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体验式学习不仅是教师教育中行之有效的教育教学手段,更是构建学习者知识能力情感价值观的重要学习方式,对小学科学教师的专业发展具有重要意义。从课程的宏微观建设角度初步探讨体验式学习对小学科学教师培养的作用。  相似文献   

A theoretical framework for understanding applied learning processes is now warranted given the frequency with which these processes are now being utilised. Drawing in part from the literature on applied education in schools as well as theories of vocational learning such a framework is offered here that seeks to explain these learning processes in terms of the interplay of multiple accounts of influences at micro, meso and macro levels. This framework integrates current and emerging theories around practical learning, and provides insights into vocational and workplace education processes. We clarify how features of our framework complement broader current debates and concepts in the literature on vocational and work-related learning, particularly focusing on influences for that learning at the micro level of individuals’ experiences and understandings entailed in embodied cognition, or knowing through practice. Moreover, the value of this framework is demonstrated through its application to two very different case studies of learning processes in workplace settings. In conclusion, some implications for further theoretical and practical work in this area are advanced.  相似文献   

Current research on e-learning that focuses predominantly on instructional programming, and on various hardware and software, essentially neglects the more socio-cultural perspectives on e-learning. With this in mind, this article proceeds from a social theory perspective with a more socio-culturally engaged look at e-learning for workplace learning and pedagogy. In so doing, this article proposes a theoretical framework derived from the social theory of Jean Baudrillard (1929–2007), with a focus on his seminal, metaphorical notion of ‘simulation’. Finally, this metaphor is applied as a theoretical framework to discern the socio-cultural significance of the present trajectory of technological environments for workplace learning and their potential for conveying socially and (multi)culturally relevant workplace learning pedagogy.  相似文献   

对于母语学习而言,阅读和写作是落实语言运用的两条主要途径。目前国内外关于阅读的研究较多,但对于写作的研究相对滞后。写作研究主要有微观和宏观两种写作文本分析范式,微观分析范式侧重通用语言表现,宏观分析范式侧重叙事结构,二者在研究内容、研究手段和研究结果三方面既有突破,又有局限。构建具有教育技术学特征的新型写作文本分析范式是深度分析个体写作内在差异的新视角,是归纳母语学习普遍规律和梳理未来语言学习研究方向的新途径。新型写作文本分析范式应建立微观、宏观和中观分析相结合的内容分析框架;依据言语表达的输出特征,探寻与内容分析框架相对应的、以发展性为指向的研究手段;并以语言运用为中心,发现个体语言运用的特殊规律,为写作教学提供更为深入和透彻的理论解释。  相似文献   

马克思实现了划时代的哲学革命,把哲学研究的对象转向了现实的人类生活,而对现实的人类历史生活的研究,始终是在宏观和微观两个紧密联系的视角上展开的。然而,人们普遍关注的是马克思哲学的宏观视角,相对忽视了其微观视角。因而揭示马克思哲学的微观视角,对马克思哲学研究真正向前迈进具有某种特殊的重要意义。  相似文献   

Teacher education all over Europe is increasingly becoming school‐based oriented. This implies new roles for those who support student teachers learning in school. This article describes the way four school‐based teacher educators fulfill their role as educators of student teachers who learn how to teach while participating in the workplace. Based on theoretical notions derived from the literature on teacher education and workplace learning, the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model was specified and used in a case study as a framework to describe the activity of these school‐based teacher educators. They use tools (e.g., apprenticeship assignments) developed within the teacher education institute and rely on their professional knowledge as experienced schoolteachers. This results in student teachers being provided with useful tricks which, however, hardly helps them to interpret and elaborate their experiences from a more conceptual or theoretical perspective. Also the possibilities of the social context of the school as a learning environment are not systematically used.  相似文献   

Improved organizational efficiency can only be accomplished if the employees within an organization have developed the skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes to perform at the highest possible levels. To a limited degree this can be accomplished via training, but employees develop the fundamental skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes related only to their current job. As a result, the organization is only indirectly impacted. This refers to the micro perspective of improved organizational efficiency. Organizational efficiency can also be accomplished through organizational development, but the individual employee is often overlooked during this process. Without employee commitment to improve efficiency, it will be short-lived. This approach refers to the macro perspective of improved organizational efficiency. Both the micro and macro perspectives of improved organizational efficiency have their weaknesses. Thus, a combination of the two processes is necessary. Career development is that combination. Career development is a process which enables employees to develop beyond the fundamental skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes required for their present job assignments. It is a process which is focused on improving organizational efficiency while relying on the development of the individual employee. Performance improvement practitioners can provide learning activities which improve employees' skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes by viewing improved organizational efficiency from an individual (micro) perspective while remaining dedicated to the overall enhancement of the organization (macro). However, many performance improvement practitioners fail to see the connection between training and overall organizational development. These terms are often used interchangeably which leads to the increased confusion and misapplication of each process. It is necessary, therefore, to arrive at an acceptable definition in order to communicate effectively the intent as well as the similarities and differences of the processes. This will enable performance improvement practitioners to better understand the commonalities of each process. It is this understanding that serves as the basis of this article and the forthcoming recommendations.  相似文献   

