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请看下面一组高考题,下加横线的选项为答案。1.(2005山东)—H ave you been to N ew Zealand?—N o,Id like to,.A.too B.though C.yet D.either2.(2005浙江)The old towerm ustbe saved,the cost.A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.wherever3.(2005重庆),he talks a lotabouthis favourite singers afterclass.A.A quietstudentas he m ay beB.Quietstudentas he m ay beC.Be a quietstudentas he wasD.Quietas he m ay be a student4.(2005广东),Cardina couldn tgetthe dooropen.A.Try as she m ight B.A s she m ighttryC…  相似文献   

请看NMET关于“—ever”用法的几道单项选择题: ①If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ____ great it is. (’95NMET) A.what B.how C.however D.whatever 答案:C。“however”,adv.意为“无论如何”、“不管怎样”。 ②It is generally considered unwise to give a child ____ he or she wants. (’97 NMET) A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever  相似文献   

1. he was chosen m ade us happy , but he chose from the presents m ade us angry. A.W hat ; what B .W hat ; that C .That ; that D .That ; w hat 2.Y esterday we heard the news our team had w on the m atch , but we did nothear the bestnews excited everyone. A .that ; which B .that ; that C.which ; that D .which ; which 3.They asked her with her. A .whatw as the m atter B .w hatthe m atter was C.whatwas wrong D .both A and C 4.M rW ang is no longer he w as two years ago.W e don蒺tknow happ…  相似文献   

Unit 211.(2005浙江)I couldn t .The line was busy. A .go by B .go around C.get in D .getthrough 2.(N M ET 1998)—C an I get you a cup oftea? — . A .Thats very nice ofyou B .W ith pleasure C.Y ou can,please D .Thank you for the tea 3.(2004湖北 )W hat surprised m e w as not w hat he said but he said it. A .the way B .in the way that C.in the way D .the way which 4.(1998上海) m ost students,she was always w ell prepared and never cam e to class late. A .Like B .A s C .For D .To 5.(200…  相似文献   

英语的一个重要语法项目,也是各地中考命题的一个热点。为帮助同学们搞好名词复习,本文结合近年来各地中考题对名词考点进行归纳分析,希望能对同学们的复习迎考有所帮助。一、考查名词的单数和复数【典型考题】1.The has two.(2001广西)A.boys;watches B.boy;w atchC.boy;w atches D.boys;w atch2.Ten were hurt,but no werelost in that accident.(2003梅州)A.people;life B.people;livesC.peoples;life D.peoples;lives3.A ll the teachers and thestudents there are having a m eeting.(2003四川内江)A.m en;boys B.m en;boyC.m a…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单 项 选 择1.— does Tom learn E nglish?— H e learns E nglish .A .W hat;by playing w ith his friendsB .H ow ;by reading aloudC .W hich;by helping w ith hom ew orkD .H ow ;by playing2.M any students think the best w ay E nglishis by using E nglish.A .to learn B .learnt C .learning D .learns3.She alw ays had trouble com plete sentences.A .m akes B .to m ake C .m aking D .m ade4.I realized that it doesn ' t m atter youdon 't understand every w ord.A .how B .until C .w hat D .if5.Y o…  相似文献   

第一部分:听力(略)第二部分:英语知识运用第一节单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.It w as how the young m an had learnedfive foreign languages attractedthe audience’s interest.A.so that B.thatC.w hat D.in which22.—O h,m ust you?Stay a bit longer.It’s been such fun having you.—.I’ve got an early starttom orrow m orning.A.N o problem B.A ll rightC.Thanks anyw ay D.N ever m ind23.It’s clear that sm oking has a badon people’s health.A.result B.effectC.end …  相似文献   

第一部分:听力。(略)第二部分:英语知识运用。(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.—W hat you the chance to seethe film﹖—A ttending the m eeting.A.spend B.took C.cost D.paid22.The recorder500yuan.But Idon’t think it’s dear.It’s thatm uch.A.costs worth B.w orths costC.w orths w orth D.takes cost23.The Sm iths into a new flat.They where they used to live.A.have m oved no longer liveB.has m oved no longer l…  相似文献   

请先看2005年两道高考题: 1.The poor young man is ready to accept_____help he can get(2005 NMET) A.whichever B.however C.whatever D.whenever  相似文献   

U nit191.(2004全国卷Ⅲ)W hen w e plan our vacation,m other often offerssuggestions.A.careful B.practical C.effective D.acceptable2.(2004天津)—H ow often do you eatout?—,but usually once a week.A.H ave no idea B.ItdependsC.A s usual D.G enerally speaking  相似文献   

纵观历年各地的中考英语试卷,笔者发现对宾语从句的考查是测试的热点之一。为帮助同学们掌握宾语从句,本文拟结合近几年中考题对宾语从句的考点进行归纳分析,希望对同学们的学习有所帮助。一、考查宾语从句的连接词【典型考题】1.—D o you know I could pass theexam?—Sorry,I’ve no idea.(2003山西省)A.that B.whetherC.what D.w hich2.She said she w ould leave them essage on the headm aster’s desk.(2002厦门)A.that B.w here C.which D.what3.—C ould you tell m e?—She is a student in E ton School.(2005河南省)A.…  相似文献   

