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Measuring in-library use of printed journals has always been difficult. Even when libraries monitor the use of their journal collections, data collected rarely go beyond the level of title and are often incomplete. Participation in a European Union funded project on the delivery of electronic files of journals to end users (DECOMATE) has enabled the London School of Economics (LSE) to collect qualitative and quantitative data on the use of its journal collections. This paper describes how user statistics are being collected at the LSE. It looks at the difficulties that have been encountered in collecting the data and at the solutions that have been found. Comparisons will be made between patterns of use within a traditional library environment and user behavior as journal literature becomes available as electronic images, accessible over the network. The paper concludes with speculation about the benefits that may derive from collecting and analyzing user statistics.  相似文献   

This session highlighted trends in continuing resource collections and collection management throughout the 30-year period from 1985 through 2015. Electronic resources became available in the 1990s and grew in prevalence from the 2000s through the present, changing the make-up of library collections and also how libraries measure collections and collection usage. Two librarians and two vendors shared their perspectives on these changes in collection development, describing how library collections now contain a combination of older formats and older ways of collecting data, and new, electronic content and automated ways of collecting and disseminating data about collections.  相似文献   

Current publishing practices in academia tend to result in datasets that are difficult to discover. This is because datasets are not well-integrated across academic domains and they are often not linked to the documents that reference them. For these reasons, discovering datasets across domains can be challenging; for example, discovering archeological observations and biological specimens using the same search is not widely supported, even if both datasets share a similar spatial extent, like Mesoamerica. It is also challenging to retrieve relevant documents that reference datasets; for example, retrieving a series of field reports that reference archeological observations is typically not supported. Our work develops an extensible method for: (1) geographically integrating collections across disciplinary repositories and (2) connecting datasets to related documents. We describe a collection of spatially-referenced researcher datasets, capturing their metadata elements and encoding them as linked open data. We then leverage existing library services to formalize links from datasets to documents. The system described in this work has been deployed, resulting in an experimental open data site for the UCSB campus. Results indicate that this system can be scaled-up with support from an institutional repository in the near future.  相似文献   

已故教授的私人藏书具有很高的利用价值,是馆藏文献的有益补充。高校图书馆为已故教授的私人藏书设立书架、对这些藏书进行开发与利用不仅必要而且可行。高校图书馆应打破放在图书馆的已故教授藏书便是图书馆财产这一观念,吸引已故教授家属将教授生前藏书存放于图书馆;建立管理工作细则对已故教授藏书征集工作进行管理;对已故教授私人藏书进行合理的分类排架。  相似文献   

王乐 《大学图书馆学报》2022,40(1):97-101+114
从红色专题特藏概念的界定出发,论述了红色专题特藏在人才培养、科学研究、社会服务方面的重要意义:红色专题特藏是思政教育的生动教材,是科学研究的重要素材,是社会服务的鲜活题材。复旦大学图书馆在历史积累的基础上,通过捐赠、采购、收集等方式建设了时间跨度大、类型多样、主题丰富的红色专题特藏。采取参与式、阵地化思政教育,多形式、全方位驱动科研,立体化、全媒介大众推广的三大举措九种手段,挖掘红色专题特藏的全方位价值,在红色基因传承、红色资源研究、红色文化传播等方面发挥作用。  相似文献   

网络环境下图书馆信息资源的建设   总被引:47,自引:1,他引:46  
概述了图书馆所处的网络环境,论述了在网络环境下建设信息资源应注重优化馆藏结构、加大电子文献的收藏力度,且需要开发网上资源、建立虚拟馆藏、并努力把印刷型馆藏文献转化为网络资源。文章中提出,要搞好信息资源建设,我们必须改变观念,合理调配经费,要讲求效率,不断发展新技术,尤其要注重培养人才,提高资料采集人员的素质。  相似文献   

