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从欧洲的三个国家看--大学与政府关系的变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近十年来,西欧的政策呈现出放松管制、组织自治和标榜对个体公民更加关切的特点。这种政策态度在欧洲的高等教育界成了主流意识形态。本文想要展示的是,是否一些欧盟政府在管理高等教育方面采取了“后退”的作法,是否将制定高等教育政策作为自己的目标。欧洲政府的高等教育政策是否真的呈现分权化的特点?本文将对三个欧洲国家的高教政策进行讨论,它们分别具有不同的政策传统:法国(非常集权的政策传统)、英国(分权的政策传统)、比利时(集权的政策传统)。本文的研究结论是:到目前为止,法国的教育政策虽然还呈现集权的特点,但并不意味着高校完全没有选择它们发展方向的空间。而英国大学虽然仍独立于政府,但不止一次地被政府直接或非直接地推向某一特定方向。1989年以前,比利时(佛兰德区)保留着明显的集权的特点。而现在,高等教育政策已经不仅仅是政府的事情了,它比以往任何时候更成了私人机构的职责。  相似文献   

在世界文明的发展史中,法兰西民族无疑作出了独特和重要的贡献。而法国的高等教育同样历史悠久,虽然其发展的道路蜿蜒曲折且荆棘丛生,但法国的高等教育依然走在了世界的前列,成为一个高等教育的强国。而法国高等教育的发展离不开启蒙运动的影响。启蒙运动不仅把法国带出了黑暗,也给了法国高等教育重生,启蒙时期的哲学思潮发展也深深地影响了法国的高等教育,不但为当时法国高等教育的发展提供了理论基础,也为其长远发展提供了思想的沃土。  相似文献   

France has more than 30 years of experience with continuing education and training. Thanks to the 1971 law and subsequent reforms, enterprises are obliged to pay for education and training activities. What are the results after three decades? Did the law fulfil its initial objectives? As recently as this year, a new agreement has been signed between social partners. How significant is this agreement and what changes could be expected? Are there lessons for lifelong learning policies that might be applied in European member states and elsewhere?  相似文献   

The concept of the learning society is analysed in relation to the healthcare sector and various occupations within it. It is maintained that although traditional boundaries have been blurred or eroded in the workplace in recent years, there remains strong opposition to this erosion on the part of many healthcare professions. This professional demarcation is particularly illustrated by the educational arrangements for various healthcare occupations, where it has prevented recognition of any overlap in the initial education and training of these groups. The resulting educational boundaries are argued to be incompatible with the concept of a learning society, as well as holding negative consequences for the provision of health care. Suggestions are made for a new approach to health care education.  相似文献   

Abstract Simone de Beauvoir, best known outside France as a leading modern feminist theorist, is also recognized as a writer of literature, philosophy, and drama. In this essay, James D. Marshall aims to present Beauvoir, not as a mere entry in the history of French philosophy, nor as an under‐laborer to Jean‐Paul Sartre, but as someone who has important philosophical insights to contribute to ongoing debates on the human condition, including those concerned with education. Central to these debates are issues such as what does it mean to be an individual human being and what characterizes the relations between individuals and others and between individuals and society. Marshall argues that Beauvoir can participate in such philosophical and educational debates, for philosophy of education has major interests in such questions as who or what is this “person” whom we profess to be educating, what kind of person or outcome of education is desirable, and in what kind of society should these individuals take part?  相似文献   

François Louis 《Prospects》1997,27(2):285-296
Conclusion It may be pointed out in conclusion that the two connotations of the word ‘network’— the fact of working together coupled with that of the new information and communication media—finally come together and situate the French education system in a real context of change, for both connotations are obviously complementary. Communication, co-operative work, the pooling of resources and skills, with a view to improving the quality and effectiveness of education and promoting equality of opportunity through access to knowledge, are central to these various projects. Thanks to the greater flexibility made possible by these tools, a new public—those who are isolated or those who find it impossible to move—are and will be taken into account. The purpose of these projects is to increase the performance of the education system and adapt it to the social and economic realities of the community. This shows how important it is to facilitate their implementation, in association with all partners concerned. Original language: French Fran?ois Louis (France) University degrees in public law and labour law and a graduate of the French école nationale d'administration (ENA) (1979). Since 1989, he has been head of the Planning and Resources Management Unit of the French Direction des lycées et collèges, after having held the post of Secretary-General of educational administration for the Paris region. In 1994, he published a book entitledDécentralisation et autonomie des établissements [Decentralization and school autonomy], as well as a report published by OECD in 1995 entitledL'enseignement secondaire en France, la mutation des dix dernières années [Secondary education in France, a decade of change].  相似文献   


