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Looking at the current discourse on how to teach disaster, one apparent gap is that the scientific aspect of disaster is discussed and taught mostly in isolation from its human aspect. Disaster educators seem to be primarily interested in addressing issues such as social vulnerability, community resilience, personal action-related knowledge and emotion rather than the scientific basis of disasters, whereas science educators often fail to make connections between the scientific accounts of disasters and the social and political contexts that surround them. In this theoretical paper, I claim that this disconnect is problematic and that overcoming it is a key to understanding and teaching disaster in a more nuanced and comprehensive manner. Drawing primarily on science and technology studies (STS) on disaster, I explore the potential of interpreting disasters as failures of socio-technical systems, which helps us unearth the inner workings of the complex network of science, technology and society in the wake of calamities. STS challenges the dichotomous understanding of the material and social worlds and takes a view that they shape each other to constitute socio-technical systems. Taking such an approach to disaster allows a synthetic understanding of the natural, technological and human-made disasters that we are faced with in the age of uncertainty and complexity. Based on the ideas of STS and examples of recent disasters in East Asian countries, I argue that disaster education and science education can cross-pollinate in tackling the post-disaster hardship and cultivating responsible citizens.  相似文献   

The term ‘state of exception’ has been used by Italian political theorist Giorgio Agamben to explain the ways in which emergencies, crises and disasters are used by governments to suspend legal processes. In this paper, we innovatively apply Agamben's theory to the way in which countries prepare and educate the population for various types of emergencies. We focus on two main aspects of Agamben's work: first, the paradoxical nature of the state of exception, as both a transient and a permanent part of governance. Second, it is a ‘liminal’ concept expressing the limits of law and where ‘law’ meets ‘not-law’. We consider the relationship between laws related to disasters and emergencies, and case studies of the ways in which three countries (England, Germany and Japan) educate their populations for crisis and disaster. In England, we consider how emergency powers have been orientated around the protection of the Critical National Infrastructure and how this has produced localised ‘states of exception’ and, relatedly, pedagogical anomalies. In Germany, we consider the way in which laws related to disaster and civil protection, and the nature of volunteering for civil protection, produce exceptional spaces for non-German bodies. In Japan, we consider the debate around the absence of emergency powers and relate this to Japanese non-exceptional disaster education for natural disasters. Applying Agamben's work, we conclude by developing a new, multilevel empirical framework for analysing disaster education with implications for social justice.  相似文献   

This study explores reflective experience during transformative, group-based learning among university leaders following a natural disaster such as a typhoon in two Philippine universities. Natural disasters are recurrent phenomena in many parts of the world, but the literature largely ignores their impact on lifelong human learning, for instance regarding preparing the university setting for future natural disasters. The study used interviews and document analysis, drawing on a body of interrelated works in transformative learning theory, critical educational theory and conceptions about group processes and reflective practice to understand university leaders’ lifelong learning from natural disasters as experiential, transformative, reflective and group oriented. The findings document that university leaders’ reflective, transformative learning depends on individuals’ experience of natural disasters as disorienting dilemmas, and that reflection is facilitated by decisive group dynamics rather than only personal reflection. Facilitating a learning space for transformative, reflective learning in university settings might assist university leaders to enhance disaster risk preparedness, for instance through local policy change.  相似文献   

Most serious natural disasters cause fatalities and injuries, and result in infrastructure damage, economic impacts, and social effects. With respect to the nature of impacts, it is important to understand the direct and indirect impacts of natural disasters on infrastructure and industries. In this paper, a holistic disaster impact analysis framework is presented to support more understanding of natural disaster events with respect to inter-relation of infrastructure and associated industries. Disaster impact mechanism and inter-relations based on critical function of industries derived from the extensive literature review and case studies. To develop the framework, service factor is chosen to measure the level of inter-relations and proper weights for each inter-relation between infrastructure and associated industries are obtained by surveying experts in the area of disaster mitigation, emergency organizations, and infrastructure management. This paper focuses on the impact analysis of hurricane disaster and the outcome can also be applied to other types of disasters.  相似文献   


The paper examines social learning processes among organic farmers and explores the application of the Community of Practice (CoP) model in this context. The analysis employed utilises an approach based on the CoP model, and considers how, or whether, this approach may be useful to understand social learning among farmers. The CoP model is applied to case studies of social learning fora among organic farmers. The case studies are compiled from in-depth semi-structured interviews and participant observation with farmers and other actors, and the data are analysed with reference to three dimensions of the CoP model, namely mutual engagement, joint enterprise and shared repertoires. Farmers associate and engage in social learning more readily with peers determined by similar attitudes to farm business, farming styles and understanding of what organic agriculture entails. Such associations support the hypothesis that CoPs are self-organising structures that generate their knowledge in sympathy with community definition and identity. A CoP framework applied within relatively unstructured and dispersed communities, such as described in this paper, emphasises the fluid nature of CoPs, and their essentially self-organising nature. Extension approaches may be facilitated by regarding farmers as de-facto members of CoPs and by understanding how CoPs may form and develop. The CoP model is applied as a heuristic to examine social learning processes in organic farming.  相似文献   

