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The effects of varying placement of a review period and test expectancy on students' notetaking, review strategies, and performance on delayed free recall, application, and cloze tests were investigated. One hundred fifty-six undergraduates took notes on two texts with the expectation that they would be tested for quantity of information remembered from one text and for their ability to apply information from a second text. Students were assigned to one of five review conditions: (a) at acquisition, (b) 1 day after acquisition, (c) prior to test, (d) mental review prior to test, and (e) no review. Results revealed that placement of a review period influences free recall performance, but has no effect on cloze and application test performances. Contrary to prediction, varying expectancy did not enhance performance on criterion measures which matched students' expectancies compared to those which did not.  相似文献   

Recently, Diemand-Yauman et al. Cognition, 118, 114–118 (2011) demonstrated that learning with disfluent (hard-to-read) materials is more effective than learning with easy-to-read materials – a study that has since stipulated a number of follow-up studies (with mixed results). However, there is a potential confound in the original experiments: The disfluent materials were not only disfluent but also rather unusual. Therefore, they might have been particularly distinctive and have attracted more attention, which then resulted in better learning. We conducted three experiments to address this confound, all of them slightly modified replications of Diemand-Yauman et al.’s Experiment 1. Participants received five lists, either at their own pace on a computer screen (Experiment 1) or experimenter-paced on paper (Experiments 2 & 3). In Experiments 1 and 2, participants either received one fluent and four disfluent lists or they received four fluent lists and one disfluent list. The position of the distinct list varied across participants. In Experiment 3, the distinct list was always the penultimate one. In none of the experiments, learning performance was affected by any of the experimental manipulations. Our results question the generality of the disfluency effect with respect to learning.  相似文献   

The experience of fluency while learning might bias students’ metacognitive judgments of learning (JOLs) and impair the efficacy of their study behaviors. In the present experiments, we examined whether perceptual fluency affects JOLs (1) when people only experience one level of fluency, (2) when item relatedness is also available as a cue, and (3) across study-test trials. Participants studied a list of paired associates over two study-test trials and made JOLs for each item after studying it. We varied the perceptual fluency of the memory materials by making the font easy (fluent) or difficult (disfluent) to read. We also varied whether we manipulated the perceptual fluency of the items between-participants or within-participants and whether other memory factors—item relatedness and study time—were available for participants to use to inform their JOLs. We were only able to obtain effects of perceptual fluency on JOLs when we manipulated fluency within-participants and eliminated item relatedness as a cue for JOLs. The present results indicate that some effects of perceptual fluency on JOLs are not robust and might only occur under limited—and somewhat contrived—conditions. Therefore, these effects might be unlikely to bias students’ JOLs in actual learning situations.  相似文献   

Learning from printed text is a central academic task that may be challenging for students. Two ways to improve learning from text are to encourage learners to engage in generative learning strategies while reading, such as constructing an outline, or for instructors to include effective instructional design features, such as providing an outline with the text. A meta-analysis of studies comparing a group that was asked to generate an outline while reading a text to a control group that was not asked to outline found an average effect size of g+ = 0.59 on memory tests, g+ = 0.59 on comprehension tests, and g+ = 0.52 on writing assignments favoring learner-generated outlining. A meta-analysis of studies comparing a group that read a text containing an outline with a control group that read the same text without an outline found an effect size of g+ = 0.61 for memory tests and g+ = 0.34 for comprehension tests favoring instructor-provided outlining. Overall, there is encouraging evidence for the effectiveness of outlining as a generative learning strategy and for the effectiveness of outlining as an instructional design feature based on signaling, consistent with generative learning theory.  相似文献   