Comparisons are often made between the conservation of cultural material collections, often described as ethnographic, and contemporary art collections, and indeed there are significant parallels. The stewardship of both of these types of collections can challenge traditional tenets of conservation, requiring conservators to ask themselves ‘What are we preserving?’ as preservation extends beyond the physical. The work must be placed in a broader conceptual context and the conservator must seek out those who are deemed to have the most authority – whether it is the artist, the artist's assistants and estate or the source community – to establish this context. Engagement with constituents creates valuable reciprocal relationships, which can benefit the artist, community, and museum. The relationships and the parallel practice of two seemingly disparate fields are examined using examples from the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) and the Yale University Art Gallery (YUAG). Conservators at NMAI, a living culture museum containing archeological, historic, and contemporary art collections, are in the unique position of working with community stakeholders with direct ties to historic collections and contemporary artists whose work is actively acquired by the museum. Conservators at YUAG, an encyclopedic museum with a pedagogical directive, are attempting to establish a more rigorous program of artist engagement to direct preservation and understanding of contemporary art collections.  相似文献   


An evaluation of the Free Library of Philadelphia's (FLP) rowing collection by the checklist method is reported. A literature review demonstrates that the checklist method has been used for multiple purposes for over a century and a half, but no evaluations of library rowing collections by the checklist or any other method were identified. In this study, an ad hoc70-item list, compiled by a rowing expert, was checked against the FLP's OPAC from a remote location in Indiana. The FLP held 53% of the listed items and no fewer than 40% in any of six topical categories. A keyword search found that the FLP holds over 100 fiction and nonfiction rowing books. An analysis of those titles by publication date shows considerable depth in the FLP collection and a correspondence between its collecting patterns and broader trends in publishing and rowing. It is concluded that the FLP has an in-depth, high quality rowing collection. A number of problems encountered while searching the OPAC are discussed and questions for further research are proposed.  相似文献   

特藏资源是图书馆最可珍视的资源。特藏推广的独特价值在于,以"有形"资源之推广,促"无形"文化之传播。以特藏推广为载体,不仅可以促进特藏资源的利用,而且有利于图书馆服务品牌的塑造和文化价值的传播,特藏推广可以成为带动图书馆全局工作的战略。特藏推广要以高质量的资源建设为基础,通过制定完善的推广计划,辅以专业的服务以及多样化的推广方式,并以制度作保障,将深度整合图书馆的资源,带动图书馆整体服务水平的发展,而实现特藏资源的共建共享则是特藏推广的终极目标。  相似文献   

日本是世界上漫画文化最为发达的国家,该国一些图书馆已经尝试收藏漫画,向普通读者提供借阅服务,并逐渐发展成专门的漫画图书馆或公共图书馆中的漫画专藏.根据日本《图书馆法》和《图书馆自由宣言》的精神,该国公共图书馆收藏漫画具有法律依据和理念基础;图书馆收藏漫画的优势在于藏与用结合,保存的同时充分利用漫画.随着对漫画收藏的重视,日本图书馆的漫画收藏体系正在构建.日本图书馆对漫画收藏的经验对我国图书馆做好相关工作具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

The appeal of ancient fossilized tree resin, or amber, has made pieces with animal and plant inclusions particularly prized. Unfortunately, amber forgeries are more convincingly and routinely made than most other kinds of fossils, by embedding organisms in natural resins (e.g., copal) or synthetic resins (especially polyester) or by filling a carved niche in a natural piece of amber with resin and a modern inclusion. The confusion of organisms in copal (forged and natural) for ones in amber has a long history. Reviewed here are simple tests for discerning forgeries and natural inclusions in both substances. We discuss an old but sophisticated technique for crafting amber forgeries from authentic amber and present several new examples from old collections in two large museum collections. Also discussed is the widespread use of polyester resin forgeries in the Dominican Republic and Mexico.  相似文献   

