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An Embedded and Embodied Cognition Review of Instructional Manipulatives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent literature on learning with instructional manipulatives seems to call for a moderate view on the effects of perceptual and interactive richness of instructional manipulatives on learning. This “moderate view” holds that manipulatives’ perceptual and interactive richness may compromise learning in two ways: (1) by imposing a very high cognitive load on the learner, and (2) by hindering drawing of symbolic inferences that are supposed to play a key role in transfer (i.e., application of knowledge to new situations in the absence of instructional manipulatives). This paper presents a contrasting view. Drawing on recent insights from Embedded Embodied perspectives on cognition, it is argued that (1) perceptual and interactive richness may provide opportunities for alleviating cognitive load (Embedded Cognition), and (2) transfer of learning is not reliant on decontextualized knowledge but may draw on previous sensorimotor experiences of the kind afforded by perceptual and interactive richness of manipulatives (Embodied Cognition). By negotiating the Embedded Embodied Cognition view with the moderate view, implications for research are derived.  相似文献   

The recent advances in software and computer technology have enabled the incorporation of dynamic representations into a multitude of educational and training environments. Cognitive load theory has been extensively used to enhance learning from complex dynamic representations by providing appropriate instructional designs to manage learner cognitive load. The available evidence, however, indicates that the suggested instructional designs that are effective for novice learners can reverse and become ineffective for learners with higher levels of prior knowledge. This phenomenon is called the expertise reversal effect. This paper reviews a series of recent experimental studies that have found interactions between levels of learners' organized knowledge structures (endogenous support) and effectiveness of different instructional designs (exogenous support), leading to the expertise reversal effect. It is argued that adapting instructional designs to learners with different amount of prior knowledge is a crucial part of effective learning.  相似文献   


The current shift to mediated and WWW-based teaching and learning requires both teachers and learners to adapt established classroom practice to the new online environment. Many of the electronic systems currently on offer fail to support the complexity of interaction necessary to facilitate deep learning. This paper identifies the instructional strategies or “micro-genres” that form the essence of successful classroom teaching, and describes an online system, WebTeach(tm), that attempts to provide structured teacher-learner interactions that build on the familiar activities and strategies of the classroom. Through access to these “micro-genres” in an online classroom, both teacher and learner can reduce the cognitive demands of learning new processes while focusing on strategies for deep learning related to the content of the course.  相似文献   

The interactions between levels of learner prior knowledge and effectiveness of different instructional techniques and procedures have been intensively investigated within a cognitive load framework since mid-90s. This line of research has become known as the expertise reversal effect. Apart from their cognitive load theory-based prediction and explanation, patterns of empirical findings on the effect fit well those in studies of Aptitude Treatment Interactions (ATI) that were originally initiated in mid-60s. This paper reviews recent empirical findings associated with the expertise reversal effect, their interpretation within cognitive load theory, relations to ATI studies, implications for the design of learner-tailored instructional systems, and some recent experimental attempts of implementing these findings into realistic adaptive learning environments.  相似文献   

We discuss the development of an instructional design model, WisCom (Wisdom Communities), based on socio‐constructivist and sociocultural learning philosophies and distance education principles for the development of online wisdom communities, and the application and evaluation of the model in an online graduate course in the USA. The WisCom model aims to facilitate transformational learning by fostering the development of a wisdom community, knowledge innovation, and mentoring and learner support in an online learning environment, based on a “Cycle of Inquiry” module design, and a “Spiral of Inquiry” program design. Extending beyond current instructional design practice, WisCom provides both a new model for teaching that builds upon the inherent capacity of networked communication to support the growth and intellectual development of communities of practice, and a new model of learning where learners engage in the process of scholarly inquiry that supports individual and collective learning. Evaluation and research data support the WisCom model's ability to design a learning community engaged in the collaborative construction of knowledge.  相似文献   

The study examined the effects of two different instructional interventions as support for scientific discovery learning using computer simulations. In two well-known categories of difficulty, data interpretation and self-regulation, instructional interventions for learning with computer simulations on the topic “ecosystem water” were developed and tested using a sample of 124 eighth graders in science classes. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of instructional support for domain-specific factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge acquisition. Students who received either only instructional support for data interpretation or only for self-regulation achieved the highest learning outcomes. However, a combination of instructional support for data interpretation and self-regulation seemed detrimental for knowledge acquisition. Students who received instructional interventions for both data interpretation and self-regulation also showed the highest values of perceived cognitive load. High cognitive load could be a reason for why a combination of particular instructional interventions does not lead to the expected positive learning outcomes.  相似文献   