Everyone in France takes for granted the existence of compulsory school attendance (“école obligatoire”) while home education remains very exceptional. Yet school attendance is not, and has never been, legally compulsory in France. How can one explain the fact that the right to home educate is little known and practiced? This article researches how public policies may foster this widespread ignorance. Drawing mainly on archival records of French Parliament debates about compulsory instruction in 1882, 1936, and 1998, it depicts various ways for lawmakers to contribute to this ignorance.  相似文献   

本文介绍了法国现行高等教育学制及近期的文凭和学位制度改革,说明其改革背景.为提高国际竞争力和科技创新能力,欧盟国家采取了一系列措施,包括加强成员国高等教育领域的合作与交流,建立欧洲高等教育"共同圈".法国作为欧盟的轴心国,积极主张协调统一欧盟高等教育学制,并于2005年秋季在大学开始全面实施新的欧洲高等教育学制.本文还就中法两国高等教育学历和文凭的互认进行比较.  相似文献   

Continuing education, broadly defined to include both vocational and non-vocational kinds of provision, is having an increasing impact within higher education. Its further expansion is now part of government strategy. This expansion will not be achieved without difficulties, and it poses considerable and varied challenges to those who work in higher education. In this paper, we focus on the effects that continuing education is having on established boundaries within higher education — boundaries between different sectors and types of provision, between different subjects and ways of teaching, and between higher education staff and their different skills. As the provision of continuing education increases, existing boundaries will change, become more permeable or be broken down altogether while new divisions and distinctions are created and built up.  相似文献   

教育是贯穿人一生的有机整体,人在不同发展阶段有不同的教育需求,但不同发展阶段教育之间应保持相对的一致性和连贯性,保持中学与大学教育的有机衔接与融合发展至关重要。在我国的教育实践中,中学与大学教育存在脱节的现实困境。主要体现在:一是中学与大学教育在办学理念上存在脱节,中学教育理念缺乏对大学教育的关照;二是未能建立起中学与大学教育有机衔接与融合的课程体系;三是我国大学招生考试制度导致中学与大学教育缺乏有机互动。这些问题导致难以满足新时期我国对拔尖创新型人才培养的现实需求,不利于中学与大学教育的有机互动与良性发展。在中学与大学教育衔接与融合方面,英国无论从中学教育理念、课程体系还是大学招生考试科目设置等方面都有成功的经验,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

法国在职业教育体系中设置了将过渡教育与补充教育相联系、将取得文凭与考取职业资格证书相联系以及将预科教育与升学就业相联系的第四级教育,对于构建衔接贯通的现代职业教育体系具有重要意义.我国教育体系中也存在一些第四级教育形式,但并没有将其作为一个独立的教育层次.为实现中高职教育的协调与衔接,我国应借鉴法国经验,积极发展第四级教育.  相似文献   

The provision, in most industrialized democracies, of public funding for schools that differ from the state system in religion or pedagogy has the effect of encouraging philosophical diversity and school-level decision making alongside a substantial degree of curriculum alignment and with various forms of government protection for the interests of at-risk pupils. Each has found its own way to balance between autonomy and accountability, between freedom and justice; this article reflects on the particular balance point adopted by Denmark, France, and Spain.It is not often that American policymakers interest themselves in how other countries organize their educational systems. Now and then, it is true, the public is warned that American students fare poorly by comparison with those in many of the other industrialized nations, and there have been some valuable studies of classroom practices in Japan and elsewhere that could be—but seldom are—suggestive for American educators. All in all, though, American debates about education occur in a sort of vacuum, and it is common for the future teachers in my classes at Boston University to protest that circumstances in this country are so unique that we have nothing to learn from other countries and their educational systems.  相似文献   

校园欺凌在不同国家或文化中的定义可能存在差异,其治理对策也不尽相同。法国将校园欺凌定义为"校园骚扰",此现象以不同的形式存在于法国基础教育学校之中,其长期性、隐蔽性、社会性也是法国校园欺凌治理所面临的主要挑战。2011年以来,法国政府充分利用线上及线下调查工具,将校园欺凌纳入全国校园暴力的调查内容。2013年以来,法国政府出台一系列举措应对校园欺凌,其治理体现出循证决策、依法治理、齐抓共管的特点。  相似文献   

