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This article analyses the influence of the European Union’s educational policies on the implementation of devices for the recognition and the validation of informal and non-formal learning within public policies on education and training for adults in European Union Member States. Portugal and France are taken as examples. The European Union’s statements have influenced the development of devices for recognizing adult competences, regardless of the social, cultural and economic specificities of each country. However, sociocultural and sociopolitical characteristics influence the conditions under which recognition devices and the methods of their experimentation and generalization emerge, and are the vector of conflicts of interests between macro- and micro-sociological levels. There is at the same time a ‘culture of convergence’ impelled by the European Commission, and a process of adaptation in matters of cultural and territorialised practices, which aim to avoid marginalization. Data are drawn from official documents and interviews with people in charge of training institutions.  相似文献   

At first sight, participation rates in adult learning do not differ strongly between men and women. Further exploration, however, makes clear that differences exist at the level of the type of learning. Men participate more in work-related learning and experience more job-related motives to participate. Women take on the main responsibilities in the home, resulting in less employment in knowledge intensive jobs and fewer opportunities for work-related training. In this paper, we use the Harvard gender analysis framework to gain insight into the differences in adult learning activities between men and women. In the empirical part, we use the Eurostat Adult Education Survey, which provides sex-aggregated data, which are needed to gain insight in the broader activity profile of the population divided by men and women.  相似文献   

The evolving technological landscape in the digital era has a crucial influence on lifelong learning and the demand for problem-solving skills. In this paper, we identify associations between formal, non-formal and informal learning with sufficient problem-solving skills in technology-rich environments (TRE). We focus on adults' problem-solving skills in TRE as a novel approach to investigate formal, non-formal and informal learning based on data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies. This programme measured 16–64-year-old adults' proficiency in problem-solving skills in TRE. The total sample size was 61 654 individuals from 13 European countries. Our results clearly indicate that the skill levels of more than 50% of adults aged 16–64 years old seem to be insufficient to cope effectively in TRE. The findings suggest that the learning ecologies of adults are a combination of formal, non-formal and informal learning activities. The overall level of problem-solving skills in TRE was higher among individuals who indicated that they have participated either formal or non-formal learning activities, compared to those who have not. However, interestingly, the association between formal learning and problem-solving skills in TRE was not major. Instead, our results clearly indicate that informal learning seems to be highly associated with sufficient problem-solving skills in TRE. In practice, we outline those formal, non-formal and informal learning activities that adults perform when applying the skills in TRE. By recognising these activities undertaken by sufficient problem solvers, we can promote lifelong learning skills. Our findings can also be used as a starting point for future studies on lifelong learning.  相似文献   

根据系统功能语言学理论,语境可大致分为文化语境和情景语境。从外语教学的角度来讲,教师在教学中需要运用适当的教学方法来创造适合于学生学习的环境,让学生感受到英语学习的魅力,发展学生的"意义潜势",使学生了解语境,学会利用语境来学习语言和运用语言,提高语言交际能力。  相似文献   

Eleanor J. Brown 《Compare》2015,45(1):141-162
This paper presents comparative case studies of non-formal development education by non-profit organisations in two European countries. The study aimed to explore the extent to which such activities provide opportunities for transformative learning. The research was qualitative and began with interviews with educators across 14 organisations in Britain and Spain. Case studies were then identified, purposefully selecting interesting non-formal activities. This paper presents four activities and analyses their potential for transformative learning, drawing together ideas from the literature and the cross-case analysis of the perspectives of development education practitioners. By using the framework of transformative learning pedagogies, this research can inform non-formal education with aims regarding social justice in a range of contexts. It is argued that while there are scarce opportunities for sustained non-formal development education, these cases contribute to knowledge by providing examples of how participative methodologies can generate critical thinking and thus offer learning opportunities that are transformational.  相似文献   

This is a report of one case of a design and development research study that aimed to validate an overlay instructional design model incorporating the theory of multiple intelligences into instructional systems design. After design and expert review model validation, The Multiple Intelligence (MI) Design Model, used with an Instructional Systems Design (ISD) Model, was tested for use by four practicing instructional designers. Instruction developed for learners using this model was then evaluated measuring post-test and attitudinal scores with 102 participants. This report also provides a reflection on the lessons learned in conducting design and development research on model validation. The procedures and findings have implications for the processes involved in instructional design model validation through designer use and program implementation.
Monica W. TraceyEmail:

This article contributes to knowledge about learning in workgroups, so called microcultures in higher education. It argues that socially constructed and institutionalised traditions, recurrent practices, and tacit assumptions in the various microcultures influence academic teachers towards certain behaviour. In line with this perspective, we present a heuristic with the potential to differentiate various types of microcultures: the commons, the market, the club, and the square. The heuristic is based on a socio-cultural perspective and research on collective action. Its purpose is to assist academic developers to fine-tune their approaches while engaging with colleagues, but also to aid further inquiry into how institutionalised norms and traditions influence academic teaching and student learning.  相似文献   

以上海市22所高等职业院校为调研对象,通过对上海市高等职业院校学生获取职业资格证书情况进行调研,分析了目前上海市高等职业院校实施职业资格证书制度存在的问题,对问题进行了原因分析,并提出了相应的解决方法和途径。  相似文献   

