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金忍冬 《海外英语》2012,(18):72-73,86
This paper addresses some of the requirements of the advance organizers and prediction activities for DDL(Data-Driv en Learning) based on multi-modal corpora for learning English as a second language.It analyzes preliminary advantages and dis advantages of using multi-modal corpora for DDL and focuses on key methodological issues related to self-guided learning and corpus operation.Pedagogical suggestions are provided on how to make the multi-modal corpora based DDL engaging in accor dance with Krashen’ s Language Input Hypothesis with the assistance of advance organizers and prediction activities.  相似文献   

While case-based discussions can empower students to apply knowledge to contextual clinical situations, scheduling these activities is a challenge in crowded curricula. Case-based eLearning activities, derived from existing cases discussed within anatomy small group tutorials, were created incorporating principles such as interactivity, reinforcement, and feedback. Over half of the students accessed one or more of these online cases, with 18% accessing all eight online cases provided. Access increased as the semester progressed, particularly just before summative examinations, implying students used these primarily as revision aides. Students rated both formats highly, but favored the online format with regard to enjoyment (P = 0.048), learning (P = 0.101), and feedback (P = 0.086). However, more students discussed these cases in small group tutorials within the anatomy dissecting room than completed them online (122 vs. 67) and themes emerging from free text comments included a desire to have more time dedicated to these cases during small group tutorials, and an appreciation for the opportunity for discussion with staff and learning through doing. Additionally, native English speakers rated the anatomy room discussions significantly higher in all aspects than non-native English speakers, suggesting that non-native speakers may be hesitant or reluctant to fully participate in front of peers. While online case-based learning activities are a useful adjunct to anatomy teaching, particularly for revision, assumptions that “digital natives” have an innate preference for digital resources require critical evaluation, as students still place a high value on opportunities for discussion with staff during their studies.  相似文献   

《短中期天气预报》课程有机结合了军事气象学传统教育中《短期天气预报原理》、《中长期天气预报》和《现代天气预报技术》等课程的主要教学内容,是现代天气预报业务的技术基础,是一门综合性、应用性、实践性很强的课程。如何设计本课程的实践环节,使学员扎实掌握制作短中期天气预报的基本原理和一般方法,为后续的《天气预报保障综合实习》等课程的学习打下良好的理论基础,是本文着力思考的问题。通过对一系列实践环节的设计,培养学员理论联系实际、正确思维和综合分析的科学作风和创新能力。  相似文献   

《Teaching Artist Journal》2013,11(4):240-248
A step-by-step example of an arts-integrated curriculum that uses all the arts,addresses National Standards and lights up teachers and students.  相似文献   

The annual performance appraisal is a ubiquitous and often‐dreaded process in the workplace. Evaluation biases generated by both the evaluator and the performer threaten to undermine the efficacy and utility of this evaluation milestone. There is research to support that methods can be used to reduce these biases while simultaneously improving evaluation outcomes and engagement. Employing structured methods, identifying specific aims, and ensuring that there is added value in the eyes of the stakeholders can mitigate evaluation biases. Self‐assessment methods can be utilized and enhanced through use of clear criteria; a systematic approach; instruction, cues, and feedback; and opportunities for revision and improvement. Efforts to reduce evaluation biases while simultaneously engaging performers in structured self‐assessment create an opportunity to transform the annual performance appraisal process from dreaded event to a vista for performance improvement.  相似文献   

