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Sharing of knowledge, information, and practices across cultural and national boundaries has become a means to address critical global problems. As government agencies increasingly collaborate with international counterparts on these issues, transnational knowledge and information sharing networks grow in importance as mechanisms for collaboration. This paper explores the nature of transnational public sector knowledge networks (TPSKNs) and identifies critical contextual factors that shape their performance. In these networks, each participating organization operates within complex national, organizational, and information contexts. The contextual differences between participants produce distances in culture, politics, intentions, organizational factors, relationships, knowledge, resources, geography, and technology. These distances influence their ability to engage in the processes and interactions that are essential to network performance. The paper concludes with a conceptual dynamic model that accounts for the relationships among these factors that can guide further research in understanding knowledge and information sharing across national and cultural boundaries.  相似文献   

面向高速信息网络的国家信息政策   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
1高速信息网络环境下的国家信息政策需求1.1高速信息网络的巨大社会影响1946年,世界上诞生了第一台重达30吨的电子计算机,谁也不曾料到,这硕大无比的“怪物”竟在不足50年的时间里与后起的远程通信技术、网络技术以及其它信息相关技术一起开创了一个人类文明的新时代...  相似文献   


This article investigates the course literature in the curricula of 12 major journalism schools at Northern European universities. This analysis of the course literature listed in documentation of bachelor programmes traces how journalism education institutions constitute their knowledge base on journalism. It is found that Nordic journalism students are required to read almost four books per study credit on average. Undergraduate academic journalism programmes are professionally oriented, and professional literature by non-scientific publishers occupies a major place in the course literature. A strong emphasis is placed on professional books written in the domestic language, with an average age of seven years. Though the Scandinavian languages show high degrees of similarities with each other, there is very little circulation of literature across the countries within the Nordic area. This analysis of the literature points to a relatively homogeneous educational culture with small differences and raises questions about the qualitative dimensions of instructional design.  相似文献   

知识产权电子政务建设的国内外比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国知识产权电子政务建设的起点和国外比较,并无悬殊差距。国外知识产权类网站的开发者主要是国际协会或组织、大型的网络信息服务商、地区或国家知识产权局,行政管理网站占据主要地位。我国是以中央的知识产权信息网站带动地方的知识产权信息网站建设,实现各知识产权信息库的资源共享。参考文献9。  相似文献   

The new competitive environment of radio broadcasting in the Nordic countries consists of three sectors: (1) public service radio channels, (2) commercial radio stations and networks, and (3) community radio. Commercial radio represents the latest phase in a long process of transformation that started with decentralization inside the national broadcasting corporations in the 1960s and continued with introduction of noncommercial forms of local and community radio since the late 1970s. In the 1990s, commercial radio represents a hegemonic cultural form whose values and meanings penetrate to all sectors of radio. As a response to commercialization, the public service broadcasting tradition is undergoing a serious rearticulation. In contrast with the radical liberalism of the 1980s, there seems to be a growing political will to safeguard a balanced dualism of noncommercial and commercial forms of broadcasting.  相似文献   

This article examines how South Korean and Japanese public diplomacy organizations employ digital media to embrace the principle of ‘networked public diplomacy’ through analyses of the web and social media practices. A network analysis was used to map interorganizational information networks among core public diplomacy organizations in each country. To reveal the key organizations' communication strategies on Facebook, a content analysis was also conducted. The findings indicate that Japan had a strong internal network infrastructure achieved through dispersed connections and partnerships; however, Korea had a centralized network, including a limited number of dominant actors. The results of content analysis suggest that both South Korea and Japanese public diplomats focused on promoting their cultural products and national values through their use of texts and visual images. In addition, user profile analysis gaged the degree of users' engagement in the organizations' profiles and identified the demographic features of users. Comparative data suggest the Korean public diplomacy organization was more successful at attracting and engaging with foreign public than the Japanese public diplomacy organization. These results imply that although these two countries had similar sociopolitical backgrounds and perspectives of public diplomacy, they had distinct forms of internal information networks, communication strategies, and social networking performances with public.  相似文献   

能够提供及时可靠信息的国家卫生信息系统对于加强和改善卫生系统非常重要,而加强一个国家的卫生信息系统首先必须从系统的评估开始。通过界定国家卫生信息系统内涵,总结了国际主流卫生信息系统评估框架,如HMN信息系统评估框架、WHO卫生信息系统、美国USAD卫生信息系统指标、泛美卫生组织信息评估框架、西太平洋卫生信息系统评估框架等,介绍了我国卫生信息系统评估研究进展,对我国卫生信息系统评估框架研发提出了建议。  相似文献   

How do the librarians in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) plan to perform a role in the electronic environment? Depository librarians must meet the challenge of changing how they think about government information libraries and their mission in order to provide citizen access services in an electronic environment. The new mission is to connect the user with information at the time of need, to instruct citizens in gaining access to government information, and to develop networking applications and programs that will help to put valuable content in the information infrastructure. If the FDLP and depository libraries are to prepare to perform that role, librarians need to take stock of their technological environment, deal with the political realities, and be critical of FDLP ideals that have taken on mythological proportions. A framework for the future of the FDLP can be built if depository librarians take advantage of the new communication technology. Depository librarians can use this technology to develop partnerships and networks of depository libraries, government agencies, commercial publishers, organizations of information professionals, and citizens. In turn, depository librarians could form the virtual associations needed to develop new dissemination programs; create user interface software; consolidate lobbying efforts to develop a nationwide electronic information policy; and provide community information networks with national links. Finally, communications technology could enable depository librarians to form a consortium of depository libraries to manage a government information dissemination library program.  相似文献   


