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The purpose of this paper is to report on the development of the first online self-directed inventory on the measurement of academic programme preferences (MAPP) for potential students at the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK). In this study, trait-factor theory and personality type theory were employed. 1,963 respondents in Hong Kong were surveyed using a multi-stage stratified cluster sampling technique. The inventory, consisting of 132 items, was developed and eight personal attributes were found: Influential, Enterprising, Social, Helping, Explorative, Technological, Logical, and Reflective. The minimum desirability of each of these attributes for all programmes offered at the OUHK was assessed by course administrators. Students' ratings on the eight personal attributes were evaluated against the minimum ratings, based on a nine-point scale, to determine their academic preferences. A computer-assisted multidimensional MAPP was set up online in both English and Chinese and was linked to the University's homepage. By completing the MAPP online, distance learners could obtain their personal profiles and a list of suggested OUHK programmes instantaneously. Connected to the University's aim to foster lifelong learning, the MAPP is expected to ease the academic selection process and reduce the number of dropouts by enhancing students' success with their chosen programmes.  相似文献   

香港大学专业进修学院(HKU SPACE)是香港继续教育的成功实践者,一直以来,它坚持从社会需求出发办学,根据成人学习者的特征和需求开发和设计课程,在办学理念上不断创新和发展,取得了成功。同时它采取高效的公司化运作管理模式,建立国际化的合作办学体系,创建可靠的质量保障制度,保持与香港终身教育的"立交桥"衔接与并行,形成了与香港资历架构相一致的特色继续教育模式。HKU SPACE的办学经验,对于当前开放大学的建设具有一定的借鉴作用。建设开放大学,既要立足国情,继承和保持中国远程开放教育的特色;同时更要吐故纳新,广泛吸取世界远程教育发展的经验。  相似文献   

21世纪香港高等教育发展战略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了面向21世纪的高等教育需要,教育统筹委员会于1999年间开展香港教育全面检讨,并提出建构终身学习的教育体系,其中以高等教育和持续教育的发展为重点。本文讨论香港高等教育在新世纪发展的主要课题,从中亦勾划出评审课程的质素和高等教育的多元的重要性。  相似文献   

开放大学建设过程中,终身教育理念普及。借助日新月异的信息技术,在充分保证教学质量的基础上,为学习者提供多次选择机会,满足个人多样化的学习和发展需要,是开放教育可持续发展的基础。深圳电大在近几年教学模式改革实践中,依托信息技术,提出面授与网上教学一体化设计模式,加强教学过程各环节的管理与监控,有效地解决了学习者需求多样化的问题。  相似文献   

从国际开放教育视野审视自学考试制度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文概述了国际高等教育终身化和开放化的发展潮流,对世界各国与我国高等教育自学考试(以下简称"自学考试")制度相似的开放教育实践形式进行了列举和简述。通过比较分析可以看出,我国的自学考试制度从本质上属于一种开放教育,其产生和发展不但顺应了我国特定阶段的社会需求和历史文化传统,也符合国际终身教育发展的时代潮流。  相似文献   

日本放送大学通过多样化的教学形式、多渠道的社会经济支持、良好的人文关怀服务和信息技术支持等手段,持续为日本国民提供安全稳定、自由开放的教育机会.作为一所承担日本国民职业教育、继续教育、终身教育重任的开放大学,坚持利用电视、收音机、网络等远程多媒体为学习者提供接受大学教育的渠道,在一定程度上促进了教育公平,解决了教育资源分布不均等问题.日本放送大学从学习者需求出发,深化课程改革,组建教师队伍中的专家团队,为学习者提供高效的信息技术服务,这对我国远程教育的改革发展具有一定的借鉴意义:应为学习者提供多样化的学习支持服务,建立资源共享理念,不断完善国家立法和规范办学管理流程,才能建立完善的终身教育体系.  相似文献   

面授和网上教学有机结合的整合式教学越来越成为高校教育和培训的主要模式。本文旨在介绍和分析香港理工大学教学发展中心(简称EDC)如何通过网上教学平台的功能,与面授教学结合起来,发挥面授教学和网上教学的各自优势,使教师培训更加有效。EDC的实践表明,在大学教师培训课程中,发挥网上教学的优势,能帮助学员弥补由于有限的面授教学产生的师生之间、学员和学员之间互动的不足。在网上学习中,通过互相的学习观摩和观念碰撞,能激发学员的学习兴趣,有效地促进学员之间进行探究性学习,同时,这种集体学习的方法,能促进在职教师之间的友好交往和学术交流。  相似文献   

