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Critical values tables for determining significant differences between Wechsler IQs and WIAT subtests and composites based on a predicted-achievement method are provided in the WIAT manual for the Full Scale IQ and have been constructed recently for Verbal and Performance IQs (Flanagan & Alfonso, 1993). In order to use these tables, however, a predicted achievement score(s) is required. The process of calculating predicted-achievement scores is time-consuming and may result in errors, especially when more than one ability-achievement comparison is warranted. The present paper provides tables of WIAT subtest and composite predicted-achievement standard scores based on WISC-III Verbal and Performance IQs. These tables allow examiners to determine quickly ability-achievement discrepancies based on WISC-III Verbal or Performance IQs when they are used in conjunction with the critical values tables provided in our earlier article. These tables are most useful for the accurate assessment and diagnosis of learning disabilities.  相似文献   

Each year thousands of children are evaluated or reevaluated utilizing the current edition of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale to determine their eligibility for gifted programs. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III (1991) is new enough that only limited research is available on how it compares to the previously used Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (1974). The purpose of this study was to determine the comparability between the previously dominant intelligence scale, the WISC-R, and the revised WISC-III with gifted children. The results of this study indicate that the latest revision (WISC-III) and the earlier version (WISC-R) produce remarkably similar scale and subtest scores when administered under clinical conditions to gifted children. All 51 children determined eligible through the administration of one of these two Wechsler tests would have been eligible for services had the other test been administered. The Verbal and Performance scale IQ scores were within two points of each other across the two test administrations, while only a one-point difference existed between the Full Scale IQ scores. The Arithmetic, Comprehension, and Object Assembly subtest scores were in high agreement across the two administrations (p<.01). The level of agreement between some subtests across the two administrations suggests that clinical judgment is just as important as scores in considering who is eligible for gifted programs.  相似文献   

The relationship between WISC-R subtest scores and Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs was investigated for a sample comprised of rural Appalachian children. The sample was comprised of both white and black children who might be described as culturally different by virtue of low family income and residence in the mountainous areas of Virginia and North Carolina. Data analysis consisted of computing product-moment correlations (rs) between each of the ten subtests and the Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs. Correlations between individual subtests and the FS IQ ranged from.49 through.63, but none of the differences between these rs were large enough to attain significance. Correlations between the verbal subtests and Verbal IQ ranged from.64 for Comprehension up to.78 for Vocabulary. For the performance subtest, the rs ranged from.54 between Coding and the Performance IQ up to.72 for Object Assembly.  相似文献   

This brief report presents a table that may be used to determine the probability of obtaining various Verbal-Performance Scale discrepancies on the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R). The table of differences is age-referenced and should be used to determine the reliability of differences between Verbal and Performance Scale IQs. It may be used in conjunction with Table 16 in the WPPSI-R manual, which reports the percentage of the standardization sample that evidence Verbal-Performance discrepancies of various magnitudes.  相似文献   

The object of the study was to investigate the significance of the differences between verbal and non-verbal scores on the New South African Group Intelligence Test (NSAGT).The experimental subjects were first year university students. They were subdivided into three groups: one group whose non-verbal scores were higher than their verbal scores, a second group whose verbal scores were higher than their nonverbal scores and a third group, acting as a control group, whose verbal and nonverbal scores were approximately equal.The three groups were compared with regard to such features as visual and auditory acuity, personal adjustment and academic achievement. The raw data were arranged in three-dimensional contingency tables and interrelationships between variables were computed by means of the G2 test.A positive correlation was found between temperamental personality features and high non-verbal scores on the NSAGT.This article is based on the MA dissertation of the second author under the supervision of the first author. The study was partly sponsored by a grant from the Human Sciences Research Council. Republic of South Africa, to which body grateful acknowledgement is made. However, the opinions expressed and the conclusions drawn are the absolute responsibility of the authors  相似文献   

<宏观教育学实话>是湖南省教育科学研究院党委书记田刚研究员长期从事宏观教育问题研究与实践的成果集锦.书中揭示了现行教育学只是学校教育学,正面临微观困惑与宏观缺失的问题,以至于宏观教育问题的解决长期缺乏系统的理论指导,微观教育问题也难以从根本上得以解决,教育学的发展需要向宏观与微观两个向度推进,从而使宏观教育研究达到一个新的高度.实际上,自20世纪80年代开始,国内关于宏观教育学的研究逐步深入,宏观教育学与微观教育学分野的时机已经成熟.当前的关键在于宏观教育研究者中的先锋人物率先组建团队,进行宏观教育学学科研究、宏观教育学课程建构及师资培训.  相似文献   