In this paper, it is argued that e‐learning environments are currently more like ‘buildings’, ie, learning spaces, rather than ‘schools’, ie, places for learning. The concepts originated from architecture and urban design, where they are used both to distinguish static spaces from inhabited places, and more importantly, as design objectives. The transformation from space to place is supported and enabled by social interactions between the (learning) community members. We argue that this distinction between the concepts explains some of the problems with current e‐learning systems and propose issues to consider when designing new systems. By acknowledging the importance and characteristics of a place, designers and researchers can justify the need and support for social interactions in learning space, consequently enabling social community building in e‐learning environments, and most importantly, supporting the development of a user‐friendly and motivating e‐learning place.  相似文献   

The importance of community learning in effecting social change towards ecological sustainability has been recognised for some time. More recently, the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools to promote socio-ecological sustainability has been shown to have potential in community education for sustainable development (ESD). The effective design and use of technology for community learning implies an understanding of a range of cross-dimensional factors including: socio-cultural characteristics and needs of the target audience; considerations of available and culturally responsive types of technology; and non-formal pedagogical ESD strategies for community empowerment. In addition, both technology itself and social communities are dynamically evolving and complex entities. This article presents a case study which evaluated the potential of ICT for promoting ecological literacy and action competence amongst community members in southern Chile. The case study addressed the ecological deterioration of a lake, which is having deep social, economic, recreational and cultural implications locally. The authors’ research involved developing a theoretical framework for the design, implementation and use of ICT for community learning for sustainability. The framework was based on key ideas from ESD, ICT and community education, and was underpinned by a systems thinking approach to account for the dynamism and complexity of such settings. Activity theory provided a frame to address overarching socio-cultural elements when using technology as a mediating tool for community learning. The authors’ findings suggest that the use of an ICT tool, such as a website, can enhance ecological literacy in relation to a local socio-ecological issue.  相似文献   

Inclusive school contexts can promote psychological and social adjustment and enhance learning among students. Changing demographics and 21st-century workplace needs suggest that ethnic diversity is one important dimension of inclusion to consider. This article presents 4 suggestions for how schools can facilitate inclusivity for ethnic diversity that are recommended to be employed in conjunction with one another: (a) school and classroom ethnic composition (i.e., increased ethnic diversity), (b) positive ethnic identity for ethnic minority students, (c) multicultural/diversity training and cooperative learning, and (d) the promotion of social competence and prosocial behaviors. Developmental considerations are discussed and a case is made that improving individual students’ functioning can ultimately promote inclusivity for all students. Assisting students to be ready and able to form friendships with peers from ethnically diverse backgrounds provides them with valuable experience and skills that they can carry forward to new educational, community, and workplace settings.  相似文献   

玉树灾害社会工作在灾后重建的三年时间里,大致经历了“紧急救援”、“灾后重建”两个阶段。灾后重建以甘达村联合社会工作站为主体,发掘和链接政府、民间组织、宗教团体等各方资源,搭建社会支持网络,为个人和家庭提供服务,探索灾后集中定居的牧民生计恢复和可行之策。玉树甘达村社工站是青海本地社会工作教育者和社会工作者成长和服务的平台,也可链接外部资源弥补本土社会工作因年幼无法独自完成任务的不足。玉树甘达村社工站初步形成的多方合作介入灾后社区重建的介入模式可资借鉴。  相似文献   

In recent years, action on sustainability has been highly influential around the globe and many now recognize the importance of individual and social learning for inspiring action and achieving sustainability outcomes. Transformative learning theory has been criticized, however, for insufficient development of the link between learning and action. The purpose of this paper is to deepen our understanding of the learning–action cycle among adult learners in the sustainability context. We consider this through insights from two studies in Kenya and Canada, utilizing a qualitative approach. Both studies employed semi-structured interviews as their primary data collection instrument and used other tools such as focus groups and journal writing. Three broad nodes of social action—individual, interpersonal and collective—are identified and defined based on the data collected. Results show that while all three types of action were evident in the outcomes of participants, individual social action was the most common and collective social action was the least. Barriers to applying learning in action are also derived from the data, including situational, personal, interpersonal, sociocultural and environmental obstacles. Factors that assist in overcoming such barriers include community support networks and skills training.  相似文献   

