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Peer tutoring in Higher Education is being used with increasing frequency to aid in student learning, motivation, and empowerment. Although an extensive body of research documents the efficacy of such programs, it exhibits a surprising lack of awareness of the social dynamics involved. This study focuses on peer tutors and students as they interact in higher education classrooms. Results indicate that this interaction does not always occur smoothly and that tutors often spend an inordinate amount of time engaged in impression management. Additionally, findings suggest that the tutor/student relationship can be rife with misunderstanding and power struggle.  相似文献   

随着"一带一路"建设的不断深入推进,中国与世界各国的交流日益频繁,来华留学生人数不断上涨,出现了来华留学生在跨文化心理适应中的系列问题。通过对福建省高校的来华留学生进行问卷调查,发现他们在跨文化适应上主要存在心理压力大、社会脱轨与学业休克的困境,并提出完善心理健康教育体系、搭建社会支持网络与创新教学模式等措施来进一步促进来华留学生的跨文化心理适应。  相似文献   

The article investigates a system of academic education called tutoring implemented in a blended format. It looks at this teaching and learning experience based on the results of a student satisfaction survey (N = 9) as well as the analysis of the discourse between the tutor and six tutees recorded during four meetings: two traditional and two cloud tutorials. It is argued here that the blended format is a good solution which enables the two modes to reinforce each other and compensate for each other’s deficiencies. By offering more interaction and establishing good rapport, the face-to-face meetings develop social presence. In turn, cognitive presence is stronger in the online tutorials, in which the students appear to have reached higher levels of critical thinking. What is more, these two types of tutorials appear to pave the way for each other.  相似文献   

随着素质教育观念的普及,现代社会对个体综合能力的发展提出了越来越高的要求,然而当前学校提供的课程体系并不能有效满足这种需求,校外课外辅导班便成了公认的必要补充。在选择课外辅导班时,应特别注意正确处理校内课程和校外课外辅导班的关系,重点考虑小学生个人意愿和兴趣对参与课外辅导班的作用,并且应该给予充分尊重的态度。小学生参与课外辅导班,不仅事关小学生个人发展,而且也是一个值得家、校共同考量的事实。  相似文献   

Unlike traditional teachers, tutors now are much less able to confine their practice to the classroom setting. Herein, we address the challenges of actual tutoring practice at one Master’s degree program comprising offline and online learning activities along with student work placements. Building on the autoethnography and narrative analysis we highlight core themes structuring tutoring experience. We examined the challenges we met. We offer suggestions for tutors supporting students in a blended learning environment, and we argue acknowledgment of different roles and strategies applied by tutors across learning contexts make them more productive and less vulnerable towards conflicting messages of other actors involved in instructional communication.  相似文献   

This article considers moral agendas projected onto parents that mobilise them to supplement school literacy education with private tutoring. The theoretical frame draws on the concepts of responsibilisation as emerging market-embedded morality, ‘nudge’ social policies, edu-business and hidden privatisation in education. This framing is applied to two empirical moments: firstly, debates around the Australian government’s ‘Tutorial Voucher Initiative’ of 2004; and secondly, tutoring advertisements and items in school newsletters collected in early 2016. In the first moment, parents were somewhat reluctant to take up free supplementary tutoring; in the second, private literacy tutoring is increasingly normalised and legitimated as parents are nudged to supplement the work of the school.  相似文献   

幸福是人生活的主题,成就学生的幸福人生是教育事业的神圣使命。幸福意指一个人热情而又执着地面对生活时所幸遇的一种和谐、惬意的存在状态。指向学生幸福的教育行动是多元化的,培养生活能力、教会学生欣赏、培育卓越品性、优化生活方式等都是教育者把学生引向幸福的重要路径。  相似文献   

Teaching has become a very challenging profession with the requirements to provide appropriate individualised instruction in large and diverse classes. Problem behaviours displayed by students with special needs exacerbate the difficulties. This is especially true and intense in physical education, where students are exposed to extreme emotional situations under physical demands. Classwide peer tutoring (CWPT) is an evidence‐based teaching strategy that involves programmed interactions between peers and holds promise for the education of students at risk who display antisocial behaviours. This article discusses the implementation and modification of CWPT in third and eighth grades in a K‐12 inner‐city charter school in the USA, directed towards students who have special educational and social needs. First, the two CWPT applications are described. Second, authors share the students’ reactions to the pedagogy. Third, based on students’ responses and the teacher's accumulated experience delivering CWPT, the article discusses how to tailor CWPT better to each of the grade levels.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and formative evaluation of a computer-assisted tutoring program to help students who experience problems learning to read. Based on a combination of social constructivist and behavioral theories, this program addresses the cost and quality issues associated with delivering high quality, cost-effective tutoring. Initial feedback on the beta version of the program provides support for developing a program designed with “just in time” support for tutors and interactive activities for tutees based on material that students are struggling with in their reading class.  相似文献   