请看下面一道高考题:(2005浙江)The president spoke at the business m eeting for nearlyan hour without his notes.A.bringing up B.referring toC.looking for D.trying on答案为B。该题考查refer的用法。refer在中学英语中是个常用词,用法看似简单,使用起来却颇有难度。现将其主要用法归纳如下,供大家学习时参考。一、refer+宾语+to...的用法1.表示“把……提交给……”或“把……委托给……”之意。例如:Tom is going to refer the m atter to the m eeting.汤姆打算把这件事提交到会议上去处理。I don t wantto refer this pati…  相似文献   

1.【原句】H ow often do you w atchT V?(U1)【真题】—do you have a sports m eet-ing?—Tw ice a year.(2005四川省)A.H ow soon B.H ow oftenC.H ow long【解析】how often意为“隔多久”,用来提问动作的频率,常对频率副词always,usually,often,som etim es,hardly,ever,never等进行提问。how soon意为“过多久”,通常对表示将来的短语如in two days等提问。how long意为“多久”,通常对表示一段时间的状语如fortwo days,since...等提问。答案为B。2.【原句】She says it’sgood for m y health.(U1)【真题】多喝水,对你的身体有…  相似文献   

先看几道有关m ake的中考试题:1.U ncle W ang m ade a m odel plane m e yesterday.(贵阳市)A.to B.for C.at D.in2.The good new s them happy.(大连市)A.have B.m akes C.keep D.feel3.So m uch w ork usually m akes them very tired.(吉林省)A.to feel B.feels C.feeling D.feel4.—Y our coat looks nice.Is it cotton?—Y es.It’s Shanghai.(南昌市)A.m ade of;m ade by B.m ade of;m ade in C.m ade for;m ade in D.m ade from;m ade by5.Paper is m ade wood.(曲靖市)A.of B.from C.in D.into上面几道题的答案分别是…  相似文献   

1.The only language is easy to learn is the m other language.A.which B.that C.w hose D.it2.D o you still rem em ber the day I first cam e to Beijing?A.which B.that C.w hen D.w here3.Im going to visit the school m y m other taught physics ten yearsago.A.where B.that C.w hich D.w hat4.—H ow do you like the cake?—Its quite differentfrom I had last m onth.A.that B.w hich C.the one D.the one w hat5.The N ile,electricity is produced,no longer destroys villagesand crops.A.which B.from w h…  相似文献   

A卷Ⅰ.单项填空1.—The fish tastes good,doesn tit?—Y es.Its delicious.A.m uch B.m ore C.m ore than D.rather than2.Frankly,I don tthink it for her to w in the gam e.A.likely B.possibly C.probably D.sim ply3.The belief there w ere ghosts and m onsters in the village provefalse.A.where B.which C.that D.how4.They have their ow n features,butthey all the spiritofcreativitA.charge B.contain C.spare D.share5.The dictionary,she benefited a lot,is now m issing.A.which B.that C.from w hich D.o…  相似文献   

第 一卷 第一部分:听力 (略) 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节) 第一节:单项填空 21.—Thanks for the lovely party and the delicious food. — . A .N o,thanks B .N ever m ind C.A ll right D .M y pleasure 22.Ifyou get to m y house before I do,help yourself to a drink and . A .take iteasy B .be careful C.thats allright D .m ake yourself at hom e 23. people w ho learn English as a foreign language m ore than 750m illion. A .N um ber of;reach B .A num ber of;reaches C.The num ber of;is D .The num be…  相似文献   

U nit 13 Ⅰ.语音(5分)从 A 、B 、C 、D 中找出划线部分读音与众不同的选项。 1.A .know B.yellow C .brow n D .window 2.A .duty B.but C .student D .excuse 3.A .sweater B.teacher C .m eat D .please 4.A .sky B.why C .m y D .any 5.A .about B.England C .nam e D .banana Ⅱ.词汇(20分) A )用括号内所给词的反义词或对应词填空。 6.Is (that)a (w hite)car? 7. (those)are m y (new )friends. 8.Please (go) (there). 9.The (old)girlcan (ask)you. 10.“Is the ball (under)the bed?”“ (no),itis.” B )根据句意,…  相似文献   

正请同学们先看两道中考题:1.-Excuse me.Could you tell me__get to the nearest post office?-Sorry,I am new here.(2013年山东省威海市)A.how can I B.how I could C.how to D.what I can2.Students should learn how__problems.(2013年四川省雅安市)A.solve B.solving C.can solve D.to solve分析:上面的两道中考题均是考查同学们对连接代/副词后接动词不定式用法的掌握情况,答案分别是1.C;2.D。英语中,"连接代/副词+动词不定式"是一种常用的结构,其中的连  相似文献   

情态动词是初中英语中的一个重要语法项目,也是全国各省市中考试题的一个考查热点。本文以近几年全国部分省市中考试题为例,对情态动词的考点和考查热点作一分析。一、考查m ust的用法①考查m ust表示义务的用法。在这一用法中,m ust意为“必须”,“应该”,表示必须要做的事。例如:1.Y ou be careful with fire when youhave a picnic in the forest.It’s toodangerous.(2005安徽省课改卷)A.w ill B.m ust C.can D.m ay2.D on’t play com puter gam es again.Y oustudy hard.(2005贵州省课改卷)A.can B.m ay C.m ust D.needn’t3.C …  相似文献   

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