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You might have never heard of the CERN laboratory,but this is all about tochange.On10th September 2008 the most powerful scientific experiment ever attempted willtake place at this quiet research centre nearGeneva on the border of France and Switzer-land.Buried underground,the Large HadronCollider(LHC)is about to be switched on.In laymen‘s terms,it is a kind of time ma-chine that could open a window on how theuniverse appeared in the first few microsec-onds of its existence.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇。 A)根据句意及首字母提示填入所缺单词。 1. We have an English p____ on Thursday. 2. ——What d____ is today? ——It!s Sunday. 3. ——What is the d____ today? ——It!s September 14th. 4. Do you like the music c____ on CCTV? 5. Our school has a schoo  相似文献   

Introd uctionSch ein (19 9 2) ever argued th at th e relationsh ip between lead ersh ip andculture is com plem entary. On th e beginning th e leader creates th e organizationand at th e sam e tim e its culture. W h en th e organizational culture is stabilizedand form alized , on the contrary it will decid e what kind of lead er is suitable forthe organization. Th at is to say, it sets the criteria for selecting th e lead ers. Asth e d evelopm ent of th e organization and its culture, when fac…  相似文献   

This paper, through a phenomenological study, is designed to study those overwhelming problems and concerns in intercultural adaptations commonly confronted with foreign Chinese students at an American institute since September 11th. After a qualitative study on the concerns and intercultural adaptations of fifteen Chinese graduate students majoring in different programs, it was found that in addition to language and culture deficiencies, the instability and the changes of the immigration laws and regulations regarding international students and scholars after the September 11th incident in the US is the big hurdle that encumbers them from a comparatively faster and better adaptation. The growing economic prosperity in Mainland China also affects the foreign Chinese students' motivation in intercultural adaptations in the US.  相似文献   

陈睿 《今日中学生》2013,(29):27-28
Grandparents Day Grandparents Day was celebrated on 9th September in the US and in October in the UK in 2012.Grandparents are important to children in so many ways.They have patience and time when parents are busy.They have stories to tell and interesting games to play.Children need them from time to time.In America,National Grandparents Day began in 1978.In the UK  相似文献   

Schools in the USA and China are different in many ways,especially when it comes to"homework".In America,different state has different academic system(学制),"five-three-four"is common. American schools are not difficult from kindergarten to the end of high school. Elementary schools are from the end of kindergarten to the 5th grade.Middle schools are from the 6th to the 8th grade. High schools are from grade 9 to12.  相似文献   

1.〔要点〕Today is Thursday,September10 th,Teachers'Day.今天是星期四 ,九月十日 ,是教师节。〔考点〕 (1) September 10 th is inChina.A.Teacher's DayB.Teachers'DayC.Teacher DayD.Teachers Day(2 ) March 8is Day.A.Woman's  B.Womens'C.Woman's D.Women's〔解析〕规则名词复数的所有格是在其后加“’”,切忌将名词写成单数再加“’s”。不规则名词复数的所有格则在其后加“’s”。所以答案为 (1) B(2 ) D。2 .〔要点〕We'd better go too.我们也最好去。〔考点〕 (1) It's getting dark.We'd bettera bus home.A.t…  相似文献   

Welcome to the Website for the 2005 National Book Festival.This is the fifth annual National Book Festival and once again we have anoutstanding group of authors who will be joining us on September 24 on the NationalM all in Washington, D .C . to talk about and sign their books.The festival is organized and sponsored(资助) by the Library of Congress and hosted by Laura Bush. It is free and open to the publicand this year features more than 80 award-w inning authors appearing in “Fiction…  相似文献   

Dr Wiseman started"the laugh lab"in September,2001.It is the largest study of humor.Participants(参加者) are invited to log on to the laugh lab website(网站),(?)1(?)a few personal details,(?)2(?)their fa-  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。1.The first m onth of the year is J.2.Septem ber is the n m onth of theyear.3.The l m onth of a year is D ecem ber.4.I’m12years old.M y b isN ovem ber18th.5.W e have a m festival in A ugust.6.H er birthday p is on O ctober22nd.7.Children’s D ay is on J1st.8.G ina was born on D28th.9.M onday is the s day of the week.10.Spring in Beijing usually lasts穴持续雪fromM to M ay.Ⅱ.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1.The穴four雪day of the week is m ybirthday.2.J…  相似文献   

