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This article focuses on the parents of secondary school Polish boys and their capacity to realise their educational and professional aspirations for their children. Our primary finding is that although many Polish parents face considerable challenges in manoeuvring through the educational system, some Polish parents display a level of agency comparable to that of white, British middle-class parents.  相似文献   

分析了中职学生体育素质的现状,阐述了现代人们的健康意识,提出了培养中职学生终身体育意识的教学方法和利用多媒体教学手段的好处,利用校园体育激发学生的体育兴趣,老师榜样的重要性。  相似文献   

加强教师继续教育树立终身教育观念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述终身教育和继续教育的含义;进一步探讨了中学生物教师继续教育的方式和内容。  相似文献   

This paper comprises five sections. Section 1 is concerned with the aims of education and definitions of pupil success and pupil failure, including criteria for determining success/failure; and section 2 proposes a model of pupil ssuccess/pupil failure which is analysed in terms of (i) ‘within-child’ characteristics and previous learning experiences, (ii) the physical, social and educational environment, and (iii) the extent to which there is a match or mismatch between educational provision and educational needs. The different criteria for measuring success/failure (educational attainment and pupil progress; pupil behaviour; pupils’ self-concepts and expectations of success; attitudes to school; number of pupils assessed as having special educational needs) are identified in section 3, and sources of evidence are analysed. Section 4 traces the legislative basis of educational provision from the 1944 Education Act, through the Education Act of 1988, which introduced the National Curriculum, to the present, while section 5 examines current developments in education.  相似文献   

相岚 《中学教育》2011,(5):121-127
自《1988年教育改革法》颁布实施之后,英国中等教育证书考试成为了对结束义务教育阶段的中学生的知识、技能水平的全面鉴定。在新世纪,英国中等教育证书考试受到人们越来越多的关注,但同时又面临诸多如质量下降、学业成绩差距拉大等新的挑战。本文通过对新世纪英国政府重要教育报告的分析,揭示英国政府对中等教育普通证书考试改革的重要举...  相似文献   

Introduction: Statistics for the education systems in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are collected and processed separately in accordance with the particular needs of the responsible Departments. Each Education Department—the Department of Education and Science, the Welsh Office Education Department, the Scottish Education Department and the Department of Education Northern Ireland—publishes a selection of statistics concerning education within the separate countries. More detailed statistics on universities can be found in the University Grants Committee's own publications.  相似文献   

如今,人们已经进入知识时代,各个领域的发展都离不开人才和技术支持。知识时代,社会结构也在不断发生变化,传统的教育模式已经无法满足社会对人才的需求。要想提高自身的就业能力和社会竞争力,就必须有突出的表现,而且需要不断学习。目前,成人教育已经成为人才发展的必然趋势,而终身教育理念对成人教育有着至关重要的影响。  相似文献   

终身教育思想对全球教师教育带来深刻影响,人们从此深刻认识到教师教育的连续性和终身性。通过对终身教育理念倡导下教师教育观的解读,使我们更加深刻认识了教师教育的本质和目的。从终身教育思想的视野下来审视我国教师教育的现状,不难看出我国的教师教育存在诸多问题,笔者想通过这些问题,让人们来共同关注我国的教师教育及其发展。  相似文献   


This paper, which is in three parts, first surveys the development of some forms of informal death education in the United Kingdom since Gorer's (1965) post‐war survey of attitudes to death, grief and mourning. It notes how many of the responses made to the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, are part of such developments. Next it shows how the media in particular, together with exhibitions, courses and reports, continue to contribute to the attainment of four goals originally applied to American Death Education: (1) informing of facts not currently widespread in society, (2) learning to deal with feelings about one's own death and the deaths of significant others, (3) becoming informed consumers of medical and funeral services, and (4) clarifying one's values on social and ethical issues. The paper concludes by outlining some choices and challenges that death and bereavement present using Buber's I‐‐Thou perspective.  相似文献   

ALL CHILDREN of school age in the United Kingdom are the responsibility of the Education Authority and must be offered educational provision. About 1.3% of pupils attend special schools; other pupils with special educational needs receive support of various kinds in ordinary schools. The Education Act 1981 is the main legislative instrument concerned with special education: it defined special educational needs, established integration as a key principle guiding service provision and laid down detailed procedures for conducting assessments. Special educational provision is likely to be affected significantly by the general Education Act introduced in 1988 but the precise implications are not yet clear.  相似文献   

李亦敏 《教育学报》2005,1(3):49-52
半个世纪以来,发展教育的理念日益进入英国教育的主流,其组织规模也不断扩大。但理论基础薄弱,概念界定不清,实际操作性差仍是其存在的棘手问题,向操作性强、可塑性强的学习理论的转型,是它的必然选择。  相似文献   

School size is becoming an increasingly important factor in discussions concerning school effectiveness, particularly those concerning cost‐effectiveness. Unfortunately, the term ‘small‐school’ is used in several different ways and lacks clarity. This paper examines the present usage of this term in order to construct a definition that could be incorporated into effectiveness research design.  相似文献   

以融合教育安置为主的多形式办学、强调根据儿童和家长需求提供教育服务、重视政策引导和资源配置是英国自闭症儿童教育的三大特点.尽管英国政府在自闭症儿童教育方面做了很大努力,但自闭症儿童目前是英国退学率最高的群体.本文在剖析英国自闭症儿童教育特点和挑战的基础上,结合我国的实际状况,从构建教育服务网络、创设办学标准、培养专业师资、营造心理健康环境等四个方面提出了具体建议.  相似文献   

终身德育理念是一种奠基于终身教育思想,倡导德育必须贯穿于个体生命过程始终,不断完善个体主体性道德人格,促进个体德性成长的价值追求与精神范型。终身德育理念的实践路向在于:做好不同年龄阶段的德育衔接,实现德育向生活世界的回归,建立全社会参与德育的制度环境,强化个体道德反思能力的养成。  相似文献   

从终身教育入手阐述图书馆在终身教育中的实施渠道,指出终身教育极大强化了图书馆的教育职能;图书馆为学习者提供了超越时空的学习环境,它使得每个社会成员受教育机会均等的思想成为可能。  相似文献   

通过对学校体育与终身体育关系及社会实践的发展需要等问题的探讨 ,阐述了学校体育对终身体育的指导作用 ,提出了学校体育的发展方向  相似文献   

本通过对终身体育思想的阐述,论证了终身体育在教育事业发展和实施“全民健身计划”中的必要性。学校体育是终身体育教育的重要阶段,要以终身体育观为指导思想,通过对现行的体育课程、方法、内容、评价等方面的改革,培养学生终身健身的意识和习惯,达到终身受益的目的。  相似文献   

21世纪是一个全新的时代,随着科学技术的发展,终身教育的浪潮正扑面而来。高等教育因其多元化的形式和特殊的功能对于终身教育理念的实行起到举足轻重的作用,其独特的价值使之成为推进终身教育理念的中坚力量。因此,为了更好地推进终身教育理念的发展,高等教育必须加快自身建设的步伐:树立终身教育的理念,发挥思想阵地作用;切实发挥三项基本职能,为终身教育顺利进行夯实基础;加强教师素质建设,为终身教育顺利进行提供师资保障;加快基础设施建设,为终身教育的顺利进行提供物质保障。  相似文献   

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