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The K-BIT and the WISC-R were administered in counterbalanced order to 35 referred students. Although the K-BIT IQ Composite correlated significantly with the WISC-R Full Scale IQ scores (r=.81), the mean scores differed significantly (difference = 6.2 points; p<.001). The results provide moderate support for the K-BIT as a screening instrument when the WISC-R is the follow-up or comprehensive measure of intelligence.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to measure performance changes on the K-TEA: Brief Form over a 3-year retest interval. Fifty-two learning-disabled students were retested with the K-TEA: Brief Form following 3 years of special education services. Results showed an average decrease of 3.33 points in Battery Composite over the 3-year retest interval. Nonsignificant mean retest differences for Battery Composite, Math, Reading, and Spelling were found. Retest trait stability coefficients ranged from .69 (Mathematics) to .88 (Spelling), suggesting that the K-TEA: Brief Form is a reliable instrument in screening for changes in special achievement over an extended period. An examination of individual difference scores revealed significant within variability for each achievement area. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III; Wechsler, 1991) and the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (K-TEA; Kaufman & Kaufman, 1985) are commonly used in the identification of children for special educational services. However, there is little evidence about the relationship between these two tests among children with handicapping conditions. This study examined the relationship between the WISC-III IQs and K-TEA standard scores in a sample of 72 children with emotional handicaps. The results revealed a significant positive relationship between scores on these instruments. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Concurrent validity of the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT) with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III) was evaluated, as well as the K-BIT's accuracy as a predictor of WISC-III scores, in a sample of young children with reading disabilities. The two measures were administered to 65 children from Atlanta, Boston, and Toronto who ranged from 6-5 to 7-11 years of age at testing. Correlations between the verbal, nonverbal, and composite scales of the K-BIT and WISC-III were .60, .48, and .63, respectively. Mean K-BIT scores ranged from 1.2 to 5.0 points higher than the corresponding WISC-III scores. Standard errors of estimation ranged from 10.0 to 12.3 points. In individual cases, K-BIT scores can underestimate or overestimate WISC-III scores by as much as 25 points. Results suggest caution against using the K-BIT exclusively for placement and diagnostic purposes with young children with reading disabilities if IQ scores are required.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between the Matrix Analogies Test-Short Form (MAT-SF) and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fourth Edition and academic achievement as measured by the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement-Brief Form (KTEA-BF). The subjects were 71 referred students who were attending a large urban school district. The results supported the concurrent and criterion-related validity of the MAT-SF. This brief nonverbal intelligence test correlated significantly with the Stanford-Binet Areas and Test Composite (r = .73) and with the Math, Reading, and Spelling scores of the Brief Form of the KTEA (rs = .44, .44, and .38, respectively).  相似文献   

This study examined the concurrent validity of the composite and area scores of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fourth Edition (SBIV) and the Mental Processing Composite and global scale scores of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC). The tenability of interpreting the SBIV using the fluid/crystallized model, as suggested by the authors, was also considered. The subjects were 30 Black, learning-disabled elementary school students. Results of a t test indicated that the Mental Processing Composite score of the K-ABC was significantly higher than the SBIV Composite score. Moderate to high correlations were obtained when SBIV composite and area scores were compared to K-ABC composite and scale scores, reflecting a positive relationship between the two tests. The measures of fluid abilities (K-ABC Composite score; SBIV Abstract/Visual Reasoning) were highly correlated. The results of a multiple regression analysis indicated a moderate degree of correlation among the measures of crystallized ability (K-ABC Achievement; SBIV Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning). The findings of this study demonstrated adequate concurrent validity for the SBIV. In addition, the results provided limited support for describing test results utilizing the fluid/crystallized interpretation model. Further research is suggested in order to examine other validity issues, such as classification of special education students and the SBIV's relationship to other similar instruments.  相似文献   

The WISC-R and the Fourth Edition of the Stanford-Binet (SB: FE) were compared in the identification and assessment of 48 intellectually gifted students in the primary and secondary grades. While only a 3.2-point difference between the mean SB: FE Composite score and the mean WISC-R Full Scale score was found, (r = .393, p. ⩽ .01), the t test between the two scores was significant (t = 2.30, p ⩽ .05). Correlations between the three scales of the WISC-R and the SB: FE four broad area and Composite scores ranged from −.219 (SB: FE Abstract/Visual Reasoning with WISC-R Verbal) to .599 (SB: FE Short-Term Memory with WISC-R Full Scale). Within the correlational matrix, only 5 of the 15 correlations were significant. Both the SB: FE Abstract/Visual Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning Area scores had no significant correlations with any of the WISC-R scores.  相似文献   

