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曹禺戏剧被视为中国现代纯粹戏剧的最高典范,但稍加留意就会发现其文本中也存在着大量的叙述话语.这些叙述话语不只是为了第一文本的完美呈现而存在,它是作者凸显个人话语的主要途径,是对第一文本内涵的阐释、补充乃至颠覆、提升.因此,对曹禺戏剧叙述话语的深入研究将有助于开拓曹禺研究的新视野.  相似文献   

曹禺戏剧中充斥着各种各样的镶嵌,它们将社会杂语引入到角色个体的话语中,让读者不仅能听到角色的声音,还能听到他者的声音,看到角色自我与他者话语之间的相互作用相互塑造的复杂的对话关系。  相似文献   

话语是巴赫金理论的重要概念。本文拟对它的发展过程进行研究以厘清巴赫金的话语理论发展路线。他的话语理论主要经历了对话语本身即所涉因素的全面研究,对他人话语及其转述、转述方式的研究和话语与话语关系的研究以及话语镶嵌的三个发展阶段。话语镶嵌是巴赫金话语理论的发展顶峰。  相似文献   

从话语视角看,近70年来的语言政策研究可以分为4个阶段:话语阐释、话语批评、话语互动和话语规划。其中,话语阐释是一种实证性话语叙事,通过逻辑推理来解释政策现象和社会现实之间的因果关系;话语批评更多涉及语言意识形态、权力和不平等问题,认为语言政策并不中立,而是为了维护主流群体的利益,应该寻求针对语言权利的补偿措施;话语互动认为语言政策是“多声部”的,政策的制定、传播和实施都涉及话语协商和利益博弈,政策主体会按照自己的需要“援用”政策话语,导致语言政策的“再语境化”;话语规划认为“政策即话语”,语言政策进程就是塑造、指导和影响人们语言观念的话语操作进程,其核心问题是确定哪些语言问题应受社会关注,哪些语言理念应写入政策文本之中,哪些意识形态应作为社会共识而传播,哪些政策话语在本地化过程中落实为具体措施。美国“英语促进会”(ProEnglish)致力于推动官方英语立法,这一机构的语言政策包括5个相互关联的环节:注意、创制、传播、援用和反馈,形成一个完整的流程模式,呈现出明显的话语规划特征。  相似文献   

论福柯的三维话语理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,福柯的话语理论不是知识话语、权力话语某个单一维度,而是一个话语系统。这个话语系统是由知识话语、权力话语、生命话语三个维度共同构成的。知识话语关注的是真理自身形成的问题,权力话语关注的是作为整体的社会关系规则的问题,生命话语关注的是经验主体建构理想的问题。  相似文献   

高等教育话语是反映高等教育实践活动重要且独特的言语符号系统与价值意涵表征。基于话语权力视角的构建与分析,可以认为:高等教育话语权是高等教育话语所展现出的理论话语主导权、学科话语表达权、工作话语支配权,高等教育话语与高等教育话语权是一体同构的互动关系。然而在中国高等教育话语体系建构过程中,却陷入了高等教育理论话语主导权的"本质性弱势"、高等教育学术话语表达权的"边缘性失语"、高等教育工作话语支配权的"机械性排他"的困境。因此,为切实提高中国高等教育话语体系建构的能力水平,应通过"塑化理论话语的合法性基础、增进学术话语的学术性认同、消解工作话语工具理性和价值理性的对立"三位一体式的策略来共同推进。  相似文献   

张冉 《英语广场》2022,(36):55-58
元话语是关于话语的话语,Hyland将其分为引导式元话语和互动式元话语。本文基于Hyland对互动式元话语的定义与分类,以顺应理论为解释框架,分别从语境关系顺应和动态顺应两个角度对外交话语中的互动式元话语进行分析。本文认为,互动式元话语可以拉近发言人与记者之间的距离,建立良好的受众关系;对于某些不友好的问题,互动式元话语可以达到转移话题焦点的语用功能;与此同时,互动式元话语的使用有助于引导受众更好地理解发言人的话语意义,从而达到外宣目的。  相似文献   

教育学话语既有理论话语,又有常识话语,但长期以来常识话语被严重边缘化了。确立常识话语形态教育学的合法性和正当性地位,对教育学的发展、对完整认识教育学的全貌具有重要意义。和理论话语形态的教育学相比较,常识话语形态的教育学在话语特点、话语主体、关注对象、功能价值、问题域、方法论原则和话语表达方式等诸多方面都有其独具的特点。教育学需要多元话语,理论话语和常识话语走向对话和融通,是未来教育学发展的一个趋势。  相似文献   

依美国情景喜剧《六人行》语料,来阐述元话语和话语标记两者间关系就会发现,任何话语都由基本话语和元话语构成,基本话语侧重于表达概念意义,元话语侧重于表达语篇意义和人际意义。研究中,通过具体定义、分类、对比、分析,能使学生更容易了解口语学习的元话语和话语标记概念,提高口语教学能力。  相似文献   

话语,作为主体间交流的载体,其最重要的功能是意义有效沟通的实现,但是话语间性的存在却使这种功能的发挥受到抑制.话语间性主要有三种表现形式:一是符号间性;二是主体间性;三是语境间性.话语间性问题不单单是一个语言学问题,它最根本的根源在于哲学认识论上存在的主体间性问题.话语间性的存在虽然使得话语交流本身变得更加有意义,但理解的受阻却让这种意义的获得格外困难.因此,突破话语间性的负效应,让理解变得完美,就成为实现话语主体之间价值一致性的有效方法.  相似文献   

