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The purpose of the present investigation was to measure performance changes on the K-TEA: Brief Form over a 3-year retest interval. Fifty-two learning-disabled students were retested with the K-TEA: Brief Form following 3 years of special education services. Results showed an average decrease of 3.33 points in Battery Composite over the 3-year retest interval. Nonsignificant mean retest differences for Battery Composite, Math, Reading, and Spelling were found. Retest trait stability coefficients ranged from .69 (Mathematics) to .88 (Spelling), suggesting that the K-TEA: Brief Form is a reliable instrument in screening for changes in special achievement over an extended period. An examination of individual difference scores revealed significant within variability for each achievement area. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Much effort has been devoted to the derivation of short forms of intelligence tests. The present study was undertaken to develop a short form of the WISC-R for the intellectually gifted. The results confirmed previous findings that the Vocabulary and Block Design dyad comprise the best two-subtest short form. The present study indicated that the Similarities, Vocabulary, Block Design, and Object Assembly tetrad could be the most useful in time and reliability.  相似文献   

WISC-III IQ score changes, for a group of 70 educable mentally handicapped students, over a 3-year period were found to be significantly lower for VIQ, Information, and Vocabulary tests. Trait stability (based on an average 3-year retest interval) in intelligence measurement, as represented by the WISC-III FSIQ, VIQ, and PIQ, was considerably lower—as expected—than reported for the standardization sample (based on a 23 day retest interval) in the WISC-III manual. Significant individual variation was observed, with the FSIQ showing a 22 point range difference and the VIQ and PIQ showing even larger ranges between the first and second testing. Implications regarding profile analysis and program planning for EMH students are presented. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This study investigated the performance of 166 special education students who had been administered the WISC-R and approximately 3 years later the WISC-III. The sample ranged in age from 6.0 to 16.6 years. The scores were analyzed using Pearson product moment correlation coefficients and t tests of the differences between means for related samples. The results indicated that there was a significant, positive correlation among global scales (p < .001). This finding suggests that the WISC-R and the WISC-III IQ scores measure similar abilities. Analysis of mean IQ score differences revealed significant differences in the WISC-R and the WISC-III IQ scores, with the WISC-III global scores being lower. Implications for the evaluation of students for special education are discussed, with special emphasis on the role and function of the psychologist practicing in the schools. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study examined the level of depressive symptomatology in a sample of 100 learning-disabled and nonlearning-disabled fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade students. Depressive symptomatology was assessed using the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI). In addition, students were rated by their classroom teachers on behaviors related to depression based on the DSM-III criteria. It was found that students identified as learning disabled obtained significantly higher scores on the CDI and the behavior rating scale than did children in the regular education classroom. There were no significant differences among grade levels for CDI scores, but a trend was noted. A significant difference was found among grade levels for the behavior rating scale scores. There was a significant positive correlation between CDI scores and teacher ratings of depressive characteristics.  相似文献   