本文从"局内人—局外人"视角考量国际与比较教育研究问题。本文的论点是全球化背景已经变得愈加复杂,我们如何能够在自身所处的文化背景内外理解复杂问题的本质?我们是"局内人"还是"局外人"?"局外人"和"局内人"术语起源于许多与教育相关的学科,我们在对其理解时不能够将其仅仅作为一对完全相反的概念。这一对概念不断发生改变并不断适应不同的文化背景和环境。全球视角与权力、压迫和镇压相关。个体视角中的"个体"是指在国外生活和经历他国文化的人。他们可能同时兼有"局内人"和"局外人"身份。当越来越多的合作研究在不同的国家和文化背景下开展时,采用"局内人—局外人"视角研究国际比较教育问题将为研究者提供更多的研究思路。  相似文献   

中国与法国的烹饪技术是世界公认的最出色的烹饪技术体系,而将烹饪技术作为一门专业进行系统的教育,法国无疑是发展较早的国家。法国的烹饪职业教育经过上百年的发展,已经形成了一个比较完善的教育模式,而我国的烹饪职业教育起步比较晚,虽然两国的烹饪技法与饮食体系存在较大差别,但是在烹饪高等职业教育模式上,法国却有值得学习和借鉴的地方。  相似文献   

Halima Ait-Mehdi 《Prospects》2012,42(2):191-203
Strongly influenced by the paradigm of republican universalism, education policy in France favours an approach that largely relativizes, or even denies, the dimension of cultural diversity. The content of the secondary school history curriculum reveals this phenomenon. In the 2007?C2008 school year, 185 students in the final 2?years of secondary school in Amiens completed questionnaires about the importance their schools place on the history of colonization and decolonization. The analysis showed how the respondents?? relationship to this historical topic was linked to the degree of their own experience of migration. Although today??s classes are pluralistic, schools?? failure to take into account the diversity of the population??a legacy of history??diminishes students?? ability to think in terms of ??otherness?? and, as a result, to imagine a common history shared by the various populations living in France.  相似文献   

经过多年的发展,我国已初步实现了教育筹资的多元化。然而,同发达国家相比,我国教育的多元筹资模式仍待完善。本文将在比较当代美英日法4国教育筹资情况的基础上,就中国的教育多元筹资提出改进建议。  相似文献   

The Passing of the Education Reform Act   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When the Education Reform Bill, now an Act, was published higher education received little attention. It was a massive Bill, with major changes for the schools. But as time went on reaction outside Parliament, and lobbies within it caused higher education, but mainly the universities and their role, to be forced to the front of the political stage. Although key government concessions were made in the Commons, most of the action happened in the Lords. The government may have wanted to deflect the Lords from making substantial changes to their school reforms by giving their Lordships something to bite on in higher education. Or was it the success of the CVCP campaign, which undoubtedly raised morale in the universities, that was responsible for key changes? Was it luck, political circumstance, or the intellectual vigour of the arguments that led to government defeats on the question of academic freedom? This paper traces the passage of the Bill as it affected higher education.  相似文献   

现代教育系统是一个开放的复杂巨系统,更为重要的是,它内在地容涵于特殊复杂巨系统———社会系统之中。现代教育系统愈来愈呈现出非线性、复杂性、自组织性(涌现)、分形与分岔等特质。复杂性理论不仅对现代教育具有方法论和认识论意义,同时具有对现代教育的本体论解释功能。建立中国特色的“教育集成研讨厅,发挥人与人、人与物的多重因素的效果,综合地解决现代教育的种种问题,并对教育理论与复杂性理论的关系进行理性反思,可以使我们在辩证法的层面上,达到武器的批判和批判的武器二者的对立统一。  相似文献   

In order to successfully match students and jobs in the medical profession of their choice, and at the same time meet the country's health care needs, it has become evident that access to medical schools and the various medical professions should be tightly regulated, in particular by a numerus clausus. In most Western countries, medical schools are applying different selection methods and approaches that seem to be working well, although they often tend to displace — rather than address — the fundamental problem of professional insertion. Using research that we conducted over several years on medical education in France, we will begin our discussion by showing that it is distinct from medical studies offered in many other European countries in that it is permeated by a competitive culture based on a meritocracy principle that is common to the training of other French elites. We then explain how managing the flow of medical students in such a centralised manner has produced a very rigid system that leaves little room for universities to develop innovative pedagogical approaches and improve the quality of the education they offer. We also show how this classification system – at both individual and national level — greatly influences not only the behaviour of medical students, but also of medical schools whose capacity to distinguish themselves has become very limited.  相似文献   

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