This paper describes the emergence of popular information networks, the resource centre forums in South Africa in the 1980s and 1990s. Such forums have been established virtually countrywide. Collectively they have identified priorities for their regional development and national co-operation. They represent a significant response to a need for alternative library and information networks to serve the struggle for democracy. This has been recognised in the research prepared for a forthcoming document on national policy options in education in which library and information work forms a subgroup.  相似文献   

The National Library of Medicine has had an enormous impact on health information services all over the world. Although NLM is primarily a national institution, it has become an important international resource by responding to requests from the international community. NLM has been influential in three major ways. First, NLM has provided a model for other national and regional health information services. Second, it has been a catalyst, in that MEDLARS and other services it provides formed the nucleus of many regional networks. NLM helped such networks get started by giving advice on how to set up services and build collections and by "training the trainers" on the MEDLARS system. Third, NLM has supported national and regional operations by providing the additional training and materials needed for day-to-day service.  相似文献   

In Finland an integrated network called LINNEA (Library Information Network for Academic Libraries) has been set up to facilitate the automation of academic libraries. The goal of the LINNEA network, with headquarters at the Helsinki University Library, is to become an open national bibliographic resource. The Finnish union library catalogue, called LINDA, was established in 1993. It is based on the catalogues of twenty university libraries, the national bibliographic database Fennica, and Finuc-S (the Finnish Union Catalogue-Serials). At the moment, the LINDA database includes some two million records for monographs and serials. The host of the database is the Helsinki University Library which is officially he National Library of Finland with a vast range of responsibilities. One of them is the standard numbering of Finnish publications. The 1994 ISSN meeting with the Nordic countries was held in Finland in order to discuss common problemss  相似文献   

The National Library of Medicine has had an enormous impact on health information services all over the world. Although NLM is primarily a national institution, it has become an important international resource by responding to requests from the international community. NLM has been influential in three major ways. First, NLM has provided a model for other national and regional health information services. Second, it has been a catalyst, in that MEDLARS and other services it provides formed the nucleus of many regional networks. NLM helped such networks get started by giving advice on how to set up services and build collections and by "training the trainers" on the MEDLARS system. Third, NLM has supported national and regional operations by providing the additional training and materials needed for day-to-day service.  相似文献   

This paper identifies and recognizes information not only as a protean asset, but also as the ultimate powerhouse for any country. If information is power, then it follows that for Nigeria to go forward, it must be information-based and information-driven. In order to achieve this, however, the paper advocates that government should establish the basic, essential national information infrastructure. The paper also argues for Nigeria to be Internet-ready, as well as being Intranet- and Extranet-enabled, as a sine qua non for Nigeria's successful participation in the global economy. Details on Nigeria's information infrastructure and its weaknesses are described as well as plans for improving it. The paper also discusses the different types of information networks in Nigeria and the sectors of the economy that are already involved.  相似文献   

This paper identifies and recognizes information not only as a protean asset, but also as the ultimate powerhouse for any country. If information is power, then it follows that for Nigeria to go forward, it must be information-based and information-driven. In order to achieve this, however, the paper advocates that government should establish the basic, essential national information infrastructure. The paper also argues for Nigeria to be Internet-ready, as well as being Intranet- and Extranet-enabled, as a sine qua non for Nigeria's successful participation in the global economy. Details on Nigeria's information infrastructure and its weaknesses are described as well as plans for improving it. The paper also discusses the different types of information networks in Nigeria and the sectors of the economy that are already involved.  相似文献   


Users of geographic data may not be able to afford to purchase and implement a dataset that does not finally meet their needs. Therefore, metadata has a very important role in the information supply environment of geographic data. The development of national/local spatial data infrastructures recognizes the importance of metadata, as do the digital libraries providing spatial data.

The new ISO 19115:2003 standard of metadata for geographic information is introduced briefly. In particular, geographic information can be made available as digital maps (or images) that are meant for visual use, or as datasets meant for computational use. Metadata for digital maps is closely related to the metadata elements for conventional maps and can be enhanced by providing a sample map with the data. The case of computational use of geographic data is more complex. There are several details that may appear crucial when determining the fitness of data for an intended use. Understanding the importance of the crucial factors in each use case requires professional skills from the users of metadata.  相似文献   

This study examines aspects of scholarly journal publishing in the Nordic countries. On average half of Nordic journals publish online. In most Nordic countries, commercial publishers predominate; however, in Finland the majority are society publishers. The number of open access journals is low, in line with international figures. There is concern to maintain local languages in journal publishing. A majority of the journals publishing in local languages are within social science, humanities, and arts; the STM sector publishes in English. English‐language publications are favoured in research assessments, international recognition, and impact, while the visibility of local‐language scholarly journals in international databases is low. The Nordbib program supports Nordic scholarly journals and fosters co‐operation with publishing companies and learned societies over migration to e‐publishing; it also supports open access. The article discusses future challenges for journal publishing, pointing out the problems of small journal publishers and the need for co‐operation between stakeholders.  相似文献   

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