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与一般女性犯罪行为相比,女性性犯罪具有阶段性、流动性、隐蔽性、腐蚀性、反复性等特点。构成女性性犯罪的原因异常复杂,其中,犯罪人自我需要的畸形发展、性爱心理异常、性心理逆变等因素是导致女性实施性犯罪的根本动因。有效预防和矫治女性性犯罪,健全预防机制是重点,强化社会控制手段是关键,完善综合治理机制是基础。  相似文献   

女大学生性犯罪原因探析及预防对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李蓓 《教师》2010,(26):124-126
近年来,我国女性性犯罪的人数呈上升趋势,特别是具有较高文化素质的大学生在女性性犯罪的职业人群中占有相当的比例。本文结合女大学生的性犯罪成因,提出学校加强性教育、家庭提升家长素质、社会营造良好大环境“三管齐下”的预防措施.以期有效遏制女大学生性犯罪的发生。  相似文献   

李蓓 《教师》2010,(23)
近年来,我国女性性犯罪的人数呈上升趋势,特别是具有较高文化素质的大学生在女性性犯罪的职业人群中占有相当的比例.本文结合女大学生的性犯罪成因,提出学校加强性教育、家庭提升家长素质、社会营造良好大环境"三管齐下"的预防措施,以期有效遏制女大学生性犯罪的发生.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,青少年性犯罪已成为当今世界各国普遍关注的社会问题。其特点是:在整个青少年刑事犯罪中处于上升趋势;逐渐趋向低龄化;女性青少年性犯罪增加。因此,研究探讨青少年性犯罪,对加强社会主义精神文明建设,保持社会稳定有着积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

杨明磊 《红领巾》2005,(6):27-30
公共空间中男性身体的意义是双面的,对女性而言,从小到大来自各种渠道的信息与教育不断谆谆告诫,使得男性身体总是被认为隐含着某种性意图或性犯罪的可能,因而在生活中必须不断敏察身边人体的性别属性,并依性别的不同采取放心或不放心的身体因应策略,在自己心态上则着重于减低恐惧与不被控制的心理调适.与此同时,男性身体也被以一种“去性化“的方式观看与理解,相对于男性常以带着性意味的“X光透视眼“观看女性身体,女性则对于男性的教养与修饰,如穿着品位、仪态举止等投以较大的关注,男性身体本身如体格、骨架、腰身或臀部等虽然也会被注意,却不必然会往性的方向联想.男性身体性犯罪化与“去性化“的双重意义,正反映出公共空间中性别偏见的普遍化,而男女双方均以不同形式成为此种性别偏见的受害者.  相似文献   

性犯罪被害人司法救助研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性犯罪被害人是急需救助的弱势群体,而救助性犯罪被害人是司法机关的职责之一。与其他刑事被害人相比,性犯罪被害人精神损害尤为严重,精神损害赔偿的要求合理而强烈,为此司法机关应修改相关司法解释,赋予性犯罪被害人精神损害赔偿权。同时,在司法实践中保障她们的知情权和参与权;鉴于性犯罪被害人的敏感与脆弱性,司法机关在救助时应尊重其人格、保护其隐私。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下女性犯罪的特征、原因及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女性犯罪有如下特征:1.女性犯罪手段多样化;2.女性性犯罪形式增多;3.城市女性贪污贿赂案件性质恶劣,情节严重;4.农村女性暴力犯罪居多。女性犯罪原因主要来自社会环境、家庭因素和个体自身因素。现阶段预防和减少女性犯罪的主要对策是加强女性文化素质、法制观念和思想道德教育.改善妇女成长环境.促进女性平等发展,从整体上提高女性综合素质。  相似文献   

游戏性犯罪是20世纪60年代出现的一种具有典型“后现代社会”特征的犯罪类型。从犯罪年龄看,游戏性犯罪以青少年犯罪人为主体;从犯罪人数看,游戏性犯罪以团伙犯罪为主要类型:从犯罪动机看,游戏性犯罪以开心、取乐、消遣或刺激为驱动力;从犯罪性别看,游戏性犯罪一般由狂妄自大的男性青少年组成。  相似文献   

