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本文介绍了国内外自然博物馆藏品收藏现状,分析我国自然博物馆存在藏品收藏总体不足、各区域自然博物馆之间藏品收藏差距较大、收藏范围较狭窄、藏品来源单一等问题,并进行了原因分析,提出正确认识自然博物馆的研究、收藏与教育的关系,加强对博物馆科研的投入,授予博物馆标本采集权,打破体制机制限制,加强对各方标本资源的利用等建议。  相似文献   

动物剥制标本作为自然博物馆、高校博物馆、部分综合性博物馆以及科研机构标本馆的重要收藏对象和展示资源,具有极高的收藏价值、展览价值、艺术价值、科研价值和科普教育价值等,但在长期保藏过程中,因受制作工艺、环境条件、人为活动的影响,极易受到损坏。本文论述了馆藏动物剥制标本的常规管理、保藏环境管理以及预防性保护,旨在为我国自然标本管理,特别是为动物剥制标本的管理和保藏工作提供参考资料。  相似文献   

The current status of natural history collections is complex and seemingly contradictory. While opportunities for collections to serve society are greater than ever, many institutions find that their ability to care for collections is diminishing. Competition for resources, especially in academic institutions, is one reason. But there is also sometimes a lack of clear mission for collections within organizations themselves. The Association of Systematics Collections (ASC) provides programs and resources to help institutions meet the challenge of maintaining natural history collections. If collections are truly endangered, we can help ensure that they are not lost to science and society.  相似文献   

University natural history museums are much like their public museum counterparts, yet they differ in some important ways including how they are funded and staffed and how they serve their parent institutions. These circumstances provide some unique opportunities for university‐based natural history museums but they also present challenges, especially for their public education goals. While there are surely a variety of creative solutions for resolving these dilemmas, this article explores how the graduate program at the University of Colorado Museum may be seen as an example serving as an interface between diverse facets of the Museum and its several audiences and constituencies. The usefulness of the program as a model and as a means of training and nurturing future museum professionals is discussed.  相似文献   

Universities and natural science museums have a long, productive history; however, this has been an uneasy alliance in the United States at least since the 1880s. Decreasing resources and increasing expectations have made the position of all museum directors extremely difficult, but the situation for university natural science museum directors is probably the most complicated among these because they direct museums that are small administrative units within larger university organizations. Some of their challenges include conflict between museum and university missions, governance issues, relationship between director and the university administrator/board member, lack of understanding of museum functions, middle management role of the director, lack of control of staff time, lack of staff support, public access to museum, and limited public and fiscal support. Solutions offered to meet these challenges include a written mission statement, recognition of education as the primary goal of the museum, a written strategic plan, accreditation, a highly active faculty/staff, documentation of the museum's economic impact, the creation and building of a public support organization, the formation of alliances with local cultural organizations, continuing education for staff, and an open decision-making process.  相似文献   

皇家安大略博物馆融合自然历史和世界文化于一身,藏品超过1250万件,大量开展国际范围的研究。2017年参观人数超过130万人次。该馆设有27个永久的世界文化和自然历史展厅、2个儿童动手实践探索展厅和4个用于临时展览的展区。该馆收集了两只鲸鱼的骨架,将其中一只鲸鱼的心脏做塑化处理后在主展厅展出,将在加拿大各地和其他国家和地区进行巡回展出。  相似文献   

University‐based natural history museums are specialized cultural institutions that serve diverse constituencies. On one hand, these museums promote scientific research and collections through the work of curators and students and must advance the universities' missions. On the other hand, they must provide exhibition and public programs for the local community, or if they are a state museum, serve the citizens of the entire state through these activities. The challenge for university‐based natural history museums is to achieve a balance among their activities and services, given available resources. In the twenty‐first century, university natural history museums must further adapt by promoting social awareness of topics such as biodiversity and fostering learning in informal and formal settings. The Florida Museum of Natural History, an official State museum located at the University of Florida, is a prime example of a comprehensive university museum with a broad spectrum of programs that promote and enhance learning activities.  相似文献   


Electronic resources are one of the last collections in a public library to receive attention for usage and for promotions. Oftentimes their statistics go unnoticed as well. An effort is needed to consciously study, track, and evaluate the usage of these resources. Then a library can focus on educating the staff and patrons regarding the existence and use of these resources. This paper details the steps involved in initiating, conducting, and financing a marketing campaign for education and promotion of electronic resources for a public library.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(45-46):153-170
Reference librarians and subject bibliographiers who responsibility for developing library collections hsould include racially diverse materials. The changing demographics of America's population dictate why we need to be inclusive. More black, small indpendent publishers exist today than ever before to provide access to these materials. Afrocentricity, one aspect of multicultural education, raises our consciousness of the role Africans have played in world history, in addition to the role played by Europeans, Latinos, Asians, Native American Indians and all other ethnic groups who are part of the American mosaic. Libraries must make a serious commitment of staff and resources to create collections which reflect the growing multicultural dimensions of the world. Librarians charged with building collections must educate themselves to understand, accept, appreciate and include people of color and their culture. Ultimately, such an appreciation of multiculturalism will enable us to move closer to eliminating racism and equalizing race relations.  相似文献   