湖北由于地理位置的特殊性,自然灾害频发。应用灰色系统理论方法,分析湖北省自然灾害经济损失及各影响因素之间的关联度,并建立灰色GM(1,1)预测模型,进行自然灾害经济损失发展趋势预测和趋势关联分析,得出森林病虫鼠害、森林火灾和农作物成灾面积等是湖北省抗灾、减灾的重点。最后根据趋势预测和关联分析的结果,建立水灾灾变预测模型,研究湖北省水灾发生的时间分布特征,预测结果表明未来近期内,2018年和2012年将分别可能发生重大和中度水灾。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the significant issue of identity and how it relates to learning. Importantly, we narrow down the study in terms of how projective identity interplays with learning from the point of view of the learner and his/her social community. Self and community cannot be divorced. In order to illustrate this concept, we describe a case study involving an 11 years old boy in a learning context commonly referred to as an informal learning environment. This environment would include the community in which projective identity evolves. The trajectory of identity projection can be conceived in Ricoeurian terms of a plot where actors perform actions in role playing situations. This plot metaphor is consistent to the many interactions within MMPOGs and fictional worlds currently in existence. We conceive of an identity projection framework as our contributions to knowledge.  相似文献   

在我国矿难问题是一个突出的热点问题,也是关系经济社会健康发展和社会和谐的焦点问题,引起了专家学者多角度、各层面的研究。对矿难的研究,涉及我国矿难的现状、矿难发生的原因、预防矿难的对策、以及治理矿难的措施。这些研究对于了解我国矿难的产生根源,做好矿难的预防和治理具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

汶川大地震是近三十年来我国遭受的最严重的自然灾害,对人们的社会生活造成重大冲击。历史经验表明,特大自然灾害往往会增加犯罪发生的可能性。灾时犯罪在时间、空间分布上,在犯罪类型、犯罪方式等方面都有其自身特点。应对灾时犯罪的主要措施包括加强社会控制、内化外部规范,防范群体犯罪的发生。对灾后重建阶段容易出现的性犯罪、财产犯罪和暴力犯罪要坚决进行打击。  相似文献   

Case management is widely recognized as an important component of an effective model for delivering health and social services in the community. In Canada, case management is increasingly being adopted as a method of providing long‐term services to older clients. Professionals working in community‐based, long‐term care require training specific to their roles as case managers for seniors. Gerontology educators can respond to case managers’ learning needs by developing and providing innovative programs. This article reports on an assessment of the training needs of health and social service personnel who perform case management functions on a long‐term basis with elderly clients in Canada, the extent and type of case management training currently provided by Canadian agencies, and an outline of curriculum options designed to address case manager training needs.  相似文献   

This exploratory case study considers the interpersonal dimension of collaborative learning in an online graduate community that is based on a cohort approach to education which is characterized by the social construction of knowledge. Discourse data from two graduate courses are analyzed for interpersonal elements associated with social presence through the lens of Systemic Functional Linguistics. A general profile of the interpersonal dimension of the learning community is provided along with a consideration of cognitive engagement and the interpersonal dynamics of two dilemmatic situations. Data analyses indicate that social presence is much more than social chat and that the nature of the collaborative learning process is deeply intertwined with interpersonal engagement among participants.  相似文献   

Schools are often encouraged to facilitate extra-curricular learning within their own premises. This study addresses the potential of social networking sites (SNS) for supporting such out-of-class study. Given concerns that learning on these sites may happen at a surface level, we adopted self-determination theory for designing a social networking experience that aspired to offer a ‘community of inquiry’. A case study of a Mandarin class is reported, in which seven children voluntarily attended afterschool lessons and used a SNS for 12 weeks. Pedagogical strategies to create a sense of relatedness and competence and to offer autonomy support were used in order to steer their informal communication and exploration towards deep and meaningful learning. Our findings show that the online social networking activities are not used simply to extend formal lessons to informal online environment, instead they open up opportunities for students to benefit from informal exploration and thus enrich their experience of learning about the subject.  相似文献   

This research focuses on understanding how socio-psychological dimensions such as student social identity and student perceptions of their learning community affect learning at university. To do this, it integrates ideas from phenomenographic research into student learning with ideas from research on social identity. In two studies (N = 110, and N = 97) the relationships between student social identity, perceptions of the learning community, approaches to learning, and academic performance were explored. Our findings suggest that a strong student social identity is associated with a deep approach to learning, which in turn is linked to higher academic performance. Also, perceptions of learning community mediate the relationship between student social identity and deep approaches to learning. Significantly, a surface approach turns out not to be associated with student social identity or perceptions of the learning community, but it is negatively related to academic performance. Our research argues for the value of an integration of complementary frameworks, emphasising social and psychological aspects of the learning experience that can be used to improve our understanding of how and why students vary in the quality of their learning.  相似文献   

微信作为一款集通讯、社交和平台功能于一体的移动应用软件,为构建虚拟学习社群提供了技术支持。运用社会网络分析法中的整体网研究,针对一个基于微信的虚拟学习社群进行案例分析,通过群中学习者的行为特点及网络结构,构建其社会网络分析模型,并通过分析模型中网络结构关系、网络密度及小团体数目等因素探究微信好友关系对社群发展的影响,以期为成功构造基于微信的虚拟学习社群提供借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

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