度的具体做法,分析所取得的成效和存在的问题,并以此为基础,提出学科馆员制度实行和持续发展过程中值得关注的几个问题和具体的设想,包括馆员的继续教育,根据用户实际需求确定服务目标,学科馆员与专业研究人员的区别以及与学科馆员科学管理相关的若干问题。  相似文献   

本文回顾了南京师范大学图书馆尝试兼职学科联络人制度的具体做法,分析所取得的成效和存在的问题。并以此为基础,提出学科馆员制度实行和持续发展过程中值得关注的几个问题和具体的设想,包括馆员的继续教育,根据用户实际需求确定服务目标,学科馆员与专业研究人员的区别以及与学科馆员科学管理相关的若干问题。  相似文献   

文章以文献传递的业务活动为例,搜集了部分图书馆对文献传递岗位的入职条件,比较了全职馆员与社会兼职人员在文献传递上的业绩差别,并分析全职馆员存在业绩差时需反思的图书馆管理问题。  相似文献   

This paper highlights the design and development process that two academic business librarians employed to create an online toolkit of eLearning supports for business students. After receiving funding from their institution’s internal teaching innovation fund, they hired and worked with two eLearning design companies to produce the toolkit. The toolkit includes videos and PDF resources that show students how to retrieve specialized resources for key business research tasks. The librarians undertook this project to increase the online business information literacy offerings at their university and better support their institution’s diverse commuter, distance, and part-time student population. To develop a student-centered toolkit, the librarians used a curriculum mapping exercise, online surveying, focus groups, usability tests, and a student review group. They also adapted the ADDIE instructional design model and consulted adult learning theory to develop a series of micro-learning supports that were relevant and useful for undergraduate and graduate business students.  相似文献   

澳大利亚图书馆的从业人员分为:图书馆员、教师图书馆员、图书馆技术员、助理馆员、志愿者、兼职和临时工作人员。澳大利亚图书馆人才保障制度主要以全方位的职业准入体系确保人才知识结构的完备,以职业规范和教育确保人才的质量,以志愿者作为从业人员的重要补充,并且以需求刺激图书馆从业者竞争力的提升。  相似文献   

An important aspect of Chinese academic health science libraries is their involvement in teaching medical information retrieval courses as part of the medical curriculum. Health science librarians in China have a more formal teaching role than is generally found in Western countries, including many full-time teaching positions. This article provides a case study of Kunming Medical University Library, where courses are provided as credit units at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The teaching practices of Chinese health science libraries are compared with teaching experiences reported in Western countries. It is noted that Chinese government's educational policy is similar to that of the United States in promoting the role of the library in teaching subjects as part of the medical curriculum. In China, this has lead to the development of teaching departments within health science libraries and the appointment of full and part-time teacher librarians.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(22):217-232
Consulting is an activity some librarians are occasionally asked to perform as an outgrowth of their profession, while others may be considering it as a part-time or postretirement career. This article is a primer for the librarian who is interested in being a consultant. The author, who has performed numerous library consultations in her career, discusses the attitudes and skills that make a successful consultant, together with suggestions for finding clients, setting rates, writing a proposal, negotiating a contract, performing the actual consultation, and writing the final report. Consulting ethics are reviewed, and sources of further information are included.  相似文献   

目前,高校图书馆的人才危机是一个比较棘手的问题,具体表现为:高素质年轻馆员的去职业化,直接影响到高校图书馆工作梯队的年龄结构;专业化馆员的大量流失,严重影响了高校图书馆的核心竞争力;馆领导分工不合理,任人唯亲,导致多数有志馆员消极工作;高校拨给图书馆的科研经费不多,促使大部分馆员产生职业倦怠心理。人才危机管理策略为:调整人事聘任标准,制定核心人才继任制度;提高图书馆员工作待遇,适当增加其科研经费;营造馆员实现自我价值的环境,尽量挽留专业人才;建立图书馆职业资格认证制度,推进其职业化进程。  相似文献   

公安院校图书馆学科服务的研究相对较晚,学科服务工作大都处于起步阶段,存在对学科服务认知不足、兼职学科馆员开展学科服务有限、内容和方式以传统学科服务为主、资金和人才不足、考核方法单一等问题。文章借鉴高校学科服务方面的先进经验,提出正确定位学科服务,提高管理层认知;建立校长负责制的管理模式,加强制度建设;加强行业合作模式,建立学科化联合服务体系;重点建设学科文献资源,丰富学科服务的内容;创新服务模式,构建学科服务平台;加强馆员素质教育,开展“以人为书”的交流方式等建议,供国内同行参考。  相似文献   

新世纪台湾地区图书馆职业关怀研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入新世纪以来,海峡两岸的图书馆学研究者不约而同地采用实证研究方法对图书馆员表达了职业关怀,其中台湾大学的陈书梅女士的研究比较深入、全面。陈女士自2001年起从馆员工作生活品质、馆员负面工作情绪、馆员职业生涯管理、馆领导风格和馆员工作压力等方面进行了持续的研究,为图书馆管理、馆员生涯规划、图书馆学专业教育相关课程的设置都提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

This study provides insight into how work socialization occurs through part-time work in a Youth Employment Program. Drawing on in-depth interviews with youth employees and supervisors, we consider how the young people’s meanings of work were shaped through their early employment experiences. Participants report significant transformations in both their views of work – from seeing it primarily in terms of extrinsic rewards like a paycheck to developing more robust interpretations of work – and their level of self-efficacy. We argue that the organizational culture and supervisor relationships were crucial for the positive outcomes the youth experienced. This study demonstrates the formative impact that part-time work has on young people and the promise of studying work socialization in part-time work. Practically, our findings point to the importance of approaching the employment of young people as more than just an economic exchange. We suggest that those who employ young people should provide a work context marked by routine, supportive interactions with supervisors who provide and uphold clear expectations.  相似文献   

It's Your Move     
This paper traces the career options available to children's. school, or young adulr librarians by talking with a number of individuals who were originally youth librarians but who now hold positions in administration and education. The career patterns of t h e interviewed reveal that the communications and leadership skills common in those librarians who work with young people hold them in good stead when they move to other positions. Included are responses concerning the importance of work in professional associations, reasons for changing positions. and career advice for other librarians.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify medical librarians’ roles in supporting evidence-based medicine (EBM) practice; determine whether medical librarians’ work settings, work experiences, or job titles made a difference in their EBM responsibilities; and find out medical librarians’ perceptions of their roles in EBM practice. An online survey was distributed to U.S. medical librarians. The results showed that medical librarians had positive perceptions of their EBM-related responsibilities, which were diverse and specific. Their work experience, work settings, and job title categories related to some of their EBM responsibilities, as well as the nature of some of the responsibilities.  相似文献   

Providing library and reference services within a biomedical research community presents special challenges for librarians, especially those in historically lower-funded states. These challenges can include understanding needs, defining and communicating the library's role, building relationships, and developing and maintaining general and subject specific knowledge. This article describes a biomedical research network and the work of health sciences librarians at the lead intensive research institution with librarians from primarily undergraduate institutions and tribal colleges. Applying the concept of a community of practice to a collaborative effort suggests how librarians can work together to provide effective reference services to researchers in biomedicine.  相似文献   

文章介绍了国内外高校图书馆学科馆员的工作职责和服务架构情况,阐述了学科馆员工作与采访工作的关系,提出学科馆员的优势,并以扬州大学图书馆学科馆员制度为例加以分析,得出了学科馆员必将替代采访馆员的结论,对学科馆员工作的未来发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

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