The September 11 attacks have not led to theincrease of intolerance(不能忍耐)in US classroomsthat had been feared,but the national wound hasleft at least one permanent(永久的) mark in theplaygrounds of America by reshaping teenage slang. The favourite insult(侮辱)these days is "That’sso September 10"-used on anyone obsessed(被困扰)with small issues,or behind the times. Another common insult is "Osama yo’mama."(Osama bin Laden’s your mother.)Unstylishly(不合  相似文献   

us of the monitoring work on the adverse event of medical device. Focusing on the phenomena that the reported adverse event of medical device is quite low, we use the method to analyze th  相似文献   

1 At dawn on Septem ber 5th,1972,a band of"Black September"Arab guerrillas(游击队员)broke into the Israeli building in the Olympic village near Munich where 10000 athletes were staying.Over 250 plain clothes police,warned of trouble ahead,had been brought into the village,but none of them saw the Arabs climb over the fence.They burst into the Israeli building with machine-guns firing at 5:10a.m..Some Israeli athletes escaped through the windows and side doors.Nine were taken as hostages(人…  相似文献   

Say goodbye to flashy longos, spike heels and camouflage prints. As the world recovers from the September 11 attacks on the United States, people are seeking refuge at home and the guiding concept for fashion in 2002 is comfort.Style consultants say the big trend for next year is nesting. Couch potatoes no longer spend hours slumped in front of the television. Instead, experts predict a big rise in laid-back home entertaining.  相似文献   

Vincent Van Gogh is often remembered as the painter who cut off his ear in a fit of passion.He was a lonely man who often. without food in order to buy paints, a man with few friends and a 2 temper.Van G ogh’s strong emotions not only 3his life,but his paintings.Many of Van Gogh’s paintings were by warm 熏 yellow sunlight becausehe loved how it could 5 the world indifferent ways.H is painting Sunflowers熏forexam ple熏 is 6 yellow s and browns.These colors give the painting a 7 ofw arm th. H ow ever熏 the sunflo...  相似文献   

钱艳秋 《海外英语》2011,(2):178-180
Thomas Hardy, the remarkable nineteenth-century novelist, is one of the representatives of English critical realism at the turn of the 19th century. Among his numerous works, Tess of the D’ Urbervilles could be regarded as the summit of his realistic novels. The heroin Tess has strong rebellious spirit and her rebellion is progressive. Although her rebellion is of nature, instinct and blindness at the beginning, develop from passive to active, from unconscious to rational. She challenges conventional moral, religious and social attitudes in her own way and grows into a mature and reasonable woman from an innocent girl of nature at last.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示, 完成单词拼写。 1. The bank is a_____ from the supermarket. 2. She’s from New York, a famous city of A_____. 3. Joan’s b____ is March 16th. 4. There are many people on the bus, and it’s c____. 5. The students are taking photos with a nice c_____. 6. I atealot, because the foodwasso d_____. 7. Koalas sleep d_____ the day, but at night they get up to get food. 8. I don’t like math, because it is too d____. 9. Don’t play soccer on the street. It’s too d_____. 10.…  相似文献   

说到世界上观赏野生动物最好的地方,也许你会马上联想到非洲。本刊专栏作者Brad为了一偿自己的夙愿,踏上了南非之旅,第一站便来到了南非首都约翰内斯堡。The Long Journey漫长的旅途Leaving Victoria,on September 16th,2014,we had a long trip ahead on our wonderful adventure.I love animals of all kinds,and so it had been my"Bucket List1"wish to see the Big Five.We started out by taking BC Ferries from the Island to  相似文献   

XU Ran 《海外英语》2013,(1):252-254
Delivering a public speech is to produce a work of verbal art.As other kinds of art,the intelligent use of techniques along with rich and true feelings makes public speech attractive.On September 4th,Michelle Obama addressed a speech at the Democratic National Party Convention for his husband-Barack Obama’s re-election.In the speech,many stylistic techniques are employed that deserve a specific analysis to exhibit what they are,and how they help the speech win an active reaction from the audience.The analysis will be carried out from four perspectives,namely,phonological,lexical,syntactical and semantic analy ses.  相似文献   

In West Java, Indonesia, ram fighting is popular and champions in such a fight would cost up to 30 million rupiah (approximately RMB 30,000)each.Indonesia celebrated its 57th Independence Day on 17th August 2002. The picture shows two rams in a head-to-head clash at a flora and fauna fair held in Jakarta as part of the celebrations.  相似文献   

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