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信息技术变革与教育理念革新加速了终身教育走向实践的进程,普适计算技术与泛在学习方式的出现,更加快了全民学习型社会的构建步伐.泛在学习不仅需要泛在的数字学习环境与基础设施,更需要泛在的学习支持服务,这是实现泛在学习的基础与关键,也是实践终身教育理念的“软环境”.从终身教育视角阐述泛在学习的基本特征,研究并设计泛在学习支持服务体系框架,分析体系结构实现的关键技术,将推进泛在学习与终身教育的有机融合.  相似文献   

移动学习及其理论基础   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
移动学习是利用无线移动通信网络技术,以无线移动通信设备获取教育信息、教育资源和教育服务的一种新型学习形式。本介绍移动学习与移动教育的基本概念,分析了移动学习的理论基础,进而指出移动学习是知识经济社会学习社会化与终身化进程中一种重要的新型学习范式。  相似文献   

泛在学习的内涵与特征解构   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文从探讨“泛在学习(ubiquitous learning)的理念出发,从泛在学习与泛在计算、泛在学习与数字化学习、泛在学习与移动学习、泛在学习与终身学习、泛在学习与后现代远程教育等五个角度深入分析泛在学习的内涵。在此基础上,本文进一步分析泛在学习的五种本质特征:情境性、真实性、自然性、社会性与整合性。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,建立终身学习体系,构建学习型社会已经成为世界教育与发展的共识。移动学习作为一种新兴的学习模式,弱化了时空限制,利用移动学习技术可以构建出理想的学习环境、可以为全民学习、个性化学习、有效学习提供强有力的支持和保障。但作为一种全新的学习模式,移动学习还处于发展与完善阶段,还存在许多问题需要解决。在新形势下如何完善移动学习的不足,利用移动学习技术更好的为构建学习型社会、终身学习型社会服务是一个值得广大教育工作者和社会工作者研究的课题。  相似文献   

The provision of lifelong learning facilities is considered to be a major new direction for higher and distance teaching educational institutes catering for the demands of industry and society. ICT networks will in future support seamless, ubiquitous access to lifelong learning facilities at home, at work, in schools and universities. This implies the development of new ways of organizing learning delivery that goes beyond course and programme-centric models. It envisions a learner-centred, learner-controlled model of distributed lifelong learning. We present a conceptual model for the support of lifelong learning which is based on notions from self-organization theory, learning communities, agent technologies and learning technology specifications such as IMS Learning Design. An exploratory implementation has been developed and used in practice. We reflect on the findings and future directions.  相似文献   

Nostalgia,the Future,and the Past as Pedagogical Technologies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article provides a genealogical perspective on narratives about the past and the future as governmental discourses in teacher education, public health, and criminal justice in Sweden. Contemporary governmental strategies bring nostalgic memories of the past and visions and fears about the future back to life in the present. The past (history) is a technology of the present to re-memorialize who “we” are and have been. The future is a spatial concept, a technology to shape and nurture the “future oriented” subject bent on the pursuit of lifelong learning. The notions of history and future in the construction of the lifelong learner function to link and harmonize the interest of the individual with that of society. As technologies of government these are not new. Similar technologies were operating in the discourses about the future, society, and the citizen in the first part of the 20th century. What is new is the particular capabilities and capacities of the individual as an agent of the future and the collective principles in which life is lived.  相似文献   

This is the second of two papers which explore the scope and limitations of lifelong learning as an object of policy. In the first (see Griffin 1999) the evolution of the social democratic perspective was described. According to this perspective, it was suggested, the attempt to render lifelong learning as an object of policy entailed a reductionist concept of learning, so that it stood for little more than the expansion of education and training provision. In the following paper, an alternative perspective on lifelong learning, also emerging from the policy literature, removes it from the possibility of traditional policy analysis, relocating it in culture, civil society and patterns of lifestyle, leisure and consumption. Analytic distinctions between education and learning, function and provision, policy and strategy, and markets and quasi-markets are employed to explore various policy models. It is suggested that this perspective on lifelong learning needs to be understood in relation to policies for welfare reform and the crisis of the welfare state. In effect, it amounts to the integration of education policy into wider policies for welfare reform.  相似文献   