The changes that have occurred in accepted approaches to teaching and learning in recent years have been underpinned by shifts in psychological and pedagogical theory, culminating in moves towards a constructivist view of learning. This paper looks at the consequences of these theoretical shifts for Computer Assisted Learning (CAL).
Moshman has identified three interpretations of constructivism: endogenous constructivism which emphasises learner exploration, exogenous constructivism which recognises the role of direct instruction, but with an emphasis on learners actively constructing their own knowledge representations and dialectical constructivism which emphasises the role of interaction between learners, their peers and teachers. This classification scheme provides a framework for looking at the various constructivist approaches to CAL.
For example, constructivist CAL materials that draw on the endogenous view include hypermedia environments, simulations and microworlds. Materials that draw on the exogenous view include learner controlled tutorials, cognitive tools and practice modules. Lastly, materials that draw on the dialectical view include Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) tools and support (or scaffolding) tools.  相似文献   

Introductory Psychology courses in Higher Education lack application of knowledge in solving work-based problems. We develop and study mini-games that support a more active and experiential way of learning to increase professional awareness. This paper describes the instructional design and the factors under study: learner control and authenticity. We compared professional awareness and perceived authenticity for the old (without game, n = 130) and new course (with game, n = 197) by administering pre- and post-questionnaires. Participants were allocated to game variants, differing in freedom of assignment order (less or more learner control) and number of sources available (less or more authentic). We computer logged their game actions, and asked them additional questions about gameplay that concerned aspects like motivation, flow, performance, learnability and usability. Both courses improved professional awareness (knowledge gains of 4% for the old and 12% for the new course), but only in the new course with mini-games this was significant. Students evaluated gameplay and their content as “more than sufficient” to “good.” A free order of assignments was found to produce more effective (in-game) performance, and the provision of more sources was found to improve learnability, authentic learning and appreciations of gameplay.  相似文献   

This paper describes how graduate students used paper-based support tools to help them acquire a complex cognitive skill during unsupervised practice, and explains why the tools were able to support the practice. The paper also explains how to design such tools and describes a comparable computer-based performance support system. Ohlsson's (1996) theory of learning from performance errors states that people learn a skill by detecting and correcting errors while performing the skill. Learners must have sufficient initial competence and an informative task environment in order to detect and correct errors and make sound decisions. The support tools were successful because they supplied learners with initial competence and an informative task environment. Tools that support learner error-trapping are more likely to help learners eventually perform without support than systems that correct errors for the learners.  相似文献   

Based on a critical re-analysis of cognitive load theory (CLT), Schnotz and Kürschner identified the need for research on more sensitive ways of assessing learner characteristics, both prior to and during instruction, in order to understand learning processes and outcomes. One emergent theme of the papers in this special issue is that the “same” learning environment is differentially demanding and produces different results depending on characteristics of the learners, most importantly their knowledge in the task domain. These findings indicate that to optimize learning outcomes, theories of instructional design and learning need to be more adaptive and reflect the nuances of interactions among learners, tasks, and instructional supports.  相似文献   

莱夫(Jean Lave)和温格(Etienne Wenger)于1991年出版的《情境学习:合法地边缘性参与》一书,奠定了情境学习理论的基础。但是人们对于情境学习理论的研究主要集中于课程或教学设计等方面,极少关注到学习者角色身份及自我发展的问题。基于社会学角色理论及自我发展心理学相关理论,分析成人如何在不同情境中实现角色适应及自我的发展。  相似文献   

计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)是近年来教育技术和学习科学研究的热点,协作知识建构是CSCL的主要学习方式和学习目标,如何支持和促进协作知识建构是教育研究者和实践者关注的焦点问题之一。在社会建构主义和对话学习理论基础上建立的基于对话的教学设计和基于研究与实践的协作学习过程模型可以作为一种系统的教学模式,引入到CSCL学习环境中来支持协作知识建构。网络环境下协作学习困难和问题调查,以及CSCL课程实践证明:旨在提高学生对话能力,促进学生不同类型对话产生和发展,培养学生批判性思维能力的促进协作知识建构的教学设计和实施策略是有效的,学生在协作学习中能掌握并运用这些策略来促进协作学习。实现知识建构的目标。  相似文献   