A large‐scale randomised‐controlled trial of reading tutoring in 80 schools in Scotland used the Paired Reading (PR) technique. On long‐term evaluation, cross‐age PR was significantly better than regular teaching, but same‐age was not. On short‐term evaluation, PR pupils did significantly better than control pupils in both years, and cross‐age and same‐age were similarly effective. Low socio‐economic pupils, lower reading ability pupils, girls and reading with maths tutoring groups did significantly better. Implementation was good in parts, but some important aspects of technique were rare. Reading gains were significantly greater for those with mistakes about every 2 minutes and those who stopped reading to talk every 5 to 7 minutes. Significant gains in self‐esteem were seen in same‐age and cross‐age groups, and for tutees and tutors, but not for controls. The relationship of achievement gain to quality of technique and socio‐emotional gains is discussed, with implications for practice.  相似文献   

A composite learner model for adaptive tutoring systems has been developed, which combines a model of learner attributes with a simple overlay model of the learner's domain knowledge state. The model of learner characteristics enables several different forms of psychological and background data about the student to be taken into account, and provides a profile of the learner in terms of pedagogically useful attributes. An Adaptive Tutor Using Learner Attributes (ATULA) has been constructed, which uses the composite learner model. The system is able to select for the learner the optimal form of the learning material for the group of topics about to be presented. Experiments carried out with the adaptive tutoring system over 3 successive academic years with two disparate groups of students are described. User records collected during the experiments provide insight into the operation of the model, both at initialisation and during the student's interaction with the system. Previous users’ records also enable comparisons to be made with the result of previous experiments using a non‐adaptive system.  相似文献   

In the context of the complexity of today’s organizations, help seeking behavior is considered as an important step to problem solving and learning in organizations. Yet, help seeking has received less attention in organizational literature. To increase the potential impact of help seeking on learning, it is essential to understand which mechanisms affect help seeking. The present study questioned whether the characteristics of the relationships that employees have in the workplace are related to help seeking behavior. This study draws on a social network perspective to investigate the employees’ relationships within their professional network. In particular, the role of accessibility, awareness of expertise, trust, and hierarchy in help seeking was explored. Results indicated that the perceptions of the help provider’s expertise, accessibility and trust were positively associated with the likelihood to seek help, frequency by which help is sought, and perceived quality of the help. Moreover, employees seem more likely to seek help upward from higher status individuals and less likely downward from lower status individuals. Employees perceived the help of higher status individuals as more useful and constructive. These results highlight the importance of investing in the strength of relationships, ensuring the accessibility of expertise and fostering a work environment, in which employees trust and respect each other. Furthermore, the results suggest valuable and promising avenues for future research and practice.  相似文献   

我校做为河北省惟一一所女子职业中专学校,自建校以来共培养毕业生7 000余人,涉及30多个专业,就业率达到95%以上。毕业生活跃在古城保定各行各业,成为众多女性的佼佼者,为保定的经济和文化建设做出了贡献。我们在发挥女性优势、加强就业指导方面做了一些探索,在帮助女生就业方面取得了一些成绩。  相似文献   

Private tutoring through the internet: globalization and offshoring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The private tutoring industry has come forward as the third great sector of education. The common sense representation about private tutoring is changing. The growing search for supplementary educational support services and the technological innovation have created a new paradigm. This paper focuses on one of the most interesting faces of this new phenomenon: the rise of private tutoring through the internet. The very promising market is considered by some analysts as a true explosion on the offer and demand levels. Many families are feeling increasingly unable to provide their children the “extra help” they need to meet the requirements of further steps in the education system. So, for several reasons, they are outsourcing and even offshoring this so important and competitive task. The field is full of learning and market opportunities. This is the new globalized world of the less shadow and progressively growing private tutoring in the XXI century.  相似文献   

This article reviews some problems in aptitude treatment interaction (ATI) research, which is the knowledge base for adaptive instruction. Inconsistent ATI results were attributed to findings indicating that varying instructional methods do not necessarily invoke different types or frequencies of cognitive processing of instruction nor are individual difference measures consistently related to such processing. It is suggested that more consistent processing, and more replicable ATIs may be found by training students in the cognitive processes presumed to be invoked by instructional methods. Finally, it is suggested that the inclusion of affective variables in research on cognitive processing of instruction may lead to findings of more effective and consistent processing by students and to more reliable ATIs.  相似文献   

普通高中《语文课程标准》(实验稿)在"课程的基本理念"中指出:"审美教育有助于促进人的知、情、意全面发展。文学艺术的鉴赏和创作是重要的审美活动","语文具有重要的审美教育功能,高中语文课程应关注学生情感的发展,让学生受到美的熏陶,培养自觉的审美意识和高尚的审美情趣,培养审美感知和审美创造能力"。  相似文献   

<正>Next week,our English teacher Miss Wang will take us to visit the Old People’s Home.It’s a good chance for us to learn to care for old people.A lot of old people are lonely.So we should cheer them up and talk to them.We can read newspapers for them.We also can sing English songs for them.We are going to help them clean their rooms  相似文献   

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