While science classes are believed to be interactive learning environments, offering varied ways for students to learn, some experts believe that learning disabled (LD) students should be monitored closely in such settings because of difficulties adjusting to the social, behavioral, and academic demands. The purpose of this paper is to determine whether LD fourth and sixth graders show difficulties adjusting to the demands of their mainstream science classes and to investigate two means of assessing LD students’ functioning in these classes: paired questionnaires for teachers and students and a science curriculum-based assessment (CBA). Subjects include 31 fourth graders (9 LD) and 38 sixth graders (13 LD). Results show that the LD students had significant weaknesses on some subtests of the science CBA relative to their peers; additionally, they rated themselves and were rated by their teachers significantly more negatively than their Non-LD peers. These results suggest the potential value of monitoring LD students in mainstream science classes. Case studies of LD students reveal mismatches in the perception of the student and teacher regarding the student’s adjustment and classroom habits. Examination of these case studies is used to suggest ways in which the collaboration of student and teacher as well as regular and special education teachers might aid the student.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in written expression between a sample of learning-disabled and nondisabled middle school students, matched by grade and sex, using eight curriculum-based measures. All of the learning-disabled students had been identified as having written language deficits as part of their handicapping conditions. The nondisabled students showed superior written expression skills, especially on the production-independent measures. Implications of these results are discussed in relation to psycho educational assessment, the use of CBM for ongoing assessment of written expression, and future studies.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to compare on a number of specialized cognitive procedures the performance of high school students designated as learning disabled (LD) with the performance of nonlearning-disabled students experiencing learning difficulties (nonLD). Both groups were then compared with a control group of typical learners. Results indicate that when taken as a group LD and nonLD students differed significantly from a control group of typical learners on 6 of 16 variables. LD students differed from nonLD students with learning difficulties on 5 of 16 variables. The performance of LD and nonLD students with learning difficulties indicates patterns of cognitive functioning that differ from those of typical learners. The possibility of the development of compensatory cognitive styles in LD and nonLD students and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Sixty WISC-III protocols, administered by graduate students in training, were examined to obtain preliminary data on the frequency and types of administration and scoring errors that examinees commit. Results were compared with previous studies that have evaluated examiner errors on the Wechsler scales. In general, the present results were consistent with those of previous studies that have illustrated that a large number of scoring errors are committed by graduate students as well as by other professional groups. The majority of errors committed by participants in this study were general errors. That is, errors were not specific to a particular subtest. The five most frequent errors included failure to query, failure to record responses verbatim, reporting Full Scale IQ incorrectly, reporting Verbal IQ incorrectly, and adding individual subtest scores incorrectly. However, the traditional difficult to score Verbal subtests were not as troublesome for examiners in this study as they were for examiners in previous studies. In addition, significant decreases in the mean number of errors per protocol and in the number of most frequently occurring errors per protocol were noted. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A four-test short form of the WISC-R was developed on the basis of both rational and statistical criteria, using data from the representative standardization sample. The short-form comprised Arithmetic and Vocabulary from the Verbal Scale along with Picture Arrangement and Block Design from the Performance Scale. Various psychometric properties of the abbreviated battery were defined, and indicators of the short form's accuracy in predicting Full-Scale IQ (the standard error of estimate, effectiveness in classifying a child's intelligence level) were provided. A major topic of discussion was the use and abuse of short forms.  相似文献   

The Dumont‐Faro short form was used to estimate Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children‐III (WISC‐III) Full Scale IQ scores for 45 special education students in a rural setting. Using the validation criteria proposed by Resnick and Entin (1971), results demonstrated that IQ scores generated by the Dumont‐Faro short form were positively correlated (r= .96) with the WISC‐III Full Scale scores. A significant mean difference in scores and an IQ misclassification rate of 44%, however, challenge the utility of the Dumont‐Faro short form for estimating WISC‐III Full Scale IQ. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The Woodcock Language Proficiency Battery (WLPB) was administered to 18 learning-disabled adolescents from a culturally variant population in rural southern Louisiana and to a matching group of normal achievers. ANOVA results revealed that group status (learning-disabled vs. normally achieving) had a significant effect on cluster scores (Oral Language, Reading, and Written Language), p < .001. Significant effects for cluster scores were not discovered; however, the significant interaction (p < .05) between subjects and cluster scores was determined to be the result of group differences on all cluster scores. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z-test results indicated that all WLPB cluster scores for the learning-disabled group were significantly lower (p < .001) than the test's means for each of these clusters; but, for the achieving group, only the Oral Language Cluster mean was significantly lower than the WLPB mean, p < .001. Additional t-test investigation revealed that the learning-disabled group means were significantly lower than the achieving group means on all subtests except for Picture Vocabulary. A modified contrastive linguistic analysis did not uncover the existence of test bias for semantics when error responses were evaluated. The results of this study suggest that the WLPB may be a useful tool for culturally diverse students when interpretation is based on a community norm perspective.  相似文献   

