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Health professionals are collecting and charting data about the family history of their patients in order to determine if a predisposition to heart, stroke, cancer and other debilitating conditions can be detected or alleviated through patient education and preventive medicine. Family history-taking for the purposes of preventive medicine is introduced, along with a brief history of the field. The pedigree chart and the genogram are described and their use by health personnel is discussed. A brief search strategy on MEDLINE and a selected bibliography are presented to aid the health sciences librarian to find information on the family history, genograms or pedigree charts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study (1) examined the natural history of learning to use learning resources by medical students and residents and (2) considered whether that history is consistent with the ways in which physicians approach their learning tasks. METHODS: The authors conducted and analyzed thirty-two open-ended interviews of first-year and third-year medical students and first-year and senior residents in internal medicine, family medicine, or pediatrics. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Learning to use learning resources occurs at the same time as learning done to address instructional and clinical problems that physicians-in-training face, with all kinds of learning following well-documented stages. Skills for using resources are developed gradually and by overcoming barriers such as time constraints and existing habits. CONCLUSIONS: Implications of the natural history of learning to use learning resources can be employed by librarians and medical teachers to facilitate self-directed learning for physicians-in-training. Specific recommendations are provided.  相似文献   

Your Health® Radio is a weekly one-hour radio show about consumer health produced by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Family Medicine. It provides practical, health-related news and information to listeners in an easy to understand style. Hosted by a family medicine physician faculty member and co-hosted by other health professionals, it airs on a local radio station. Since 2009, Health Sciences librarians have collaborated on the show, bringing their expertise in information discovery and organization, consumer health, and health literacy to this consumer health endeavor. In the process, the librarians and libraries have also benefitted.  相似文献   

对我国2005—2010年预防医学与公共卫生类期刊主要被引用指标进行了调查,并与SCI的相关期刊进行了对比分析。结果表明:近年来,进入《中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》源期刊数量不断增加,期刊影响因子及他引率没有升高趋势;期刊总被引频次逐年升高;2009、2010年期刊权威因子均高于2008年。与2011年SCI收录的同类期刊相比,我国预防医学与公共卫生类期刊受关注程度及学术水平仍有较大差距。  相似文献   

为提升预防医学与公共卫生学综合类中国科技核心期刊学术质量和学术影响力,通过2013—2019年出版的《中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》收集总被引频次、影响因子、即年指标、他引率、AR论文量、平均引文数、平均作者数、基金论文比等资料,采用线性混合模型分析2012—2018年各个指标年份间差异及变化趋势,并对总被引频次和影响因子进行排序。结果显示,2012—2018年,预防医学与公共卫生学综合类中国科技核心期刊由16种增加至22种,均为中文期刊,连续收录16种。影响因子、即年指标、AR论文量、平均引文数和平均作者数2012—2018年均呈上升趋势(P < 0.05),总被引频次、他引率和基金论文比无明显变化趋势(P>0.05);预防医学与公共卫生学综合类中国科技核心期刊学术质量和学术影响力不断提升。  相似文献   

Developed in response to a growing need for consumer health information and to extend awareness of quality health information resources available on the Internet, MEDLINEplus was introduced by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) in October 1998. This article gives a brief history and overview of MEDLINEplus and describes the content of this full-text consumer health information resource.  相似文献   

Between the years 1789 and 2000, nineteen Presidents of the United States vetoed 114 bills or resolutions concerning matters related to Indian affairs. These executive actions are collected in a new digital resource, and are presented with their supporting Congressional documents. A brief history of Presidential veto power and activities is included.  相似文献   