对于演讲来说,最重要的两个方面在于:语言的运用和演讲稿的写作。任何一个成功的演讲,都离不开高超的语言技巧运用,而演讲稿的写作,针对不同的演讲形式、对象、气氛和环境,需要区别对待,使听讲者更易于接受,做到有的放矢。  相似文献   

现代人的交流方式越来越多,但是最原始的言语交流还是最为普遍的。它在社会交际中处于一个非常重要的位置,不仅是在我们日常的生活中需要应用到,而且在一些重要的场合比首先言语交际有两个原则即合作原则和礼貌原则。而在言语方面是要做到言语的真诚,言语的得体以及言语的委婉。而且,我们也需要在言语交际的情况之下注意即兴交际,言语拒绝以及跨文化交际的智慧和艺术。  相似文献   

本文以修辞格为基础,探讨了蕴含在其中的韵律,发现了现代汉语修辞格的音乐美。  相似文献   

文章就王熙凤对言语顺应理论的应用进行了研究,分析了在语言交际中,言语趋同和言语偏离产生的利弊。表现在言语各个语言层面上的趋同会造成社会权势和社会地位的认同感;同样表现出的偏离现象拉开了言语交际者的距离。本着亲和力和互惠互利的交际目标才是最高效率的语言交际。  相似文献   

给语文词典标注词性应根据词典的规模、义项归并的粗细确立相应的词类系统,标准要具体简单具有操作性,词性与释义、配例尽量协调一致,妥善处理兼类词及照顾不同层面。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to study the coherent speech features of over-fives with the general speech underdevelopment (GSUD) in the context of communication with their equals and adults in the kindergarten. Discussion is the leading research method. Speech coherence and independence levels are taken as the main parameters of the experimental analysis. This research involved 30 children at the age over five (5 years 3 months to 5 years 7 months). This research has shown that the goal of developing coherent speech in a kindergarten is set and achieved mainly through reading the fiction, but not in detail when it comes to fairy tales. Research results can be used by speech therapists, teachers and parents developing the coherent dialogical and monological speech in over-fives with the GSUD, as well as for drawing up specialised education programmes for children with the GSUD.  相似文献   

Fred Wilson 《Interchange》1996,27(2):125-159
It has been strongly maintained that speech codes at universities interfere with academic freedom, and also, to the contrary, that such speech codes must be developed to restrain appeals to academic freedom that function to restrain the freedom of marginalized groups to participate fully in the university. This essay argues that forms of speech can in fact constrain the freedom, including legitimate academic freedom, of many persons, not only, but importantly including, marginalized groups; that speech codes have always existed; and that reasonable ones can be developed which do not interfere with freedom of teaching, learning, and research in the university; and in particular that definitions of academic freedom such as that developed by the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) are compatible with such speech codes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new proposal to synthesize natural sounds with less control parameters by combining the inverse speech production and pitch-synchronous articulatory synthesis. The pitch-synchronous excited Reflection-Type Line Analog (RTLA) model is employed as the synthesis filter. Multi-rate system sampling and dynamic scattering wave adjustment are used to handle the variable VT length and the acoustic continuity. The synthesizer is controlled by vocal-tract (VT) area functions. Given the targets of formant trajectories, the dynamic VT area function which is modeled by time variant VT length is derived using an inverse solution of speech production. A distinguishing feature of this method is that artificially specified formant trace can be precisely aimed in the synthetical sounds. Experimental results show that the formant target can be well matched by the synthetic sounds. Potential application to text-to-speech conversion of this method is discussed. Project supported by NSFC (69972046), and Zhenjiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (698076).  相似文献   

Self-regulation includes both cognitive and affective components, but few researchers have investigated how these components interact to better explain self-regulation. The purpose of this study was to investigate how children's private speech, which is typically related to cognitive ability, was utilized during an emotion-eliciting task. By examining the social and private speech that occurred as children coped with a frustration task, a better understanding of how children regulate their emotional displays can be achieved. Children's speech, emotional expressions (sadness and anger), and emotion regulation strategies (distraction and self-comforting) were coded during a frustration task completed by preschool-aged children (N = 116). Children's social speech to mothers and private speech were transcribed. Children's private speech was categorized according to five mutually exclusive categories: vocalizations, inaudible muttering, task-irrelevant, negatively valenced task-relevant, or facilitative task-relevant. Sadness was associated with more social speech and negatively valenced task-relevant private speech, whereas anger was associated with less distraction and facilitative task-relevant private speech and more vocalizations and negatively valenced task-relevant private speech. Additionally, private speech predicted unique variance beyond that explained by the emotion regulation strategies and moderated the relations of emotion regulation strategies to both anger and sadness. These empirical findings support theoretical propositions that language is a factor in children's emotion regulation. The implications of these findings include support for the encouragement of private speech in the classroom because of its relation to emotional, in addition to cognitive, regulatory functions.  相似文献   

由语句内特定词汇和结构表达的命题意义叫言内意义,言内意义对听者或读者造成影响的意义叫言外意义.同时具有言内意义和言外意义的话语叫言语行为,而出于礼貌考虑间接执行请求、拒绝或抱怨等功能的言语行为就是间接言语行为.表示同一言外行为的言内行为,异彩纷呈,各具特色.文章选取一段极具个人特色的电影台词作为案例,介绍间接言语行为等一系列有关概念及其相互横向和纵向关系,并且探索与言内行为有关的各个翻译原则及其横向、纵向关系,从而从一个侧面展示语言学课程如何解决理论和实践联系这一个大的问题.  相似文献   

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