美国教育家哈钦斯最早明确提出了"学习化社会"的概念,《学会生存》中把"学习化社会"的构建作为未来社会的基本形态正式推出,学习化社会思想的提出有着一定的社会条件和理论基础,其所蕴含的教育特征等对成人教育的理论与实践有重要的启示。在构建以终身教育、全民学习为主要特征的学习化社会的进程中,电大要抓住机遇、树立为终身教育服务的理念,发挥优势、在大力发展现代远程教育的基础上努力创建开放大学,更新思路、积极发展各种非学历性教育,改革课程与教学、以人为本、促进学习者学会学习。  相似文献   

阐述了终身教育思想和学习化社会的理念,论述了构建图书情报人员终身教育体系的重要性,提出了学习化社会中构建图书情报人员终身教育体系的实施策略。  相似文献   

社区成人教育是建设学习型社会的必要途径和载体,在当前构建学习型社会的背景下,它在促进成人终身发展、全面发展,提高成人生活质量,促进终身教育体系的构建等方面发挥着重要的功能。本文从学习型社会的定义和特征入手,分析学习型社会视野下社区成人教育的功能,提出社区成人教育功能的实现策略。  相似文献   

当代终身学习概念的本质特征及其理论发展的国际动向   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
近年来终身学习的概念逐渐受到社会各界的关注,那么何谓终身学习?终身教育和终身学习理念所蕴藏的基本内涵又有什么不同?为什么围绕同一个概念会出现两种不同的表述?终身教育的地位又为何有逐渐被终身学习所取代的趋向?关于这一问题目前仍还处在一种较为模糊的认识状态。而对基本概念的理解和认识不清,则将在很大程度上影响了上述理念对实践所产生的指导作用。因此对终身学习与终身教育的关系及其蕴涵于概念之中的本质特征作一番梳理和研究则实属必要。  相似文献   

终身学习理念下的U-learning环境设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
泛在学习的产生和发展为构建终身学习型社会提供了契机,促进和推动了终身教育的发展,成为未来实现终身教育的重要手段。文章依据对泛在学习的内涵和理论基础的分析,探讨了泛在学习为终身学习带来的变化,分析了泛在学习环境的功能,构建了一种面向终身学习的泛在学习环境,提出了构成泛在学习环境的多个要素,期望对未来泛在学习环境的设计提供启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

随着大数据和人工智能等新一代信息技术逐渐应用于教育领域,学习模式的个性化和学习路径的多元化等表征样态越发凸显,由数字化学习过渡到移动学习再到泛在学习进而发展成智慧学习的多模态学习形式备受关注。厘清智慧学习的学习本质观、学习空间、学习内容和学习方式对构建新时代的教学模式意义重大。回溯夸美纽斯的“泛智”论、“泛教”思想及终身学校理念,分析其“把一切事物教给一切人”的主张,发现该思想与泛在学习内涵实质联系紧密,二者共同构成“把一切知识教给一切人”的“泛”教育思想。把握“泛”教育思想的本质,构建以学习力为导向、以学生为中心的智慧学习观可发现:学习观由知识本体论过渡到方法论、学习空间从一维扩展到三维、学习内容变得多而庞杂,继而学习方式需转型。  相似文献   

靳培培 《成人教育》2012,32(7):57-59
我国终身教育体系和学习型社会的构建已经成为必然发展趋势,构建学习型社会要求在终身教育理念指导下进行全民学习和终身学习。高等教育担负着培养人才、创新知识,传承科学文明的神圣职责,在构建终身教育体系和学习型社会过程中担负着重要使命。我国高等院校在终身教育和学习型社会的构建中面临诸多挑战,必须通过革新教育观念、科学自我定位、重构高等教育体系、建立多样化的高等教育结构、大力发展继续教育等方式,对高等教育面临的诸多挑战做出理性的应答。  相似文献   