2013年3月,主题为"让人才全球流动--资历架构国际会议"在香港举行,来自世界400多名代表出席了会议,会议旨在探讨资历架构在终身学习及人力资源发展中的角色和作用。所谓资历架构(Qualifications Framework,简称QF),是一个跨界别的资历等级制度,用以整理和支持主流教育、职业培训和持续进修方面的资历。资历架构建设是终身学习与继续教育的基础性工程,必须依靠质量保证机制来保障。世界各国和地区在资历架构和质量保证方面的经验,为我们搭建终身学习"立交桥"提供了很多启示。目前,中国内地的普通高校继续教育部门、职业院校、开放大学把终身学习"立交桥"建设作为改革发展、制度建设的重要目标之一。中国终身教育的"立交桥"与包括澳大利亚和香港特区在内的多个国家、地区所实施的资历架构异曲同工,都需要以质量为基础,注重评价标准的制定,强调学习成果的评价,以能力和成效为本;需要跨部门、跨行业的多方合作才能实现;需要跨国、跨地区的多方对接才能凸显其价值。  相似文献   

王斐 《成人教育》2021,41(4):11-18
在线自我调节学习是增强学习者在线学习投入、提升学习绩效的重要保障。当下在线开放课程在各级各类教育中广泛深度应用,国内外学者主要关注高等教育全日制学习者在线自我调节学习的相关研究,对学历继续教育学习者的关注较为罕见。采用混合研究法,对疫情防控期间,陕西、广东、云南等三省参与在线课程学习的学历继续教育学习者在线自我调节学习的现状、影响因素及优化策略进行了系统研究,结果发现:研究样本在线自我调节学习现状不是很理想,主要受个人因素、课程因素、文化因素和管理因素的影响,最终从优化课程、重构学习空间、加强过程监控等三个方面提出了调节和优化策略。  相似文献   

随着开放教育事业不断深入发展,全国开放教育毕业生达四百多万,对开放教育毕业生实施继续教育是终身教育的必然要求,学校教育传授的知识不可能满足现代科学技术发展的需要,也不能满足现代社会中人们所应有的知识结构需要。搭建毕业生继续教育平台,建立毕业生继续教育网,设立毕业生继续教育服务基金,定期组织毕业生活动,开展以课程为导向的需求培训及岗位职业证书培训,是加强对开放教育毕业生继续教育服务的有效策略。  相似文献   

When Hong Kong is moving towards a knowledge society in the new millennium, research is clearly necessary to provide a knowledge base for educational development and reform to meet the challenges of globalization and high technology in the world. This report aims to review the education policy environment in Hong Kong and see whether research can be encouraged to support policy development and practice improvement. Particularly, the report will give a brief introduction to the recent initiatives in Hong Kong school education since the establishment of the Special Administrative Region in 1997 and discusses the potential research agenda to support the ongoing education reforms at the school system. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This article provides a brief overview of the Hong Kong system of higher education and the roles of the government, the Education Commission, the University Grants Committee, and the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation in relation to the planning, development, funding, and quality assurance of higher education in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). It then describes the extent to which transnational education (i.e., non‐local education delivered in Hong Kong) plays a role in meeting the demand for higher and continuing education in Hong Kong and recent measures taken by the HKSAR government aimed at assuring the quality of such offshore provision. It concludes with some comments as to how transnational education may be expected to contribute towards meeting the demand for higher and continuing education in Hong Kong in the future.  相似文献   

发展继续教育是建设学习型社会的重要战略举措,继续教育是终身教育体系的重要组成部分,在提高国民素质、开发人力资源、服务经济社会发展等方面日益发挥着重要作用。地方高校的继续教育还不能完全适应区域经济社会的发展要求及人民群众的现实期盼,同时也面临着良好的发展机遇和现实基础。地方高校要在提升服务区域经济社会能力的过程中,确立继续教育事业发展的现代观念,优化发展的政策环境,健全发展的机制体制,搭建发展的公共服务平台,以终身学习理念打造灵活开放的立体化继续教育体系。  相似文献   

Universities in a capitalistic society have been expected to produce graduates for the labour market which in turn contributes to the economic development of the nation. In today's environment where the social spending on education grows faster than the economy, it becomes increasingly difficult for the education system to maintain an existing level of provision. Hence, institutions are required to legitimate themselves through the value they provide. The capitalistic process in Hong Kong has generated the demand for lifelong learning in the higher education system. The resulting evolution of the system has compelled the policy makers of higher education to redefine the purpose of higher education and re-evaluate the university management. This paper discusses Liu's (1997) holistic approach of evaluating and planning for the university academic programmes as well as building an ‘enterprise culture’ at the institutional level with a Hong Kong case analysis. When strategically planning for the future in a volatile and transient environment, university management plays an important role in integrating continuing professional education (CPE) and mainstream academic programmes and in cultivating a market-oriented ‘institutional enterprise-culture’ which responds to environmental changes more proactively.  相似文献   