This study examined the concurrent validity of the composite and area scores of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fourth Edition (SBIV) and the Mental Processing Composite and global scale scores of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC). The tenability of interpreting the SBIV using the fluid/crystallized model, as suggested by the authors, was also considered. The subjects were 30 Black, learning-disabled elementary school students. Results of a t test indicated that the Mental Processing Composite score of the K-ABC was significantly higher than the SBIV Composite score. Moderate to high correlations were obtained when SBIV composite and area scores were compared to K-ABC composite and scale scores, reflecting a positive relationship between the two tests. The measures of fluid abilities (K-ABC Composite score; SBIV Abstract/Visual Reasoning) were highly correlated. The results of a multiple regression analysis indicated a moderate degree of correlation among the measures of crystallized ability (K-ABC Achievement; SBIV Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning). The findings of this study demonstrated adequate concurrent validity for the SBIV. In addition, the results provided limited support for describing test results utilizing the fluid/crystallized interpretation model. Further research is suggested in order to examine other validity issues, such as classification of special education students and the SBIV's relationship to other similar instruments.  相似文献   

The assessment of social skills deficits has received wide support. Recently, the Social Skills Rating System (SSRS) has been developed to assist professionals in assessing social skills. In this study, the Social Skills Rating System was used to compare students who had already been classified as learning disabled (n = 20) and mildly mentally retarded (n = 20) with a group of nonreferred students (n = 20). The results showed that as a group students with disabilities scored significantly lower than the nonreferred group on social skills and significantly higher in problem behaviors. A discriminant analysis revealed that the SSRS was able to predict group membership broadly (e.g., handicapped versus nonhandicapped) but not specifically (e.g., learning disabled, mentally retarded). Moderate Pearson correlations between parents and teacher ratings indicated some consistencies between raters. However, low kappa coefficients showed that parents and teachers are likely to identify different students as having social skills deficits and problem behaviors. Suggestions are given for utilizing the SSRS with other techniques such as interviews and observations in the assessment and remediation of social skills problems.  相似文献   

Currently popular systems for classification of spelling words or errors emphasize the learning of phoneme-grapheme correspondences and memorization of irregular words, but do not take into account the morphophonemic nature of the English language. This study is based on the premise that knowledge of the morphological rules of derivational morphology is acquired developmentally and is related to the spelling abilities of both normal and learning-disabled (LD) students. It addresses three issues: 1) how the learning of derivational morphology and the spelling of derived words by LD students compares to that of normal students; 2) whether LD students learn derived forms rulefully; and 3) the extent to which LD and normal students use knowledge of relationships between base and derived forms to spell derived words (e.g. “magic” and “magician”). The results showed that LD ninth graders’ knowledge of derivational morphology was equivalent to that of normal sixth graders, following similar patterns of mastery of orthographic and phonological rules, but that their spelling of derived forms was equivalent to that of the fourth graders. Thus, they know more about derivational morphology than they use in spelling. In addition, they were significantly more apt to spell derived words as whole words, without regard for morphemic structure, than even the fourth graders. Nonetheless, most of the LD spelling errors were phonetically acceptable, suggesting that their misspellings cannot be attributed primarily to poor knowledge of phoneme-grapheme correspondences. I am indebted to Laurel Fais and students in the Language Training program at the Forman School in Litchfield, Connecticut, for their participation in this study. The first phase of this research project was sponsored by NICHD grant HD-01994 to Haskins Laboratories and by a Dissertation Fellowship from the University of Connecticut. The final stages of work on this project were completed while I was at American International College.  相似文献   

Hearing-impaired students are known to encounter significant difficulty achieving appreciable levels of academic achievement. Recently, many professionals have advanced the concept that some hearing-impaired students' lag in achievement may owe to learning disabilities in addition to hearing impairment. Definitional differences, survey data and studies are discussed in an exploration of whether or not a discernible hearing-impaired-learning-disabled sub-group exists.  相似文献   

A short form of the McCarthy was developed primarily to help meet the needs for a well-normed brief instrument to be used for the rapid screening of preschool, kindergarten, and first-grade children. The proposed short form comprises 6 of the 15 tests in the General Cognitive Scale: Puzzle Solving, Word Knowledge, Numerical Memory, Verbal Fluency, Counting and Sorting, and Conceptual Grouping. The abbreviated form was specifically geared to the 3–6 year age range, although equations to convert short-form score to estimated General Cognitive Index were provided for children across the entire span of 212 to 812 years. The short form was shown to have a standard error of estimate of about 6 points and to have excellent psychometric properties in general.  相似文献   

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