The learning society has been advocated as an answer to current economic, political and social problems by a wide coalition of interests, including politicians, employers and educators. Here we critically analyse the concept as a myth; that is, as an idea which may or may not have validity, but which many people believe in. For the purpose of this analysis, the learning society is set alongside four other myths upon which it builds: those of productivity, change, lifelong education and the learning organisation. It is argued that the United Kingdom cannot currently be considered to be a learning society, nor is it likely to become one in the foreseeable future. But the idea of the learning society retains an important role as a myth, in drawing together and channelling energies in directions sought by policy‐makers.  相似文献   

This essay examines adult learning in Canada and the USA (1945–1970). It explores this emergence in relation to moves to establish academic adult education as a cultural force that could help citizen learners to negotiate a way forward amid the collision of instrumental, social, and cultural change forces altering life, learning, and work in the emerging postindustrial society. In this regard, it focuses centrally on lifelong learning as an idea designed to have broad appeal in rapid-change postindustrial culture. In particular, it attempts to explicate a cultural politics of lifelong learning, which academic adult educators hoped would give the field a higher profile within what they perceived to be an emerging change culture of crisis and challenge. Two key factors are considered in these deliberations. First, this essay explores the relationship between public education (understood as schooling for children) and adult education. It takes up how this problematic relationship interfered with a post-war turn to lifelong learning. Second, it examines the shift in the meaning of the social in understanding adult education as social education in postindustrial society. It argues that the post-war discourse of democracy delimited this meaning, locating the social predominantly within a concern with preserving the dominant culture and society.  相似文献   

The term ‘lifelong’, as applied to education or learning, has been in circulation for more than a quarter of a century. It has played an important role in policy discussions, as well as in studies of the sociology and economics of education. The relationship of this term to the rapidly changing world of information and educational technologies, and to the various conceptions of interaction that are central to these technologies, however, has been considered much less frequently. This paper seeks to shed light on the relationship between lifelong learning and the interactive technologies that have become associated specifically with the Semantic Web. It begins by presenting a fictional narrative to illustrate a lifelong learning scenario in the context of the services and resources that the Semantic Web will be capable of providing. It then proceeds to isolate a number of general characteristics of lifelong learning as they are manifest in this scenario and in recent literature on the subject. The paper then explores how emergent, interactive technologies of the Semantic Web have the general potential to address many of the characteristics of lifelong learning, and hold out the promise of satisfying a wide variety of lifelong learning needs. It will conclude by considering some of the outstanding challenges presented by lifelong learning contexts, and mention some of the limitations of advanced technologies used to address these needs.  相似文献   

In a time of change, higher education is in the position of having to adapt to external conditions created by widespread adoption of popular technologies such as social media, social networking services and mobile devices. For faculty members, there must be opportunities for concrete experiences capable of generating a personal conviction that a given technology is worth using and an understanding of the contexts in which it is best used. The paper examines approaches to educational professional development at The Open University, including recent initiatives related to faculty development in relation to mobile learning. The paper reflects on what can be learnt from these experiences and proposes a lifelong learning perspective which can help the higher education workforce to adapt. Faculty members have to commit to lifelong learning, remembering that ‘professional role model’ to students is one of the main roles of the teacher.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that the dominant discourse of lifelong learning is a political rather than an educational discourse. On this view, lifelong learning enables the deconstruction of welfare to be effected through the reconstruction of citizenship. Democratic citizenship properly understood, on the other hand, depends on determined progress towards a more equitable distribution of material and cultural resources among citizens. Education on its own can do little to ensure that such structural change takes place. It is, nevertheless, the task of critical adult education, as distinct from economistic models of lifelong learning, to raise such questions as urgent issues for democratic deliberation and debate, and to expand our notions of what it means to be active citizens in a democratic society. The paper contains the text of a talk given at the annual study conference of the UK's National Institute of Adult Continuing Education in April 2002.  相似文献   

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