The article presents a thematic review of the recent research on workplace learning. It is divided into two main sections. The first section asks what we know about learning at work, and states four propositions: (1) the nature of workplace learning is both different from and similar to school learning; (2) learning in the workplace can be described at different levels, ranging from the individual to the network and region; (3) workplace learning is both informal and formal; and (4) workplaces differ a lot in how they support learning. The second section focuses on workplace learning that is related to formal education. Different models of organising work experience for students and the challenges of creating partnerships between education and working life are described. It is concluded that the worlds of education and work are moving closer each other and that the integration of formal and informal learning is an essential prerequisite for developing the kinds of expertise needed in response to the changes taking place in working life.  相似文献   

学习究竟是什么?——多学科视野中的学习研究论纲   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
学习是当代多学科共同探索的前沿和热门话题,而且成为关心人类命运的企业家和政治家们所必须面对的重大课题,由此推动着全球范围内创建学习型组织和学习化社会的时代潮流一本文从中国文化传统和西方心理学对学习概念的两种解读入手,剖析了目前学习理论的成就与局限性,然后将学习研究的视野从微观扩展到宏观,从个体扩展到团队与社会,分别从教育哲学、管理科学、教育技术学、历史哲学和哲学人类学的广阔视野,对人类学习活动进行了理论探索,提出并论证了与生产方式同一层次的“学习方式”范畴,提出“学习是人类自身再生产的社会实践活动”,“学习的本质是人类个体和人类整体的自我意识与自我超越”,认为“发展自身的人类学习能力同改造外部世界的人类生产能力(生产力)共同构成人类生存发展的基础、动力和源泉”,并倡导创建一套能够从历史哲学的广阔视野来透视、解读和预测人类复杂学习活动及其矛盾运动的理论,从总体上认识和把握人类学习活动的特点和发展规律,使我国当前所倡导的“科学发展观”具有更坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the notion of the learning space at work and discusses the extent to which its different configurations allow employees to exercise personal agency within a range of learning spaces. Although the learning space at work is already the subject of extensive research, the continuous development of the learning society and the development of new types of working spaces calls for further research to advance our knowledge and understanding of the ways that individuals exercise agency and learn in the workplace. Research findings suggest that the current perception of workplace learning is strongly related to the notion of the learning space, in which individuals and teams work, learn and develop their skills. The perception of the workplace as a site only for work-specific training is gradually changing, as workplaces are now acknowledged as sites for learning in various configurations, and as contributing to the personal development and social engagement of employees. This paper argues that personal agency is constructed in the workplace, and this process involves active interrelations between agency and three dimensions of the workplace (individual, spatial and organisational), identified through both empirical and theoretical research. The discussion is supported by data from two research projects on workplace learning in the United Kingdom. This paper thus considers how different configurations of the learning space and the boundaries between a range of work-related spaces facilitate the achievement of personal agency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is threefold: (1) to identify the difficulties that Grade 10 students in a Lebanese school have that hinder their conceptual understanding at the micro–macro–symbolic interface in chemistry, (2) to investigate the effect of a macro–micro–symbolic teaching approach on students’ relational understanding of chemical reactions, and (3) to characterize students’ conceptual profiles regarding their understanding of chemical reactions in terms of macro, micro, symbolic levels and the relations among them, at the end of the teaching sequence. Forty six 10th graders from two sections participated in the study. A student-centered approach was followed in both sections based on constructivist pedagogy. Hence the teacher played the role of a facilitator who guided students in a meaning making inductive learning process, through questioning, monitoring, validating, and clarifying ideas. Instruction in the experimental group was characterized by macro–micro–symbolic teaching that focuses on the interplay between the levels, integrates various representations, and engages students in an epistemic discourse about the nature of knowing in chemistry. Data sources for the study included a pre-test and two post-intervention tasks: a post-test and a concept map task, in addition to interviews with selected students from both sections. Findings indicated that macro–micro–symbolic teaching enhanced students’ conceptual understanding and relational learning of chemical reactions. Besides, four assertions related to students’ conceptual and epistemological thinking in response to the different teaching approaches are presented. Implications for instruction and for teacher education programs, as well as recommendations for further research, are discussed in light of these findings.  相似文献   