本文在介绍家庭与女性,女性犯罪现状的基础上,分析了士性犯罪的特点和原因,提出了从伦理角度遏制女性犯罪的建议.  相似文献   

当前,性犯罪被害人普遍存在诉讼中遭受第二次被害、知情权不完整、民事权利得不到应有的保护等问题。基于性犯罪及被害人受害的特殊性,需加强对性犯罪被害人权利的保护,建立防止性犯罪被害人受到第二次伤害的保护制度,完善性犯罪被害人的知情权,赋予性犯罪被害人的精神损害赔偿请求权。  相似文献   

This study explored potential variations in childhood sexual abuse (CSA) by examining qualitative accounts of first sexual experiences among non-disclosing, non-gay identified Black men who have sex with men and women (MSMW). We analyzed data from semi-structured qualitative interviews with 33 MSMW who described first sexual experiences with male and female partners. Thematic analysis revealed four patterns of first sexual experiences including: unwanted sexual experiences with a male or female consistent with definitions of childhood sexual abuse; consensual sex with an older male or female; bodily exploration with another male or female child; and consensual sex with a peer-age female. Most of the experiences described by participants as consensual with an older male or female, however, met criteria for childhood sexual abuse found in the extant literature. Several men discussed childhood sexual experiences (CSE) relative to their experiences with alcohol, drugs, and same-sex behavior as adults. Findings suggest that the relationship between CSE and risk-taking behavior may be shaped by whether men perceive their experiences as abusive or consensual, and have implications for researchers, treatment providers and counselors.  相似文献   

关于儿童教育中理想性别角色问题的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
双性化人格是理想的性别角色模式,它结合了男性和女性心理素质的优点,儿童期是性别角色形成的关键期。影响双性化人格形成的因素包括:性别角色定型观念、家庭、社会角色期望等。在家庭、社会和学校教育教学中应摆脱传统模式束缚,致力于塑造更适应社会发展即具有双性化人格的新一代。  相似文献   

朱大可的《上海:情欲在尖叫》将《上海宝贝》中上海女性的"声音"误读作女性的"情欲",并推演至上海的情欲、中国的情欲.在此过程中,朱大可便轻松完成了从抨击上海女人对西方男人的献媚到上海城体,乃至中国国体对后殖民地时期全球资本市场卖身求荣的批判跑道.这种批评文本展示出较为彻底的仇女主义阅读模式,其实质为一种利用一切父权社会的意识形态资源和政治文化资本(如各式各样的民族主义、性/性别的歧视、剥削、压制、阶级对立等),持续、系统地贬低女性文本的价值,解除女性写作合法化的企图.  相似文献   

丁玲革命 恋爱小说中,革命的叙述话语对恋爱的叙述话语构成压制,但表面的压制之下,奔涌着性别潜流,表现在女性性征情欲的鲜明张扬和女性对自己命运的主体把握及女性性别意识的自觉萌发等方面,基于此,即便是革命 恋爱的小说也浓墨重彩着丁玲的性别思考。  相似文献   

Gardnerella vaginalis (GV) infection has been reported as being acquired via sexual contact in adults and as an indicator of sexual contact in female children (DeJong, 1985). The purpose of this study was to determine if GV infection was more commonly found in 191 female children who gave a history of sexual contact and/or were infected with Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) or Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) (Group 1), compared with 144 female children evaluated for possible sexual abuse and found to have no such history or infection with GC or CT (Group 2), or 31 female children (friends of the authors) without such a history or GC or CT infection (Group 3). Vaginal GV was found in 5.3% of Group 1, 4.9% of Group 2 and 6.4% of Group 3 (p > .05). Also, vaginal GV infection was not related to the type of sexual contact or race, but did increase with age in white female children. Because vaginal GV infection is not more commonly found in children with a history of sexual contact than those without such a history, the finding of GV in a vaginal culture in an individual case would not be a reliable marker of sexual contact. Routine culturing for GV is not recommended as part of a sexual abuse workup.  相似文献   

性型结构与性别决定   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
雌雄异体生物的各种性型,不是由一些游离的染色体组成的混合物,而是通过性健些染色体联结成为不同结构形式的有机整体.各种染色体合的性基因,通过性键在性别决定中起作用供各种性型分别发育为不同性别的生物体昆虫的性型结构为开放型,人类的性型结构为封闭型,由此千万昆虫和人类的X染色体和常染色体组在性别决定中的作用各不相同.  相似文献   