Nine case studies were conducted to evaluate the usefulness of a predictive text entry program within a classroom environment. The program, PAL, was found to be very successful in eight of the cases. For children with poor motor control, the key-saving aspects speeded up text creation. Of even greater significance was the extent to which children with severe spelling problems were helped. They were able to produce much higher quality written work with a substantial reduction in the number of spelling errors. This provided great motivation for the children, and teaching staff commented on their improved confidence and attention span, as well as stimulation of language and vocabulary development. One of the children was on the verge of being classified as a non-reader and, although progress was slow, a significant improvement in the child's work was observed.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of redundant on-screen text on learning from an animated PowerPoint presentation, narrated either by a native or a foreign-accented narrator, with no text, summary text, or full text. Participants completed retention and transfer tests and rated the cognitive load induced by the narration and the PowerPoint materials. With a native narrator, participants performed better on transfer with no text than summary text (redundancy effect). The foreign-accented narration was perceived to be more difficult to understand. Transfer performance was worse for accented than native narration with no text, replicating a voice effect. With a foreign-accented narrator, participants performed better on retention with full text than summary text. Full text facilitated decoding of the accented narration at the word level, but it did not facilitate deep processing for knowledge transfer. The results are discussed in the context of cognitive load and the cognitive theory of multimedia learning.  相似文献   

Integrative processing of verbal and graphical information is crucial when students read an illustrated text to learn from it. This study examines the potential of a novel approach to support the processing of text and graphics. We used eye movement modeling example (EMME) in the school context to model students' integrative processes of verbal and pictorial information by replaying a model's gazes while reading an illustrated text on a topic different from that of the learning episode. Forty-two 7th graders were randomly assigned to an experimental (EMME) or a control condition (No-EMME) and were asked to read an illustrated science text about the food chain. Online measures of text processing and offline measures of reading outcomes were used. Eye-movement indices indicated that students in the EMME condition showed more integrative processing than students in the No-EMME condition. They also performed better than the latter in the verbal and graphical recall, and in the transfer task. Finally, the relationship between the duration of reprocessing the graphical segments while rereading the correspondent verbal segments and transfer performance was stronger in the EMME condition, after controlling for the individual differences of prior knowledge, reading comprehension, and achievement in science. Overall, the findings suggest the potential of eye-tracking methodology as an instruction tool.  相似文献   

The number of facts college students correctly recalled was not affected by whether they were provided goals which did or did not encourage them to reorganize the passage material they studied. This held both for learners asked to recall all facts they could and those asked to recall only a portion of the goal-targeted facts. Learners whose recall exhibited reorganization of passage material did not differ in number of correctly recalled facts from those who failed to reorganize the passage material. Learners were more apt to reorganize the text materials when asked to recall only a portion of the goal-targeted facts than when asked to recall all facts they could. Self-report data suggest learners primarily use goals to rehearse the targeted material only after they carefully read a study passage.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of student-generated drawing and imagination on learning recall, learning transfer, and...  相似文献   

The current study examines the effects of digital scaffolding on the English literacy of fourth- and sixth-grade students. A total of 1085 native English-speaking and language minority students from 25 treatment classes and 20 control classes across three school districts participated in this study for one school year. Treatment students read their English language arts and social studies text in visual-syntactic text format (VSTF) on their laptops and control students read the regular block format of the textbook either on their laptops or in print. Observations and interviews revealed that VSTF reading facilitated instruction processes and student learning in reading activities. The results of California Standard Tests (CST) before and after the treatment revealed that sixth-graders who received syntactic scaffolding outperformed control students on the composite CST score. In particular, reading in VSTF benefited the treatment students in three CST sub-categories: word analysis, written conventions and writing strategies. This study suggests that future research should investigate instructional strategies that support reading and writing development of adolescents, including at-risk students, using syntactic scaffolding.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of studying a causal diagram on comprehension of causal relationships from an expository science text. A causal diagram is a type of visual display that explicitly represents cause-effect relationships. In Experiment 1, readers between conditions did not differ with respect to memory for main ideas, but the readers who studied the causal diagram while reading the text understood better the five causal sequences in the text even when study time was controlled. Participants in Experiment 2 studied only the causal diagram or only the text. There were no differences in memory for main ideas or the causal sequences between these groups. Results indicate that causal diagrams are not merely redundant with text and that causal diagrams affect understanding of causal relationships in the absence of a text. These findings supported the causal explication hypothesis, which states that causal diagrams improve comprehension by explicitly representing the implicit causal structure of the text in a visual format.  相似文献   