消费是大学生生活的一个重要领域,更是关乎其健康成长和全面发展的一个重要方面。通过对沈阳市四所高校部分大学生的消费现状调查发现,造成大学生成长的消费误区的因素主要是大学生消费结构颠倒、消费观念欠成熟、理财意识淡薄,同时,学校、家庭、社会等方面的影响也会让大学生走入消费误区。  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors describe their journey from a teacher-student relationship to that of research partners and co-authors, thus providing a case study situated within the literature on students as partners. The instructor's use of drama-based pedagogy organically facilitated this journey both by flattening the hierarchy between teacher and students, and by being the subject under study. As a research group, the authors designed and collaborated on a scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) project. They analyzed existing classroom data to study the effects of drama-based pedagogy on their classroom environment and presented findings at conferences and through publication. This collaboration between a graduate student instructor and her undergraduate learners benefited all parties from both research and professionalization perspectives, which mirrors positive outcomes in the students as partners literature. The partnership can thus serve as a model for similar partnerships with minimal institutional infrastructure. Graduate students become research mentors and gain greater access to their students' classroom experiences, while undergraduate students explore the next step of an academic career track by conducting and disseminating original research as equal partners. The authors highlight reciprocity in their collaboration and call on institutions to facilitate this kind of partnership with funding and institutional support.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the feasibility (accessibility, engagement and impact) of adding social media and gaming features (e.g., social sharing with anonymity, badges to incentivize skills practice, an accredited facilitator for support) and access via smartphones to an evidenced-based parenting program, Triple P Online. The highly vulnerable population included 155 disadvantaged, high-risk parents (e.g., 76% had a family annual income of less than $15,000; 41% had been incarcerated; 38% were in drug/alcohol treatment; and 24% had had a child removed due to maltreatment). The ethnic groups most commonly identified were African American (24%) and Hispanic (66%). Respondents were primarily mothers (86%) from five community programs in Los Angeles. The study used a single group repeated measures design (pre, post, 6-month follow-up). Data collected included standardized self-report measures, post-intervention focus groups and interviews, website usage reports, and Google Analytics. Significant multivariate ANOVA time effects were found, demonstrating reductions in child behavioral problems, reduced lax/permissive and over-reactive parenting, and decreased parental stress. No effects were found for parental confidence, attributions, or depression and anxiety (which were in the normal range at baseline). Positive effects were maintained or improved at 6-month follow-up. The participants engaged in the online community and valued its flexibility, anonymity, and shared learning. This foundational implementation trial provides support for future rigorous evaluation of social media and gaming features as a medium for increasing parental engagement in evidence-based parenting programs online—a public health approach to protect and improve the development of vulnerable children.  相似文献   

教育技术是现代远程教育的基本要素。“现代教育技术中心”是近年来众多广播电视大学推行现代教育技术的新建制,探索和构建它的实践模型,研究现代远程开放教育赋予它的使命和任务,是目前阶段电大完成“试点”项目的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

自2005年开始,返乡就业的通道开始打开,在政府的大力支持下,大学生返乡创业取得了一定的经济和社会成效。然而,目前成功的大学生返乡创业个案少且流失率高,原因之一在于有针对性的高校返乡创业教育模式匮乏。基于创业教育实践的需要,构建一套有针对性、可操作性强的大学生返乡创业教育模式就显得十分必要和紧迫,因此我们提出了基于商业合作方式的通专结合型的大学生返乡创业教育模式以供学界和实务界参考。  相似文献   

Among the current reform measures undertaken in Chinese K-12 education, to adopt New Curricula and to improve ICT application in teaching are both decisive, however, the lack of qualified trainers is handicapping the professional development of over 10 millions in-service teachers. One of eChina ~ UK projects in collaboration between universities from both sides is designed to develop virtual learning community (VLC) among in-service teachers and explore from pedagogic perspective how to conduct VLC. In accordance with reflective learning and collaborative learning, three online learning modules have been jointly created by Chinese and UK educational specialists, and one unit from each module has been piloted by a group of senior teachers. Through analyzing the processes of course design and pilot, supported by quantitative and qualitative research into the experiences of pilot participants, the paper identifies some core factors influencing the quality of VLC and suggests that more attention should be given to the interactive learning process within VLC rather than to create well-structured learning materials before hand. It has also analyzed VLC as a promising approach to support professional development of in-service teachers from the perspective of continuous improvement process. There is much to be researched into the approach of VLC.  相似文献   

客户弱关系困境是电子商务中众多平台内零售电商共同面临的最大问题。以某化妆品平台零售电商企业为例,从目标客户人群调查着手,确定平台内模式的化妆品电商在强客户关系建设中的目标客户人群。从产品维度和客户强关系衡量指标及提升"权威信赖"得分的角度,提出组织架构创新、SKU控制、选品渠道、试用筛选、产品表达页面等客户强关系建设方案,以强化平台内模式化妆品电商客户强关系建设。  相似文献   