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III; Wechsler, 1991) and the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (K-TEA; Kaufman & Kaufman, 1985) are commonly used in the identification of children for special educational services. However, there is little evidence about the relationship between these two tests among children with handicapping conditions. This study examined the relationship between the WISC-III IQs and K-TEA standard scores in a sample of 72 children with emotional handicaps. The results revealed a significant positive relationship between scores on these instruments. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

张敬儿、王敬则为南朝宋齐时期两个较有影响的政治人物,他们在政治上既有相通之处,也有显著的差别。所谓“相通”,在于他们同属“伧寒”阶层,具有相近的社会气质和政治经历,他们争取政治地位的奋斗经历,也正是南朝伧寒武人奋斗历程的缩影。张、王二人在政治上的差异,主要表现在入仕途径及参与政治方式的不同等方面。当然,作为政治人物,他们之间也存在矛盾和争斗,这种争斗又是京口和荆襄两大武力集团此消彼长关系的曲折反映。张、王政治生涯的异同,并不仅仅是他们个体的经历和体验,而是具有普遍的时代性意义,即他们在政治上的沉浮荣辱,乃是南朝伧寒武夫跋涉在政治旅途上所必然要遇到的风雨坎坷。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展进步,英语板书似乎变成了大家遗忘的角落,然而这种能力却非常值得提升。平常一谈起板书,都认为是语文老师的事,这种观点是片面的。好的板书应当是引人入胜的艺术品,无论对于学生还是老师,它不但能给人以美感、陶冶感情、增长兴趣,而且可以影响学生良好的书写习惯的养成;既利于传授知识、丰富课堂,又能发展学生的智力。  相似文献   

对于母语为非汉语(或称官话)的人来说,在教授或者学习普通话的过程中,会出一种普遍的问题:为什么他们会听不懂北京话,而北京话是制定和规范普通话的重要组成部分。实际上,除了说北京话的人之外,大多数中国人也存在同样的问题。对这个问题简单的答案是:即使普通话是基于北京话,它们实际上是不同的。但是有多大区别,更为重要的是,对于学习和说普通话的人来说,在理解北京话时造成障碍的基本的区别在哪里?到目前为止,对这一领域的深入研究还很不够。文章从语言学的角度,对普通话和北京话之间存在的最显著的11种区别,进行系统的讨论分析。文章还引用了取源于真实生活会话中的大量例子,作为所提出的论点和观察分析的陈述的论据。  相似文献   

Nowadays, with the fast development of science and technology in China, there is an increasing number of people go?ing to study abroad (taking America as an example). For one hand, they want to get a...  相似文献   

张立华 《唐山学院学报》2003,16(3):27-28,40
将我国2001年1月18日修订的《企业会计准则—非货币性交易》与2000年曾施行的该准则进行比较,指出了它们的不同之处。  相似文献   

提要《诗集传》是对《毛诗序》的反动,然而,它们对《诗经》的解释却有许多相同之处。本文侧重分析了《诗集传》和《毛诗序》相同的方面,并进而阐述了我们对《毛诗序》所应持的态度。  相似文献   

教师和学生的相同点为教师和学生都是具有主观能动性的人,具体来说都是具有学习性、选择性、创新性的人。教师和学生的差异表现为成长环境和认知的差异,身心发展程度的差异,知识、能力的差异等。教师和学生的异同,要求师生互尊,相信与鼓励教师、学生创新,理解学生的多元认知、失误乃至异想天开的想法与做法。  相似文献   

自错误分析理论提出之后,对二语习得中语言错误的分析研究不断涌现,对翻译过程中翻译错误的分析研究也逐渐增多,但相关研究经常把两种错误混为一谈,亦或是模糊处理,不做区分。鉴于错误分析的价值愈发突显,为满足不同的学习需求,有必要从语言错误和翻译错误的起因与评价角度等进行深入的对比分析,探讨二者差异,促进更具针对性的错误分析,从而更好地指导外语教学与翻译实践。  相似文献   

这篇论文以中英委婉语的文化差异为研究方向,介绍了委婉语产生的背景,中西方委婉语的差异以及影响这些差异的原因。笔者希望通过对研究中英委婉语的文化差异,能够减少跨国际交流的阻碍,使得谈话顺利得体地完成。  相似文献   

《诗经》与《楚辞》异质异构,在化渊源、艺术形式、创作内容等方面,皆有相反相成的性质。《诗经》对民歌采取玩赏的态度,而《楚辞》则与民歌融汇认同;《诗经》属乐府体式,而《楚辞》是吟唱体式;《诗经》是周代社会之面面观,而《楚辞》是一个失意士大夫人格之面面观。即使相同题材,二也有迥异的面貌。  相似文献   

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