This study explored conditions under which note taking methods and self-monitoring prompts are most effective for facilitating information collection and achievement in an online learning enviornment. In experiment 1 30 students collected notes from a website using an online conventional, outline, or matrix note taking tool. In experiment 2 119 students collected notes from a larger, more ecologically valid set of learning materials using the conventional, outline, or the matrix tool. One half of the students also received prompts designed to encourage self-monitoring. Results of both experiments indicated that the matrix note taking device was a superior tool for collecting information and for achievement. Results of experiment 2 indicated that self-monitoring prompts have a significant positive impact on notes taken and achievement as well. Results are discussed relative to self-regulated learning and perceptual enhancement theories.  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2007,17(3):286-303
Previous research has shown that encouraging learners to explain material to themselves as they study can increase their understanding. Furthermore, different types of material (e.g. text or diagrams) influence learners’ self-explanation behaviour. This study explores whether the coherence of text impacts upon the self-explanation effect. Forty-eight low-knowledge learners (university students) learnt about the circulatory system with text that was designed to be either maximally or minimally coherent. Half of these learners also received self-explanation training. Results showed that learners given maximally coherent text learnt more, as did learners who self-explained. However, this was not because coherent text increased self-explaining. Instead minimally coherent text significantly increased the number of self-explanations that learners made. It is suggested that self-explaining in the minimal text condition served to compensate for weaknesses and gaps in the text, whereas self-explaining in the maximal text condition may have led learners to detect flaws in their mental models and repair them. Consequently, rather than providing a minimally coherent text which compels low knowledge learners to self-explain to overcome its deficits, we should instead encourage learners to self-explain from well structured and explicit text.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the influences of text structure on students' conceptual change. Case studies were conducted of three sections of physics (Physical World, Physics, and Honors Physics) for 8 months of an academic year. Qualitative data (including observation field notes, interviews, videotapes, audiotapes, and questionnaires) were analyzed from the perspective of grounded theory by constant comparison through the framework of social constructivism. Results showed that individuals used refutational text to change their alternative conceptions, find support for their scientific preconceptions, gain the language necessary to discuss their ideas, and acquire new concepts. We also found instances, however, when students ignored the text and persisted with their alternative conception, or when students found support for their nonscientific ideas from refutational text. In these cases, we found that either the refutation was not direct enough to be effective, or students' reading strategies were insufficient to facilitate conceptual change. In investigating the power of refutational text, we found that refutational text does cause cognitive conflict. We also discovered that while cognitive conflict may be necessary for conceptual change to occur, it is not sufficient. Although refutational text is effective on the average for groups of students, it will need to be supplemented by discussion for individuals. J Res Sci Teach 34: 701–719, 1997.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the hypothesis that learning is enhanced through the act of teaching others. Specifically, two experiments aimed to disentangle the relative effects of teaching expectancy (i.e., preparing to teach) and actually teaching (i.e., explaining to others for instructional purposes) on learning. Some participants studied a lesson on the Doppler Effect without the expectation of later teaching the material and then took a comprehension test on the material (control group). Other students studied the same lesson with instructions that they would later teach the material; of those expecting to teach, some participants actually taught the material by presenting a brief video-recorded lecture before being tested (teaching group), whereas others only prepared to teach before being tested (preparation group). Results of Experiment 1 indicated that both the preparation group and teaching group significantly outperformed the control group on an immediate comprehension test (Teaching vs. Control: d = 0.82; Preparation vs. Control: d = 0.59). However, when the same test was given following a one-week delay (Experiment 2), only the teaching group significantly outperformed the control group (Teaching vs. Control: d = 0.79; Preparation vs. Control: d = 0.24). Overall, these findings suggest that when students actually teach the content of a lesson, they develop a deeper and more persistent understanding of the material than from solely preparing to teach.  相似文献   

Embedded response prompts are an effective method to support multimedia learning. Response prompts are directives situated within instructional material. Responding to these prompts affects learners' cognitive operations. Different types of prompts affect learning differently due to variations in stimulated cognitive operations. This study compared three types of experimental response prompts; prompts to self-explain the contents of a page, prompts to attend to diagrams and text-diagram relations, and prompts to self-explanation text-diagram relations; and two control conditions. Three tasks that measure verbal text knowledge, diagram knowledge, or knowledge of text-diagram relations assessed learning. The effects of diagram comprehension ability were also considered. A 5 X 3 mixed model ANCOVA revealed an interaction between prompting conditions and posttest tasks. Diagram comprehension ability was associated with task performance but did not interact with conditions.  相似文献   

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