The comparability of the Test of Cognitive Skills (TCS) with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fourth Edition (SBIV) with 75 elementary- and middle-school-aged gifted students was investigated. Results indicated that the mean Cognitive Skills Index was about 6 points higher than the WISC-R FSIQ and about 9 points higher than the SBIV Composite score. Correlation coefficients between the TCS Cognitive Skills Index and the SBIV Composite score and the WISC-R FSIQ were.51 and.41, respectively. Absolute differences between individual scores revealed that 44% of the students' SBIV Composite scores were more than 10 points different than their Cognitive Skills Index, and 28% of the students' WISC-R FSIQ scores were more than 10 points different. The results indicated limited comparability between the TCS and WISC-R and SBIV. The implications of these findings and future research questions are discussed.  相似文献   

Standard Age Scores on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fourth Edition (SBIV) and WISC-R IQs of 51 urban black males receiving special education services were compared. Correlations between the SBIV Composite scores and WISC-R Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs were 0.803, 0.826, and 0.87 respectively. Correlations between all combinations of scales ranged from 0.612 to 0.888, median r=.723. SBIV Composite mean scores did not differ significantly from the mean WISC-R Full Scale, Verbal, and Performance IQs. Regression analysis of the three subgroups (BD. LD, and EMR) indicated that the SBIV possesses differential validity for each group. Tabular comparison of precision of classification between the SBIV and the WISC-R yielded a 78% agreement. These data suggest that the SBIV possesses utility for assessing the intelligence of black students classified as BD and EMR. However, the use of the scale with LD students is unsupported.  相似文献   

The K-ABC and the Stanford-Binet IV (abbreviated test battery) were administered in a counterbalanced order to 32 gifted third- and fourth-grade students. It was found that the Stanford-Binet IV produced scores that were an average of eight points higher than those on the K-ABC. The concurrent validity coefficient of .70 indicated a high degree of association between test performance on these two tests. When the diagnostic heuristic of +2 SDs is used to identify gifted children, 68.6% concordance was found between these tests. Eighty percent of the discordance involved cases in which the Binet IQ was above +2 SDs and the K-ABC was below +2 SDs. Implication for the assessment of gifted children is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the concurrent validity of the Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT) and the Metropolitan Achievement Test (MAT), product-moment correlations were computed for all subscores and total scores for 26 normal-range public school third-grade girls and boys. The reading comprehension subtests correlated.81, spelling.88, and PIAT Mathematics with MAT Total Math.64. Correlations were computed for the Otis-Lennon Mental Ability Test and the PIAT General Information subtest as.77, and the Otis-Lennon and the PIAT Total Test scores as.79. Concurrent validity of the PIAT with both tests is tentatively considered adequate except in the area of mathematics, in which the PIAT, relative to the MAT, appears to be reflecting ability to handle math concepts (.68) more accurately than math computation (.41) or math problem solving (.56). Correlations with IQ partialed out suggest the PIAT Total Test, and PIAT and MAT reading and spelling measures, are relatively uninfluenced by IQ variations, whereas with IQ held constant, the weak positive correlations between the PIAT and MAT math subtests became essentially random relationships.  相似文献   

The Stanford-Binet IV and the WISC-III were administered in counterbalanced order to 31 subjects, aged 11 to 17 years, who were previously identified as functioning in the range of mild mental retardation. The correlations among the scores on the two tests were significant, but the Stanford-Binet IV Composite IQ was higher than the WISC-III Full Scale IQ for 29 of 31 subjects. The results suggest that children identified as functioning in the range of mental retardation on the WISC-III could be identified as functioning at a higher level if the Stanford-Binet IV were used. The consistency of the results points to the need for the use of multiple criteria in making decisions regarding educational accommodation. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The Fourth Edition of the Stanford-Binet and the WISC-R were compared as instruments for assessing the intellectual strengths and weaknesses of students classified as learning disabled in the primary and secondary grades. Results found only a 3.28-point difference (p≥.0001) between the S-B Composite score and the WISC-R Full Scale score. Correlations between the four broad areas of the S-B and the three scales of the WISC-R ranged from .494 (S-B Abstract/Visual Reasoning with WISC-R Verbal) to .920 (S-B Composite with WISC-R Full Scale). All correlations were found to be significant. Implications of the research findings were discussed.  相似文献   