性基因数量与性别决定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
有性基因的存在,就必然有性基因数量的存在.本文用各型生物各种染色体在性别决定中的相对作用来代表它们含性基因的相对数量,以此讨论性基因数量与性别决定的关系,从而揭示出雌雄异体生物的性别,是在性型结构与性基因数量的双重机制作用下,由有效数量大的X基因或Y基因来决定的.X基因与Y基因的有效数量的比率──性指数X/Y和Y/X:为1.0时,发育为中性;小于2.0和为2.0时,发育为性发育不完善的雌性和性发育不完善的雄性及异常雌性和异常雄性;为2.0和大于2.0时,发育为正常雄性和正常雌性;为3,0和大于3O时,发育为超雌性和超雄性.这个理论能取代现有的性别决定学说,统一解释雌雄异体生物的性别决定,把它称之为“性基因数量决定学说”.  相似文献   

Objective: An investigation was conducted into whether child protection investigators, specifically social workers and the police, are as likely to take seriously a case of child sexual abuse if it had been perpetrated by a female rather than a male. Also, to examine whether the decisions relating to female-perpetrated abuse were predicted by participants’ sex role perceptions of women and their attitudes concerning women’s sexualized behavior towards children.Method: Participants advocated decisions in response to four hypothetical case of child sexual abuse in which the perpetrator was either male or female. The female perpetrators were then rated on femininity and masculinity characteristics and attitudes concerning women’s sexualized behavior toward children were assessed.Results: Following male—rather than female—perpetrated sexual abuse, case registration and imprisonment of the perpetrator was considered more appropriate by all participant groups; male social workers also considered social services involvement and investigation as more appropriate. A substantial number of decisions concerning female perpetrated abuse were predicted by participants’ attitudes.Conclusion: While child protection professionals considered child sexual abuse perpetrated by females to be a serious issue warranting intervention, a number of advocated decisions suggested that they did not consider female-perpetrated abuse to be as serious as male-perpetrated abuse. The implication is that victims of sexual abuse perpetrated by a woman may be less likely to receive the protection afforded victims of male-perpetrated abuse. Furthermore, professionals’ practices may be inadvertently perpetuating the view that female child sexual abuse is rare or less harmful than abuse carried out by males.Spanish abstract was not available at time of publication.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the experiences of victims of female sex offenders with regard to disclosing sexual abuse to a professional, and importantly, the impact of professional responses on victims. METHOD: The data were derived from one-to-one semi-structured interviews with 14 (7 males, 7 females) victims of child sexual abuse by female perpetrators. Victims ranged in age from 23 to 59 years and were recruited through professional referrals or through poster advertisements in counseling services. Participants responded to questions on their family background, experience(s) of sexual abuse, experience(s) disclosing the sexual abuse to a professional, and the impact of professional responses. RESULTS: The majority of victims reported sexual abuse by their mothers. The average age of onset of the sexual abuse was age 5, lasting, on average, 6 years. Five participants reported experiencing severe, moderate and mild sexual abuse, four reported experiencing both severe and mild sexual abuse and five reported experiencing moderate and mild sexual abuse. The findings underscore the significance of professional intervention in relation to victim disclosures of sexual abuse by females. Professional responses to disclosures, whether positive or negative, appeared to have a crucial impact on the well-being of victims. Supportive professional responses including the acknowledgment and validation of victims' experiences of sexual abuse appeared to mitigate the negative effects of the abuse. In contrast, unsupportive responses where professionals minimized, or disbelieved victims' allegations of sexual abuse appeared to exacerbate the negative effects of the sexual abuse, ultimately inciting secondary victimization. CONCLUSION: The study highlights the need for the development and implementation of professional training initiatives to sensitize professionals to the issue of female sex offending and the intervention needs of victims. Failure to do so could have negative consequences for victims sexually abused by females.  相似文献   

Adding limited female cues to a conditioned stimulus (CS) facilitates conditioned male sexual responding. In two experiments, we examined the mechanisms of this facilitation effect. The color of the female cues on the CS was varied in Experiment 1. Similarity between the CS plumage color and the color of the live female (the unconditioned stimulus [US]) could only partially account for the results. The extent to which the facilitation effect represents a specialization of sexual behavior was examined in Experiment 2 by comparing conditioning with either food or copulation as the US. The CSs with female cues elicited more approach and grab responses regardless of which US was used. However, uniquely sexual conditioned responses (mounts and cloacal contacts) were enhanced only when sexual reinforcement served as the US. These findings suggest that the facilitation effect of female cues represents a general feature of appetitive behavior systems.  相似文献   

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