教育信息化已经成为世界各国继续教育发展的方向,网络教学日益成为继续教育的重要教学传递模式。国家教育部2012年的《教育信息化十年发展规划》明确提出信息化技术与教育深度融合的要求,为学习者提供方便、灵活、个性化的学习环境。如何实现信息技术和继续教育的深度融合,关键是发展和采用有效的网络教学模式。从理论阐述上,笔者提出这一网络教学模式的基本框架,其组成包括网络学习平台、网络学习课程、网络导学和支持、网络教学管理以及质量保证体系。香港大学教师进修学院对这一网络教学模式的应用实践效果明显。学院于1999年开发了第一个网络教学平台,2012年又推出新的平台,称为SOUL2.0,其优势是功能模块化、整合Web2.0互动功能、整合学习功能、整合评价功能、降低开发成本。新平台为推进信息技术与继续教育的深度融合提供了坚实的基础设施。以全网络课程"网络课程的设计和开发"为例,在新平台上对课程介绍、课程教学设计、网络导学和支持、信息技术和互动学习融合及质量保证等方面进行了探索。经案例研究表明,我们通过采用系统的和有质量保证机制的网络教学发展模式,在继续教育领域中可以达到与面授相同而且更加灵活的教学和学习成效。  相似文献   

As part of the reform of the overall education system in Hong Kong, the government set a target in October 2000 of raising the percentage of senior secondary school graduates who could receive higher education from the current 30% to 60% within a period of ten years. Prior to this announcement, however, the School of Professional and Continuing Education of The University of Hong Kong (or HKU SPACE for short) had already taken the lead by establishing the first Community College in March 2000. The Associate Degree programme of the College offered an alternative route to higher education to many aspiring young people. The broad-based curriculum with its equal emphasis on science and humanities (as well as solid generic skills) is a new attempt to produce people that can meet the challenges of the knowledge society. The first intake of 740 students in 2000 was followed by a second intake of more than a thousand in 2001. This paper examines the experience gained during the first two years of this new development, and explores the role of community colleges in general in the education reform movement and human resources development strategy of Hong Kong  相似文献   

This article describes a collaborative action research conducted by a lecturer and several primary school art teachers, who between 2001 and 2006 created the Visual Arts Education Web (‘iii web’) in Hong Kong. The creation of the ‘iii web’ was accomplished through research that employed questionnaires, focus group discussions and individual interviews. Teachers' perceptions of using websites in teaching were examined, art education websites from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mainland China and the USA were compared, in order to create a website that could meet the needs of Hong Kong primary school art teachers. Inquiry‐based learning is one of the important teaching approaches that were introduced during the Hong Kong Education Reform in 2003. An example of using the ‘iii web’ to teach public art is described to illustrate how the teacher and students used inquiry‐based learning in art education.  相似文献   

为了完成党的十六大提出的"加强职业教育和培训,发展继续教育,构建终身教育体系"的战略任务,继续教育作为终身教育体系的重要组成部分,要树立新的发展理念,探索新的发展方向,形成新的发展战略,开拓新的领域,为社会主义现代化建设培养大批的适用人才。  相似文献   

为全社会构建出"人人皆学、时时能学、处处可学"的在线学习资源和在线学习环境是开放大学义不容辞的重要任务之一。以人为本、合理定位、多元化的组织和呈现是社区教育在线学习资源建设的目标。由"数学文化网络课程"和"跟我学做时装"资源建设的两个案例以及电大资源建设的实践说明,采用与电大共建共享资源、二次开发和创建具有区域特色的新资源,不仅是社区教育在线学习资源建设的有效途径,同时还凸显开放大学以及各级电大在发展继续教育、完善终身教育体系方面所起到的作用。  相似文献   

This article argues that the development of civic education in Hong Kong can be divided into three phases chronologically: (1) before 1984: “depoliticization” by the state and the school; (2) 1984‐1997: “politicization” of the intended curriculum; and (3) 1997 onwards: “re‐depoliticization” of civic education and official confirmation of nationalistic education. In general, for phases one and two, the development is described as moving from de‐politicization to politicization, in response to the political development of Hong Kong from a British colony towards the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of People's Republic of China. The article continues by exploring the third phase in detail with reference to the official document: Learning to Learn: Life‐long Learning and Whole‐person Development and the official speeches of the Chief Executive, Tung Chee Hwa. A phenomenon of re‐depoliticization of civic education is identified, together with a strong upheaval of nationalistic education. This leads civic education “back to square one"—"re‐depoliticized”. The article concludes by highlighting that the development of civic education in Hong Kong is a typical example of how civic education reflects the political context of the society.  相似文献   

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