Improved organizational efficiency can only be accomplished if the employees within an organization have developed the skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes to perform at the highest possible levels. To a limited degree this can be accomplished via training, but employees develop the fundamental skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes related only to their current job. As a result, the organization is only indirectly impacted. This refers to the micro perspective of improved organizational efficiency. Organizational efficiency can also be accomplished through organizational development, but the individual employee is often overlooked during this process. Without employee commitment to improve efficiency, it will be short-lived. This approach refers to the macro perspective of improved organizational efficiency. Both the micro and macro perspectives of improved organizational efficiency have their weaknesses. Thus, a combination of the two processes is necessary. Career development is that combination. Career development is a process which enables employees to develop beyond the fundamental skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes required for their present job assignments. It is a process which is focused on improving organizational efficiency while relying on the development of the individual employee. Performance improvement practitioners can provide learning activities which improve employees' skills, competencies, knowledge, and attitudes by viewing improved organizational efficiency from, an individual (micro) perspective while remaining dedicated to the overall enhancement of the organization (macro). However, many performance improvement practitioners fail to see the connection between training and overall organizational development. These terms are often used interchangeably which leads to the increased confusion and misapplication of each process. It is necessary, therefore, to arrive at an acceptable definition in order to communicate effectively the intent as well as the similarities and differences of the processes. This will enable performance improvement practitioners to better understand the commonalities of each process. It is this understanding that serves as the basis of this article and the forthcoming recommendations.  相似文献   

Perspectives courses at Valdosta State University are charged with expanding undergraduate students' intellectual and attitudinal horizons by exposing them to both interdisciplinary and multicultural perspectives. The Religion and Culture Perspectives course focuses on how a diversity of religions respond to real-life dilemmas using the medium of cross-cultural case studies and religious autobiographical narratives. This course can effectively foster imaginative engagement with and appreciation for diverse religious perspectives and practices through specific cooperative learning strategies. Research explored the effects of cooperative learning on appreciation of religious difference. Students showed changes in their attitudes as a result of course participation.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the perceived freedom of Dutch employees to embark on workplace learning in terms of whether they feel it is “voluntary” or “compulsory”. The paper is based on the findings of a large international explorative survey carried out by the Workplace Learning (WPL) Research Network (RN2) of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Lifelong Learning (LLL) Research Hub. The comparative study focused on employees’ quest for “freedom of learning for work”. This paper reports on the Dutch part of the research, the quantitative results of which seem to indicate that the freedom of learning for work is not as important to Dutch employees as might be expected. In a second phase, to investigate employees’ experiences of work-related learning in more depth, the Dutch researchers added a follow-up qualitative study, involving one-on-one interviews. In order to triangulate the results of the quantitative and qualitative research phases, the authors then added a mixed-methods sequential explanatory analysis. They assessed the quality of the collected data in both distinct phases by identifying converging results, which are useful for refining our understanding of learning for work. The paper draws both on rich insights into workplace learning based on this research as well as on theoretical literature which refers to concepts like motivation, subjectivity, work identity and agency in connection with the quest for freedom of learning.  相似文献   

文章简要论述了批判民族志的含义与特征,认为它对比较教育研究的启示在于:重视比较教育研究中的反恩与批判;重视对研究对象的理解;在宏观与微观兼具的视野中积极地去透视、理解和改造教育,从而达到比较教育研究的目的。  相似文献   

知识经济是创新型经济。服务于“创新”使命并以培养高素质创新人才为目的高校学生工作,必须从“创新”出发,确立具有时代性,超前性、整合性、针对性特点,包括宏观、中观、微观三个层面的工作思路。宏观层面以正确的理论教育人、塑造人、奠定高素质创新人才的思想基础;中观层面通过学生工作制度的改革和创新,为培养高素质创新人才提供良好的氛围环境;微观层面通过具体的能够体现知识经济要求和发展趋势的方式方法,培养和造就现代化事业所需的高素质创新人才。  相似文献   

In today’s knowledge society, there is a demand for professionals who are able to create knowledge across boundaries of disciplines, professions and perspectives. Traditional universities, universities of applied sciences and institutions for vocational education are all challenged to educate these knowledge workers. Accordingly, these institutions are developing competence-based education programmes that promote authentic, self-directed learning and the development of a professional identity. A possible environment for realising this type of learning is the hybrid learning configuration in which learning is embedded in ill-defined and highly-authentic tasks. This study attempted to identify a set of principles that can underpin the design of such a learning configuration at the interface between school and workplace. The research approach consisted of educational design research. Starting from cognitive constructivist and socio-cultural perspectives, a set of initial design principles was developed and evaluated from the perspective of the participants during three consecutive iterations of design and implementation. The process resulted in a set of seven refined design principles which can be used as heuristics to guide the design and development of hybrid learning configurations in contexts that have similar goals and aligned tenets.  相似文献   

普通话与方言的关系可以从三个大层面解读:政治、教育和文化。宏观的语言教育政策与政治有密切的联系,在微观的层次,语言教育是应用语言学的一部分,是教育工作者共同关心的专业问题。在民族文化的层面,普通话与各大方言,包括北方方言,分别代表了中华文化的不同习俗和意念,独特的语言代表了独特的民族群体所共有的文化财富,不同的文化财富一起构成了丰富多彩的中华文化。本文从社会语言学的角度探讨民族共同语在方言区的推广和使用的问题,在四个具体方面就普通话在香港的推广和使用提出自己的建议:(1)从中华民族的层次考虑语言政策,制定合乎语言使用客观规律,合乎本地实际的最终目标;(2)创造双语共存的现实;(3)维持语言文化多元化的现实;(4)让普通话和粤语分别在不同的场合发挥作用。  相似文献   

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