The origins and functions of the World Health Organization (WHO) Library and the global, regional, and national objectives of the WHO Health Literature Services Program (HLSP) are reviewed. WHO is an aggregate of nations and not a supra-national body. With limited resources and unlimited needs, HLSP is involved in surveys, training, regional medical libraries, national and regional networks, bibliographic services and document delivery, promotion, coordination, and communication. The basic concept of HLSP eschews internationally-conceived, self-contained technical projects in favor of broad programs based on national planning. Small rural centers receive more attention than large urban hospitals, and preventive medicine together with health education and community involvement are of more immediate concern than curative medicine. National self-reliance implies national initiative but not necessarily national self-sufficiency. Recent planning and implementation of HLSP activities are described.  相似文献   


This paper identifies the different types of health science libraries located in various organizations engaged in research, education and training, administration and programme implementation relating to health and family welfare. These medical libraries have been grouped into four categories namely research, academic, medical and hospital, based on the functions of the organization/institution to which they are attached. Based on an all India survey, the resources, such as documents, manpower, finances and equipment of 248 health science libraries belonging to the allopathy system (modern medicine) have been examined. Basic library services, such as reference, current awareness, bibliography, MEDLARS/MEDLINE, abstracting/indexing, and photocopying have been studied. The information collected on various indices relating to medical library resources have been analysed and presented, indicating their strengths and weaknesses. The survey indicated a significant imbalance among the resources held and services rendered. Some measures for the improvement of the existing resources, services and their utilization have been suggested.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the different types of health science libraries located in various organizations engaged in research, education and training, administration and programme implementation relating to health and family welfare. These medical libraries have been grouped into four categories namely research, academic, medical and hospital, based on the functions of the organization/institution to which they are attached. Based on an all India survey, the resources, such as documents, manpower, finances and equipment of 248 health science libraries belonging to the allopathy system (modern medicine) have been examined. Basic library services, such as reference, current awareness, bibliography, MEDLARS/MEDLINE, abstracting/indexing, and photocopying have been studied. The information collected on various indices relating to medical library resources have been analysed and presented, indicating their strengths and weaknesses. The survey indicated a significant imbalance among the resources held and services rendered. Some measures for the improvement of the existing resources, services and their utilization have been suggested.  相似文献   


This paper examines how conservators engage with uncertainty when creating preventive conservation strategies. It argues that by recognising contexts in which uncertainty will be encountered conservators can develop effective management strategies. A typology of uncertainty explores a range of categories of uncertainty, their experience in preventive conservation and identifies distinct approaches to manage them. Managing uncertainty may include acts of defining its parameters, exposing and resolving through communication or protecting from with contingency. Whatever approach is adopted it must be accepted that uncertainty cannot be avoided. It is important therefore to aim to live well with uncertainty and the paper advocates for preventive conservation applications of strategies recommended in health care for patients with life-threatening illnesses. These strategies include working on things that can be controlled, goal setting, acceptance and factoring in emotions. The ability to identify contexts in which uncertainty is inbuilt should trigger those concerned with preventive conservation to activate strategies developed for managing and living well with uncertainty.  相似文献   

安徽至德周氏家族不仅在中国近现代政治、工业等方面影响巨大,而且以诗书传家、人才辈出而闻名。文章梳理了民国时期至德周氏家族文学著述书目并作摘要介绍,以期展现周氏家族的文学贡献,方便相关研究者的工作。  相似文献   

Government secrecy has a long history in the American federal experience. Several kinds of government secrecy policy are reviewed here, beginning with their origins, or “policy depths,” and extending to their most recent expressions or “dimensions.” It is a rich history which, in this brief overview, is explored only in terms of its highlights, but offers, nonetheless, a roadmap for pursuing research in this area. It concludes with the observation that, in a democracy, representatives of the citizenry, whether elected or appointed, may momentarily cloak their decisionmaking and their policies in secrecy for the good of the nation—to protect it from enemies and to assure its survival. Those representatives must remember that the secrecy they impose is only momentary and that the shrouded decisions and policies they make, once made known to the citizenry, must be acceptable to them. The citizenry, in turn, accept such secrecy only in limited instances and on a momentary basis in order to have the confidence that their representatives are making decisions and policies acceptable to them. A government failing to honor these arrangements may well be regarded as one “not worth the cost of preservation.”  相似文献   