This study describes the effects on student motivation and cognitive learning strategies of an approach involving an undergraduate learner-centered community of learners approach to instruction. Six learning communities were created using the following objectives: integrated courses, active and collaborative learning, and opportunities for learning through information technology and library resources. Instructors attended ten workshops designed to assist them in developing the learning communities according to the objectives of the program. Results indicate significant changes in motivation and cognitive strategy use by the end of participation in the learning community. Within the motivation subscales, students in the learning communities reported significantly higher levels of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, more internal control of their learning, and self-efficacy, along with significantly lower levels of test anxiety and task value. Within the learning strategies subscales, students reported increases in their use of rehearsal strategies, organization strategies, critical thinking, time management, and the use of peer learning and help-seeking behaviors.  相似文献   

The European Commission has determined the following priorities to increase the quality of teacher training programmes in the European Union: ensuring that all teachers have access to the knowledge, attitudes and pedagogic skills they require to be effective; ensuring that provision for teachers’ education and professional development is coordinated, coherent and adequately resourced; promoting a culture of reflective practice and research among teachers; promoting the status and recognition of the teaching profession; and supporting the professionalization of teaching. In this context, the RELEASE project pursued the adaptation of the teachers’ in-service training programme in Cyprus to the teachers’ and schools’ needs. The project also aimed at the enhancement of the school principals’ pedagogic role in supporting teachers’ professional development, the promotion of teachers’ development at school and the acquisition of self-regulated learning skills. The present paper draws on the benefits of the action research procedure for teachers’ development and the changes revealed in the teachers’ discourse throughout the project as illustrated in their oral and written reflections. The discourse analysis of the teachers’ speech in different stages of the project indicates a movement from remoteness and distance to collaboration, participation, openness and exchange, and a movement from low trust in their own choices to reflection and self-confidence to make justified selections and act in alternative ways. The discussion of the project’s results attempts to distinguish the effective key components of this project, providing empirical evidence/support for the reflective paradigm of teacher development.  相似文献   

高校图书情报工作在创新型人才培养中有多方面的价值,但是在现实中存在着作用不足的问题.因此.高校图书情报机构应该在开展相关基础研究的前提下,完善服务平台,及时组织和提供学生所需信息,增强学生获取信息的能力,培育创新思维方式,把图书情报机构储存的信息转化为创新型人才成长的信息资源.  相似文献   

In the Budding Science and Literacy project, we explored how working with an integrated inquiry-based science and literacy approach may challenge and support the teaching and learning of science at the classroom level. By studying the inter-relationship between multiple learning modalities and phases of inquiry, we wished to illuminate possible dynamics between science inquiry and literacy in an integrated science approach. Six teachers and their students were recruited from a professional development course for the current classroom study. The teachers were to try out the Budding Science teaching model. This paper presents an overall video analysis of our material demonstrating variations and patterns of inquiry-based science and literacy activities. Our analysis revealed that multiple learning modalities (read it, write it, do it, and talk it) are used in the integrated approach; oral activities dominate. The inquiry phases shifted throughout the students' investigations, but the consolidating phases of discussion and communication were given less space. The data phase of inquiry seems essential as a driving force for engaging in science learning in consolidating situations. The multiple learning modalities were integrated in all inquiry phases, but to a greater extent in preparation and data. Our results indicate that literacy activities embedded in science inquiry provide support for teaching and learning science; however, the greatest challenge for teachers is to find the time and courage to exploit the discussion and communication phases to consolidate the students' conceptual learning.  相似文献   

The World Wide Web contains a number of collections of data files for molecules with limited usability and utility for users. We describe the design of a Common Molecules collection that provides interactive tools for 3-D visualization of molecules. Our organizational design is intuitive and our collection is large, growing, and provides not only structural information, but also historical and/or key information on the properties of the molecules in the collection. The use of the collection by students and the role of students in the development of the collection are also described.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - This study is part of a larger research that explores the creation of an instrument to capture the social and cultural factors that affect Black students’...  相似文献   

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