自然科学博物馆作为重要的公共文化机构,承载着传播自然历史和科学知识的职责。标本藏品是自然科学博物馆的根基,随着标本藏品的不断积累,传统标本藏品管理方式面临困境。在博物馆智慧化建设背景下,智慧化理念与新技术为标本藏品管理带来了新机遇。本文以天津国家海洋博物馆为例,在分析标本藏品管理工作面临主要难点的基础上,回顾智慧化藏品管理系统建设工作实践,以期为自然科学博物馆标本藏品管理提供参考和借鉴,并思考未来藏品数据的应用方向。  相似文献   

近代中国政治、经济、文化等领域深受西方影响,早期自然博物馆的营建体现出了两个不同方向。西方对生物学的研究经历了博物学狭义化到实验生理学为主导的方法转向、博物馆内部教育功能的发展趋势以及外强入侵近代中国的社会背景,共同推动了中国早期自然博物馆的落地生根。西人营建的中国早期自然博物馆是欧洲自然史收藏体系下的一部分,这类“学究式博物馆”研究属性强,不以服务中国社会为目的,影响有限。而中国本土的不同阶层在传播博物馆观念与实践上均做出了各自回应,他们身处衰败之际与觉醒年代,肩负救亡图存之责任,其创办的一批“公共教育博物馆”彰显了对科学的求索,对国家未来的希冀。这些博物馆体现了科学传播的公共性价值。  相似文献   

档案公共服务应该是以党和政府为主导,以国家权力介入或公共资源投入为手段,为满足公民的社会发展活动的直接需要提供均等的档案服务和档案公共产品。档案公共服务需要树立以人为本、共建共享、注重效率的基本理念,并通过整合资源建设、完善制度体系、优化运营模式和构建技术平台等途径,实现档案公共服务的历史记忆、资政襄政、文化教育、服务民生和公共消遣等功能。  相似文献   

University museums and their collections are among the oldest and most significant in the world, yet their role and future is being questioned. They have critical needs for facilities, staff, and support. At risk are millions of objects that document our natural and cultural history and programs for research, teaching, and public education and exhibits. The museums are attempting to redefine, reposition, and clarify their educational mission. Museums such as the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural history are successfully meeting the challenges through strategic planning and funding for new facilities. Other museums are finding solutions with partnerships, links, and tailor‐made service programs. New leadership and management will need to emerge for university museums to reestablish their stature and relevance. Physical and intellectual access to the museums and their objects is a key to their future. The new technologies are tools that museums can use to improve their interpretive programs and increase the depth of their research. Facing shared concerns and challenges, the museums are generating a growning sense of collective urgency and a call for intenational organization, advocacy, and cooperation, resulting in formation of the International Committee for University Museums and Collections.  相似文献   

高校图书馆向社会开放服务是大势所趋,而社会服务能力却略显不足。高校图书馆需要通过重塑公共服务精神、明确双重职能定位、优化人力资源结构、拓展公共服务领域、完善公共服务体系来实现社会服务能力的再造,并要积极为政府、企业和社会大众提供个性化、深层次的服务,在社会化服务中实现智库价值、经济价值、社会价值和文化价值。  相似文献   

Rare book collections are not appropriate for most public libraries because they make demands in terms of housing, staffing, and funding far out of proportion to their usefulness for the average public library patron. Although such collections have interest and value to selected individual, their existence is fundamentally counter to provision of meaningful library service to the general public.  相似文献   

During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, it was not unusual for a public library in the United States to include a collection of medical books among its resources. The origin and development of these collections, the growth of the movement, and the factors which contributed to the eventual withdrawal of these collections from the public library are recounted here.  相似文献   

The economic situation of higher education, creation of vast digital collections, restructuring of knowledge production and distribution, and changing technologies and work practices give libraries incentives collectively to address a number of opportunities. Among these is adopting a radically collaborative approach to print collections. We extrapolate from shared print programs in the United States in 2012 a vision for print collections in the 2020s and discuss the developments needed to achieve it. This vision is the desirable outcome of libraries’ defining their mission less in terms of serving local interests with local means than collectively serving students and scholars.  相似文献   

博物馆越来越重视“教育”目标,关注藏品的“非物质遗产”。科技藏品所承载的知识、过程、方法、态度、价值观以及社会环境等多维信息,是其教育价值所在,是设置和实现其多维教育目标的依据,需要多维的传播和教育形式来实现。中国科技馆基于战国编钟仿制品,开展“解密编钟”系列主题教育活动,通过多维设计,带领观众探索编钟的乐理发声、青铜冶铸、纹饰内涵、历史文化、社会环境等多维信息,为科技藏品的传播提供了新思路。本教育活动采用基于设计的研究方法开发教案,经过实施与评估,证明了多维传播与教育设计框架和案例的有效性。  相似文献   

国内公共图书馆数字化参考咨询服务调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对全国46个公共图书馆数字化参考咨询服务进行调查。结果表明:有33个馆开展了此项服务,占被调查总数的71%;服务模式主要有电子邮件和实时在线回答。服务项目主要有:专家咨询、常见问题解答和文献传递服务等。数字参考咨询服务的资源主要是网络信息资源和馆藏资源。表4。参考文献6。  相似文献   

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