翻译就是在特定的语境下通过语篇操作达到交际功能的活动。翻译的顺利进行,首先在于译者对源语语篇语义的准确把握,而语义理解离不开语境。由于语境的内涵十分丰富,本文主要讨论其中的情景与文化语境,及其在翻译实践中的处理。  相似文献   

Interest in vocational education and training (VET) is growing. This can be attributed to global socio-economic developments requiring continuously changing knowledge and skills. Adult education and training, particularly in non-formal education (NFE) contributes to provide these skills and knowledge for youth and adults. This puts pressure not only on programmes and facilities, but also on the educators. How do they cope with the changing demands? This paper focuses on educators in non-formal vocational education and training (NFVET) in Mozambique. It explores the perceptions, experiences and reflections of educators in NFVET working in training centres on the outskirts of Maputo. Semi-structured interviews and observations were used to get insight into the educators’ understandings and into the conditions in which their educational activities took place. The findings point to the need for the professionalisation of NFVET educators. This would contribute to the quality of their activities and to their status as professionals.  相似文献   

作为语言使用环境的语境分为语言语境、情景语境和文化语境,语境中的各个因素都可能影响译员对源语的理解及对译语的表达。对源语的理解要通过对语境的分析与掌握来确定;而目的语中词语的选择在很大程度上成为决定口译质量的关键,它同样受到语境制约,口译时快速选词、准确达意都离不开对语境的准确理解与把握。  相似文献   

This article examines how a classroom procedure known as PGE (Plan/Go-through/Evaluate) group work aims at integrating formal and non-formal media experiences and practices into classroom-based media learning. The study displays, on the one hand, how PGE group work emerged and was institutionally embedded in a media course. On the other hand, the study displays how students in this media course negotiated with their teachers by drawing on out-of-school media experiences and production practices in the process of planning classroom work. Empirically, the study draws on ethnographic observation of a vocational media studies course in the age range between 16 and 19 years at the upper secondary level in Norway. Video observations from several hours of PGE group work are analysed in order to document how students are involved in co-planning classroom work together with the course teachers. The analysis is based on cultural historical activity theory (CHAT). This theoretical position is applied in order to foreground tensions between formal institutional obligations and non-formal practices that surface in the classroom, and how an institutional measure such as PGE group work creates a transactional space for handling these differences.  相似文献   

在职业教育校企合作中知识场提供了知识转移的情境,它分为系统场、演练场、源发场和对话场四种类型。职业教育校企合作中的知识转移障碍主要出现在跨越组织边界的知识场,即演练场和对话场中。为此,政府及有关社会机构应该为知识场提供动力,以克服这些障碍。  相似文献   

从"历史"与"逻辑"两个视角梳理语境构成:"历史"语境侧重于建构语境内在、稳定的部分,"逻辑"语境则由静及动,侧重于外在、动态的部分。兼顾两者,从而全面把握语境构成。在此基础上,思考语境研究中的两个问题:一,将语境分为表达语境和接受语境是否合适;二,认知语境的定位问题。  相似文献   

职业教育中职业性与教育性的相关探讨对职业教育的发展具有基础性的作用。职业性作为职业教育的本质属性,无论在课程设置上还是培养规格中都应体现出职业导向的特点。厘清和明辨教育性的本质特征,认识到教育性是在专业技能学习中发挥渗透作用,对于职业教育的发展至关重要。缺乏对职业教育的教育性的正确认识,导致了在职业教育中把教育性等同于文化课、通识课以及认为职业性会弱化教育性等认识上的偏差。在终身教育和智能化时代,职业性与教育性的融合是推动职业教育的发展助力,两者融合的土壤依托于终身学习体系和资格标准的构建,即建立统一的国家职业资格框架。消除职业性与教育性的偏差,才能实现两者的融合,在终身学习时代实现职业教育专业技能和人文道德素养的共生。  相似文献   

创设学习情境是教学实施的重要环节,它可以激发学生的联想思维,使学生更好地理解、重构知识。目前主要有基于学科导向的课程结构与基于职业导向的课程结构,由于两大类别的课程设置基础不同,它们创设学习情境也存在一定的差异,本文从基础、内容、形式、特征、目的等方面对两者进行比较探讨,目的是为职业院校基于职业导向的课程改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

从哲学观点看,我国高等职业教育在促进经济社会发展、满足人民群众接受高等教育的需求方面,做出了巨大的贡献.同时,高职教育还存在着诸如忽视发展的条件群以及人的全面发展的内在要求,未能在动态过程中保持平衡等违背教育发展规律、非科学、非理性的教育观念和行为,导致高等职业教育质量逐步下降.  相似文献   

简单介绍了隐喻和语境及政治隐喻的语境意义。政治隐喻意义的理解和语境之间有密切的联系。理解政治隐喻的语境意义十分重要。  相似文献   

张爱玲的写作具有十分鲜明的个性意义,她始终处于一种与时代语境和自我理想相背离的话语状态中,但这种背离却是她关注女性命运和实现自我价值的独等方式。我们通过对张爱的本及写作语境的分析以验证他的写作与当下十分热门的女性主要学的意义和价值。  相似文献   

英国职业教育经验的借鉴与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了英国的职业教育与培训情况,分析了英国职业教育与培训的内容、模式及教学方式与方法。对我国职业教育存在的主要问题进行了反思,并提出借鉴英国职业教育经验时应当联系我国目前的国情。  相似文献   

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