The Quick Test, Form 1 (QT) and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Form L-M (SB) were administered to 70 preschool children. A low significant correlation of.36 for the MA scores and.39 for the IQ scores were found. However, the mean IQ achieved on the QT was 73 which is at the borderline intellectual level, while the mean IQ achieved on the SB was 111, which falls in the bright-normal range of intelligence. This 38-point difference is highly significant. These findings raise serious doubt about the validity of the QT for the intellectual estimation of preschool children with above average functioning. Further research with a group that also includes children of below average intelligence is indicated.  相似文献   

Twenty-five white children in the bright normal range of intelligence were administered both the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R). The mean values for the normally obtained mental age (MA) and adjusted MA were then compared to the mean WISC-R test age (TA). The normally obtained Stanford-Binet MA and the WISC-R TA values were nearly identical. However, the adjusted values for the Stanford-Binet MA were found to be significantly lower (p<.05) than the WISC-R TA. The findings failed to support the common practice of computing an adjusted MA score.  相似文献   

Ninety‐four college students were administered the GAMA and KAIT. GAMA IQs were significantly and moderately correlated with KAIT Fluid, Crystallized and Composite IQs, supporting the convergent validity of this instrument. Although significant correlations between measures emerged and nonsignificant differences were found between mean scores across these instruments, GAMA IQ scores did not accurately predict KAIT Composite IQ scores when GAMA IQ scores were compared to KAIT Composite IQs. Similarly, when the sample was divided into two groups by ability level, GAMA IQs accurately estimated the intelligence for individuals of Average and Below Average intelligence, but underestimated the KAIT Composite IQ scores by 4 points for the Above Average group. Implications of the findings are discussed and suggestions for future research are provided. © 2002, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The validities of IQs obtained from independent administration (T-M) vs. the rescoring method (SF) of the short form of the Stanford-Binet, Form L-M were investigated, using the Full Scale Binet IQ (S-B) as criterion. It was hypothesized that the independent or separate administration procedure introduced new variables which when allowed to operate would produce a more realistic picture of the relationship between the short form and S-B IQ. Seventy-six first and second graders were given the T-M and S-B in a counterbalanced order. The results indicated that the T-M, depending on test sequence, correlated significantly different with the S-B IQ than did the SF rescoring method. Caution was advised for users of the T-M as a time-saving estimate of intelligence.  相似文献   

Analysis of the relationship between the Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test and Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, and three language subscales within the Stanford-Binet was performed on a sample of preschool children within the borderline and mildly retarded ranges of intelligence. Adequate convergent and discriminant validity indices were found to support tentatively the use of the Expressive One-Word Test as one measure of verbal intelligence with this population.  相似文献   

The overlap of words specifically taught in reading textbooks with the contents of standardized reading achievement tests may be a source of bias that is frequently overlooked in psychoeducational assessments. This study compares the standardized achievement test performance of 62 second graders receiving instruction in two different reading curricula (Open Court and Houghton-Mifflin) to determine whether either curriculum generates different quantitative estimates of reading achievement. Reading subtest scores derived from the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement-Brief Form (K-TEA), the Wide Range Achievement Test-Revised (WRAT-R), and the Reading Recognition and Reading Comprehension subtests from the Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT) were examined. Grade level equivalents and scaled scores from the California Achievement Test (CAT) were also examined. Three Curriculum × Test repeated measures ANOVAs were conducted using grade level scores (2×7), standard scores (2×4), and CAT scaled scores (2 × 5) as dependent measures. A significant Curriculum × Test interaction was identified, suggesting differences among tests in estimates of reading ability as a function of the reading program.  相似文献   

The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) purports to assess fluid and crystallized intelligence via processing and achievement subtests, respectively. Eight K-ABC Mental Processing and five K-ABC Achievement subtests were administered to 41 gifted students. Scores were subsequently compared to concurrent achievement measures from the California Achievement Test (CAT), as well as previously obtained mental ability measures (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised [WISC-R], Stanford-Binet [SB], and Wide Range Achievement Test [WRAT] achievement scores). In general, K-ABC mental ability scores were lower than WISC-R and SB IQs. K-ABC achievement scores were consistent with K-ABC mental ability scores, but more highly related to SB and WISC-R VIQ (r = .42 and .40, respectively) than to WISC-R FSIQ (r = .16) and PIQ (r = .09), or to the K-ABC Mental Processing (Composite r = .17), Simultaneous Processing (r = .08), and Sequential Processing scores (r = .20). With the exception of WRAT Word Recognition, WRAT, K-ABC, and CAT achievement scores were similar. The patterns of intercorrelations suggest that the K-ABC achievement scores are more verbally loaded than are the CAT and WRAT achievement measures.  相似文献   

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