The current status of natural history collections is complex and seemingly contradictory. While opportunities for collections to serve society are greater than ever, many institutions find that their ability to care for collections is diminishing. Competition for resources, especially in academic institutions, is one reason. But there is also sometimes a lack of clear mission for collections within organizations themselves. The Association of Systematics Collections (ASC) provides programs and resources to help institutions meet the challenge of maintaining natural history collections. If collections are truly endangered, we can help ensure that they are not lost to science and society.  相似文献   

Since 1994, the National Library of Russia has accepted electronic media according to the federal law On the Obligatory Copy of Documents, which established the system of legal deposit in Russia. The Scientific-Technical Center “Informregistr” is responsible for collecting legal deposits of electronic media and provides regular analysis of the National Library's collection of electronic editions. The results of these analyses are given in this article. Bibliographic records of deposited electronic media are available online in the electronic catalog Russian Electronic Editions. Catalog data are used to evaluate the characteristics of electronic editions and publishers. Acquisitions librarians use this catalog as a national bibliographic resource for adding electronic editions to their collections.  相似文献   

数字技术和网络的迅速发展,使图书馆文献信息资源在内容、载体、来源、用途等方面都发生了深刻的变化。作为馆藏资源建设主体的采访馆员,面对信息资源供给、需求和环境的变化,只有采访的策略应时而变,采访的能力与时俱进,才能担当起信息资源建设和满足读者需求的重要使命。  相似文献   

网络资源是指通过互联网传播共享、以文件目录为主要存储组织结构的内容,如书、讲义、音乐等.每个资源的内容具有完整独立性.它们是数字图书馆、教学资源库、专业内容库藏的重要组成.网络资源的一大特点是命名模式不规范,给检索利用带来极大不便.本文以2003~2006年间搜集的61万文件构成的16 284个网络资源为对象,用统计的方法考察网络资源命名特点及其中体现的用户命名习惯.包括资源及其内部子目录、文件的名字长度分布,字符类型熵、常用符号、高频片段模式、语义类型等,并分析无序命名中蕴含的用户命名习惯.本文的意义一方面有助于从混乱命名中净化和提取对检索查询有用的信息,另一方面有助于揭示网络用户参与海量网络资源共享的行为习惯.  相似文献   

探讨网络环境下石油、石化图书馆信息资源建设的发展战略,指出石油、石化图书馆信息资源建设的发展战略应以现实馆藏为基础,建立以虚拟馆藏为主体的具有本馆馆藏文献特色的馆藏体系,谋求石油、石化行业文献信息资源的共建共享。  相似文献   

谈谈我馆的特色馆藏建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着科学技术的发展,特色馆藏建设成为图书馆文献资源建设的重要组成部分。特色馆藏资源为燕山大学的教学科研工作提供了重要的文献保障。燕山大学图书馆在现有文献资源结构特征和特定用户群信息需求的基础上,以重点学科为导向,深入挖掘馆内资源、搜集整合网络资源,建成了多个具有特色的数据库供读者使用。在建设数字特色馆藏的同时,还建立了特藏阅览室。  相似文献   

Scaling Up the TREC Collection   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Due to the popularity of Web search engines, a large proportion of real text retrieval queries are now processed over collections measured in tens or hundreds of gigabytes. A new Very Large test Collection (VLC) has been created to support qualification, measurement and comparison of systems operating at this level and to permit the study of the properties of very large collections. The VLC is an extension of the well-known TREC collection and has been distributed under the same conditions. A simple set of efficiency and effectiveness measures have been defined to encourage comparability of reporting. The 20 gigabyte first-edition of the VLC and a representative 10% sample have been used in a special interest track of the 1997 Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-6). The unaffordable cost of obtaining complete relevance assessments over collections of this scale is avoided by concentrating on early precision and relying on the core TREC collection to support detailed effectiveness studies. Results obtained by TREC-6 VLC track participants are presented here. All groups observed a significant increase in early precision as collection size increased. Explanatory hypotheses are advanced for future empirical testing. A 100 gigabyte second edition VLC (VLC2) has recently been compiled and distributed for use in TREC-7 in 1998.  相似文献   

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