This study assessed the effects of cues of family history as a risk factor in direct-to-consumer advertisements. An experiment with a sample of 395 adults found significant impacts of familial risk cues on self-efficacy and behavioral intentions. Specifically, familial risk cues strengthened both intention to engage in healthy lifestyles and intention to seek advertised medications, partly through enhanced efficacy. Effects on perceived genetic risk for health conditions or belief in genetic determinism were not found. The findings suggest that familial risk cues incorporated in pharmaceutical appeals can enhance behavioral intentions in response to risk, without increasing a sense of fatalism. Theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   


Research on self-affirmation has potential to inform the field’s understanding of health message resistance and acceptance. However, widely used self-affirmation instruments have several disadvantages that can lead to inconsistent success in generating self-affirmation and thus may explain inconsistent self-affirmation effects, or at the very least make their use cumbersome. In a series of three sequential studies, we introduced and tested a brief attribute scale format self-affirmation induction (brief scale affirmation task, or B-SAT) that was based on the 32-item attribute scale self-affirmation induction developed by Napper, Harris, and Epton. Using different behavioral contexts, we compared the performance of the B-SAT with that of two widely used self-affirmation inductions, i.e., the value essay task and the 32-item attribute scale. From a convergent validity perspective, the B-SAT performed as effectively as the two existing inductions in making people aware of their cherished and desirable values. From a predictive validity perspective, the B-SAT reduced defensive responses to a self-relevant health message and improved instrumental attitude toward the recommended behavior.  相似文献   

In the last ten years, there has been an upsurge of interest in matters related to improving care at the end of life. This article presents a brief overview of hospice, a type of interdisciplinary end-of-life care that aims to relieve the pain and symptoms of the dying, support the family during the process, and offer bereavement assistance afterward. Useful Web sites related to hospice and grief intended for the use of health care professionals and consumers are identified and described.  相似文献   

Quality of health information on the Internet has been a concern since health information first began appearing on the Web. Evidence-based medicine tools, traditionally intended for physicians, may benefit consumers as they participate in making health care desisions. This article describes a rationale for Cochrane reviews as an evidence-based medicine tool for consumers. The Cochrane Collaboration, a global force for systematic literature reviews, has strict procedures for developing literature reviews. Criteria for Cochrane reviews are compared with critical evaluation skills commonly taught to consumers regarding the use of Websites. The Cochrane Collaboration''s Consumer Network has established a separate Website, with review synopses written for an audience of consumers. Suggestions for further research into consumer use of the Cochrane Library and consumer involvement with the Cochrane Collaboration are discussed.People who access health information are likely to play an active role in their health care [1]. Access to health information empowers consumers by enabling them to (1) make more knowledgeable choices in self-care, (2) more intelligently discuss medical conditions and treatments with their doctors, (3) educate themselves regarding good health practices, and (4) learn about the health care system. If access to information is to help consumers achieve better health, quality of accessible information must be considered by information producers and consumers. This paper identifies a rationale for evidence-based medicine for consumers, introduces the quality-control work of the Cochrane Collaboration, and explores consumer involvement in the Cochrane Library, relative to critical evaluation models.  相似文献   

文章简述了敦煌藏经洞出土绘画品的存世情况、绘制材料、内容、价值,及其在中国绘画史上的地位等,重点选择法国吉美博物馆、大英博物馆等处存藏的8幅绢画精品,对其画面内容和艺术特点进行了介绍。  相似文献   


In the last ten years, there has been an upsurge of interest in matters related to improving care at the end of life. This article presents a brief overview of hospice, a type of interdisciplinary end-of-life care that aims to relieve the pain and symptoms of the dying, support the family during the process, and offer bereavement assistance afterward. Useful Web sites related to hospice and grief intended for the use of health care professionals and consumers are identified and described.  相似文献   

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