In his article “Principled Practical Knowledge: Not a Bridge but a Ladder,” Carl Bereiter (2014) argues that theoretical knowledge is too shallow to support the generation of innovative learning activities. He makes a case for principled practical knowledge (PPK)—“principled know-how and know-why”—to fulfill this practical generative role. We argue and illustrate in this commentary that PPK as portrayed by Bereiter does not offer much practical guidance for 2 potential users: professional designers and teachers. For professional designers PPK should be further specified in order to fulfill its generative role. But even this enriched form of PPK still does not suffice to address the challenging issues of practicality teachers face. We explain the magnitude and dimensions that underlie practicality in the everyday work of teachers and suggest how recent work on fast and frugal heuristics can contribute to helping teachers to make instructional innovations practical.  相似文献   

Simulation environments make it possible for science and engineering students to learn to interact with complex systems. Putting these capabilities to effective use for learning, and assessing learning, requires more than a simulation environment alone. It requires a conceptual framework for the knowledge, skills, and ways of thinking that are meant to be developed, in order to design activities that target these capabilities. The challenges of using simulation environments effectively are especially daunting in dispersed social systems. This article describes how these challenges were addressed in the context of the Cisco Networking Academies with a simulation tool for computer networks called Packet Tracer. The focus is on a conceptual support framework for instructors in over 9,000 institutions around the world for using Packet Tracer in instruction and assessment, by learning to create problem-solving scenarios that are at once tuned to the local needs of their students and consistent with the epistemic frame of “thinking like a network engineer.” We describe a layered framework of tools and interfaces above the network simulator that supports the use of Packet Tracer in the distributed community of instructors and students.  相似文献   

In recent years information technology has been integrated into education to produce a series of trends, beginning with “electronic learning” (e-learning), through “mobile learning” (m-learning) and finally to “ubiquitous learning” (u-learning), which aims to improve learner motivation through overcoming the conventional limitations of time and location. U-learning practices are still being developed, and learners frequently experience difficulty focusing on learning objectives, and effective learning strategy tools are still lacking. This study reports the design of a context-aware astronomy learning system. The system integrates several technologies, including radio frequency identification, wireless communication networks, handheld mobile devices, and databases to help students learn astronomical concepts. Two content modules were developed in the context of natural science education for fifth-grade elementary school students in Taiwan. Indicators of user experience with the system were collected for further phenomenographic analysis, based on four perspectives of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model to assess learner willingness to use this novel u-learning approach. Results show that ease-of-use and the availability of immediate operational or technical support are key factors in increasing learning motivation and performance.  相似文献   

Analytical competency in classroom situations can be seen as a crucial aspect of teachers' professional competency. While case-based learning is considered to have great potential for teacher education, particularly with respect to the promotion of teachers' analytical skills, there have been very few attempts to investigate the effects of corresponding instructional support. The present empirical study investigated the effects of instructional support in the form of multiple perspectives (i.e. authentic comments made by teachers and learners) and the presentation format of these perspectives in a computer-supported case-based learning environment which was based on the principles of cognitive flexibility theory. Twenty-nine foreign-language student teachers participated in the study. Experimental groups were presented with multiple perspectives in a video (plus audio track) or audio-track format. A control group did not have access to these multiple perspectives. The instructional support with multiple perspectives positively influenced learning processes and outcomes with respect to a central dimension of analytical competency – learners' ability to apply conceptual knowledge to case information. Learners with access to multiple perspectives as “audio only” outperformed learners in the “audio + video” condition, who did not substantially differ from the control group.  相似文献   

Hypertext as instructional design   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this article, hypertext is compared with instructional design principles and processes. Contrary to initial perceptions, hypertext can be considered to be theoretically and operationally consistent with instructional design in that both share theoretical foundations in cognitive and systems theory and practical elements of learning environment design. The ability to tailor and extend the functionality of hypertext systems makes them powerful environments for authoring, designing, and displaying most instructional designs. Hypertext systems also can combine the roles of designer and learner by creating a collaborative environment in which the learner can annotate, amend, or author both content and structural elements of the hypertext.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(4):127-130

Student motivation for achievement is a particular concern in college teaching. The desire for students to learn for the sake of learning is strong, yet this often leads to “dumbing down” the curriculum. In this article, I present a case analysis of motivational dimensions of instructional practice in college classrooms using a social cognitive theory approach. Three dimensions are discussed: task, authority, and evaluation. Examples are provided to describe the role that challenge and support play in each of these dimensions. Implications for student motivation and learning are provided.  相似文献   

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